AS I meditate upon this gracious promise, "My salvation shall be from generation to generation," my thoughts revert to a tried and tenderly-loved friend, now advanced in age, who was brought to Christ now many years ago. When young, with a heart believing unto righteousness, he felt it became him openly to confess Christ as his Savior and Lord, and thus to do honor to His Name, as a humble follower of the Lord Jesus. By so doing he encountered active opposition; but he remained "steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."
Amongst the many cheering indications that his labors were not in vain in the Lord, were the workings of grace in several members of his family. He saw his children one after another truly converted, giving themselves to the Lord, and devoting their best energies to His service; and now he is given to see his God's faithful goodness to his children's children.
His eldest daughter was on one occasion overtaken by a severe trial, which was heavy not only upon her but upon her family. As a friend of the family I felt much for her, and was concerned for all of them. Opening my Bible one day I read from Isa. 54, "O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted.. All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." The manner of her deliverance out of that trial was so wonderful that all could but exclaim with the Psalmist, "This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." Though the deliverance to herself was given, her prayers for her children were still unanswered, and her mother's heart yearned over them for their spiritual good. Neither had she to wait in vain.
Her eldest girl sat in the Bible class of our Sunday school, and one afternoon, after a very earnest address had been given by a visitor, she asked if she might accompany me to the hospital, where she knew I was in the habit of going. However, I had already paid my visit there that afternoon. After the evening Gospel service Nellie still kept close to the side of the preacher and myself, which led me to say to her rather abruptly, "Nellie, why did you want to go to the hospital this afternoon? Did you want to tell the sick inmates of the Savior you have found?”
“I feel that I want to find Him for myself," she replied; and I saw by the light of the street lamps that her eyes were filled with tears as she spoke.
That same evening, in the quiet of a home, Nellie was once more shown what the Scriptures teach concerning God's way of salvation for lost and undone sinners through the finished work of Christ. She had heard the sweet story over and over again already, but now that God had taught her that she needed a Savior for herself she readily received the glad tidings. As she entered her mother's house I said to her, "The Lord will certainly hear you if you cry to Him just now.”
“I feel that He has heard me already," was her quiet reply.
The next day arose to her with the realized joy of 'God's salvation. None were more surprised than her own sisters. "Nellie is saved," said one of them, "and I am not; but surely there is salvation for me.”
And she too sought for salvation and obtained it. Then the two next sisters became exercised, and sought and ultimately found peace in believing in Jesus. The eldest brother also began to seek the Lord, and thus were the parents' hearts rejoiced to see one after another of their children "taught of God.”
And my well-loved friend, the grandfather of these children, rejoices in God's faithfulness in answering prayer, and trusts Him for all his family.
Many servants of Christ are now rejoicing in the ingathering of children. There is a voice in this for us, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Meanwhile we rejoice as our hearts observe the continuous fulfillment of the gracious promise, "My salvation shall be from generation to generation.”