A YOUNG Japanese lady came to the missionary to seek some comfort because her life was made miserable by her husband. He had a high position, but was a drunkard and often treated his wife cruelly. The lady missionary spoke to her about the Lord Jesus and His love to sinful men. The young woman took it all in and came daily to hear more about this wonderful Saviour. Very soon she surrendered her heart and life to Him and found peace and joy in her soul. She taught her five children about the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ.
One evening when she was reading the Bible with her children, the husband came in in a drunken state and took a very heavy iron lid to throw at his wife. At this moment a bee stung his hand so that he dropped the lid. The eldest boy said: “Father, you see that mother belongs now to the living God and He protects her; you can no more do harm to mother. And if you still try to do so something more dreadful will happen to you.”
Ashamed the father left the room. Next day his hand was badly swollen and he did not make his appearance at the breakfast table. In the evening he brought a present to his wife and began to treat her with kindness and the whole household gave up the worship of the idols.