
Listen from:
Gospel—M. Payette
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Could we open a meeting this evening by seeing together #66 in the back of the book?
Come hear the gospel sound, yet there is room it tells to all around, yet there is room. No guilty now drawn here, though vile You need not fear with joy you now may hear, Yet there is room number 66 in the back of the book.
I've never heard of his brother.
Is right.
Draw near, Lord, your dear heart here.
Red Cross, you're always here. I'm a hero.
He's crying your sculptures face.
Oh no, I'm hearing.
No, because I'm curious.
Oh, dreams are rashes. Come here. I hear this Christmas crush. Christian have some. Yeah.
Before we open the Word of God, let's have a word of prayer.
Our God and our Father, we thank you this evening once again for the privilege and opportunity of.
Telling forth the good news of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus. Father, we would thank you again for the gift of thy Son. And we thank you, Lord Jesus, for thy finished work. And we thank thee for the glorious message of the gospel. And we commend our time to thee, Father tonight. Owning our weakness, our dependence, but confident in thy desire to save tonight.
Anyone in this room without Christ. So we pray to you tonight that Thou would help us, and as we turn to Thy word, that Thou wouldst would bring us to mind the Scriptures, the thoughts that would come from Thee to stir us up and to reach our hearts and consciences. Father, we thank Eda has done this for so many of us and we're thankful. We pray that there might be a miracle of grace tonight in someone's soul. We ask it, Father, in the blessed name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I have some verses on my heart from the first chapter of Romans.
Romans chapter one.
But before we read from Romans chapter one.
As I was sitting quietly before the meeting, I brought to mind.
Some of the subjects we had this afternoon, thinking of Noah and the ark, you know.
And a little while back I made a little model at home. I took the measures from the scripture and I used ropes and pieces of wood for the corners. And I drilled holes. And I made according to the measure of the arc, a little model that I could just pull out and roll out and you would get dimensions there. And I made it to go along with a little plastic horse my daughter had. So I figured that this horse might have been six feet or something. And so I took that as my.
Measure, you might say, and I just multiplied everything to have this arc spread out and to put this little horse in there, you know, and our brother, I think Bob Tony was referring to the length of that arc and close to 500 feet. You know, there were three stories plus the, the basement of it, the recall, the underlying, the underlying of the ship there. And if you just looked at those proportions, you would see that was a huge ship and I'm sure literally thousands.
Thousands of creatures were in there.
But only 8 human beings.
There was lots of.
There was lots of room for many, many human beings in that boat.
The creator of the universe would have much rather saved human beings than just preserve some creatures to save the species.
And I was thinking of.
You know, Noah was 500 years old or something when he started bailing that boat, and he was 600 when the flood came.
And he had three sons, and Cam and Japheth, and they were married.
I don't know if they had any children.
I don't know if they had any young people.
I don't know.
Maybe they didn't. I hope they didn't.
But maybe they did.
That's nice.
We'll get it in a minute.
Imagine that they walked up to the ark before the door was closed and.
I hope you didn't have any children.
They might have had neighbors.
And people they worked with.
And I hope that the Spirit of Christ that worked in Noah worked in their souls too, and they had a good conscience, their testimony of telling others about impending judgment.
Because there was room when the door was shut.
And all those that were left behind, women, children, young people.
They all perished.
Now that ark had a limited space, you wouldn't fit millions of people in there.
But the salvation that God offers us in Christ.
There's room for all of mankind in there. There's room for everyone in this room and for everyone in this world.
If you'll have them. So let's read in Romans chapter one.
Verse 15.
So as much as in as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also, if I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Where is the power of God into salvation? To everyone that believeth, To the Jew 1St, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written, the just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth.
In unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God that showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made even in eternal power in Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
Excuse me?
Verse 21.
That when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were they thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncomfortable God into an image made like unto the corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts and creeping.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness.
To the rest of their own arts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. We change the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen. For this God. For this cause God gave them up and verse 28.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to rip a bit mind.
