
Listen from:
Gospel—E. Wakefield
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Thing #23.
They hauled, they hauled the Lamb of God on the cross for us. He shared His precious blood on the cross. Or hear the overwhelming cry Eli Lamb at the backs of my draw near and see the Savior dying on the cross #23.
Behold the Lamb of God.
On the front.
He said his freshest.
They overwhelming crime.
In life.
On the wrong and we stand and saying, #16 whosoever will may come.
Ever hear get the sound, the fighting all the world around them?
Found them put so everywhere may come.
All I ever wish.
Whatsoever. Well, then, the proclamation over this, and till till the loving Father.
Called the wonder home.
Whosoever will make.
Might we turn to Luke's Gospel chapter 18?
The 18th chapter of Luke's Gospel verse 9.
And he spake this parable unto certain.
Which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others. Two men went up into the temple to pray, one of Pharisee and the other Republican, the Pharisees stood and prayed thus with himself. God I thank thee that I am not, as other men. Are extortioners, unjust.
Adulterers, or even as this Republican?
I fast twice in the week. I give tithes of all that I possess.
And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven.
But smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a Sinner, I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other. For everyone that exalted themselves shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
I would like to bring before you tonight.
This parable.
Plus one of the 16th chapter of Luke and also take you to the cross of Calvary. My friends, we have come here tonight to proclaim the Gospel. We have come here tonight to speak to those who are lost, those who are maybe in their sins still on the way to hell. And I would like to ask this vast number of people here tonight. Many of them are Christians.
Many of them know the Lord Jesus personally as Savior, but there may be some here tonight who are on the way to eternal darkness. And before we look at the cross and turn to the cross, I would like to point out in this parable that the Lord Jesus told the fact that man is a Sinner.
You know the Lord Jesus said when he was here, they that are whole need not a position.
But they that are sick, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
And I wonder tonight how many in this audience are sick with sin.
Sit with sin. Maybe they don't know it.
How sometimes we are ill.
And people know they're I'll others are ill and don't know they're ill and all my friends the need.
The disease, the sickness drives us to the position. But tonight, maybe there's somebody does not realize yet that they're sinners. And in these two men we find, I believe, an excellent illustration, what we have before us. The first man, the Pharisee, he prayed with himself. He despised others. He looked down upon this publican as unworthy. And I know, my friends, there's people who come to these meetings.
Who would despise the poor man in the prison? They would despise the poor man who was drunk. They were, they were despised the wife beater or the children beater, But themselves are without Christ. And tonight, my friends, are you trusting in yourself?
Are you trusting in your good life? Are you trusting in your religion? Are you trusting in the 10 commandments? Are you trusting in baptism or anything else to do with religion? It will land you at hell, my friends. And tonight I stand here to preach Christ, to present to you a Savior, a person, not a religion. God forbid that we preach religion. The world is full of religion.
Wait, and I present the Lord Jesus.
As a savior for sinners. But, my friend, you'll never come to that savior, so you'll find you're lost. So you'll find you're guilty. Say you find yourself thinking down into the eternal darkness under the power of Satan. Then you will flee to Christ, as in my own case. My friends, I heard that news. Thank God back in 1930 and in that old gospel hall in Montreal now taken down.
I heard that I was a Sinner. I heard that I was going to hell and I bowed my head in that hole and said I know it's true. I'm a last guilty, hell deserving, hell bound Sinner on the way to eternal darkness.
I wonder my friend tonight if there is any in this room that think they're pretty good.
Maybe you think you're good enough to get into heaven. Maybe you'll feel that you've done the very best You can. I tell you on the authority of God's Word that you are a Sinner, that God has declared in this book the word of God, that there's no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
How blessed it is to find on this side of eternity that you're a Sinner, that you're guilty.
Now I know that man measures man by himself.
He measures man by his conduct, but God looks down into the heart and God says that man is a Sinner from head to foot. He's born lost, he's born in sin and he's shaping iniquity. That man is boring with his face and his head and his back turned against God and his face looking down the broad road to destruction and the Lord Jesus said, accept the man be born all over again.
Except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
My friend and I have solemn This is the Pharisee prayed with himself.
