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Gospel—D. Spence
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Could we sing together? #31 I will sing of my Redeemer and his wondrous love to me.
On the cruel cross, he suffered from the curse to set me free.
I will say.
Oh my God.
Shall we pray together? Blessed God our Father, We're so thankful to be able to sing.
Of a Redeemer.
And most of us here can sing of him as my Redeemer.
We praise thee for the blessing of this to our hearts.
And the full knowledge.
An assurance that he is.
Not only a Redeemer, but can be my Redeemer.
We pray thee for everyone in this audience that there would be a searching of hearts.
A taking of inventory recognizing Lord Jesus at the time of thy coming is so near.
And we've been reminded of this in our reading Behold, I come quickly.
Blessed Lord, we ask thee for thy blessing. Without it, all would fail. It is thy work and thy word.
And we pray thee to make it good to every heart here especially.
Those who are lost, we feel that there may be some here in this room who are on their way to an eternal health.
And we ask for a rescue by a work of thy spirit. And we ask these things with Thanksgiving. Lord Jesus, in thy precious name. Amen.
I'd like to speak friends tonight about some books.
That are mentioned in the Bible. And first of all, could we turn to Luke chapter 4?
Of course we hold in our hand the book of books.
This is the only book worth talking about, really. And there are a lot of books that you young people and children have to read in school. You're put on a program. They have to do perhaps so many book reports every month. But you'll never, ever, and you know the truth of being able to hold a book like this. You will never, ever read or hold a book in your hand like you have tonight. It truly is the book of books.
Sir Walter Scott said all other books are leaks and fragments. They're nothing compared to the Bible, the book of books. And when he was dying, he said to his son, Go get the book.
And his son said, which book? Dad, thinking it was perhaps some of his books that he had written. He said there is only one the book, and this is the book that gives us the truth. And how wonderful. There is not another book in the world that gives us the truth about not only the past and the present, but the future.
You know, we try to map out our lives when we're younger, do we not? Young people? And some of us were talking about that at the table today to.
Have kind of an objective and goal for our lives and.
And you can make some choices to do that in this life. You can go this way or that way, or choose this occupation or that occupation or go to this school or that school. You have choices to make.
And I know that you as Christians, many of you as Christians, are making those choices in the light of the word of God.
How wonderful to see that and to hear that. But here is a book that if you accept the truth of it, it will change or determine your eternal destiny.
Is there a book like that that you've ever read or could ever read in the world? No.
None whatsoever. This blessed book took over 1500 years by the hand of an inspired God to compile.
And it was written by people in from Arabia and Syria and Rome and Greece. Many of the the writers, and of course the spirit of God is the writer, were hundreds of years apart, didn't even know one another.
It is a book that has been put together by the power and the hand and the love of God. The Bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of God.
Now wonderful it is. God breathed, And I know when I read the Bible.
1St When I was a child, I didn't scrutinize it or have much care for it in a certain sense, but it didn't change the truth of it, beloved friends. And it doesn't make any difference what you and I do with this blessed book and the truth that we hear from it.
It doesn't change the truth of it and the validity of it and the fact that it is God inspired.
And if you reject or even neglect or careless about listening and receiving the truth of it, if you're careless, friends, you're on your way to hell. And I feel the greatest danger among the gathered Saints and families today, as I think maybe some would hear, I would agree with me.
Is not only indifference or carelessness, but the fact that you go along.
With the program.
I was just talking to a brother just minutes ago. And brother Tom Roach, if you don't mind me mentioning your name, you're speaking to his grandson.
His grandson, five years of age. I'm sure there are a number of you here tonight that are five years of age, some younger, that that can understand what we're saying and what the word of God says.
Or some older. But if you ever realize this that when you.
Hear the word of God.
And you make a decision.
Against receiving Christ, you are responsible.
Brother Roach said to his grandson, was talking to his grandson about the Lord, his grandson said.
Am I responsible?
Yes. If you have rejected Christ, you're responsible.
And he went to bed that night.
And he said something to his mother about wanting to get right with the Lord.
