God Is Satisfied: Are You?

 •  6 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Anxious souls generally begin at the wrong end. They begin with themselves, instead of beginning with God. It is their doings, their feelings, their satisfaction—themselves, in some way or other; and often it is a very long time before they learn to turn from themselves to look at God’s side: yet they never can find peace of conscience and joy of heart until they do. We are continually meeting such cases.
“Are you saved?” we ask them.
“I hope so,” they reply.
“But are you not sure about it?”
“Well, not exactly; I only wish I were. I am seeking for it and praying for it; but I can’t say I’m sure. I don’t seem to get satisfied.”
O, the numbers there are in this condition—praying, seeking and trying to get satisfied! It is all of self! They are putting the cart before the horse and are surprised because they can’t get it to go. Of course not! The gospel begins with God, not with us. Look at that well-worn but unexhausted sixth verse of the third of John as an example:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
It begins with God. God loved—God gave. We believe—and we have everlasting life.
Start then with God! See how He has been met—how He has been glorified—how He has been satisfied; then you may well be satisfied when you have learned that He is.
I remember, sometime ago, meeting a young sailor in this very condition. He had been seeking, and praying, and trying to feel satisfied. And what do you think delivered him at last, and made him perfectly happy? Just one simple fact which he had overlooked.
Do you ask what it is?
It is the fact that God is satisfied. Now just think of it; turn it over and over in your mind; read it slowly, and let your poor weary heart take it in.
“O,” said the sailor, as his face brightened, “I never thought of that before—God is satisfied.”
“Yes,” I said, “He was the offended party by your sins. You were the offender. Jesus came to satisfy God’s holy and righteous claims by dying for our sins; and He did that work perfectly. And God has proved His satisfaction in the person and work of Christ by raising Him from the dead. Had God not been satisfied with that work, He would have left Him in the grave: but He has taken Him out and proved that He is satisfied. And it was all for you! Surely, if God is satisfied with the work of His Son, you may be also!
“I see quite clearly where you are making your mistake,” I continued; “you are trying to be better and feel different—trying to work yourself up to a certain state of happiness, and then feel satisfied with your own joy; and because you are always failing and never arriving at the standard you have set up, you are dissatisfied.
“Now just suppose a man buying goods at a shop to the amount of $25.00, and then he gets into difficulties and is unable to pay. He cannot pay the debt himself, and he is not aware that any one has paid it for him; and so you find him going about saying, ‘O, if I could only get satisfied!’ You would say to him at once, ‘My friend, you never can be satisfied until you have paid your debt, or someone has paid it for you. The storekeeper must have payment and be quite satisfied first.’
“But now, supposing a kind-hearted friend goes to the storekeeper and pays the bill, and obtains the receipt and sends it to the man; he would not sit down and look at the receipt, and say, ‘If only I could feel satisfied.’ Of course not! He would know the money was paid, for the storekeeper had given his receipt; and thus proof of the storekeeper’s satisfaction would give him satisfaction.
“Thus it is in the gospel. The Saviour, who stood in our place, was ‘delivered for our offenses’ (He had none), ‘and was raised again for our justification’ (Rom. 4:2525Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. (Romans 4:25)). So that the risen Christ is God’s receipt for me. He is satisfied; and so am I. Now, why should you not be this very moment, and give Him the thanks and praise?”
It was sweet to see the effects of this truth on the sailor as his heart drank it in. He was filled “with joy and peace in believing” (Rom. 15:1313Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. (Romans 15:13)), seeing that “God is satisfied.” And looking at me with a face beaming with joy, he said,
“I see it all, I see it all—God is satisfied: I can go home and thank Him for that.”
Now, dear anxious reader, you have read thus far: will you lay down this tract and say,
“I wish I could be satisfied?”
Never, never, never will you be satisfied until you have believed that God has found infinite satisfaction in the work of Christ on the cross for you.
“This Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right hand of God” (Heb. 10:1212But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; (Hebrews 10:12)): from whence God has sent the Holy Ghost to give this witness to all believers,
“Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (ver. 17).
Matchless Saviour! Thy work is done. Once was sufficient for God, and once is sufficient for me. I can meet God with joy, for Thou hast answered every question, and settled every claim, and introduced me to that blessed God who rejoices over me with joy, who rests in His love, and rejoices over me with singing.
Yes, the way He receives the poor, dissatisfied, repentant, returning prodigal—covering him with kisses, clothing and feasting him—tells out the satisfied heart of a satisfied God.
Dear, anxious friend, try no longer to do anything; wait no longer to feel anything, but rest where God rests, in Christ, who has so glorified Him at the cross, that He can send a message of love to you, and say,
“God is satisfied.” Now, are you?
“Satisfied with Thee, Lord Jesus, I am blest.”