God Is Love

 •  1 min. read
“God is Love,” His word has said it,
This is news of heavenly birth;
Fly abroad and quickly spread it,
Make it known through all the earth,
That “God is Love.”
Not in yonder blessed regions,
Where the Lord, with glory crowned,
Reigns amidst angelic legions,
Will the brightest proof be found,
That “God is Love.”
‘Tis on earth the Lord discloses
All His love, how vast it is;
Earth’s the favored spot He chooses
To convince the world of this,
That “God is Love.”
‘Tis that Man of Sorrows yonder,
Object of contempt beneath,
But in heaven, of highest wonder,
Teaches fully by His death,
That “God is Love.”
Not for those who ever loved Him,
Did the Lord of Glory die:
Pity to the wretched moved Him,
Who that hears it will deny,
That “God is Love.”
Glorious truth! away and spread it,
Spread the tidings far and near,
Ο may sinners give it credit
And be joyful when they hear,
That “God is Love.”