Because he was afraid that if he went to sleep, he'd go to hell.
I remember my son was a little older than that when he cried one one night from his bedroom. He had been to a gospel meeting. Sometimes we we perhaps put a little dimmer light on the gospel meeting than we should, but he heard the truth. And we never know when the Spirit of God is going to work in the lives and hearts of our children, do we?
That night, it was his night, he said. Dad, I'm going to hell.
Children, do you know for certain you're going to heaven?
The word of God said these things are written that he may know that you have eternal life.
Do you know it if you receive the Son of God sincerely in your heart?
You are going to heaven. You will be ready when the Lord Jesus Christ comes.
We used to preach the gospel at a boy's home, and there was a little boy named Henry.
And Henry was about 8 years of age. A lot of boys and girls are saved at 8 years of age, some a little younger, some a little older.
Henry wasn't eating his dessert that night.
That we had brought for him.
And we went and found Henry.
Who was an abused child?
Afraid that God was going to send him to hell.
And he said I'm going to hell. I don't want anything to eat, boys and girls. If you knew you were going to hell, you wouldn't want anything to eat tonight either.
If you would wake up in hell tomorrow, you wouldn't finish your dinner if you knew that you were going to.
Is an awful thing. It's a terrible thing. God warns us. He loves us so much, he's paid a great price that we won't have to go there.
Henry bowed his head before the night was over and received.
A God that would never abuse him, but loved him.
He abused his son, may we say respectfully at the cross so that Henry.
Could be loved forever and be delivered from an eternal help, boys and girls. These are eternal realities.
The book that we hauled in our hand is the Book of Books and at the beginning of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke chapter four we read.
These words verse 16 of Luke 4.
And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.
And sit up for to read.
And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel. Wouldn't it be wonderful, boys and girls and friends, to hear the gospel preached by the one who the gospel is about?
The Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the subject of the gospel. He is the good news. He is the lover of souls.
He is the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me, and you too, if you will receive him.
He had been anointed to preach the gospel, and then it says.
To the poor.
He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives.
The recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach. The acceptable year of the Lord. Adonai Domini, that is, the acceptable year of the Lord AD. We're at 2004 AD and we think of sometimes as after death, but it is the acceptable year of the Lord. We may come to the end of that period tonight, beloved, as it was mentioned today, if the Lord the Lord Jesus Christ comes.
We are in that period.
Of where the Lord Jesus Christ is available, and you.
Have the opportunity to accept him. Have you been serious about these issues?
Are you going along with your parents, or with your brothers and sisters or your grandparents? Or are you wearing the Christian mask?
Where you will be acceptable to your friends that go to meeting if you act out a Christian life.
But yet you know inside, if you were taken into eternity tonight, you aren't sure where you would go.
Or if Jesus came, you might think I might be left behind.
Is that a possibility? With each one of you, boys and girls, young people, older ones in this room? Most of us here have been raised under the sound of the word of God for years.
Oh, how great the responsibility there is with us, and the privileges that we're missing out on, not only now but for all eternity. If there is a rejection or a neglecting of the gospel of Christ, it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.
It doesn't matter how weak your faith is. You don't have to have a lot of faith. Boys and girls, older ones. But it depends on who that faith is in. If you believe that he died for you, you're saved.
For thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in thine heart God raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. I was talking to a young man one night.
And we read that verse together.
And I said, Do you believe the first part of that verse?
He said, Yes, I said, Have you confessed Jesus as Lord?
He said yes, I said, Have you believed in your heart? God raised him from the dead. He said yes, I believe that. Then I said the last part of it says thou shalt be saved. I said, do you know that you're saved now? He said no.
Well, friends, it's the simplicity of believing in that entire verse. If you believe in your heart, God raised him from the dead who died for your sins. According to the scriptures, He was delivered for our fences and raised again for our justification. If you believe that, and it was for your sin that he went there.
You are saved. Thou shalt be saved. That is what God says. It isn't what the preacher says, it's what God says.
