God's Power of Life and Resurrection

Duration: 47min
Open—Daryll Mossman
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We want to follow.
Thank you.
Our souls are free.
Life, strength and grace.
And maybe we have.
For me.
Like to talk for a little while about life?
And to begin.
Perhaps we could go to John's Gospel chapter one.
But I had to put my heart.
First of all was to consider natural labor.
And I believe we see from John chapter one.
That whether it's natural life or spiritual life, as we've come to in talking about this morning.
It all comes from God.
And so here in John chapter one verse one it says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without Him was not.
I could also say from other scriptures that in Him is life.
And you know, that really is our most blessed hope.
What? What is life? Well, I suppose it would take in the fact that we are conscious of different things.
Of course we can grow and that sort of thing as well, but as we think of natural life.
You probably break it up into three categories.
So let's go back to Genesis chapter one, where we have.
The the days of creation.
I intend to go through the whole chapter here, but just concentrate a little bit on the appearance of life.
And the first life that we read about is in the first chapter and.
It is.
Verse Well verse 9 This is the third day of creation.
So Genesis 19 God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering together of the waters called the seas, and God saw that it was good.
And God said that the earth bring forth bracks, the herd yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, who see is in itself upon the earth, And it was so. And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself.
After his kind and God saw.
That it was good.
You might say that this is the simplest form of life, plant life.
We find that a plant like animals and like humans.
They have a body.
But that's as far as it goes when it comes to plants. They have a body like.
Blade of grass, It might be a tree, so on.
But we know that animals and humans are of a higher order.
When it comes to a body, you might say that a body gives us world consciousness or environmental consciousness.
I believe that's true of plants. I hear about plants, for example, that grow towards the light.
And things of that nature. So they respond to to certain stimuli which they are exposed.
To very elementary extent.
Check, because we know that the body of an animal or human is much more sensitive than that.
But nonetheless, there is some response, and we can also say that one characteristic of life is that growth.
And so when we think about a plant, it grows.
And I guess not knowing much about biology, it might just say that I understand that it's a matter of cells dividing and and so a plant will grow and get taller and wider and so on, just like other forms of natural weapons.
But again in a more elementary type of way.
Before we leave this because I don't want to go too long on it, there's an interesting verse I do believe in the second chapter.
And verse 5.
Speaking about God's creative work before it was in the earth.
And every herd of the field before it grew.
For the Lord God had not caused it to ring on the earth, and.
There was not a man to fill the ground.
No, it's an interesting thing, just as an aside.
In order for a plant to grow, it has to be in soil.
Now there is such a thing as barren so.
We're nothing wrong.
And why is that? Well, any gardener or farmer would know that you have to have organic type of matter.
In order for the soil to be any good and for plants to grow.
Where does organic matter come from?
It comes from dead plants.
That's interesting.
How is it that these plants could grow if there was nothing in the soil that would have been already alive and it died?
And so we find.
That in order for plants to grow, God created them.
Believe it indicates here that he he created them in in a sense that they were full grown to a great extent. It didn't come from a sea.
But he had to put some kind of organic matter into the soil in order for those plants.
You know, that's a good question to put to the evolutionists.
I could have planted ever evolved if there was nothing for it to grow it.
It's kind of an interesting question.
Single question.
But it shows that God had to create these things.
In order for it all to work.
OK, let's take a look at the second level of life like to consider that's in the first chapter again in verse 20. And here we have what we call animal life. God said let the water spring forth under the the moving creature that half life and the fowl that may fly above the earth in the open permanent of heaven.
And God created great whales.
And every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind. And God saw that it was good, And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and with the fowl multiply in the earth. Evening in the morning where the 5th day.
So this was during the 5th day and here we have the creation of animal life.
Members of the animal Kingdom.
Now we find that on the 5th day the animal Kingdom seemed to consist of only birds and fishes.
And at any rate, it's the introduction of a higher order of life.
Because an animal has a body, plate of grass does too. But as we mentioned, the body of an animal is much more sophisticated.
And the volume?
And it responds to many things that are in their environment, for example.
Even the five senses that we have be true of animals at large anyway. I mean, there are some very elementary types of.
Life, which are in the animal Kingdom that may not respond to all things but generally speak.
Talk about a bird or a whale and so on. They can. They can feel as we do.
They can. I think we smell.
There's also taste.
And there's the hearing.
And there's one other feeling, I guess of nice thank you, You can see.
And these are all true of us. That's true.
But animals, at least to a limited extent.
Possess most of those who sentence and so they can react to their environment much more easily.
And as a result they are able to respond.
That environment, It may mean to flee from danger, it may mean to find food, and so on.
