"Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him." (Matthew 25:6.)
Let me ask, have you gone out? There were those who not only believed when they heard the cry, but went out. Have you left everything that is contrary to Him? Ask yourselves whether you are ready to meet Him: if so you need not be afraid. Be assured that anything the will of man wants to keep is not worth the pains. It is gain to go out from all to meet Him; it is joy to be in the path of His sorrow. Has this reached your heart? Do not be content with saying, "I have got oil in my vessel, and it does not matter where I am." What more selfish and unholy? The Lord grant that such may not be your feeling!
He has saved me that I might think of Him. He wishes me to go out to meet Him—to value the precious hope of His coming. Do you not know? This is a question between your own conscience and the Lord. When you have kept what you do know, you will learn more and find it the truest liberty to serve Him.
From the writings of William Kelly