He didn't even have respect for God. He addressed them only as God.
He had no respect. He had no idea about whose presence he was. He thought not of the fact of the holiness of God. He thought not of the power of God. He thought not of anything to do with with God at all. He thought only of one person himself. His good life, his upbringing, the fine character that he was. I fast twice in a week, six times in these verses he mentions about himself.
Five times he says, I, the personal pronoun I. He was filled with himself. And I believe in this country tonight. There's millions of people who are filled with themselves and all that they've done to what they call to appease an angry God. My friend and I God loves you. God loves the Sinner, and God has proved his love and the gift of his beloved Son, Now the other man.
The publican so beautiful to see this in verse 13.
The publicans standing up far off all my friends, he felt.
He felt how unworthy he was. He felt what a Sinner he was. He felt how undeserving he was and how lost and how vile he was. He stood afar off. It would not lift so much as his eyes unto heaven. He didn't feel worried that he would look up into the face of God. He put his head down. He bowed his head in the presence of God. My friends, I asked you tonight, have you ever found yourself in the presence of God?
Have you ever found yourself in God's presence, all alone in your bedroom, all alone in your home, alone with God, and found yourself there, a poor, trembling Sinner hanger that were over the very brink of hell? Have you ever found yourself yet in that position? This man did it, says he smoked upon his breast. He seems to realize that inside that breast was a heart filled with sin.
A heart that was against God. A heart that had no use for God. And he put his hand, as it were, over that heart.
And he said, God be merciful to me, the new translation says. These sinners.
God been merciful to me, these sinners. My friend, I ask you, is it possible in the last days of 1969 you've come into this room tonight? Somebody has brought you.
Somebody has invited you to come here tonight. And you come here tonight feeling pretty good, feeling you're a good character, that you're a fine person. That God looks down at you and says this person is a fine person, a good person, upright, moral. But you've never, never yet been in the presence of God and had your sins cleansed away in the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Never have you found yourself there in the presence of Almighty God.
Their unworthy undone, a Sinner. Oh, I cook that verse again. I want you to hear that verse, my friends. May the spirit of God bring that verse to your soul. Girls and boys, for all have sinned. There is no difference.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory.
Of God.
Well, this is a wonderful thing to know that you're a Sinner and I just wonder if these young people who come to these conferences time after time.
As our brothers said this afternoon, they were laughing at the back of the room.
Maybe writing notes, I wonder. I just wonder if you've come here tonight unsaved, lost in your sins, guilty, and on the way to hell. What a solemn thing. My friends. I know this is not popular. I know the modernist preacher doesn't preach hell. I know that hell is slurred over. Men don't believe there's a hell. But the only man who never told a lie warned man again and again and again.
If there was a hell, and I believe, my friend tonight, I would not be faithful to the Lord I serve if I stood here.
And preached to you a heaven and didn't warn you of solemn judgment that's going to fall on men and women who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. You know as well as I do whether you're saved or not. You know, my friend, tonight, if you were to die this very night, I would ask you this question. I like to ask this question because I believe it levels man down.
Where would you be tonight if you were dead? Where would you be tonight if you were dead? Now I can answer that question only for myself. I would be with the Lord Jesus Christ and the glory. I know it positively on the authority of Divine Holy Scripture, the word of God itself, Not because I'm better than you, but because I have a savior and his name is Jesus.
I was visiting. We were visiting the other day in a nursing home and an old lady was lying there in the bed and she told her she used to be a nurse and she handled many, many sick people. And we said to her, did you ever handle a young baby? And she said, indeed I did. I've handled many young babies. And I said I want to tell you a story about a young baby that was born into this world and there was no place for that baby.
But in a stable and a Manger. And she smiled and I said that baby grew to be a young man.
Good to be a man and preached and warned man of judgment and told his many, many parables and performed his wonderful miracles. And she said, Jesus, Jesus. And then we said this, that man died on the cross for my sins. And that blessed man, the Lord Jesus Christ is my savior. And she said, and he's my savior too.
My friends, I asked you. That's the gospel.
