
Listen from:
Gospel—D. Hayhoe
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Could we begin our meeting tonight please by singing on our hymn sheets? Hymn #29.
A ruler once came to Jesus by night.
To ask him the way of salvation and light.
The master made answer in words true and plain.
He must be born again. Ye children of men, attend to the word so solemnly uttered by Jesus the Lord.
And let not this message to you be in vain. Ye must be born again #29.
A ruler once came.
We pray together.
Our loving God and our Father.
How we thank thee for the happy privilege we have tonight. I'm.
Being gathered in this way, our God to declare that message that thou hast given so long ago in the person of thy beloved Son, when he died on the cross for our sins.
We thank thee, our God, that the price has been paid.
That the way has been made open that man can receive back to thee in all the acceptedness of the person of the Bible, of its Son.
So that there's not a soul that needs to leave this room tonight without knowing their sins are forever gone. Oh our God and our Father, we plead with thee.
We ask you to strive with souls this night.
We pray our God that the enemy may not win tonight. We pray that the Spirit of God.
May take thy precious word and use it in blessing to each one. May there be joy in heaven this night.
Over any souls in this room are our strangers. Thy love begin the work. Our God, oh our God, we feel perhaps that has already begun the work even long ago, but may it be finished this night. Our God, we asked the We plead with thee that Thou would use Thy word for Thy glory as we give thanks in Jesus name. Amen. One more hymn #3 My hope on nothing less is built.
Then Jesus and the blood he spilled. I dare not trust the sweetest friend, but wholly lean on his blessed name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, All the ground is sinking sand #3.
My hope Annoyed.
Me. So now I want to go.
Would you turn with me please for?
Couple of verses to start off with in the book of Jeremiah.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 18 and.
1St 4 verses.
Jeremiah 18 and verse one.
The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying.
Arise and go down to the Potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
Then I went down to the Potter's house, and behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter.
So he made it again. Another vessel.
Has seemed good to the Potter to make it.
I must say I enjoy going to a Potter's house.
I don't know how many of you folks have ever gone to a Potters house.
But I love to watch them at their work.
It's a beautiful thing to see the ability of these people as they work at making things with their hands. They take the clay and they have it so soft and pliable, and then they shape it as the wheels going around into exactly the way that they want it made.
And God spoke to Jeremiah here and he said, Jeremiah, I want you to go down to the Potters house.
Because he had something he wanted to teach Jeremiah.
You know, dear friends, I want to talk about this because here it speaks about making something once and it was marred in his hand, and then it was made again.
And I want to turn from here back to Genesis chapter 2.
Genesis, the 2nd chapter.
And the seventh verse.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.
And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And man became a living soul.
If you went to a Potter's house.
And you saw him at work with his hands as he got so near to that clay. You'd see him form that vessel into exactly what he wanted it to be.
He could move his hands around and shape it exactly as he wanted.
You notice how this verse says and the Lord God.
Formed man of the dust of the ground.
Dear friends.
It's a marvelous thing when you think of God making man and placing him here in this earth.
When I look into the faces of you folks and you look into my face.
And I see you boys and girls, you young people.
And I see you in the energy of youth, and you see sometimes a little baby that's just being born. I think of a verse like this, that God formed that person and not just the body.
But the personality and everything about the person.
Is our God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
And he took man.
The highest?
Part of the creation and he put him in this world.
He formed man from the dust of the ground, and man.
He breathed into his nostrils. You see how close God got to man?
The breath of life.
And man became.
A living soul.
You know, I've had to have some medical treatments because of a medical condition that I have had and it's got me reading some books.
That have told a little bit of the human body.
And I read this in one book and then I read it in a second book. And I don't know if if actually this is something that I don't know much about medical things, but this astounded me.
These two books said that in the human body, the average human body.
I'm going to ask you.
How long do you think if all the blood vessels in your body were put together?
How long do you think it would be?
They were all taken 1 by 1 and put together.
I think you'll be astounded at the answer, but I've read in these two different books 60,000 miles in each person's body.
Now, I'm not I'm saying I've read that in two books. I don't know how they've come up with this exactly, but that's what I've read in two books.
Now that is over twice around the world.
And it is pumped by a heart that is about the size of my fist.
Who made that?
God made it.
Your heart, my heart, and the blood that flows in our very veins. And dear friends, I believe that God made man in such a way, with such a body that he could live forever in this world.
He did live for many men lived for a 900 years, but they stopped living and says and they died because of sin.
But God made that heart and those blood vessels and the breathing and all of these things.
So that man could live on and on in this world, if sin had never entered this sea.
Who but God could make your body and mine?
You know, you think of the evolution of the car.
And you think of how Henry Ford started with the Model T about 100 years ago.
It's got better and better and better.
And 100 years later.
