God's Work Among the Heathen

Bishop Stileman has sent home a wonderfully interesting letter from Persia containing an account of how the Holy Ghost spoke to three Persians and made them anxious about their souls. He writes:
“We have had very good news of the convert Yuhanna since I last wrote to you. He has remained steadfast in the face of much persecution, and has been earnestly endeavoring to win others for Christ. Some little time ago three men came into Ispahan from one of the villages for teaching. They said that one of their number had dreamed that he was working in the fields when he saw a very bright light, and heard a voice which said to him, “Repent, Jesus is the Saviour, and the coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand.” The man was much impressed, and somewhat timidly he mentioned his dream to his brother, who, much to his surprise, told him that he had also had a similar dream. They told their dream to a friend, who said that he also had dreamed the same dream. This naturally startled them very much, and while wondering what it could mean they came across a man having his lunch by the side of a stream and reading one of the Gospels. This man proved to be Yuhanna. He was greatly interested in these three men, told them more of the gospel message, and wrote a letter for them to bring to Isfahan that they might come for regular teaching.
They all found work as laborers that they might support themselves while under instruction. They are simple villagers, two of them quite young men, and all three very earnest seekers after the truth.”
Please pray for them as well as for Yuhanna.