Is the Lord Jesus Christ your Savior? Have you put your trust in him? Has his blood cleanse you from all sins? You may reply, dear friend, That is that man's religion. That's what he thinks, no.
What I think isn't worth $0.05 unless my thoughts are formed by this precious book, The Word of God.
And the Lord Jesus said, when he is here, was here I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me a person, a Savior. And so this man, the Lord Jesus said, went down to his house justified. How blessed to be justified by God, This man took his place before God as a Sinner.
God be merciful to me, a Sinner God be merciful to me.
Center Is there a young man in this room tonight, or a young woman who will rake now as I speak? Bow your head and close your eyes and say I am a Sinner. You know you're a Sinner and God knows you're a Sinner. What kind of a Sinner are you? Are you a saved Sinner on the way to heaven, or are you a lost Sinner on the way to hell? There's only two kinds of sinners in this world.
Save sinners who are heaven bound, lost sinners who are hell bound. What kind of a Sinner are you now? Let us go now to the cross in the 27th chapter of Matthew's Gospel.
Matthew's Gospel.
Chapter 27.
Verse 26. Now I just like to point out these things to you. Notice my friend when it says first of all verse 26 then.
Release he grabless unto them.
And when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. Who is this Speaking of conscious pilot? A coward, A man who three times over said, I find no fault in this man. Why did he scourge him? Why did he scourge a man who he said, I find no fault in this man. Pilot was a coward, and Pilate has many followers tonight in this world.
Who know that Christ is the Son of God, and yet they're afraid to take a stand for him.
They're afraid of the laughs of the crowd. They're afraid of being thrown at a society. They're afraid of the laughs of the ungodly. And Pilate was a coward. He scourged a man, he said. I find no fault in this man. Next we read the 29th verse.
Here it is the soldiers and when they had planted a crown of thorns.
They put it upon his right on his head, and a read in his right hand.
And they bowed the knee before him and mocked him, saying, Hail king of the Jews, the soldiers noticed. The soldiers did this. Those men who were supposed to fight for those who are defenseless, these cowards placed upon the head of the Son of God a crown of thorns. They placed on the head of God's beloved Son a crown of thorns, the symbol of the fall.
For because of the fall of Adam Thorns came Genesis chapter 3.
And these cowards placed upon that blessed head of that precious Savior a crown of thorns. Verse 30. And they spit upon him. How filthy man is, man is filthy. They spit upon that blessed man. They spit upon him. Think about it. What an insult to the human race, that man like you and like me.
Spit upon the Son of God. What a crime, what a sin, What a shocking thing it is for God to look down into this world and see filthy man spit into the very face of his beloved Son and they spit upon him. Verse 31.
And after they had mocked him, think of that. They mocked this blessed man, this holy man.
Never was there a man like this man. Never a man speaks like this. Man, the sinner's friend, the most glorious person in this world ever saw. We sometimes said, and repeat tonight the only man who was a man, the only real man, whoever lived in this world. They mocked him, they spit upon him, they crowned his head with a crown of thorns, and they chose a robber, Barabbas, in his room instead.
Verse 35 And they crucified him all. The Spirit of God tells us they crucified him. Who is this him? The Lord Jesus himself. They crucified him. Verse 36 And sitting down they watched him there. You can't imagine how cruel this is. See that blessed man?
To see him there hanging on that cross and wicked man like you and like me with the same kind of hearts. Exactly.
As you and I have, they sat down and they watched that blessed man as he suffered on that cross. My friends, God's going to judge this world.
God is going to judge this world. They passed out. His darling, His beloved, His eternal Son, was cast out by men like you and me. And God is going to judge this world. Indeed He is. Do not believe the modernist preachers of this day that ahead of us is a rosy time of happiness and peace and joy. It's not true. God is going to judge this world.
He's going to judge this world. This world is lost. There is absolutely no hope for this world.
This world, like a sinking ship, is going down under judgment. But thank God there's a lifeboat, and that lifeboat is Christ themselves. You must leave the scene, as it were and flee to that lifeboat, for Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, said the Apostle Paul, to whom I am the chief. Oh, thank God, Tonight the center is chiefs in heaven. Thank God the center is chief is now in heaven.
