I thank all my dear friends for the sympathy and love that has been sent to my wife and myself concerning the death of our dear son, in answer to my remarks in November “Message.” Such sympathy is very precious. I am full of gratitude to all who have helped me on in our work during this year. We are sending away now from three to five hundred Testaments a day to those in need of them, and we have sent more than 10,300 parcels since the end of 1914 to the present. A most remarkable work is springing up among the children, and there is an insistent call for the Word of God from them. God save the children, must be our daily prayer. Atheistical publications are being given away by the million, and boys and girls are being taught to disregard the Bible. The shop windows in many cases are filled with indecent pictures about children; the devil is seeking by every means to pollute the minds of the young. I am constantly getting requests from teachers of Sunday Schools and Day Schools for Testaments. If I had the means not one child should be without God’s Book.
For a child to buy a Bible in these days is prohibitive to most. It cannot be bought under one shilling and eightpence. Such societies as the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Scripture Gift Mission and others have done wonderful work in the free distribution of the Word of God. May they be more and more supported in their good work. I thank them for all they have done for me; also Mrs. Pridham, of the Association for the Free Distribution of the Scriptures, who has constantly sent me help from that Society. Of course our subscriptions for our work have much decreased since the Armistice (about one half or more), but we are sending out daily from our available stock, and shall continue to do so as long as we have a Testament left. I can testify to our friends that the need and the demand are greater than ever. The Lord says, “My grace is sufficient for thee,” and we shall trust in the all-sufficiency of the Lord Jesus, who has the hearts of all in His keeping, and will keep us supplied as long as He gives us work to do for Him.