What God first raises in the mind of a sinner the awful thought of his own existence, world without end, forever and ever-disappearing from all here, but not from the sight of God; when He puts before him a continuity of existence in that place where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched-ah! what a contrast to put before him life eternal in Christ!
What a thought that God has found me, a poor sinner, and given me that eternal life which is in His Son!
I believe all the glories of Christ are connected with the rivers of living waters; every one who believes can say in one light, " God has made us as the lign aloes and cedar trees beside the waters." (Num. 24:66As the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's side, as the trees of lign aloes which the Lord hath planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters. (Numbers 24:6).) Every stone might be heated, and not a drop of water to cool them; but there is one place in the wilderness where there was not only a drop, but rivers of living waters.
Christ is the smitten Rock, from which eternal waters flow to the soul; the water from that Rock rises up and flows in the heart of a believer. The water of life is flowing through my soul, witnessing of heavenly things; it is flowing down from Christ to me, leading me on in the bonds of life in the Spirit.