It's the beginning of Paul's exposition on the gospel.
And he is writing to believers, but he's expounding in his beginning chapters the condition of man before God.
You know, we're talking about the tier of evolution before there in the first meeting, I believe and you know.
The story of man, It starts with God.
Adam knew God, and so did he.
And so disable and chain their sons hear about God directly.
We spoke of Noah and his sons.
They were witnesses of the flood and the warnings of God and the building of the ark, and they came out.
In relationship with God when God smelt that sweet savor from the offerings at Noah Brock.
We all come from Noah and his sons.
That started with the knowledge of God.
There was a relationship with God.
Man wants to deny that.
But the history of man starts with God.
How does the story end?
Well, tell us some proverbs you know.
The fool say it in his heart.
There is no God.
Well, as long as he only says it in his heart. You and I don't know who the fools are.
But when they open their mouths and boldly say there is no God, you and I know they're fools.
It doesn't matter how humanly intelligent they are.
They are fools. According to God, there is a God. Man's history starts with God. God made man.
And man wants to deny his creator.
Well, God hasn't given up on us.
And he's given us the Lord Jesus. He came himself.
To prove who he was and to manifest his love to us and to offer us again reconciliation to himself. Now not by works of righteousness what we could do, but by the word performed by the Lord Jesus on that cross. When the apostle Paul says here verse 15, I'm ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.
This is surprising to me as I consider that as a young person in our family, I was brought up a Roman Catholic and my teaching all comes from Rome. It's from Rome and the teachings of Rome that I heard about the Lord Jesus. Not in a clear sense, as I accepted him as my Savior and I was 27, but I knew about him. I knew who he was as Bert and Bethlehem. But you know, even though I've been educated in Rome, if you like the picture, I needed to hear.
The Gospel.
A few years ago, before we had children, my wife and I, we had it, We bought a big dog from a breeder in Hemingford, Quebec. They were raising Saint Bernard dogs. And I had, I had a little truck and on my truck I had a little, a little verse in the window. It said what actually was Jesus saves. Are you saved? Wasn't a verse, but it was something to suggest a discussion, you know, or a question. And, and the lady there, Mrs. Lumson was her name. She's probably gone now. She looked at that.
And she was startled and she looked at me says that's a funny what it does to you. You know, Jesus saves. Are you saved? So I said to her, are you saved? Plus I'm a Baptist.
I said. You say I'm a Baptist. I tried three times. I'm a Baptist. I gave up.
But I don't believe she was saved. But she was a Baptist.
Montreal Many years ago that brethren had a permit to preach on a street corner and we used to go down and Saint Catherine St. a busy St. Quite a few of us give out tracks and the brother after another would give out the Gospel message.
I wasn't always wise and when I did that, but the Sunday evenings was a wise time to go but.
And that night I was on the corner and I would preach this French, but most of them were English speaking and I would preach in French. So my turn came and I started preaching the gospel. This man came along and he stopped and he listened and I, I finished what I had to say and I stepped aside and another brother came along and he said, I enjoyed what you said. You know, he says I'm a cutie. He was a priest from the Catholic Church. I said, oh, I said, do you know the Lord Jesus your savior says I'm a Curie from the Catholic priest. I'm a Catholic Church. I'm a priest. I said, do you know the Lord Jesus as your savior? I'm a Catholic priest.
He was a Catholic priest, but he wasn't saved.
And you know.
I hope that during their stay on the earth, these people, they met up with literature, contacts, people to stir them up, that the Spirit of God worked with them to bring them to faith in the Lord Jesus.
And I was thinking tonight, you know, preaching the gospel. So those that are at Rome, I was thinking tonight at this Bible conference, we were enjoying the Scriptures. And since this morning and looking at all these verses and most of you have Christian moms and dads and families and been exposed to the gospel many a time. Do you need to hear the gospel again?
If I ask you tonight, are you saved? Do you know the Lord Jesus your Savior?
