God; not difficulties.—Do not see difficulties, see God. He will only give as much as His people can bear. No heavier burden. Learn to fall back upon God. How calm! He can do the largest work without neglecting the smallest matters.
We have to do with the same God. He will not neglect the most minute circumstance, nay more, is interested to be brought into them all, aye, and delights to have us bring Him into them.
Measure not God by your feelings and apprehensions of Him, but by His testimony to His own power. Man ever changes. God’s power and grace are ever the same, as He was so He is.
His watchfulness, His character is our safe-guard. We have Christ’s work, and God’s word—that our faith and hope may be in God. The soul fears no evil, resting, and counting on His omnipotence, omnipresence, wisdom, and love. The living God our true portion.
What is more wonderful than the truth that the shrine He delights to dwell in is a broken and contrite heart! Behold God’s temple, what nobility! using the arm of the Almighty to sustain our tottering frame. Oh! may our constant cry be “Hold thou me up;” and the more we lean upon that arm, the more does He delight to keep us, and to sustain our weakness.
Living by the word.—In proportion as we desire the sincere milk of the word we grow thereby.
There needs the constant drawing from the source of life—the blessed fountain of God’s truth. We shall find in it the cordial, the balm, or the medicine suited to our need, and daily food. Its power on the heart, brings forth the expression in the life.
Until the word has its proper place in the believer’s heart, there is no stability—we are led by feelings and when these fail, dearth and barrenness come in because we have failed thus to cultivate our strength, drinking in the sincere milk of God’s word. Truth does not keep us—dependence only on Him who is the author of it can keep our souls alive today. It is a trying day for God’s people, so little energy and zeal, and worst of all, too much neglect of the study of His precious Word. It only is life and marrow to the soul, a lamp to guide, milk to nurse and meat to strengthen.