So we find that an animal is much more sophisticated than a plant is.
Now seems to me.
Stand be corrected that this is not correct, but I do not believe that the evolutionists have ever found a link between a plant and then.
I've never read really about a plant turning into an animal.
And that doesn't seem to make much sense. So I don't think there's anything in the fossil record that would ever suggest it.
And so we find that the two are completely distinct.
Yeah, there is another thing about an animal. It has an elementary soul, I guess we could call it.
Because an animal, a lot of animals exhibit emotions and things of that nature. They can remember, for example, if they have been retreated, they can show love, they can be loyal, and so on. These are things that are intangible.
It's not a matter of just their body, but they have something above a plan in the sense that they can exhibit some of these things. Now, again, I don't want to dwell too long on it.
However, I would say that if we identify that as the soul of an animal, I don't believe that it lives forever.
In ecclesiastics it tells us about this, the soul of a beast, that going downward into the earth.
I believe that's an indication that when an animal dies, then it's appreciations that he may have developed over his lifetime.
And the body of course decays in the earth just like it does for a plant.
As we consider these things we can find that not only were the birds and fish created that was on the 5th day, but on the 6th day. If we read further in Genesis chapter one you have in verse 24 it says.
God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping things.
And beast of the earth after his coming. And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind. And God saw that was good. So the beginning of day six, we have animal life on the earth.
Needed and we're more maybe familiar with such animals and we have domesticated some of them, cats, dogs and so on. And so we're very familiar with this type of life.
And they exhibit, perhaps more so than some others, the characteristics that we've been talking about.
Some of the life that we find in the animal Kingdom is very elementary. You mentioned that before, but it reminds me of a.
Scripture over the book of Acts as Exodus. Sorry, do you think our place here next is? I believe it's Chapter 9.
Sorry, it's Jeffrey.
But it was during the time that Moses aired, and God was working with the king of Egypt and his people to let the Israelites go. And there are many plagues that were done. And you know, some of the first plagues like turning the water into blood and bring up frogs out of the river and so on. It's interesting that the magicians, they could do the same thing.
But the one thing about it was that.
They only made matters worse.
They can only make it worse.
But here in this chapter, we read about the fifth, sorry, the third judgment.
In verse 16.
And here we'll read what took place, Says the Lord said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, and it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And they did so for air, and stretched out his hand with his rod, and smoked the dust of the earth. It became lice and men and in beasts, and all the dust of the land became lice.
All the land of Egypt and the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not.
So there was lice on man and one beast. Then the magicians sit onto Pharaoh. This is the finger of God.
And Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened out, and then as the Lord had said, you know, the magicians and all their wisdom and trickery and so on, they could not create life.
This is pretty elementary of life.
Vice. And yet they could not produce that, and they had to admit this is the finger of God.
This is the figure.
You know, God himself is a giver of life. Man may try his best to create some kind of life. And there's all kinds of experiments that have been done, multitudes of experiments, and they cannot come near to the simplest set.
And not make anything that is actually alive and I believe that will be truly throughout man's history right at the end. I don't believe that man will ever be able to create life. I believe that is something God will.
Reserved for himself.
And not give to another.
So man, in all his wisdom, he cannot be enlightened.
He can make artificial intelligence.
So much that people in general, they think that a man might accomplish something of that sort. And it does speak about that image in the temple and the time of the great tribulation speak and so on. But we have those kinds of machines.
They don't grow, they're not alive.
The mechanic.
And that's as close I believe that man will ever get.
But enough do you see people in that coming day?
So here.
The magicians, they they realize something that has remained a law of science and never been disproved, and that is that life only comes from life.
It does not come from something that is nonliving.
Now knowing that and that being a law that they observed yet.
They are stubborn. I can use that word to think that life belongs.
Non living matter.
It can't be.
It's against their very principles. It's against their very laws.
That's not science.
Science is based upon factual information and repetitive experience.
So who has devised an experiment where life has come from non living matter?
Not one.
And I don't believe in ever.
Because God is reserved to himself, I do believe.
Giver of life.
Let's go on to a little further in Genesis chapter one and verse 26 and here we find until we say the apex of natural life in the creation of a man. So in verse 26 it says God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion of the fish of the sea and over the foul air and over the cattle and.
The earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth. So God created man in his own image and the image of God created he him male and female created he them. And then over in chapter 2 verse 7, the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And man became a living soul. Doesn't say that about the animals, even though in an elementary way I think we.
Agree that there is some indication of a soul, we can call it that, and an animal, but this is different. Man became a living soul.
And I believe that what we find out from other scriptures and from the justice verse that the soul that is given to a man is a never dying soul.