No matter who you are in this hall tonight, God can say of your precious soul one look of faith to Christ, one look of faith of that blessed Savior will save your soul for eternal ages. Bless it be gone.
First, now we come to the 45th verse.
Now from the 6th hour there was darkness.
Over all the land unto the 9th hour, here we have now the noon time.
That is to say, when the sun reached the very top of the heavens, 12 noon till 3:00 in the afternoon darkness, and the 46th verse, and about the 9th hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama Sabachthani. That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
I suppose there has never been a question asked in the world's history like this question.
There's never been a question asked like this question, my friend. Have you found the answer to this question? Many of God's people are here, and they could say with a loud voice, Amen. I found the answer to this question. He was forsaken on that cross as he bore my guilt and my sins, and God judged him there for me. And God turned his face away from his beloved Son.
As he bore my sins and my guilt, friends, I ask you reverently, I asked you in God's holy presence, if God turned his face away from his beloved Son on that cross in those three hours of darkness.
As he became the sin bearer, I ask you, what will God do?
With men and women, boys and girls who reject that savior.
I ask you to answer that question. Have you found out yet? Did you ever kneel down on your knees by your bedside, look up into heaven and say, oh God, I thank thee, that the Lord Jesus Christ bore my sins, bore my guilt and his own body on that cross. He paid the price. He loved me and gave himself for me. I was reading the book a little while ago about a man who said.
In my first book, I suggested to my readers that they commit their lives to God to use that expression. But he said, a few nights after I walk up in the middle of the night, And I thought to myself, I've never done the very that thing myself. I never, never have ever been in the presence of God. And he said I got out of my bed at 3:00 in the morning, and I knelt down by my bedside. I looked up on the heavens.
That oh God, I thank thee.
That on Calvary's cross the Lord Jesus bore my sins.
An IRS sees him as my personal savior. What a wonderful thing that is, my friends. Oh, I gain, I say. I'm not preaching religion. I'm not preaching about churches. I'm not preaching about meetings. I'm preaching Christ. Christ. A person, a savior, a man, a man who's gone back into heaven. A man who was buried. A man who rose from the dead.
A man who ascended back into the glory of God. A man who sits at the right hand of the majesty in the heavens.
And all tonight of our eyes could Pierce that heaven. Above we would see that lovely man at God's right hand. In his hands are the nail prints, and his sight is the spear mark. In his feet are the nail Prince that tell God and tell man and tell the devil, and tell the demons that Calvary's work is done, that Christ died for the ungodly.
That Jesus loved me and gave himself for a poor, hell deserving Sinner like me. What a savior. Is he your savior? What a living, loving savior. Friends, Can he do more for you? Could he do more for you? He loved?
Poor guilty sinners, God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life, Jesus said. Verily, verily, I stand to you. He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life. There's a savior tonight There's a Savior. My friends, if you go to hell, I speak reverently. It won't be God's fault. There's a way of escaping.
There's a way into the glory of God. The way of the Cross leads home.
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, Claimeth us from all sins.
God commanded his love to us while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us.
Oh, how wonderful is the gospel message. Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried and he rose again the 3rd day. According to the scriptures, we present a living savior, a loving Savior. A savior that's able to save you tonight if you'll only come to him and own your guilt. My friend, God has declared your guilty that all the world may become guilty every most may be stopped.
And the whole world become guilty before God.
I ask you tonight, is there somebody, Is there a boy here tonight? Is there a girl here tonight?
Who says I'm willing to take sides with God against myself, with all? I'm a Sinner, I'm guilty. I'm guilty in God's presence. Guilty. You're guilty, my friend. You're guilty. God says you're guilty. You know God doesn't need witnesses. He doesn't need any witnesses. In the courts. In our land, we must have witnesses. But God doesn't need any witnesses, He says. You are a Sinner. You send in his sight. He has seen you sin. You're guilty.
Or guilty, And how solemn, my friends, that not even one lie.
A lie. One lie will ever enter into that heaven. Not one. You know. Each one of us have to confess. We've told lies. We've told many, many lies. You know that. And unless the blood of Christ cleanses away those sins, we will land in hell. My friends, there's only one Savior. Thank God for every one of us in this room. Who can look up into heaven tonight and say that Savior is my savior. He died.