It is a wonderful thing to think now, this glorious person.
Standing up at the beginning of his ministry for 3 1/2 years in this world when he began to minister.
Around Jerusalem, throughout the country.
Of this man reading from the book of Isaiah.
Those wonderful words. And he does not say that he has anointed me to come to bring judgment.
The Lord Jesus Christ came not to destroy beloved friends, but to save men's lives. Or he could have said, I am come to die for your sins. But here is the heart of God being expressed in the person of his Son. He came to preach the gospel to the poor.
That was where his heart was. He loved the poor. You may not be poor from a worldly standpoint, but if you're without Christ, friends, you are poor. You are in poverty. You must accept Christ, and then you'll have the eternal riches of Christ. You'll have eternal forgiveness, eternal pardon, eternal security. You'll be blessed in your soul. You have the privilege of walking with him through this life.
Till he comes, the poor are all over through this poor world.
Blessed be poor, Jesus said, For yours is the Kingdom. It's a wonderful thing to be poor in spirit. There was one.
That we read of in Luke chapter 19, Zacchaeus.
He was one that we might say was fairly well to do. He had a lot of money, but he was poor in spirit. You know why? Because Jesus came to that Sycamore tree where he was perched so he could see him walking down the street. And Jesus said to him, Zacchaeus, come down.
And Zacchaeus came down.
Have you come down in your heart?
Whatever that prideful position you might be taking, friends, whatever that, whatever that defense might be in your life, whatever that pleasure that you've embraced in your heart and life is, whatever the reason, whatever the impasse, do not let it hinder you from coming down. Zacchaeus came down. Our brother Tom spoke today a blind Bartimaeus there he was a beggar.
Sometimes we sing. That hymn once sat alone beside the highway, begging. His eyes were blind, the light he could not see.
Then Jesus came.
And what happened?
His eyes were opened.
Jesus came, he castaway his garment, and he came to Jesus, and he said, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
And Jesus said to him, Go thy way, thy faith hath saved thee. Go thy way. Our brother reminded a man that had been blind, who was poor. And Jesus came to preach not only to the poor, but the recovering of sight to the blind, those who have spiritual blindness, as well as the physical blindness blind. Bartimaeus, who now received his sight, followed the glorious object of Christ in his life, never having, perhaps had the experience of looking around the landscape.
The beautiful scenery and going to some of the places he'd heard about while he was there, begging, thinking perhaps all it would be wonderful to go here, to go there, do this or that.
O beloved, he now had not only a savior and his eyesight, but he had an object for his life.
He had a purpose to live, and there's no one that filled his vision but Jesus. And he followed him in the way. Oh, what a privilege. And when I was young, I didn't embrace it. I didn't enjoy it. I did not value it.
The Lord may have to take you through difficult circumstances, as He did me, beloved, may He spare you from it.
It's a sorrowful world. If someone said that we could pipe all of the groans and sorrows into this room as we're sitting here from the world and its sinful pleasures and the consequences of it, it would make us weep.
Do we know anything of it in our neighborhoods? I don't.
I don't. I had a young man call me one day who had been living a sinful career.
For many years.
He started taking drugs when he was 10 years of age.
And he was weeping, he said. Can I come to talk to you?
Some of you have had the same experience, beloved. I haven't had a background like that.
I am much more responsible than he.
But he came and wept for several hours because of the sorrow in his life.
I believe he came to Christ.
But we who have been blessed with such an environment to be raised in with the inspired scriptures, with the book being read in our hearing, whether at home or in the meetings, what a blessed privilege.
He came to give sight to the blind.
The recovering of sight to the blind, deliverance to the captives. Oh, he was a captive of sin.
But I believe he set free. Someone mentioned that verse. Nor the truth. And the truth shall make you free.
You know the truth, beloved. Wouldn't it be an awful thing if you perished knowing the truth?
And for all eternity you would weep and wail and gnash your teeth, knowing that you could have been saved. What a sorrow. I can't imagine it.
I can't.
Where the worm dieth not, the Scripture says, and the fire is never quenched.