It's certainly an awful lot better than it was the first one that was made. But dear friends, when God made the 1St man and he placed him in the garden, He made him perfect.
No one but God could do that.
And God, foreign man, you know, it's interesting to see the different personalities of people.
You see the different nationalities of people, you see the different cultures and the the characteristics that that belong to different nationalities.
Who did that, friends? Oh what a God that he has made man in this world.
He formed man of the dust of the ground, and man became a living soul. And then he took that man and he put him in the Garden of Eden, a beautiful garden, like there's no other garden that's ever existed in this world.
And gave him everything that his heart could desire as far as.
As needing in this world.
And God looked down from heaven, and he watched that man Adam, and he not only looked down from heaven, but he came down from heaven, and he walked with the man that he had made in the garden.
And he saw his heart beating.
And he saw what he desired.
And he saw that there was something that was missing.
And he said notice in this chapter.
Same chapter 2.
Verse 18 The Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone.
I will make a helpmeet for him.
Now I'd like you to notice the next two or three verses.
And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam, to see what he would call them. And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found to help me for him.
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.
And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her under the man.
And Adam said this is now bone of my bones.
And flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of a man.
You know, I like the way, oh, it's beautiful to me to see that God as he looked down from heaven and he saw that man as he walked in that garden, the only man in the whole world.
The only person in the whole world.
All the animals, the beautiful creation and he saw the stirrings of the emotions that he had made in this man.
And he said it's not good that he be alone.
I'm going to make a help meet for him. You know, dear friends, God wants your eternal happiness. He wants your eternal joy. He knows what makes your heartbeat. He knows the secrets of your heart. He knows your aspirations. I have particularly before me tonight to talk a little bit about your soul.
Because your soul is the seed of your affections. The soul is a driving force that leads you on to this life.
And the devil is after your soul, and God wants to win your soul.
The heart goes after things, but the soul to me is like the adrenaline that drives the person on in this world. And there are two people that are bidding for your life tonight.
Well, the Lord God saw this man Adam as he was in the Garden of Eden.
And it says it is not good that he be alone. But then you notice the next couple of verses.
It kind of it's interesting to me.
Where it says.
It changes sort of Indiana the 19th verse. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.
And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof, And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found. And help me, how long did that take?
How long did it take for Adam, for God to bring all those animals one by one and to have the name and give them their names?
And God had noticed beforehand that Adam was alone.
And so Adam would give them a name. The tigers, the lions and all these different creatures.
The different birds.
Beautiful to see there. They were. No sin in the world, no wild animals at that time, no danger.
But God has Adam in his mind, and there's not found to help me for Adam.
Oh, dear friends, why is it that God tells about Adam being alone and then he puts that period of time? Did it take a day? Did it take a week or two weeks or whatever for all of those different animals, those preachers to be brought to give all their names? Did it take more than that? I don't know. Why is it that those verses are put in between?
Oh, I'll tell your friend what I feel in my own soul.
You know what it's a picture of? It's a picture.
Of the Son of God in heaven.
And God wanted he had a son there in heaven, God the Son.
It is not good that the man be alone.
And how long was he alone?
God placed that man in the garden, but God had a plan from a past eternity.
That he was going to have a bride for his beloved son.
Who is invited to that wedding? Friends?
You are invited to the wedding.
Come for all things are now ready. I'm getting a little ahead of myself here.
Not good that the man be alone and then the picture right away in here where it says.
Notice there in that second chapter, oh, you know, it's so beautiful. God can't help himself. He wants to take and tell man immediately what his plan is. He wants from the very outset of the Bible to tell that he has a plan of redemption for man. He knows that man is going to fall.
And so it says here in verse 21. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, brought her under the man.
Oh what beauty. The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fallen Adam, and he slept.
And then the Lord took a rib from the side of him.
And form the woman made the woman.
And brought her under the man.
I'm going to take a couple of liberties here. This is a gospel meeting, but I've enjoyed this, dear young people. You know, there's a lot of young people here that are reaching the age where they're thinking of getting married. They'd like to get married.
And you may not have have anybody yet. You don't know who to marry.
Now you know Adam could not make a mistake.
Because there was only one girl, and God brought her to him.
And he brought her to him.
And dear young people, I want to say something to you. God wants your blessing for you as the same as He wanted it for Adam and Eve.
And you pray to the Lord, and he will bring someone to you.
Let's go on with the Gospel meeting.
Lord God caused this deep sleep to fall in Adam.
I guess it was kind of painful for anime.
No, dear friends.
And you know when God, when he took that?
Can I take liberty here maybe to say that God cut it open and took the rib and closed it up?
And I think that afterwards there wasn't a mark left. I don't think that there was any stitches that had to be put in.
Oh perfect God, we have.