Let me see, my mom and dad are in the meeting.
Do you know the Lord Jesus your Savior? I can tell you John 316 by heart and I'm seeing other verses.
You know the Lord Jesus, your Savior. I'm at the Lord's table. I break bread.
Nobody answers the question that way, you know.
Hasn't been working in the bookstore a few years ago or many years ago now. And I got on the phone with a customer phone. He was looking for a book or something. And I, he was a French fellow and I said, you know, Lord Jesus your savior. He says, brother, I'm going to spend the 1St 10,000 years in eternity kissing his feet.
So he knew the Lord Jesus, and we rejoice talking about Him, you know.
But you know, there's nothing I can say that I can do to make you believe in the Lord Jesus.
Only the Lord can do that. But as we read from the Scriptures, as you sit in these meetings, we just pray all of us who know him that you are known to, and it's not because mom and Dad are saved. You're brought up in a meeting. It's a wonderful thing. It's a wonderful privilege. And praise the Lord all He's preserved you from.
But you need personal faith in the Lord Jesus.
How about I check this afternoon? Said at referring to a little expression. God says it, I believe it, and that sells it. And he said we could say God says it and that sells it. And that's true, you know.
But that would leave me out if I was an unbeliever and God would not have you being left out tonight.
Says it and he says it. So you would believe it and be saved, and you would have it settled with God. God would have it settled right now.
There's room tonight.
And when the door is shut?
Probably will be some room still, but there will be no more time, no more time. And I feel in my soul, as many do, that the time is short. This might be the very last conference, the very last gospel meeting. The door of grace is soon coming to a close. God is so patient. He's describing in this chapter the behavior of Pagan men, and it now corresponds to what we see in Christian apostasized nations.
It's right there in our face.
Giving up the knowledge of God.
Adams descendant did.
You know, Cain, God mark Cain in mercy in Genesis chapter five or four is it he marked them in mercy. So he wouldn't he wouldn't be. It wouldn't be vengeance for the killing of Abel, but you read of Lamech.
Genesis chapter 4.
Verse 23. I believe he's the 7th from Cain.
Verse 23 And Lamech said unto his wives, he was polygamous. Ada and Zillah, hear my voice. Ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech, for I have slain a man to my wounded, my wounding.
And a young man to my heart.
King shall be Avenged Sevenfold truly. Lamech 70 and sevenfold.
Bruce said. We turn out of times to be like our parents, you know?
Let him make the seven from Cain.
He was a polygamous murderer. He was a bold polygamist murderer.
You listen to the news in this world.
There are bold polygamous murderers and they would kill in the name of God and say if they if they will be avenged if anybody touches them. This is on the earth that God has made. Be so patient.
But his patience has limits.
He's bearing with mankind.
Because of his long-suffering.
Because he cares. Because he cares for you tonight in this room.
The descendants of Noah, what did they do?
They lost the knowledge of God and they fell into idolatry, and God called Abraham to reveal himself to him.
We sit under the sound of God's Word.
We've had it for centuries, America, Canada and Europe.
Was noticing to some of the brethren this is a Christian facility. I haven't seen one verse of scripture on the walls here. I haven't seen one.
This is a Christian meeting place.
I should be shocked. You should be too.
So even the ones that roam, they need to hear the gospel, and the Baptists need to hear the gospel, and the brethren need to hear the gospel too. We need to hear about the Lord Jesus and you need to put your trust in Him. You can go to all the conferences you want.
But until you open your heart and believe what the Lord Jesus did for you on the cross, you're not going to be saved because he loves you. He loves me so much. He loves you so much that he became a man to die for you to shed his blood. So this free gift could be offered to you tonight, as it's been many times before perhaps. And she would say, Lord Jesus, I want you as my personal Savior.
