Give Ye Them to Eat

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Nay, Lord, how can we do this, we have only five barley loaves and two small fishes, only just enough for ourselves, and hardly that; How can we feed so great a multitude? Servant of the blessed Master, is this your experience? Well, if it be so, listen to what Jesus says, “Bring them to Me”; and, His disciples having obeyed His word, He makes them give the people to eat, whether they would or not! Mark, He does not give the bread to the people Himself—He blesses, and He breaks it, and He gives to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitude, “and they did all eat and were filled.”
O, how precious is the grace that uses the earthen vessels! O, beloved servant of a beloved Master, think you that you cannot accomplish His bidding? Question it no longer; if you have, as it were, only five barley loaves and two fishes, it is enough, bring them to Him, and say, “Here is all I have, Lord.” Put it in His hands, and let Him break it up with His own blessing, and see how it will increase.
Enough, is there? O, yes, enough and to spare. Twelve basketsful left! You shall be the vessel, and His grace will accord to you the reward.
Gracious Master, let us ever listen to Thy voice, saying, Give ye them to eat, and as speedily obey, for Thy Name’s sake. Amen.