It's a soul that goes on. We mentioned in ecclesiastics about the beast. The spirit goes down into the earth, but it tells us that the spirit of a man goes upward.
And that it returns unto God who gave it.
So I believe that shows that man is a very responsible creature before the.
And we know that from Scripture. Let's turn to a Dover in First Thessalonians.
That man is Triune. That is made-up of three parts.
In First Thessalonians chapter 5.
And verse 23.
It says the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God, your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved, blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, when it comes to a person, a man, a woman.
I believe that there's much that we can see that puts the creation of man.
And the abilities of man and so on. So far above the animals. Definitely above lands, but definitely two above animals.
Because when it comes to the soul of a man, there are, well, let's say body first. There are all the senses and there are all things that we do in order to protect ourselves. We've, you know, clothing to keep us warm, houses to dwell in and so on. So we respond to the things around us, our environment, and we're able to do that quite easily.
Because God has given us an intelligence.
And I believe that.
That is part of the spirit that he's given to us. But also the soul of a man can appreciate many things that an animal cannot. For example, the soul of a man is such that he's able to appreciate you.
They can look at creation and and wonder. He can search out the things that God has made and the result should be to give God more.
For the marvelous wisdom that we see in the things that God is made.
We know that that man has the ability to love.
Should know what is good, right?
And so these things, I believe, show us.
That man has a soul which is more developed if you like, use that term and then that of banana.
In an elementary way, animals may exhibit some of that, but I believe that the appreciation and the production of things that are beautiful.
That God has given to us is an example of the fact that our souls are more complex than that of an animal.
But you know, there's a sad part of the soul of a man and.
Is that you may be able to love.
But he can also lost.
You can do things that are or.
Appreciate things that are sinful that are not according to what God had in mind.
When he made a soul to name.
You know, it's a little difficult to say.
What is under the hitting of a soul in a man? In a spirit in a man?
Soul and spirit are a little difficult for us to discern sometimes under what hitting we should play something.
However, God has no problem with that.
We're in Hebrews.
Hebrews chapter.
Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12.
The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.
And of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight of all things are negative open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do you know it is kind of interesting that verses verse 12.
Is talking about the word of God, but in verse 13 it's talking about a person.
No doubt that's the word Jesus Christ, that's God. So what is really saying is that God can discern between the soul and spirit. We have a little difficulty sometimes with that because it's hard to establish under which, you know, the characteristics of an exhibit might fall.
What about the spirit in a man?
Well, I believe that in one sense it bears upon the intelligence that man gives.
And is more intelligent than these.
For example, he has to. He has the ability to solve complex problems. He has the ability to communicate in a higher order than animals do.
He has the ability to write down.
A communication He has the ability to invent things that are useful in life.
Sad to say, in some cases and things that are destroyed.
And so there's kind of two sides to Earth, a human being.
Because there's that which is good, that which is intended to be good, to be used for an evil purpose cases.
He has a desire to resolve mysteries.
He has a desire to understand his environment. He's able to figure out.
The laws that God has placed.
Is in, is increasing and able to use those to make sophisticated instruments, build beautiful buildings, and so on.
Yeah, Why is it that a person that believes in evolution could imagine that?
An animal and turn into a man somewhere along the way. I don't matter how many years they want to tack on.
Matter because there's such a vast difference between an animal and a man.
Think of.
Think of the difference between a plant and an animal.
Is it not the same between an animal and a man?
The same the same difficulty arises.
No, it's strange.
Scientists and they look at a chimpanzee and picks up a couple rocks and he bangs them together. He's learning to use tools.
All that is so far below what man is able to do.
It's ridiculous.
No, there's a quote. I would quote it exactly, but just a bit is this.
Followed by the name of Stephen Rule, well known.
Geologists. I guess you'd call him anthropologist.
Please completely an evolutionary theory and so on. When he made this statement not too long ago, he said there is not in the fossil record of complete transition from one plant to another or one animal to another.
There is not one example of a.
Complete transition.
We've heard about what they call missing like.
And there's always a mission.
So behind that, you know, the theories of men don't really have too much.
When they leave.
I thought it would be interesting just to consider those things for a little bit because young people are bombarded.
A theory.
Which is a bad theory, scientifically speaking, but presented as fact.
And that that's a sad thing, because there are a lot of scientists that recognize that evolution just could not happen.
They realize that.
Their livelihood in some cases and.
Their fame, if I would put it that way they are funded, would be cut off.
If they admitted that.
Because they have a theory which cannot be proven.
Held on to and they're willingly ignorant.
Of the fact that there is a gun.
Whom they are responsible? To whom we all are responsible?