We were driving down this young brother got two young brothers with me and that one of them had a little sort of a GPS device and he was putting it on a dashboard in the back and checking on his computer. He could tell us how many hours we had left and for the next turn and wonderful little devices. He said these satellites in heaven, they watch these little secure devices on the earth. They say, oh, there he is just going over there. Well, God, he knows where you are every moment of your life. And not only that.
He knows what you're thinking, he knows your behavior, and he knows tonight if you're one of his or not. I don't know.
We can all have nice outsides and know all the right answers and say the right things, but you can see right into your heart tonight. He doesn't need a GPS device.
And he liked to see tonight that in your heart you have the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior.
I like these initials. GPS, you know, God's perfect salvation.
God's personal salvation.
But I have a sorrowful one for you. A very sorrowful one for you is very solemn. I don't call it God's past salvation when the doors shut.
Just before meeting before supper, I was sitting here and there was just one little girl left in this room.
Just one little girl left. I'm happy she was just left behind because she was. Maybe she'd had supper already or something. And.
And a young child, I'm sure the younger ones the Lord's going to take, you know.
But there's an age of responsibility where you need to believe for yourself, you know?
And that's what we have in the verse here. It says verse 16. But I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. It is the power of God unto salvation to everyone.
That believe?
God is our powerful to save anyone, but you have to believe.
Imagine one of Noah's son. He looks at that boat and he says, boy, I spoke.
Nice work there. Like I did that part over there that's very nice here. And you just look at this boat, it's going to float, you know, and it doesn't matter how much rain comes, this thing is going to float.
And then the rain comes and he stayed outside.
It's going to float, all right, but he's going to drown.
It doesn't matter how much you know, you need to believe. You need to believe and receive the Lord as your own personal Savior.
Now you know, when we preach the gospel, we have to use words and we are failing creatures. We, you know, we have so much such limits. I don't know what words the Lord wants you to to hear. I'm just going to do my best. Here come the scripture to tell you about the Lord Jesus. But I would want to ask you tonight before you leave this room, don't leave this room tonight, please. I plead with you, if you're not saved, talk to somebody else, Ask questions, get persuaded.
And receive the Lord tonight.
I don't know how much time we have left, but I believe the Lord is coming so very soon and God is all power to save everyone.
How many are going to believe?
I have 3 little words I used sometimes as a gospel in an explanation.
One word is none and the other word is all, and the third word is many.
There is none righteous. No, not one. That's #0.
Nobody can meet God's standard and deserve entrance into heaven on the basis of His works. None at 0.
One man lived perfectly, and that's the Lord Jesus alone.
God manifest in flesh there's none righteous no, not 10 qualified for heaven.
The other verse says Romans 323.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. None are qualified to go to heaven. All are qualified for eternal punishment.
But many, many, many, many. How many is many? Well, I hope there will be more manis tonight.
Many can be any number. How many people are living on the face of this earth right now? 6 billion as many? Well, there's room for 6 billion people in the work of the Lord Jesus. There's room for 120 million people. There's no limit to how many people the Lord can save. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Many are going to be saved, and they're all going to be saved the same way.
By believing. By putting their trust in the Lord Jesus.
Well, it says to the Jew 1St and also to the Greek, as it says here to the Greek it really means those that were not Jews to the Gentiles.
And therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written, the just shall live by faith. Or we could read this this way. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed on the principle of faith for faith. God now has this wonderful salvation to anyone who believes. And you'll declare righteous any unrighteous one that comes to him through Christ on the basis of their faith in what the Lord Jesus has done.
On the cross of Calvary.
It's wonderful news.
We get these three in the book of Romans. Justified by faith, justified by grace.
And justified by blood.
Justified by grace.
Comes from the heart of God. Why would God care about these wicked creatures that curse his name and disobey Him and take pleasure in unrighteousness?
Is not because of what we are, what we are would provoke him to anger and wrath, but because of who he is in Greece. He offers reconciliation to himself. He offers to consider you and me righteous before him as if we'd never sinned. Anyone in this room tonight could have this standing before God. It's offered by his grace doesn't cost anything.
Justified by grace.
