“Dear Mr. Smith:
“I received your letter this morning, was very glad to hear from you. Yes, Mr. Smith, I was the first to tell Mother and Dad I was saved. Why, I couldn’t wait until I got home to tell them. I took my cousin Elizabeth home with me, and she too now has taken the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Oh it is wonderful to know the Lord and to know what he has done for me. I can’t write on paper, Mr. Smith, all I would like to tell you, but perhaps you will be in Witt soon again and I can talk to you. How different I see things now. I used to think before I was saved I would have to give up my pleasures, but those pleasures are just what you said, like a big soap bubble soon to burst. I find my pleure now in trying to serve the Lord. (signed) Margaret.”
My reader, have you ever gone home to your parents to tell them the good news that you have accepted Christ as your Saviour, like Margaret did? If you have not done so, I know this will be the happiest day in your life if you open your heart to Him today and confess Him as your Lord. You will find He is a Saviour who saves and keeps, as He has kept Margaret for many, many years since she wrote this letter.
ML 12/16/1951