God's Thought for His Children

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Is it not happy at times to cast the eye back to a period before this world was founded and to find that it was no sudden hasty thought with God to make us His children, but, ages ago, in the calm serenity of His own being, when He alone existed, before ever the morning stars sang together—then we were in His thoughts-yea, more—then He predestinated us to be conformed to the image of His Son—and as with worshipping and adoring hearts we wonder and adore such grace, let us remember that this surely was the highest thing for which He could predestine us.
We are to be conformed to the image of His Son, the firstborn; as He is holy and without blame before Him in love, so are we to be. This then is God's purpose, which we shall soon see accomplished and oh! what endless joy then! And now as we wait for that blessed moment, shall we not seek that even down here in our measure, that will may be carried into effect.
As we journey onwards, ever with Christ as the object before us, pressing forward toward the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus let us keep the eye of faith on the coming Savior, the moment when He shall descend, and we ascend to meet in heavenly glory, and so forever be with Him. Then shall be fulfilled that word, when we see Him as He is, we shall be like Him. This truly will be the full and eternal consummation of all our joy. No possibility then of grieving the One we love, no wandering then from that side which was riven for us. Then all our energy shall be concentrated in praising as we should Him Who loves us and died for us.
Then indeed the end for which God in the past predestinated us, and the present longing of the true-hearted soul, will both be perfectly accomplished when we see Him as He is, for then we shall be like Him.
" He gave authority to His servants, and to every man