And then it says in the Romans chapter 5 being justified by His blood. Well, this is the basis of a righteous God to offer everyone here in this world to be reconciled to Him by the death of the Son, the value of the blood of the Lord Jesus that was shed on the cross of Calvary. He did shed His blood and God is satisfied with Jesus, and He would have you and me be satisfied too.
But in Romans 5 verse one says therefore being justified by faith.
That's how it comes to you and me. It's offered by God's grace. It's paid and merited for us by the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross.
But it's only yours if you believe it.
And if you do not believe it, you're making God powerless to save your soul. There is no other way. There is salvation in no other. God has no second offer for you. And if you will not believe the truth tonight, and you're left behind when the Lord comes, be sure you're going to believe. You're going to believe, but you're going to believe a lie.
You're going to believe that which is not true and bring unto you eternal damnation.
We're so responsible, you know.
Mankind is so responsible, Christian nations were so responsible for what God has committed to us, for what He's given us to know and that we have now chosen to forsake and to listen to lies. And that we don't have a major we just happen to become what we are because of billions and billions of years of little worms working in mud puddles and growing feet and finding how to talk and all these ridiculous ideas.
Makes nothing of God.
And man is a sum of creation. Not creation, but evolution. We're so smart. We evolved to say there's no God. We made ourselves out of little worms.
I got news for you, when you dial, the little worms come back.
And it's not a happy sight. It's a terrible thing. God will remind you and I, in the end you have to beat him. And if you're without Christ or what a terrible thing, well, it tells us here.
The righteousness of God revealed from faith on the principle of faith. For faith as it is written that just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God had showed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. You know, we can say, well, I know, I can understand Adam and Eve, they knew about God with the children. They decided that they didn't want to hear about it. And then their descendants, they just forgot about the knowledge of God.
Have my great great grandfather was no, he was in the art, but their sons, they just forgot about God and I never heard about God. We have all sorts of excuses like that, but this verse says doesn't matter that history doesn't matter because as you consider the things that are made, you're made responsible.
To consider in creation that this creation has a creator has another.
Are you computer fans? You know you work on these computers and you?
Oh, this is based on a little cold. It works wonders. You know, man is intelligent creature. He just thinks, and he got this computer code and he's worked at it for years. Now he's on the Internet and he does all sorts of pictures and video and incredible.
Rings during meetings too. They just, they're all over the place.
And they look at creation and the scientists will tell you about the genetic code. That's God's code to make the creatures work and the species and reproduce. Abbott It's wonderful. It just happened like that.
It's just that's a lie and we're fools enough to believe lies like that. There is no God and all this happened by chance is ridiculous. Well it says here they are without excuse.
A young person tonight, you see the trees, the birds, you see other human beings, you see the animals.
You are without excuse.
But more than this, you heard John 316 from my brother here this afternoon. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You are without excuse.
We are offering you tonight, you know, to look at the Lord Jesus on the cross, this man sent from heaven.
To prove who He was, to walk on this earth, to bless mankind with his mercies, deliver them from sickness, even death. And we spit in his face, and we hit him with our fish, and we denied we knew him.
We sold them for 30 pieces of silver. We all fled.
You see, I wasn't there. Had you been there, you would have been one of them, one of the traitors or the denier, or we would play a role.
As men far from God.
Who would have played our role there?
To mercy of God. I wasn't there. I would have done something stupid.
So you know, John 316, you're responsible.
We sit in these meetings, dear ones.
Little company of.
Weak human beings visited by God's grace, who know the Lord Jesus. And we open this book and you hear from it wonders and wonders and wonders of revelation.
What's going to be your excuse? Do you have an excuse tonight?
What are you going to tell God when you stand before Him?
If you ever stand before him without Christ.
What is going to be your plea?
