Good Tidings.

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OH say, hast thou been to the Saviour,
Who life everlasting will give?
He asks nothing hard of thee, sinner,
‘Tis only to trust Him, and live!
For, free as the glorious sunshine,
Yes, free as the light, and the air,
Is the blessed redemption of Jesus,
Oh, what with His love may compare?
How simple God’s “way of salvation,”
Not “trying,” or “doing one’s best,”
But, just in believing on Jesus
The weary and sinful find rest!
“‘Tis finished,” oh, word fraught with meaning,
How precious the message it tells,
In our ears the glad music is ringing,
Like chiming of sweet silver bells!
Proclaiming release to the captive,
Poor slaves of the tyrant set free,
The power of Satan was broken,
When Jesus expired on the tree.
The Saviour has purchased thy freedom,
But priceless the ransom He gave,
Then trust in “the Blood,” all-atoning,
Of Jesus, the “mighty to save!”