Where you will depart into everlasting burnings. These are real things, beloved.
It is more probable that the Lord will come tonight than He would a year from now. I believe we're that close to the coming of Christ. I hope I'm not overstating it, but we are past the 2000 year period and we know what the Scripture has to say about the seven-year 7000 year plan of God.
And we're at 6000 years.
And yet our society and the young people. In our society, people are indifferent. The power of the pleasures of sin for our season are so tremendously, satanically gripping the hearts of people today from what they see and hear all around them. It's taking their hearts down to a lost eternity, and nothing else really matters but to get a little bit of pleasure for today, eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. That's the attitude of the world.
And the Senate liberty them that are bruised. You know the story of the man in scripture who had 2000 demons. And there were others. Mary Magdalene had seven. These were set free. They were the captives and possession of Satan.
The Lord Jesus Christ set them free. Here was a man who had 2000 demons. He was sitting and clothed and in his right mind.
I remember vividly beloved friends at a Gospel meeting that we used to have in Burbank, CA.
There was a very strange young man that used to come to me.
And he would sit on the floor in the back of the room.
And he glanced around the room, but it was almost as though he was afraid to be there, but he felt the need to be there.
And whenever we tried to lay hold of him or talk with him or spend time, he ran away, ran off the road, jumped in the car and went away.
He called some of us one day on the telephone and said that he had actually become controlled by a satanic spirit.
A young man and some of the stories he told, I would not want to repeat, But he felt the need, I believe, of being under the sound of the gospel, of the deliverer, of the captives who are bound. And there are many, I believe around us today, who are controlled by the enemy.
Jesus alone can deliver.
And he delivered the man of the Gadarenes. He delivered Mary Magdalene. And the wonderful picture of Mary Magdalene is that she was at the Sepulchre, knowing the grace and love of her personal Lord and Savior, so much so that she would not leave that place of his burial.
He had set her free. He can set you free. You may not be under the captivity of the enemy of your soul and possessed by the devil.
But if those sins are upon the record of God, friends, you are bound to end up in a lost eternity.
If you continue one day longer, the Bible says clearly now is the accepted time.
Now is God's time. Tomorrow is the devil's time. Remember that.
Say, well, tomorrow I'm going to get right. Make it today if Christ came today.
You'd be thankful you made that decision for him.
I can't imagine the sorrow of you children that might be left behind in a home of God fearing parents, parents who knew Christ as their personal savior. And someday you wake up, you may wake up, let's say tomorrow morning and your parents are gone. What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you call that could sympathize with you, that would understand you and you would try to tell them, well, your parents went to heaven and here I am.
No one would understand you. No one would believe you. Perhaps.
The word of God says God shall send them those I believe who are left behind. According to Second Thessalonians chapter 2, Strong delusion that they should believe a lie in the coming lie is the Antichrist will raise up by miraculous powers to call fire, dying out of heaven to do miracles and signs and wonders in the sight of everybody on television to convince the world particularly.
Christendom, The false church that has been left behind.
And they will be deluded.
The Bible says you will be damned, beloved, damned.
Because you receive not the love of the truth.
I can't imagine that. Is that what you want?
It is your choice.
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Call now tonight. It is interesting in this portion. It says verse 20. And he closed the book and gave it to the minister. Think of the solemnity, beloved friends.
Of a closed Bible that is open on your lap today that will do you no good if Jesus came.
The Bible would be close to you, no longer a savior available to you, no longer a deliverance from the captivity of your sin, no longer the power to open your blinded eyes. The God of this world has blinded your eyes.
Some of the worst blindness I believe, I truly believe is to be calloused from the gospel that is preached over and over and over again. We become gospel hardened as the God of this world. He is the God of religion.
And the Apostle Paul was on the road to persecute Christians.
Think of this man. The light struck him down from heaven.
And he came to Christ because it was Jesus that was speaking to him, he said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
Here he was sincere. He was serious. Everything he thought was in order, and it was right. But he was sincerely wrong. And he met the Christ of the Cross on the road to Damascus, and it changed his entire life. And we get the blessing of it today because of how God used this servant to write the words that we've had before us in these meetings.