It says without it I didn't know, I didn't understand, it wasn't in my language. He spoke too fast. The mic was off. What is going to be your excuse? There is no excuse. You will know all those things that were said that were true, those things that we could not show you because they're invisible. They can only be received by faith. They're all true and they're all going to come to pass. The Lord Jesus says the heaven and the earth will pass away, but my word shall not pass away.
These things that we speak about are sure and the ground that we stand on.
Let's read a verse in Acts chapter 4.
Verse 12.
We'll read 11 and 12/10. 11:12 be it known.
Unto you all X4 and 10, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom He crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him, that this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which has become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation.
Any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
We must be saved. You must be saved. It doesn't matter.
Where you're from, what your life has been, what you know, it does not matter. You must be safe. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And tonight you can be a forgiven Sinner if you receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
It says the enrollments that the wrath of God.
Is revealed from heaven.
There's one thing I'd like you to understand.
About the wrath of God.
That you would consider.
That after men.
Had mistreated the Lord Jesus, had hit him with their fists and scourged him and whipped Him, crowned him with a crown of thorns and crucified Him.
And derided him. And they watched him on the cross.
It tells us in the Scriptures that there were three hours of darkness, the end of which the Lord cried.
My God, my God, why Estelle forsaken me?
This was the very Son of God, the very same one who could walk on water, who could feed crowds of 5000 with five loaves and two fishes, could raise the dead. You could just say a word and that the armies would fall on their backs. This very same one, he's hanging there between heaven and earth.
And there was darkness over all the earth, and the wrath of God.
Against sin fell upon him who bore our sins in his own body on the tree He went through the forsaking of gods for your soul and mine.
Are you indifferent to that tonight?
You want to put that off receiving a gift of God for you? You want to put that off for another 5 minutes. It says in Hebrews. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?
This is what God has to offer us is the work of His Son to satisfy His righteousness to deal with this sin question. He led him there on the cross. He forsook the Lord Jesus for you and me.
And are you going to answer him?
I'm going to think about it.
Is that a satisfactory answer for God?
Not even I'll pray about it.
You should run right now into the arms of the Lord Jesus before, before the wrath of God that you would have been spared from because of His work for you falls on this guilty earth.
As I said before, we don't know how much time we have left. We have a little time this evening, but there's room.
There is room.
You know it says.
In First Thessalonians chapter 4, the Lord shall descend from heaven.
With a shout. And I was thinking of that, you know, thinking of the cry of the Lord Jesus on the cross when he said, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Well, momentarily he's going to come from heaven with a shout and it's going to be, I believe, a shout of joy and victory because he's going to come to fetch, to get to take to himself. How dose he paid for that he suffered for that he died for, that he shed his precious blood for he's going to have them all to himself forever and enjoy their enjoyment of all that he's done and all that he is. Oh, is there going to be a shout? Well, it might just be right now.
A shot from heaven and this room is going to be, I pray it's going to be empty.
That none will be left behind.
That all will be going to heaven because of the Lord Jesus and His finished work on the cross.
Because the wrath of God fell on him for me and for you and for you and for you and for all of us. Well, you have to answer that in your heart. I can't see in your heart tonight, but we're going to hear the shout any moment now. You know, God spoke the world into existence. Men don't believe that that's what happened. God said, and it was there. And when the very God that became man comes from heaven and he says the Word, it's going to happen.
Just like.
The dead in Christ are going to rise 1St and we that are living and remain. We are going to be changed and caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
Scientists would tell you that cannot happen physically.
Their satellites would tell you that heaven is so wide and it's got so many places and millions of kilometers and light years, and that's never going to happen.
Well, this little book here, which is the word of God says it's going to happen, and it says how it's going to happen and it's going to happen.
It's going to happen. The Lord is going to come from heaven and he's going to give that shout.
And I'm going.
Are you going?
Dear young people.
Full of energy.
Your minds developing, you go to school, you learn about mathematics and science and physics and you can work these computers. You know, my daughters do that all the time. Hardly can get on my keyboard. Can I have my computer please? There, there and chatting with these guys in Vancouver and overall their place, you know, just having a great time.
