God's Unspeakable Free Gift

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Gospel—J. Hyland
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Three, let's stand to sing hymn number 7 and if someone will please start it.
I'd like to read several scriptures at the outset of this gospel meeting. They may seem like strange scriptures to connect at the beginning of a gospel hour, but I trust by the with the help of the Lord, the grace of God will be able to as clearly and simply as possible.
Bring from these scriptures the glorious story of Jesus and his love. Turn with me first to the book of James.
James Chapter One.
James, Chapter one and verse 17.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.
And cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. And now we're going to turn back to the Old Testament, to the Book of Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the 5th chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
And verse 19.
Ecclesiastes, chapter 5 and verse 19. Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth.
And hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor.
This is the gift of God. Now back to the New Testament.
2 Corinthians.
Two Corinthians Chapter 9.
2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 and verse 15.
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift back a few pages to the Book of Romans, chapter 6.
Romans chapter 6 and verse 23.
For the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Our Lord John, Chapter 4.
John chapter 4 and verse 10.
Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given the living water just two more portions. Acts, chapter 8.
Acts chapter 8 and verse 18. And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God.
May be purchased.
With money. One more portion in Ephesians Chapter 2.
Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8.
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Well, I realize that at the outset of this gospel meeting we have read a number of portions from the Word of God, and I like at the beginning of a gospel meeting, to open the Word immediately and to bring it to our attention.
Because, as we've often been reminded, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And while there is room in Scripture for preaching and exposition and explanation of Scripture, yet if there's going to be blessing here in this room tonight, it's going to be the result of not our ability to present the Word, not our explanation, not the illustrations and the antidotes that we might use during this gospel hour. But if there's blessing tonight, it is going to be as a result of the living Word of God, because we're told in Peter we're born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible.
By the word of God that liveth and abideth forever. And so open your ears tonight to hear the precious Word of God. Let it sink down into your soul, and have the effect that God desires, because God desires our blessing tonight. And I have it on my heart in taking up these scriptures to bring before us this little expression that we have read again and again and again the gift of God. You know, I suppose, at this time of year.
Many people are very conscious of gift giving. I try to avoid going to Walmart or Costco or any other store this time of year. Anytime of the year, but especially this time of year. Because when you go, there are people lined up with one thought in their mind and that is to get gifts to give to other people. But all tonight we want to present the greatest gift giver that this world has ever known. We want to present a God.
Whose desire is to give and to give and to give.
And so we read this verse to begin with. In the book of James, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. You'll find that there are two kinds of gifts that God gives. There are good gifts and there are perfect gifts. And we're going to see some of those good gifts. We're going to see some of those perfect gifts. But oh, tonight I want to impress upon us at the very outset of this meeting.
That God is a giving God. And God, when he gives gifts, he knows exactly what is suited for the needs of mankind. We've all heard stories, perhaps who our parents are even guilty of it ourselves. And that is we've heard stories of people, fathers, who have given gifts to their children and found out that those gifts were not for the good of that child, that that gift was for the detriment of the child.
Because as parents, we don't always discern what is best for our children. Sometimes they desire something and we give in. They're persuasive. They beg us for it, and we give in, even with reservation. And sometimes we look back in retrospect into our sorrow. We realize that we gave one of our children something that was not for their good. But every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and it comes down from the Father of Light.
That is, he discerns what is good, he discerns what what what we need, and he gives gifts accordingly.
Sad to say, sad to say. Men, having been offered many of God's gifts, refuses. He turns away from the gifts that God is offering.
And so every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. And then we went to the book of Ecclesiastes. And here we find that Solomon, who looks at things just from a natural standpoint here in this book.
Looks at things as we often say under the sun, he confesses. On 2 occasions we read one of them. But on 2 occasions in this book, he confesses that for a man to eat and drink and to enjoy the fruit of all his labor, it is the gift of God. These are some of the good gifts that God gives to man. And you know what I'm talking about. And here in North America, we've received many good gifts at the hand of God.
Many of his mercies were enjoying some of them. This weekend our brethren have provided for us.
This facility, a place where we can get a good night's rest meals, healthy, wholesome meals that we can enjoy as we're here at these meetings.
Most of us arrived, I suppose, in a good vehicle.
A vehicle that we felt was Rd. safe. Many of us arrived on an airplane.
In comfort.
But I wonder, I wonder today, right here in the city of Burbank or right in this hotel, how many people today stopped for a moment to thank God.