You know, you remember when Peter cut off the year of the high priest and it says the Lord put his ear back on? I remember a brother spoke to me after a meeting one time and he said an old brother and it was down in Saint John and in New Brunswick years ago. And I don't even remember the name of the brother. But he said to me, I don't think that there was any marks left, scars left. But dear friends, it's a picture of the cross of Christ.
God caused a deep sleep to fall on him, and he slept. But all friends, what it cost the blessed Son of God to come into this world?
And die the death there on Calvary's cross, To take away all my sins and bear them in his own body on the tree.
And when that soldier took and plunged that spear into his side.
And the precious blood of Christ flowed at the cross.
And it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
Are you washed in the blood of Christ this night? Do you know that your sins are gone?
You see the picture that we have back here in the second chapter of Genesis.
And, dear friends, someday you're going to look into the hands of that blessed man who was crucified on the cross. You're going to look at his side, and you're going to see the spear mark in his side. Whether you're saved or you're lost, you're going to see it all.
That blessed man.
No incision that has been taken and sewed up, friend.
He bears the marks for all eternity and the only ground of salvation.
The only way as has been mentioned in the meeting, and I was thinking of the verse when it was to be mentioned.
When the blessed Savior was here and he went to the garden and he prayed there in the garden, he said, Oh my Father, if it be possible, remove this cup from me.
Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.
When he thought of what it would cost to put away my sins and your sins, friend.
If there was any other way that God could have had me in heaven?
Would he not have found it?
What was loved was wondrous love, the love of God for me.
It brought my savior from above to die on Calvary.
I just want to.
Look at the third chapter for a second and then I want to go over to John 3.
You see, this is the first where man was born, and when we go to the third chapter of John, we find where he's born again.
It took a mighty God to put man to build the 1St man.
And it took a mighty God.
To build a second man.
So in the third chapter of Genesis, we all look just at verse 6.
You know the story of how God, how there was this, there was a person who was watching God make that man. He watched God make that woman. He watched them as they were in the garden, that garden of delights that God had made. And so when he when Eve, when Satan came as a tempter to deceive.
In the garden, it would almost seem, Let's read from the first verse and verse. I'll read the whole verse. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yeah, half God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden.
He said unto the woman.
It seems to me.
That the serpent waited for the moment when he had Eve alone.
And now notice verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food.
And that it was pleasant to the eyes in a tree to be desired to make one wise. She took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. Now in the garden of Eden Satan pulled out all his arsenal.
You know, you think of those people over there in Afghanistan at the power that they have faced in connection with the enemy.
Of all the forces of particularly the United States, it has been, it's been a situation, I suppose, that those people didn't realize that they were going to get into when you think of all the arsenal that they face the bombardment.
Now, dear friends, there's Arsenal that is far greater, that is against your soul than is against those people in Afghanistan.
I know it's not supposed to be the people, it's really the leaders that they're after there. But dear friends.
Satan pulled out all his arsenal, and that was the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, and he brought those he chose the moment.
He got the moment when he was going to take that man down.
By one man sin entered into the world, and he chose his moment, and he did it again with Judas. He chose the moment, he entered into Judas for Judas to betray the Lord. And dear friend, he's the one who is the enemy of your soul.
And he's a God and the Prince of the world, and he's painted the world up in such a way to attract your soul, to get your adrenaline flowing, to go out to the things in the world.
To have all your friends here, to have all of your, all of the entertainment here.
I am astounded when I look at the newspaper and I see it at the sections in connection with the Hollywood stuff today.
Pages and pages.
Why is it that there has to be so many different movies?
Because you know what attracts one person doesn't attract another person. And Satan pulls out all his arsenal and he puts it in front of man.
But, dear friends, it never satisfies the heart.
There is only one who can satisfy you, it is Christ. God has made your heart.
So that it can only be satisfied with Christ.
And sin has left a void in your heart.
And Solomon tried it all.
Tells us all the rivers run into the sea and the sea is not full. And you can try it all like Solomon did.
You go to an old folks home.
You meet older people. Oh, it's so sad. Some time to meet them.
No joy, no happiness.
And without Christ.
And you talk to some about Christ, and you would think that they've tried it all.
And they would immediately turn to Christ.
The grace of God that ever saved my soul.
I marvel at and how about you tonight?
There's a bidding that's going on for your soul. You know, there's a brother that I love in the Lord so much named Jean Brunel back in back in Toronto. He was in Quebec. He was saved in Quebec. I can't tell you the story. You should hear from him sometime. He broke down, cried every time I asked him about the story of his conversion. He was deep into it, friends.
He had he was under the effects of different things and frankly I can't even remember them now, but some of the mysticism and in university and this sort of thing.
And the bidding, this struggle that went on in his soul.
And finally, he said I just went.
And let the Lord commit.
And he just broke down and cried, You know, what is it that keeps you away from the Lord tonight?
Do you want to? Do you want to taste this world any longer?
Have you tried it enough?
