God's Comforts.

GOD does not say to His needy, sorrowing children, “Go thy way; be warmed and fed.” Nay; if He calls upon Rachel to refrain from weeping for her little ones, it is because “they shall come again from the land of their bondage.” If He would comfort mourners at Bethany, it is by telling them, “Thy brother shall rise again.” If mourning saints now, He says, “Them also which sleep in Jesus shall God bring with Him.” God has gathered every ray of joy and triumph round this hour, and encircled it with a halo of grace and glory.
“Oh! morn too bright for mortal eyes,
When all the ransomed saints shall rise,
Caught up with Christ to reign.”
THE world thinketh that godliness may sleep a a bed of down till it come to heaven.
LIFE is a warfare, Christian; be strong and of a good courage. There are no blessings to soldiers who are cowards.
“PRAYER hinders no work,” says the proverb, and we may add, “No work prospers without prayer.”