For that which they have enjoyed at his good hand in a temporal way. If we have anything in a temporal way, whether it's clothes, whether it's shelter or whatever it is, it is the gift of God.
That's why before we partake of a meal, we bow our heads and we give thanks to the giver.
The one who has provided it for us because it comes forth from his good hand. Oh, it's true that a man is to labor and work with his hands, as Solomon said. And in the New Testament, we're to provide things honest in the sight of all men. But in the final analysis, when we enjoy the fruit of that labor, it is the gift of God.
But you know, sad to say, mankind is very, very eager and very willing to take those gifts that God gives him in a temporal way without the blesser himself. I often think in this connection, you know, of the prodigal son. He came to his father and he made a very remarkable statement request. He said, Father, give me isn't that the natural heart of man?
They want everything they can get. I deserve it. I deserve the best.
But the prodigal son, while he wanted all that the Father could give him of his substance.
He didn't want the Father himself. He didn't want the Father's house. He wanted to live for himself. And that's exactly what he did. And you know, many people tonight are taking the very gifts that God gives them in a temporal way, and they're consuming them upon their lusts. They're going out and living for themselves without God. But you know what? The prodigal son found out that it wasn't worth it.
He found out that he didn't satisfy him. He found out.
That the way of the transgressor is hard.
But then isn't it marvelous tonight that we can turn from Ecclesiastes, and we can speak now of not just a good gift, but a perfect gift? And so we read here in Second Corinthians Chapter 9. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift, the Apostle Paul. If we were to back up in this chapter, he speaks of the joy of giving.
And at the end of it all he bursts out, and he says, thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
This gift, I believe, is the gift of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know many people tomorrow are going to celebrate the birth of their judge.
That's all I'm to think about. And they're going to celebrate the birth of their judge because they are refusing the Lord Jesus Christ.
That unspeakable gift.
The question tonight in this Gospel meeting.
Is a question that is raised in the language of Scripture like this. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?
You know, a gift.
Costs the giver. We're going to notice, as we comment on the other scriptures that we read that a gift is free to the recipient.
But a gift is costly for the giver. You know the gospel is not cheap. The gospel is free, that's true. But the gospel tonight is not cheap. It costs God, his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we have read this expression. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. But we could take it a little bit further by going to 1St John and quoting that verse. The Father sends the Son to be the savior of the world. Isn't that even more than what we have in Second Corinthians Chapter 9? Because it was more than just God sending Jesus. Oh it's true, God did send Jesus, but it was more than that. It was the Father.
The sun.
What feelings that ought to produce in our heart as we just meditate on that expression.
And not only did the Father send the Son, but here was a Son who from a past eternity.
Never displeased his father, I was daily his delight. I don't have any sons, but I do have two daughters and I love those daughters very, very much. But I can't honestly stand before you this evening and tell you that they've been daily my delight. Some days they have grieved me through their actions. It's not that I love them any less, but sometimes they grieve me. But here was a son who was daily his delight and when he came in incarnation.
There were occasions when the heavens would open up and all heaven delighted to look down.
And be occupied with that one as he walked in this world and a voice declare, This is my beloved son.
In whom I am well pleased.
You know, in sending my girls out to school, as we used to do.
Every day.
If I had had any inkling on a particular day that there was going to be some hurt come to those girls, do you think I would have sent them out the door to school?
I don't think so. I think I would have kept them home within the protection of our house at 63 Merrick St. Smiths Falls ON.
But you know, when we go back to the Old Testament, we have many, many beautiful types.
Of the father sending the son. I suppose two of the most remarkable types are first of all.
Jacob and Joseph.
Israel sending Joseph.
To his brother.
To see how they were and the flock.
But you know, I've often wondered, as I have read that account in the book of Genesis, if Israel had had any idea of what was going to happen and any idea of the treatment.
That his other sons were going to heap upon Joseph. And any idea that he wouldn't see that son that he loved so very much.
For many years.
He hath sent him outside the veil of Hebron. I doubt it. I assume he would have kept him home. He didn't know what the result of sending his son on that occasion would be.
When we come over a little further.
We find that Jesse sends David to the camp of Israel.
To see how his brethren are to take them some provisions, and to see how the battle was going with the Philistines.
But if Jesse had had any idea?
That his brethren were going to judge even the motive of his heart for coming down, and speak unkindly to him.
And that then he was going to go down into the valley with just a few stones and a sling and meet the champion of the Philistines.
Would Jesse have sent David to his brethren on that occasion?