Could we turn to just another passage in Hebrews chapter 10?
Hebrews, chapter 10.
And verse seven then, said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of Maine to do thy will. Oh God.
Someone has said about this verse here is perhaps not speaking about the Bible as the book.
Here is the Lord Jesus Christ in Psalm chapter 40. I believe it is.
This is taken from he said, Lo, I come in the volume of the book. It is God's secret councils, written in an eternity past concerning his heart for you and me beloved, in the sending of his only Son. And Jesus is saying, Lo, I come to do thy will, oh God, I came down from heaven, John chapter 6, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me. And here is his will.
John, Chapter 6. This is the will of him that sent me, that everyone that sees the son may believe on him and have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
And the will of God was to, of course, Beloved, to pave the way and to pay the price to go to Calvary, to pay the debt that we could never, never pay.
He paid it in full. This is the heart of Christ in the heart of God.
That any past eternity he had a book that was his secret counsel, where he would send his son, and his only son said, Hear my send me.
And he is the one, beloved who came Speaking of a poor man, you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, he became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich.
He is the one that they blindfolded, and struck him on his blessed face, and crowned him with thorns. And they said, prophecy unto us, Thou, Christ, who is it that struck thee?
Or he knew who it was, though they had blinded him.
He was the one, if we can say this respectfully, that became a captive in his will to the Father. Of course, he could not do otherwise.
He said, Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.
He went to Calvary For you, beloved, you will remember that if you go to hell, you will.
You'll remember the opportunity of receiving him tonight if you go to hell and you miss out. Then he went to the cross. He fell down on his face in the garden in an agony and sweat, as it were, great drops of blood falling to the ground, contemplating the awful cost and the agonies of Calvary and the suffering that he would go through. Not from the nails in his hands and feet, he said. I am poured out like water.
All my bones aren't out of joint. My heart is melted like wax in the midst of my bowels.
My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
He came to heal the broken hearted, but he died with a broken heart. He didn't die from a broken heart. He gave up his life.
All his heart, how can we express his love for you?
Other than by his wondrous sacrifice at the cross, lo, I come in. The volume of the book is written of me to do thy will, O God.
He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. You can memorize that verse. I mean, you can say that verse just as fast as I can.
Do you believe it? Have you surrendered your heart to it? Have you laid hold of it by faith, And said, Jesus is mine?
Revelation Chapter 5.
And verse one.
And I saw on the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with 7 seals.
And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof.
The subject of chapter 4 is the maintenance of the glory of God concerning the throne.
Chapter 4 We had chapter 3 before us. Just thinking about this, the following Chapter 3 it says I look up and behold an open door in heaven. And there was a voice that said come up, hit her, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter following Laodicea.
The Laodicean period. That's where we are beloved friends at the end of that period.
What happens?
The coming of Christ takes place.
And that is not a subject that the Book of Revelation takes up. The Rapture it is not. But this is the result of it. The Saints are in Glory chapter 4.
And the glory of the throne is maintained. And the chapter, the subject of chapter 5 is the book.
What is the book? It's written on the backside and sealed with 7 seals. You know God's writing. He's committed his mind to writing.
He has written everything down.
On the front and on the backside so that it doesn't need an addition or any alterations. It's all been settled. It's his unalterable will.
Of all the sorrow that's coming through judgment before the blessing comes in, the book has to do with the blessing for the whole world. But the sorrow of judgment that's coming if you're left behind after the rapture, the sorrow from the judgments that are going to be poured out upon this world.
In N3 in heaven or in earth, nor under the earth was able to open the book, or to look thereon. And here's John. I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not, Behold the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David.
Have prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the altar stood a lamb as it had been slain.
Having 7 horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth, he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
And so forth.
The lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Came from the tribe of Judah and in the power of the lion character.
That irresistible power.
He is coming back.
And he is going to take possession of that land for his people and set up his Kingdom in this world.
