
Listen from:
Gospel—M. Payette
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You open our meeting by singing together number six.
God in mercy sent his Son to a world by sin undone. Jesus Christ was crucified, was for sinners. Jesus died for the glory of the grace shining in the Savior's face, telling sinners from above. God is light and God is love. Number six, someone started for me, please.
All over the world.
Before we open the Bible together, we're going to have a word of prayer.
Our God and our Father, we thank you this evening. We can sing of such a one.
Our Lord Jesus that has made us know Thee now as God of light and God of love. We just thank Thee, Father, for sending the Lord Jesus into the world and for sending out Thy Spirit to tell us about Him and to give us Thy word to testify of him. And we pray, Father, tonight as we read from Thy holy book the Scriptures, that they might be blessing to each one in this room. We know Thou did send my Son to be the Savior of the world, and we thank Thee for many in this world that are now saved to trusting in Him.
We pray Thee tonight for those especially in this room, not tonight. Everyone in this room might leave tonight save knowing their sins are forgiven and that they've accepted Thy gift of love. Father, and I've been and presented with the awful consequence of neglecting such an offer from Thee. We pray Thy health as we turn to Thy word tonight, Father, we ask it with Thanksgiving in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
In our hymn we had God is light and God is love, and I'd like to turn to a verse in the Gospel of John to speak a bit on these two attributes. I might say of God not only attributes but his very substance. You might say God is light and God is love, but in John's Gospel chapter one.
And verse 17.
It says there.
For the law was given by Moses.
But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Well, you know, that law that had come to the people of God in the Old Testament through Moses really came from God, didn't it? God had spoken to Moses, but he was the one through whom he gave the law. So the law came by Moses. And what did the law do? Well, the law. There were commandments in the law of many things that.
Should not be done.
There were commandments of God pertaining to His Holiness, and we would.
Just connect that in our mind for a moment with that character of light. God is light and in Him is no darkness.
At all. Now, if there's darkness in your heart, if there's sin in your heart or mind, well, the light of God shines there and says that's not right. And the law did that. The law told us something of God's character of holiness and righteousness. And Allah manifests things that shouldn't be done. Lying, cheating, coveting, all sorts of things that men carry on with day after day. There were commandments pertaining to their relationship with God.
And commandments pertaining to their relationships with one another. And that was given by Moses. But you know that law that was given by Moses in the Old Testament, it was like a contract God gave to his people. And God said, if you keep that, those commandments, you're going to live.
But if you disobey those commands, you're going to die.
In fact, what the law said that if you didn't keep all these commandments, you were going to be accursed.
You're going to be made a curse because that's what the law did with somebody that broke it. He was under the curse. And you know, it's a terrible thing to consider, but no one ever saved the Lord. Jesus perfectly kept the law of Moses.
If the law was to test you, was to test me, was to test Moses or any other man that ever lived on the face of the earth.
They would find that law would find them guilty of disobeying God. So that includes you and that includes me.
But this verse says more the law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, that very God who is perfect holiness and light is also perfect love. And he has sent 1 into the world, the Lord Jesus to take care for you and I of the fact that we couldn't keep the law because we have a problem that's called sin because we're sinners. And I'd like to look with you tonight in the word of God. We're going to look in the Old Testament for a few scriptures there and see.
Some of the things that were done and the consequences for these people of what they did.
And tonight, you know God would call every boy and girl here and every adult to do one thing. This is why we have gospel meetings, because God wants you to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and to be safe. He wants you to know that He loves you and He wants to forgive you. He wants to wash your sins away in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. And everyone in this room tonight, you can leave this room tonight on your way to heaven. You might not be sure of it because you don't know all the scriptures, but you can be on your way to heaven tonight if you'll.
Listen to the offer of God and do what He says. And I know many of you boys and girls and older ones too, you've heard the gospel many times.
But I can't be sure that everyone of you that have heard it many times.
I've obeyed the Gospel.
And perhaps you're hearing it for the first time. Well, you can be ahead of a lot of people tonight just by believing the gospel when you hear it.
First time I just like to turn to a verse in Matthew's Gospel chapter 21 before we go in the Old Testament.
Matthew Gospel, chapter 21.
And verse 28.
Matthew 21 and 28.
But what think ye?
A certain man had two sons, and he came to the 1St and said.