For me, strange is it not. In America we have to preach this kind of a gospel with Bibles all over the place, Gospel tracks all over the place, all kinds of testaments, all kinds of bookstores. Why, even in the press, I've seen at the top of the paper a little verse of scripture. And yet men don't understand. They say I'm doing the best I can. I'm religious.
You will pardon me saying these things. They say I am a Protestant. Why? I'm religious. I've been baptized. My mother was a Christian. My father believed these things. That'll never save your soul. Have you been born again? Have you received Christ into your heart? Is the Lord Jesus your personal savior? My friend? The Lord may come tonight, boys and girls. A Christian parents. Your mother may leave you tonight. Your father may be gone to knight. The glory the Lord may come.
You will be in hell, forever lost, guilty under the judgment of God's eternity.
Think about it. Why do you wait? What do you hope to get out of this poor world? What will this world give you? It'll give you a piece of ground 6 feet long, a casket, a funeral. That's what this world is going to give you. You've got to leave this world, my friends. And God says after death, the judgment.
The inferno says after death, we're dead like a dog. I don't believe what infills say. I hope you don't either. But I believe what God says after death, the judgment. You must you have to meet God someday. You've got to stand in the presence of God. You've got to look with your eyes into the very face of Christ. He's going to judge those who reject him. How solemn for all judgment has been committed unto the Son.
Son of God, he's going to judge this world. He's going to judge the guilty Sinner. He's going to judge the Christ rejecter. Oh, dear boys and girls, tonight, have you ever confessed the Lord, If thou shalt confess with thy must the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thy heart that God has raised him from the dead, Thou shalt be saved. God says it, and that settles it. How blessed you can say by the grace of God. God says it, I believe it, and that settles it. How blessed.
Now I turn to the third scripture, which I know is not popular in this world.
I turned to the 16th chapter of Luke's Gospel, and I know that men don't like to hear these things.
But we must say it, and I trust that each one in this room.
Well, bear with us as we bring this sad, solemn case before you. Very solemn. I want to remind you again.
That the only man who never told a lie, the only man we could really trust 100%.
Told this incident, which is not a parable. Which is not a parable. Luke chapter 16, verse 19.
There was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his doors.
And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom.
The rich man also died and was buried, and in hell he lifts up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom, and he cried and said father.
Abraham, have mercy on me.
And San Lazarus he may dip.
The tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame.
But Abraham said, Son, remembered that thou and thy lifetime receiveth thy good things.
And likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted.
And thou art tormented, and beside all this between us and you.
There is a great Gulf fixed.
So that they which would pass from hence to you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from thence.
Then he said, I pray thee therefore, Father, that would send unto my Father's house, for I have 5 brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
Abraham said unto him, They have Moses and the prophets, Let them hear them. And he said, Nay.
Father Abraham But if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
And he said unto them, Unto him, If they hear not Moses.
And the prophets neither will be persuaded, though 1 rose from the dead friends who told.
The account I have just read, I want to repeat it as very solemn, the only man who never told a lie.
The only man who knew who could open the Gate of Eternity. Now let us look into eternity. There's nobody else could do that. There's no man ever living in this world could do that. But the Son of God opened eternity and allowed us to look in. The rich man didn't go to hell because he was rich, and the poor man didn't go to glory because he was poor.
The rich man did not believe the word of God. The man at the gate full of swords with a Saint of God, he lay, there is a testimony.
I believe to that rich man he laid his gate full of sores.
We're not told here, but maybe he did testify to the rich man as he passed by his great gate.
And all, I suppose when he died, there was a great funeral. I suppose the mayor of the town was there, and all the elders, a city councillors, were all there. At the great funeral. I suppose there were many flower carriages lined up on the street. But as the rabbi spoke, no doubt of this man. He's such a good man, a wonderful man in the community, kind and noble and upright. He was in hell. Who said so?
Christ said so. Dare any man under heaven say it's not true there? Any man say it's a parable? No, my friend, it's a fact.