I dare say he would have kept him home feeding those few sheep in the wilderness.
Jacob Israel didn't know. Jesse couldn't anticipate.
But when God the Father sent the Son, He knew exactly what was going to happen.
When Joseph agreed to go.
When David agreed to go, did either one of them know?
The end of the story. I've often wondered if they really knew. Would they have been so willing to obey their father?
But the Lord Jesus, knowing what the cost would be, he could say, Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will. O God, he could say, I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me. He could say I have a baptism wherewith to be baptized. And how am I straightened until it be accomplished? He could set his face as a Flint to go to Jerusalem.
He could speak of how he must suffer many things. He knew what was ahead. Does love like that? Touch your heart tonight? If love like that doesn't touch your heart tonight, I wonder what goes on within your heart. And so we. I'm thankful for everyone here tonight who can echo with the Apostle Paul. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
I'm going to tell a little story that I realized I've told at least one other time in the Gospel, and perhaps some have heard it, but I think it illustrates this very well, A true story of a father and a son.
I'll tell it by taking us in thought to a gospel meeting. Something like this.
And an elderly preacher getting up.
With his Bible to preach the gospel.
And as his eyes swept the audience, he could see that there were two young men near the back of the room that weren't very interested in listening to the word of God. You know, this is a little aside, but when you stand up here from this perspective, you can look right into the back row. And I think sometimes young people sit on the back row because they think that nobody can see them.
And that they're far away from the preacher.
However, this elderly preacher, he looked back and he saw these two young men. And so he decided.
To tell a little story.
And this is the story he told.
He said there was a father and his son and his son's friend.
And those three men were out in a boat.
Enjoying a day of sailing.
Off the West Coast.
North America.
And a storm came up very quickly.
And that storm came up so quickly that those three men had no opportunity to head for sure.
As he began to tell this story, he could see that the boys had sat up and they were beginning to listen and show some interest.
He said it wasn't long until the boat was capsized by a large wave and the three men, the father and his son and the son's friend were thrown into the dark waters of the Pacific Ocean.
The father was able to stay with the boat.
And to grasp a life ring.
Was tied on a rope.
And as he looked out over the dark waves, he could see two heads bobbing.
Some distance away.
He had one life ring.
And 2nd.
He knew that his son.
Was a believer, his son had had his sins washed away in the blood of Jesus.
He also knew that his friend was not ready to face eternity.
And you can just imagine the anguish of soul.
And what must have pierced that Father's heart?
As he hesitated for only a moment.
And then through that life ring.
To his son's friend.
His son's friend was able to grasp that life ring.
And with great effort the father hold that friend.
Safely to the capsized boat so that he could cling.
To that boat.
Took the life ring and he turned his gaze back out where his son had been.
And all his heart was wrung as he realized it was too late to save his son. That in rescuing his son's friend.
His son had perished under the waters of the cold Atlantic.
The preacher told the story and concluded the Gospel meeting and.
There wasn't very many moments after he stepped down from the podium.
That those two young men were at his side.
And they were very polite but very direct. And they said now Sir, that was a very interesting story and certainly you made a point, but don't you think that's a rather unrealistic story?
The old man's eyes filled with tears.
He looked into those, the faces of those two young men, and he said yes.
It is an unrealistic story.
But he said I am the friend.
That that father rescued.
And I am here today to tell you that story is true.
Not only was that young boy young person rescued from the dark waters of the stormy Pacific.
But as a result of that, it so touched his heart as he realized the love of God in giving his Son.
He was rescued.
From death and hell he was saved not just for this life, but for eternity. Because the best thing in this life is to be ready for the next life. Are you ready for eternity tonight?
Because we turned from this portion to Romans 6 and we read the wages of sin is death.
I don't think there's anybody here who will argue with a statement like that.
Everywhere we go we see the penalty, the cost, the wages of sin. It's brought before us day in and day out in stark reality.
And let me just say this to those who are younger.
You don't have to be old to die.
Not very long ago, I stood.
And preached the funeral, the young boy who was nine years of age.
Thanksgiving Day and his life snuffed out in a moment.
But you know when that happened.
A young boy came to me same age, 9 years of age.
In the city of St. Louis, MO.
The Bible conference I was attending when we got the news.
And his father was at his side, and his father said to me, he said Jim.
My boy has something he wants to say to you.
I knew this young boy very well. I'd been in his home, many father's home many times, I said. Chris, say to me.
Said Mr. Highland. I just want to tell you.