What do you think about what Mom and Dad have told you about the Lord Jesus?
You're growing up. You're becoming men and women. You want to think for yourselves.
You're going to go out there in the world and listen to what they have to say.
But they don't believe in the Lord Jesus, and most of them don't believe even there's a God. They don't believe it's going to happen like this.
But it is, and you have to decide, you know, you have to decide. And I trust you decide tonight. Who are you going to put your trust in that you would put tonight your trust in the Lord Jesus. Not because mom and dad believe in the Lord Jesus or most of your family believes in the Lord Jesus because you have a sound mind.
Have realized that you've thought, acted, said, and done things that are contrary to God's mind.
You might even be going on in your life now with things that are just pleasing to God. And maybe you're planning. Yeah, you've got to set these things right.
There's good intentions, you know.
Proverb in French says the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The devil is not going to let you put that into practice. You know good intentions. You're going to be distracted, you're going to have friends, you're going to have other people around you to keep you away from deciding for Christ tonight.
And making him Lord of your life.
You wonder what the world looked like when Noah built the ark, you know, been 1800 years or something and I'd have to check if 1600 years of human development, you know.
Men were not less intelligent. Perhaps they had less means and less, perhaps they had all sorts of other things, you know.
They had been applying their minds and God-given intelligence to better their environment, but they were going into more and more wickedness.
And maybe someone knows young people, you know?
I don't know.
Quite interesting.
In the world of those days.
You know how Lord? His wife turned around, and she looked at the desolation she was changing to a statue of salt.
It happened. A flood came.
And it took the mall away.
All these pleasures that are offered you.
All this false happiness and joy, it's all going to disappear, you know?
And you're going to be left without happiness.
Into a lost eternity if you neglect God's salvation.
Don't be like that, dear ones.
You can be a man tonight, you say. I'm going to decide for myself.
I'm going to decide for Christ tonight. I'm going to believe in a man who died on Caravan because he loved me. Nobody ever loved me like that, but he does love me like that, and he loves you just like he loves me. There's no limit to his love.
And he's worth living for. He thought you were worth dying for. And he's worth living for.
Well, just a few more verses.
First Timothy, Chapter One.
Verse 15.
This is all we can do. You know in Gospel meetings is present the Lord Jesus and scriptures that refer to that wonderful salvation God is offering you.
It's your decision. It's your heart, it's your conscience, it's your soul, it's your eternity. Who would want you to be less than happy forever? But it's your decision tonight. You know, first Timothy, chapter one, verse 15, here's a man saying this. The apostle Paul, he was a terrible man, you know.
Not that he was ungodly and moral sin or anything like that. He was a religious fanatic.
He was, and he wanted to kill the Christians. He wanted men, women, older, it didn't matter, brought to Jerusalem and punished. He wanted them dead because they trusted in Christ and God in his mercy, visited that man, stopped them in his tracks on the way to Damascus.
And Paul became a believer in the Lord Jesus and rather than take believers life, he would spend the rest of his life and give his own life if he could for those very believers. He was persecuted. God did that for the apostle Paul. Verse 15. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And I can tell you there are many, many, many sinners who have been saved because the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.
But you know, all of mankind is qualified, we're all sinners, and He could save by His work all the sinners in the world, if they would all believe individually. God says it, that settles it. But I'm not going to get the blessing unless I believe it myself.
And your parcel, Paul says right there he came into the world to save sinners. Of who am I am, chief?
We could think and he said I'm a living example.
I was a real Sinner and he saved me.
And he loved the Lord Jesus back. He would say, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Can you say that tonight? What I can tell you, the Lord Jesus loves you.
And he gave himself for you, but when you believe, you can say it for yourself.
The Son of God who loved me. Why? This is a good question.
Why would he love you?
Why would he love me?
Why would you love the Apostle Paul?
What was there in the apostle Paul that drew the love of the Lord Jesus to him?
Did the Lord look from heaven and say, oh, he's such a conscientious man?