Are you ready, dear friend, to give in to the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you willing to acknowledge that you're a Sinner before Him and see that He died for you on the cross and that His precious blood is available tonight to wash your sins away? It's the only way.
Will you have them tonight?
Well there we have all the arsenal now my friend, I want to take you over and show you the arsenal that God has for you. Turn with me, please, to John 3.
There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, the ruler of the Jews. The saying came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher. Come from God, for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with them.
Jesus answered and said unto him.
Fairly very send to you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
Who is Nicodemus?
Nicodemus was a religious leader.
He had, he had the Bible, he had the robes. But dear friends, deep down in his heart there was something missing, and that was Christ.
But he heard about Jesus, he knew about Jesus, and God placed the void in his life.
So the moment came when he sought the Lord Jesus out at night time. And some have struggled with this a little bit, but dear friends, I, I, I really feel in my own soul that there's only one reason why He came at night. The fear of man bringeth a snare.
He didn't want the other religious leaders to see him to go to Jesus.
But he went.
He went.
Same came to Jesus by night.
Will you come to him?
Why did the Lord say this to him? You know, look at the way that Nicodemus he says, We know thou art a teacher, come from God.
You know Nicodemus, I think when he was saying that we know they were to teacher come from God, he didn't know what to say to the Lord.
I mean, he wanted to get into the subject with him, but he didn't know how to go about it. So he says, we know you're a teacher, come from God. For no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with them. And the Lord goes right to the point. He says, Nicodemus, you got to be born again. And then Nicodemus starts saying, well, how can a man be born when he's old? Can't get her the second time his mother's womb be born.
But he needed a new life. That's what I believe the Lord was saying. Nicodemus, your robes.
Your good works. Everything that you can do is.
Filthy rags. It's no good, you know, This was this was. Must have hit him pretty hard.
It must have hit him pretty hard.
The Lord said he must be born again and then down verse seven again. Marvel not that I sinned it, ye must be born again.
The Lord enforces it. He gets the point across. You've got to be born again.
You know.
It was a greater work.
In the second born again than there was in the first being born.
It was, can I say it was nothing for God to make your body and mine.
Your heart, your hands, your eyes, your ears.
Oh, the mighty power of God.
The glory of the microscope is just as great as the glory of the telescope.
The intricacies of the body and the and the largeness of the creation.
Expose really the majesty of the person who made it all.
But what did it cost?
That you and I might be born again, friend.
In the first we read in Genesis one we read in the beginning God created.
And then we read in the book of John at the 1St in the beginning of the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him and for him.
And without Him was not anything made that was made. The glory of His person is brought before us. And it took just as much the glory of the person to make the worlds and to make you and me as the glory of the person to do this plan of salvation, that you and I might be born again. Do you want to be brought into the family of God tonight, my friend? Do you want to have Christ as your Savior? Or do you want to go with the dam for all eternity in the lake of fire?
I know what the answer is to that question. There's not a person here who wants to land in the lake of fire. But dear friends, don't put off your salvation.
Because tomorrow might be too late.
Christ is coming. The signs are around. He's coming so very soon. We've talked quite a bit in these meetings about those towers that were in New York.
You know, there's a track that Harold Smith wrote in Ottawa.
Is any tower safe anymore?
The name of the Lord is a strong tower of the righteous runneth into it.
And is safe.
Oh, safety for all eternity. It's only found in Christ.
He died. He loves you, friend, and he's beside you tonight. He's listening to you. He wants your ear. He wants your heart. He wants your soul.
You know, we were thinking of this soul, I think of the apostle Paul when he got a glimpse of the Lord and he found out that everything they had what what it was worth nothing. And then he followed the Lord in his life. And it says this one thing I do, forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth under those things that are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. The things that are seen are temporal. The things that are not seen are eternal.
Do you want the world tonight? The dazzle, everything else? There it is before you, with all the confusion that goes along with it.
Or do you want Jesus, friend?
The world rejected him. They don't want him. Would you let him come into your heart tonight?
Would you decide for him tonight? Don't put it off. Our hour is coming to the close.
Tomorrow may be too late in order land in the lost eternity. Did you ever let your mind think of what it's like to forever and forever and forever? You see, when it says that God made man a living soul, it separates him from the animal creation. You had a beginning, but you'll never have an ending. Never. You're going to land for one of two places.
In one of two places forever, either when heaven and glory or lost in the lake of fire.
Come to Christ, won't you? Come tonight, Don't wait.
Jesus Christ, trust Him. He's worthy of your trust.
He wants you.
Receive him to.
Tonight, let's bow in prayer.
O our God and our Father.
We're so helpless to give out thy word. We think of Lord, thy love, it goes out to this world. We ask thee, our God, for boys and girls, for young people, for older ones in the room.
Who perhaps have not closed in receiving Christ, Bless thy word tonight we ask, we give thanks in Jesus name, Amen.