The church is seen in Rev. 22 as ministering with Jesus as priests in the heavenly sanctuary not made with hands, and also as reigning with Him (having suffered with Him). Well, we see in this the ripe rich fruits of Jesus' love, and the question is answered, " Where am I going to, being turned out of paradise, but still my sins having been forgiven Here I find, that there is a place where Jesus will reign in His glory as King of kings. See how John marks the place of service of these kings and priests, the locality of the exercise of their service. John was able to take' all this and give it back to God in praise. He not only enjoyed it in his heart in secret, but takes his place in broad daylight, and gives, praise and glory to God.
I believe our thoughts about praise ought to be very deep-not only are its effects on us very wonderful, but praise glorifies God. I believe that if the spirit of praise and worship can be kept up in the heart, and the blessed sense of all that God is be kept alive in the midst of the greatest evil, it cannot touch us.
Let us ever remember that God recognizes every expression of praise and of His people's love. He knows so, well what His love and, grace are to us that He must expect us to praise Him.