I know that the boy who was killed yesterday is with the Lord Jesus.
I said, Christopher, how do you know?
He said Mr. Highland I was in his home some time ago.
And he told me, I know the Lord Jesus Christ.
As my savior.
Oh, what joy that brought to my soul when I relayed that incident.
To his parents, the boys parents who had been killed, they knew he was saved, but it was just an added testimony that gave comfort and assurance to them.
But tonight, if you were to pass out of eternity in one way or another, what comfort, what assurance would there be for your parents and those who know you best?
Would we have to stand by your coffin and say, well, I hope he was saved? I hope she knew the Lord Jesus as her savior. You know, they heard the gospel many times. They knew the way of salvation. But you know, we just don't know. We have to leave it with the Lord. Is that the kind of language that we would have to speak as we filed by or stood by your coffin?
I remember standing.
On a hillside under a big Equatorial sun, about 8° from the equator.
Mopping my brow to keep the water out of my eyes.
Because I couldn't get into the building.
We're a funeral service was being conducted on the island of Saint Vincent W Indies. There was such a crowd that many of us had to stand in the courtyard.
And I knew the man who was in the coffin.
His name was Mr. Bowens.
I'd sat many an afternoon on his front porch.
And a little West Indian house.
Abject poverty.
But a man rich in faith.
You weren't there very long until the subject turned to the Lord Jesus Christ. Because there was nothing else to talk about. Couldn't talk about a car he had. Couldn't talk about a boat. Couldn't talk about some renovations in his home. Not saying those things are wrong in themselves.
He lived to be 92 years of age and the Lord took him home and.
As I stood listening to the funeral and the man who preached the funeral presented a very faithful word. But as I stood there, I looked over and there was the funeral coach, ready to carry Mr. Bowens to his grave.
When I saw that funeral coach, it startled me.
Because the name of that Funeral Home was written across that funeral coach in gold letters.
This is the name of the Funeral Home.
The ever ready Funeral Home.
I say it startled me at first, and then I thought that is probably the most apropos name for a Funeral Home I have ever seen.
Mr. Bowens was ready. He knew the Lord Jesus as his savior.
He was ready not just for death, but he was looking for the Lord Jesus to come at any moment and give that shout that we'll call all believers home.
Are you ready tonight?
Don't assume that you're going to have opportunity in your last moments to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
Take the heart, the name of that Funeral Home, the ever ready Funeral Home.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, God is offering a gift. Tonight He's offering the gift of eternal life. Now you understand, and I think even the young boys and girls here understand.
What a gift is and what our reaction to a gift should be.
If someone brings a gift in on your birthday or any other occasion.
What are you responsible to do? You are simply responsible to reach out and receive that gift and to thank the giver.
And yet, you know, I am afraid that at the end of Gospel meetings like this.
There are people go out of gospel meetings.
And they refused God's gift of eternal life.
Suppose I went to some lengths to secure a gift for one of my girls, a gift that I knew they desired very much.
And I go to some length and some expense to secure that gift for them. And when the right time comes, I come in and I bring this gift and I say this is for you.
How would I feel?
If that child held up their hand and said no, thank you.
Wouldn't I? Feel pretty bad, I'd say. Oh, it's all here for you. It's a gift. It's free for the taking. No, thank you.
And yet and yet people will stand up after a Gospel meeting like this.
And they will go out the door and go on about their business.
And really what they're saying, maybe not in so many words, but really what they are saying.
Is no thank you.
Have you ever received God's gift of eternal life, and have you ever thanked him for it?
I don't suppose the name Ed Spencer is very familiar to most in this room tonight.
But Ed Spencer was one of the first athletes to win a gold medal for the United States of America in the Olympics.
Well over 100 years ago.
He was a swimmer.
And subsequent to his winning a gold medal for the United States.
He attended Northwestern University.
In Evanston, IL on the shores of Lake MI.
And on September the 8th, 1860, an awful storm raged.
And Lake MI.
Was choppy and not navigable to say the least.
And Ed Spencer that night was in the library at the university studying.
When all of a sudden the door burst open and several of his comrades came in and they said, Ed, there's a ship wrecked just off the coast just out from the campus here. There's a ship in distress. That ship, as history tells us, was the Lady Elgin.
She had several 100 passengers on board, and most of those passengers eventually went to the bottom of Lake MI and perished.
In fact, it's not even clear how many because the ship's passenger and crew list.
Was not complete.