You know, when it comes to a man, he has, as we mentioned already, a never dying soul.
Spirit and as a result.
Everyone of us must give an account himself before God.
And we have to be aware of that.
You know we can live for self in this world.
But the end is the way of destruction.
God says it is a president wants to die, but after death the judgment is a judgment to be.
Have we considered?
Thank God it was a time in the spirit of God, worked in my own heart when I'm very young.
And I recognize, you know, that in hearing these things, but I was not right.
And I needed help.
And reading the word of God and hearing those that would preach the gospel, I came to realize that there is a Savior.
I can't do anything to save myself, it's not possible.
But another has stepped in.
And he's taken the punishment which I deserve.
So that I.
So then I don't have to worry about the sins that I've committed. I'm ashamed of those things, and I ought to be, because I believe that's part of what repentance is, being ashamed of what we've done and what we are.
But to recognize that the holiness of God has been insulting.
And there's no other way that I can come into favor with God and my.
Accepting the Lord Jesus Christ is the one who died of the.
See, and made me wholly without blame before God.
Gosh, that's a wonderful gospel grace of God.
Will a person go on in their sins and leave this world?
You know, if you read John 3 carefully, you'll find what's stated there is. Simply put, he that hath the Son hath life. He that hath not, the Son hath nothing. Pretty simple, straightforward.
And the reason I believe for that is the fact that God has had the greatest possible cost.
Provided away, they're finding emphasis to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. And will we set it aside and say, I'll make my own way?
You know what the Lord Jesus said at one time? He says if you don't believe what he and you'll die in your sins.
And where I am here, you cannot.
What an awful thing die in your sins.
Well, thank God I can say I don't have to worry about that many here, I'm sure. I hope all are able to say the same thing.
Never die in my sins because they were laid up by.
And he paid full price in his flood watches. Wet snow.
Taking maybe more time than intended, but I just want to say two things about another kind of life.
And that's eternal life.
You know the Lord Jesus in general, Chapter 11.
He said to Mary, I believe it was or Martha, it was Martha believe that the grave of Lazarus. And he said I am the resurrection and the light.
He that they leave within me shall never die. No, that's true of those that are Christians and are alive, and the Lord Jesus comes.
Never tonight be a wonderful thing if we were alive and remain like Paul put it.
My Lord Jesus comes but he also said if there are those that are dead and know Him, have believed in Him, then they will be given to life eternal just to.
Get it completely correct? Let's look up the verse there and John Chapter 11.
I got your 11 verse 25. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life.
He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. That's resurrection to life. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
Perhaps an indication of those that will be alive.
Regardless, it's a promise of life. What kind of life? Kind of like we enjoy here, they say, enjoying quotation marks. Because there are times of sadness, there's times in the truth.
What kind of life are we talking about? Eternal life. And eternal life just doesn't mean everlasting, it means that there is a quality to it.
A quality which allows us to appreciate things that are spiritual, things that are of God.
We've been told already in the morning meeting how that do we have a new nature given to us on the league.
It's a very life, divine life.
And that's the beginning of our eternal life.
Fortunately, you don't always live the good of that while we're here in this world because there's the flesh still with us and unfortunately it raises its ugly head at times. But there will be a time when we will be released from these things.
No reminds me of a verse in Revelation. I'll just let me read it.
In Revelation 21 and verse four, it says God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.
That's the kind of life that I want.
Not just everlasting in this world. Pretty sad place at times.
But a life where I can enjoy heaven.
Put it simply. Or I can enjoy the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Perhaps just to kind of finish up school over to John's Gospel chapter 17.
I believe here's an indication of what I mean by quality.
That's associated with eternal life.
John 17 verse 3 This is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God.
Jesus Christ, who now is sin?
That's eternal life. That's the quality of eternal life, Appreciating things that are full, appreciating things that are of God.
We can live in the good of that.
Some extent, but here in this world we see through a glass darkness.
Be a time when we shall see face to face and we'll understand much better and it'll cause us to praise God eternally.
Just brings to mind a verse which I really.
Really loud and assume that Ephesians chapter 2.
Depend on this Ephesians chapter 2.
And I'm impressed by this authorities that are in these verses, Ephesians 2 and verse 4.
God, who is rich in mercy.
For his great love were with you, with us even when we were dead, and sins have quickened us together with Christ. By grace ye are saved, has raised us up, yet made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace.
In his kindness towards through Christ Jesus, for thy grace are you saved through faith.
And that not of yourselves it is the gift of.
I really believe that when you read verses like that, it should stir our hearts up.
And draw herself toward the world, Jesus Christ and what you've done before us and God. I see.