"God Resisteth the Proud"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
2 PETER 5:5
Oh magnify the Lord with me;
Let us exalt His Name;
And spread abroad, from pole to pole,
His never-ending fame—
Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God,
For evermore “The Same”!
Yes; let us praise the Nazarene,
And glory in His cross—
The One in Whom “all fullness dwells”—
And count all else but dross;
For those who follow where He leads
Can never suffer loss.
“Be still and know that I am God,”
Ye nations, far and wide—
There is no place in heaven above,
For earthly pomp or pride –
Who sides with Me, “the Lord of Hosts,”
Is on the winning side.
Behold my Servant-Son, Who rules
The armies of the skies;
Yet, into death obedient went,
For sin, a “Sacrifice”;
Who follows in His holy steps,
Shall win Him as his Prize!
Unfurl the “Banner” of His cross,
Who came to bleed and die;
“JEHOVAH-NISSI” is His name,
Who fought in days gone by,
When Amalek and all his host,
Did in the desert die.
The Voice that said, “Let there be light,”
Still rings from glory’s shore;
The great “I AM” the “First and Last,”
Shall heaven and earth adore!
The “Prince of Peace” is coming soon,
Then wars shall be no more.
Then never let our souls forget
That He Who speaks is GOD;
All pomp and pride, will He abase,
According to His word;
That with “the humble, He doth dwell”;
What joy doth that afford!
S. T.