These men lived. Jesus knew about them. He told about them. The rich man was in hell.
And he cried. He set out a voice. He cried. He had eyes to see. He could see a fire off. He didn't need glasses. He could see a fire off. And he could cry. He could feel. He said, I am tormented in this flame. I am tormented in this flame. Friend, Hell is a reality. If there is no hell, there is no heaven. Because the same Bible that tells us of heaven tells us of hell. And the same God that warns us of hell tells us of the glories of heaven.
And dare men say there's no hell. Dare the modernist preacher stand up and say there is no hell, and expect those who have any reverence for the word of God to listen to them. There is a hell. The cross of Christ proves that, my friends.
The cross of Christ proves that God is going to judge this world, for man has rejected the Son of God.
Man spit in the face of Jesus and cast them out. God's going to judge this world.
He tells us, though, he's appointed a day in which he will judge this world and by that man, that blessed man, whom he raised from the dead. It's a solemn thing, isn't it? Here's a man in hell. Oh, dear boys and girls, I warn you tonight. I stand here and warn you you'll land in hell. If you reject Christ, you'll land in this awful place, the lake of fire.
Where man will live forever.
And his sins away from God.
With no company alone. Don't believe the devil's lied in hell. You'll play cards. You'll have a wild time and a good time on hell. It's not true. Man will be in darkness. He'll be alone. Alone with himself. Alone in his remorse, his regrets weeping and wailing and national teeth. There'll be no company in hell. You'll be alone, my friends. Alone. A long return away from God. He cried and said.
Mercy upon me all. The other man in the 18th chapter of Luke said, God be merciful for me to me a Sinner. And he found mercy. He found he was justified. But here was a man who cried for mercy on the other side of eternity. And I say tonight, my friends, according to this book, there is no purgatory, There is no second chance. If you die without Christ, you'll be buried without Christ.
Will be raised from the dead without Christ, and you will stand in eternity, as it were, in space, suspended by the power of God in space. And you'll look into the very face of Christ. You'll hear him say, depart from me into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, not for man, but if young man today, and young women and older men and older women, prefer the company of the devil and the damned.
Or I should say, prefer that awful place where they will be and it is not God's fault. He asked the question in the second chapter of Hebrews verse 3, which I remember reading about.
Where a man said God asked the question that God himself can't answer.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
This poor man cried. Have mercy on me, he was reminded, Son remembered. Oh dear boys and girls, dear men and women here tonight who are lost in their sins. What an awful thing to remember.
And I believe that December the 27th, 1969, will be stamped on your immortal soul. You will be reminded that you heard of a Savior's love. You heard of a way of escape. You heard there's power in the blood of Jesus Christ. The Lord declines you from all sin. You heard about it. You heard that God loved you. You heard that Christ died for you. You heard that there's salvation free.
A pardon, a gift for you to receive.
From the very hand of God-given to you out of this great height of love.
You've heard of. If you reject that, my friend, tonight, you may never hear again.
This may be your last time, your last chance to ever get saved. Maybe tonight. God's last call. I remember when I was unsaved.
Many a time I heard the gospel. Many a time I left the room unsaved. And God himself, and I thank and praise him, for it hung between heaven and earth. A verse of Scripture. He hung up there in front of my very eyes, and I saw the verse at heart of me day after day. My spirit shall not always strive with man. My Spirit is God's Spirit. Tonight's striving with you, young man.
You maybe came to the last conference in Toledo a month or so ago and you heard the Gospel, and tonight you're sitting here, an unsafe boy, an unsaved girl, an unsaved man or woman. Be careful that God spoken to you.
My spirit shall not always strive with man. The verse hung from the heavens. Thank God it did. That haunted my soul that made me afraid. I tremble.
My friend, my spirit shall not always strive with mine. God calls tonight, come under me, he says, and I will give you rest, you dear girls, here tonight.
Come on to me, he says Jesus, and I will give you I see the Savior standing.
For those precious arms outstretched, that smile of love and welcome on his face. Come, he says unto me, and I will give you rest. You understands the devil. And he says, Young girl, young man, don't do it, don't do it. Wait until tomorrow night you'll hear the gospel. Tomorrow night you may be dead. Tomorrow night the Lord may come. Tonight you'll be lost for eternity. And saw this poor man here, he says in verse 27 So Solemnism.