But Ed grabbed his jacket and he rushed out into the storm and with his comrades they rushed down to the shores of Lake MI and sure enough they could see the distressed lights of this ship just off the coast.
Ed Spencer, That strong Olympic swimmer. He stripped off his clothing and he dove into the wild waters of Lake MI.
And he was able to make it out.
To that ship, and it wasn't long before he came back with a rescued passenger.
He dove back into those choppy waters out of sight, and pretty soon he was back with another passenger. There's a little discrepancy in researching this story as to just how many passengers he actually saved, but one thing is certain, There were at least 16 passengers.
Who owed their rescue and their life to Ed Spencer.
As he was about to dive into those waters for the 16th time, his friends pleaded with him. They said, Ed, you can't do it. You've done your best.
He said. I've got to do my best.
In fact, there's an old hymn written on this very incident, an old hymn called Have I Done My Best For Jesus. He used to sing it when I was a boy.
But he dove back into those waters one last time, and sure enough.
By sheer determination.
He came back with one more, one more of the crew or passenger.
One more rescued soul.
And as he beached, he was delirious. He passed out. His friends lovingly took him and carried him to the Infirmary, where he slowly recovered.
Did I say recover? Well, not quite. He remained for the rest of his life a semi invalid.
The years passed.
And Ed Spencer moved to Phoenix, AZ.
And on one of his birthdays. I'm not sure if it was his 60th birthday, but a landmark birthday.
A reporter who remembered that incident back on the shores of Lake MI.
Made a point to look up Ed Spencer.
Found him in very humble circumstances.
Sat and interviewed him, and at the end of the interview he said Now Ed, it was a marvelous thing that you did back there on the shores of Lake MI so long ago.
But surely some of those souls that you rescued on that occasion?
Must stop by from time to time and help you out.
In your circumstances.
And I think this is so very solemn.
Ed Spencer's eyes just welled up with tears.
And in a choking voice, he said to that reporter.
He said not one of those 16 people ever returned even to say thank you.
Isn't that solemn?
Rescued from the dark waters of Lake MI. Rescued from Perishing that night.
September 8, 1860 And never thanked the one that saved them. You know, we shake our heads at the ingratitude of those people.
But what about this evening? Have we ever stopped for a moment to thank God for his Son, the Lord Jesus, and to thank God for his gift of eternal life?
Because the Lord Jesus died on the cross and shed His precious blood.
Even those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Did we take a moment today to look up and say thank you?
To thank the Father for sending the Son to thank the Lord Jesus for going to Calvary's cross.
Because as we've been saying in these meetings, the Lord Jesus is not on the cross tonight. No, we're presenting A Savior who's on high in the glory.
A savior who is living.
And a savior who is coming back.
Perhaps tonight.
The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. But you know, we went on to John's Gospel and we read there about another gift. And I believe that the gift that the Lord Jesus was referring to in this verse in speaking to the woman at the well, was the gift of the Spirit of God. Now it's very closely linked with eternal life.
But I believe what we find is that God, not only when a person is saved, gives them that gift of eternal life.
But He gives them the Holy Spirit to us, the power for that life.
Because, you know, I think sometimes when the gospel is presented, people think, well, I'd like to get saved, but I could never live the Christian life. I could never live like those people. But God doesn't ask us to do it on our own.
And no matter how deep you've been into sin in the world, if you get saved tonight, you will be given divine life, the very life of Christ, and you will be given the Spirit of God as the power for that life.
But you can't buy a gift.
This man in the book of the acts named Simon.
He saw the power of the Holy Spirit manifest.
Through the healing of various ones through the instrumentation.
Of the Apostles, and he wanted to buy God's gift.
You know, it's interesting if we were to go back to the book of Romans and back up a little bit. In that portion he talks about a free gift.
You know, that's an interesting statement, because what makes the gift is it is free. But lest there be any doubt in our minds, God says it's not just a gift, it's a free gift.
I remember a man one time trying to illustrate this point for some children.
At a gospel meeting we were holding in the Northeast.
And he illustrated it this way. I never forgot it.
He said. Suppose I bring a bicycle up to the front of the room, one of the best bicycles that money can buy.
And I choose a boy near the front. And I say to this boy, I have a gift for you, this beautiful bicycle. And all you have to do is come up and receive this gift.
And so the boy gets up out of his seat, a little hesitant, but he gets up out of his seat. And as he's coming forward, he's thinking, now this is pretty nice of this man to offer me this gift, this bicycle, But you know, this is a very expensive bicycle, and I really should offer to give him some help to try to help out with the payment in some little way.