But before that, beloved, there is the beautiful picture we have here of Jesus, who became the Lamb of God, there in the midst of the throne that qualified him to become the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Not only would he be able to open the book, but to carry out the judgments that are coming upon this earth. And they are coming. Beloved God has committed it to writing.
Somebody reminded us today of Revelation chapter 19. When Jesus comes back on that White Horse, and the armies with him, the church, and you and me, beloved, if we belong to him, God is a point of the day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained. Whereof he hath given him assurance, given assurance unto all men, and he raised him from the dead.
That man will be the lion of the tribe of Judah, but he came, the Lamb of God.
To take away your sins and mind before that. How wonderful. One more scripture.
Revelation Chapter 20.
And verse 11.
And I saw the dead, small and great.
Stand before.
God or the Throne?
And the books were opened.
And another book was opened.
Which is the book of life?
And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged every man according to their works.
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and whosoever was not found written.
In the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire.
Can I say to you simply before we close beloved friends?
As we said earlier, and you know the truth, that this blessed book talks about the future.
It talks about your future.
Your future with your glorious future with a wondrous and glorious savior.
Who is coming for you and coming for us? Who are the redeemed as we were singing?
That is the future that is before every believer in Christ. When will all be gathered together in one? Isn't that wonderful? I love that verse in Second Thessalonians chapter 2, verse one. I beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him.
All of the Saints will understand and believe in that day why we live and do what we're doing today.
There will not be anything like division that has brought sorrow into our hearts and homes.
Broken hearts because of it.
Man who set up his institutions, they will be done away with, beloved. He will be the center of that throng, blessed be his name.
He deserves to be today, and if you're not gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
May He draw you by His Holy Spirit to take your place at His table. You'll never be sorry. Never.
But this is talking about an awful future.
The Lost.
Are paraded before.
That one who sits upon the Great White Throne.
Their souls are lost. Their lives are gone. They're in eternity. Heaven and earth has passed away, but the Bible says my word will not pass away.
There they are, hanging in space before the Lord Jesus Christ.
An awful scene. They rejected the gospel. They never received the gift of God. They had other plans. They had other goals, other aspirations that took their hearts away, that occupied them. They were disinterested. They didn't want to get involved in that Christian thing.
They're lost.
It's too late. They don't even have a number given to their name. Beloved, they're non entities.
Eternal nonentities.
To dwell in everlasting burnings. These are realities, beloved. It's awful. If we were to meditate on the horrors of a lost eternity for 10 minutes, I think we would go insane.
These were cast into the lake of fire. Their names were not written in the book of life. You have the opportunity tonight, by receiving Christ to have that name of yours written indelibly in the Lambs Book of Life.
Because whosoever was not found written in that book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
The other book here is those who are lost, and they're judged according to their works, but the sorrow is they are all judged.
There is no more hope. There is no deliverance. There is no excess. The doors are closed. Hell is their portion and the lake of fire for eternity.
Do we have to plead anymore? Beloved, may the Holy Spirit plead with your heart. Don't play games with God. Don't act as though everything is OK and it's not. If it isn't, talk to your mom and dad tonight. Don't even get off your chair. Christ may come. Don't even wait till you get home. Do it now. Make sure that you ask him to come into your heart to forgive you. You'll never be sorry. Your name will be written there in that book.
For eternity you will never be part of that awful host of a lost to be a nonentity. For eternity, you'll be glad for the decision you made for Christ. Tonight, could we sing #5 closing?
Hymn #5.
Oh, Happy Day.
Closing prayer blessed God our Father. We pray that there would be some right here among us.
That are making that choice.
As they sit here in thy presence, Lord Jesus.
To receive thee as their personal Lord and savior.
To have their sins washed away.
Bless them. May it be real with their hearts, we pray that there would be a confession from their lips to someone that they'll know and love.
We ask this, Lord Jesus, it is thy grace. We ask it for thy glory and for thy name's sake, and for their blessing.
In thy precious and worthy name. Amen.