“He knoweth the secrets of the heart.” Psalm 44:2121Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart. (Psalm 44:21). If then God knows exactly what is in our hearts, why does He ask questions?
You know the story of the garden of Eden, where poor guilty Adam covered himself with fig leaves and hid among the trees. God, who sees everything, said, “Adam, where art thou?”
Eve also did the same thing as her husband, and to her, God said, “What is this that thou hast done?”
If you read the rest of the story in the third chapter of Genesis, you will find that God, after questioning Adam and Eve, did not ask Satan any queions at all.
Even in the first story in the Bible, you see God is full of love, and longing to bless His creatures. He gave them a chance to confess their sin to Him, that He might provide a righteous way of forgiveness and blessing for them. They gave a half-hearted confession, with excuses, explaining that it really wasn’t their fault.
God gave Satan no opportunity for confession or forgiveness, but, my dear reader, He gives you an opportunity, right now. What hast thou done? Have you sinned against God? You know you have. Tell Him so, without excuses, and God, the righteous Judge, can freely forgive you because His only Son has died in your stead.
Is it not wonderfully simple, to be saved forever? How can you refuse this full and free forgiveness — and how can we, who are saved, live any longer in sin, since our sins caused the death of our precious Saviour? Here is ather of God’s questions, for which there is no answer, because there is no escape, if you neglect this important matter.
ML 03/14/1954