Persecuting those Christians, Oh, God didn't take pleasure. Now he did touch it. He touches.
My eye and the other word goes in English but the inside of his eyes, like if you put his finger in God's eye.
Was there anything in the apostle Paul to draw God's love? No.
Was there anything in me? No.
Anything in you? Nope.
God is.
And he sheds his love, offers his love, gives out his love. God so love the world. Everybody's included. He's so loved the world.
Want him to prove it? He's proven it already. God commends or proves his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
The Epistles of the Hebrews is a man there It says chapter 10. I believe it says he that despise it. The law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
There's a man in numbers.
You went out in the morning.
Maybe you wanted to have your eggs for breakfast or something, so he gathered some wood on the Sabbath day.
And he brought that home and he got caught gathering wood on the Sabbath day. And they brought him to Moses says we caught this guy not allowed to carry wood on the Sabbath day. The law said you can do that, what do we do? But Moses didn't know what to do. He inquired of the Lord.
There were two or three witnesses. He had broken the law. You know what God said to do to this man who picked up pieces of wood on the Sabbath day? Maybe he had kids. Maybe that's why he got the wood for the kids and the wife so she could make the breakfast. He had neighbors and friends.
Maybe he was in his twenty or something, I don't know.
But God said to Moses that are the congregation of Israel was to stone this man.
And he was stomped.
Why he was stoned?
Because he picked up some sticks.
On a Sabbath day and God said no.
But then in Hebrews, the apostle goes on, it says, let's read that verse Hebrews chapter 10.
Verse 28.
He that despise it, Moses Law.
Died without mercy under two or three witnesses.
You think the guy robbed the bank, he murdered his neighbor, or he committed adultery?
Say hey, he got stoned for that.
Well, the law also said not to work on the Sabbath day.
And he was stoned.
For disobeying the law of God on the deposition, disposition or the testimony of two or three witnesses, Let's go on and says how much?
Punishments suppose ye, shall he be the worthy who had trodden under foot?
The Son of God.
The very Son of God.
Who became a man specifically to die and specifically to die for you, and specifically to offer you to trust in him and be forgiven your sins.
What will be the sore punishment?
Be castaway from God forever.
We've been waiting and gnashing Antique.
I should have listened.
I should have believed.
I should have stopped thinking of my friend and what people are going to say and the consequences in my life. I should have received the Lord as my Savior is too late. It's not too late tonight there. Once our time is almost up tonight you can bow your head in prayer. Ask him in your own words, ask Him to be your Savior, say Lord Jesus.
I believe you're the Son of God. You came to thine cross to save sinners. I'm a Sinner.
And I want you to see me when you do that tonight. Will you receive Him as your Savior? That's what He wants. He's not expecting anything else from you. God has given up the Reformation of human mankind. He's given up on mankind, hasn't given up on individuals, but He's given up on mankind. It's not going to come to a happy ending. It's going to fall under God's judgment. But God is looking for individuals tonight, individuals who will believe the good news that He has paid so much at such a price to offer you to the death of His Son.
Will you have him tonight or we plead with you? Don't leave this room unless you have Christ as your personal Savior. Let's bow our heads.
Our God and Father, we just thank you once again. We just own the weaknesses of our words, but we just thank you for Thy word above all, for the Lord Jesus and for his finished work on the cross, and for thy long-suffering and patience over this world with each one of us. We thank thee for those of us who come to know Thee, Lord Jesus, and how does this work in our lives and have us hear the gospel and bring us to thyself. We just thank you for this. And we would long tonight, our Father, that all in this room that any of us without Christ might be stirred in his Spirit, might talk to someone, might address a prayer to Thee tonight.
Dear Lord Jesus, and ask you to become their own personal Savior. So we ask thee, Father, these things with confidence. Thank you for Thy precious word and for the liberty we have to speak of these things in this land. And we commend ourselves and each one to thee, Father, and the blessed and precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.