Oh, friends, I want to say this again. Who said these words? Jesus. He said it. Would we dare take away from it? Would we dare, oh, I ask you reverently, would we dare take away the pressure, the precious Savior's words?
I pray thee, just imagine. I pray thee a man praying in hell.
I pray thee.
Therefore, Father, that I would send to my father's house, for I have five brothers, five of them, five of these men going to hell too, standing to my father's house.
Lest they also come into this place of torment.
Abraham verse 29 said unto him, They have Moses in the prophet, Let them hear them. What is the Moses and the prophets? The word of God at that time? The Old Testament scriptures. They have Moses in the process. But you have the New Testament. You have the blazing sunshine of the love of God, the blazing sunshine of God. Wonders truth, are you going to reject it? They are Moses. And the problem here is reply, is sad reply.
May father Abraham? What does he mean by that? He means this, my friends. He means this.
When I was in that world, I did not believe the Old Testament. I didn't believe it, and neither do they. They will not receive the word of God. They won't have it.
I'm afraid tonight in America there's millions of followers of this man who says we will not have the word of God. We don't want the word of God. They have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them.
Nay, father Abraham, But as one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
And he said unto them, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though 1 rose from the dead. And in the 11Th chapter of John's Gospel, the Lord Jesus raised a man named Lazarus from the dead. Did they believe?
No, they said we will we will kill Lazarus because by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus. So even though 1 rose from the dead and later on.
This glorious, blessed, precious, wonderful Savior rose from the dead triumphant, and appeared to his disciples and held up his hands and said, behold my hands on my side. It is I myself.
Precious Savior, He rose from the dead. He burst the bonds of death.
And Christ the Rose, a mighty Savior, A glorious savior.
And praise God, He is my Savior. I stake my soul on the finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary. He's my savior. I ask you boys and girls. I ask you men and women, tonight, will you have my savior now? Right now on the chair. You sit there. Will you bow your head and say, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner. I'm guilty. I deserve to go to hell for eternity.
I fall into your arms of love. I come just as I am a poor guilty Sinner and he will receive you, for he loves you and he waits. Angel hosts their musing or this fight so strangely sad. God beseeching man refusing to be made forever glad Christ waits. The devil stands and sneers and says don't believe it.
Don't believe it, boys and girls.
You have got Christian mothers and fathers, you in the back rows that I ask you, Are you saved tonight? Are you on the Lord side or are you on the devil's side?
There are but 2 masters, the Lord, Jesus himself and the Devil. And there's not three, my friends. There's No 3 masters. There's only two Christ and the Devil, Heaven or Hell.
Whose side are you on? Where will you spend eternity? God says, Prepare to meet thy God. Now you must make your decision.
We cannot save you.
We do not contend the button haul you at the door.
We ask you and view a eternity. Will you bow your head and pray?
Will you say I'm guilty, I'm a Sinner, but I believe that Jesus died for my sins on the cross of Calvary.
Or I was so happy this past summer when we quoted before the close of the meeting, Romans 10 and 9 if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And believe in thy heart that God hath raised in the dead, thou shalt be saved.
And a little boy, he was a little follow up, but he was 13 years of age. He came to me after the meeting. I saw him walking back and forth at the back of the room. I suppose he was trying to get up courage, poor lad. He was trying to get up courage and God gave him the courage and he took me by the sleeve and he said Mr. Wakefield.
Jesus is my Lord is my Lord. Wasn't a blessed, that dear boy. I put my arm around them and I said, look, there were people standing all around us, but we didn't care. We were there in front of the Lord and we just bowed our heads together. And we said, Lord Jesus, thank you for giving this boy courage. And we phoned his mother and she said, oh thank God, When my boy was about six years old, he told me he trusted Jesus.
But he's never said it since. Thank God it is tonight, My dear friend, will you confess the Lord tonight? Will you meet me out in the hall and say Jesus is my Lord? He's my savior. May God grant it to be so for the glory of his blessed name.