And so, as he approaches, the boy reaches into his pocket, and he finds that he has one penny, one cent in his pocket.
And so he comes up and he says to the man, He says. Now, Sir, I really appreciate this, but this is an expensive bicycle and I'm willing to accept it. But won't you take this one last penny that I have?
The man said if I take the penny, the bicycle is no longer a gift. It's a bargain, but it's no longer a gift.
Because what characterizes a gift is what we said earlier. It is free to the recipient, it costs nothing.
And so the apostle had to bring before Simon that there was nothing he could do to buy.
God's gift, and there's nothing you can do tonight to purchase salvation.
We don't inherit it. We don't work for it.
It's all on the grounds of the grace of God. And so we read.
By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
You know, you say tonight, you know, you talk about the gospel and how easy it is and God is offering me a gift. I find it very hard to believe that, to accept that.
Just ask God. He will even give you the faith to believe.
That faith is a gift from God, because it's not of works, lest any man should boast, and those of us who by the grace of God are going to be there in heaven.
We're not going to be able to look around and say one of us deserved to be there more than another. No, we're going to realize that it was not of works.
And that it was all from beginning to end, his work and his gift. And even if we got saved, it was God that worked, worked in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure. But what about you tonight? What about you young people, you children? Have you received God's gift? Can you say that the Lord Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the tree? Can you say with confidence tonight that Jesus died for me?
Tell one last story.
Story that Garvin, Seymour and beyond the island of Saint Vincent has often related to me and in the Gospel.
Garvin for many years was a teacher and principal.
In the elementary school in Dickson Village, Saint Vincent.
And one day, he put out an ultimatum to his students.
Homework must be done tomorrow or there will be consequences.
And those consequences were 4 lashes with the strap.
This happens some time ago.
4 lashes with the strap.
Sure enough, the next morning when the homework was checked.
There was one girl who hadn't done her homework.
Garvin was a little disturbed because this girl usually was a good student, had her homework done.
And not only that, but she was a very frail girl.
But the teachers word must stand.
This girl's name was Maureen.
And by name, Maureen was called up to the front of the classroom.
And Garvin, as he tells, slowly opened the drawer of his desk and took out.
A leather strap.
There were to be two lashes.
On each hand.
Trembling, Maureen held out her hand.
Smack. One lash was administered.
Trembling, she held out the other hand.
Smack 2 lashes.
Gavin could see that she was very shaken.
And before he could make a decision, in a trembling voice, Maureen said to him, Sir, would it be all right?
If I took the other two lashes at noon hour.
Gavin could see no problem with that. His word would be carried out from the disciplined administered in due time.
She went back to her seat the morning progressed and.
At lunch hour, Garvin was sitting at his desk marking papers.
When he looked up.
And there in front of him were two girls, Maureen and her friend. Friend was a little bit older, quite a bit bigger than she.
And Maureen, in a trembling voice, said Mr. Seymour. My friend Carolyn has agreed to take my further 2 lashes.
Jarvan couldn't believe it.
He taught school for many years, but he never experienced anything like this.
Gavin loved the Lord Jesus.
And it reminded him.
Of the Lord Jesus, bearing his sins in his own body on the tree.
And so he agreed.
At Carolyn.
Could take those further 2 lashes.
Said. I'll never forget it.
As Carolyn held out her hand, so willingly smacked.
On one hand.
Smack on the other.
An arm in arm. Those two girls left that classroom.
But why do I tell that at the end of the Gospel meeting this evening?
Because, like, government reminds me.
Of a far, far greater love.
Than just one student for another. It reminds me of the Lord Jesus and that verse that says with his stripes we are healed.
Maureen bore half the penalty.
Carolyn Bore the other half.
But I will never have to die for my sins. I will never have to bear the penalty for my sins because the Lord Jesus bore it all on Calvary's cross. And I rejoiced to stand here to tell you that He's my savior. I'm on my way to heaven. My sins are washed away in His precious blood. I'm looking for the Lord Jesus to come at any moment. Hell has No Fear for me. I'm on my way to heaven.
But what about you?
Oh, God is offering you a gift tonight. He has already given the greatest gift that he could give his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And now he is offering that gift. Eternal life. He wants to save you tonight. I can't save you, but He can. He wants to. He used to sing when I was going to Sunday school, that little chorus. He loves you. He wants you. He died to redeem you only.
Receive His word. Let's pray our God and Father. How thankful.