Son, go work today in my vineyard.
And he answered and said.
I will not.
But afterwards, afterward he repented and went.
And he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, Sir.
And went not.
Whether of them twain did the will of his father, they said unto him.
The first Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that the public hands and the harlots go into the Kingdom of God.
Before you.
Well, you know, when the Lord Jesus was here, there were many people there that were religious and they had the law of Moses and they were kind of of resting on their knowledge of the law of Moses. And they, it's like I said, they said to, to God, yes, yes, we're going to do what what you want us to do, but they didn't do it.
And the others they disobeyed. Like the publicans and the harlots, they disobeyed God, but when they heard his voice, they obeyed.
Many people have heard this verse before. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And many have obeyed that verse and have been saved by the power of God.
And many said, I'll do that. Yeah, I'm going to believe.
I'm going to believe, maybe later tonight, maybe tomorrow, I'm going to think it over. And they haven't.
They haven't yet. Well, you know this son that said I won't.
Perhaps many of you have said no to the Lord. You've put it off this one. He had a change of heart. He had a change of heart and he went and he did the will of his father. For the prayer of many in this room tonight is that you would have tonight a change of heart. If you haven't had it yet, you'd have a change of heart.
We long for you to have that change of heart tonight.
And perhaps many of you say, oh, yes, yeah, I believe. Oh, yes, I believe. But you've never, never trusted in your heart the Lord Jesus. You know, the answers to Sunday school questions. You can recite verses perhaps, but you've never accepted the Lord in your heart. And perhaps there are those things in your life that God sees, you know aren't pleasing to the Lord and you like to get rid of them. You're not happy with yourself.
But what you need tonight, dear ones, is to do like this one. That said, I won't. And he had a change of heart.
Our desire tonight is for you to have a change of heart and to believe the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I trust that before the evening is over that every boy and girl here, an older one too, you'll have a change of heart if you haven't had it yet. And you say to God our Father, yes, I accept your Son as my Savior.
And as my Lord, well, let's go in the Old Testament and we'll see some of the things that happened under the law of Moses. You know, these are in the Old Testament. And I don't want anybody here to be afraid of God because we're reading in the Old Testament, because the Old Testament, you might say God just showing part of himself.
He's showing himself as a holy God who hates sin. He hates sin.
You'll never hate sin like God hates sin. He hates small sins and big sins. He hates all sins, but he loves the Sinner. And in the Old Testament you perhaps can't see that much of his love to sinners, but you'll see how much he hates sin.
Let's look in the book of Leviticus, chapter 24.
Leviticus 24 and the 10th verse.
And the son of an Israelite, Israelite Israelitish woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel. And this son of the Israelites woman and the man of Israel strove together in the camp. And the Israeliteish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord and cursed, and they brought him unto Moses. And his mother's name was Shalomith, the daughter of Debris of the tribe of Dan.
And they put him in ward, that the mind of the Lord might be showed them.
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Bring forth him that had cursed without the camp, and let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him, that thou shall speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoever cursed his God shall bear his sin, and he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death.
And all the congregation shall certainly stone him.
As well as stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord shall be put to death. And verse 23. And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with stones. And the children of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses.
Well, here was a man under the law of Moses.
And his sin.
Was he sinned in Word?
He opened his mouth and he said something he shouldn't have said.
Have you ever said something you shouldn't have said?
Perhaps you've even blasphemed the name of the Lord. I have, before I knew Him.
Precious name indeed.
I'm here today because I'm not under the law of Moses.
And God has saved my soul and He's forgiven me. I had a change of heart about that and I wouldn't want to blasphemy his name anymore. But he ever blasphemed his name.
What about a sin in Word and telling somebody you don't like too much has been mean to you? Stupid.
That's the current word, isn't it?
The Lord said if you call your brother Raqqa, you deserve to be punished by the Sanhedrin. Calling your brother stupid, there's a word.
Are there foolish words that ever come out of your mouth?
He says it's pretty serious, just a one word.
You think if you were that man in the Old Testament?
And you could playback that part of your life. You might shut your mouth.
Wouldn't you? I would. Am I thinking in my heart? But if I'm going to get stoned to death for one curse, I'm going to shut up.
Do you think people in this world are shutting up?
They blasphemy the name of the Lord, probably in every language on the face of the earth, and God is patient with them. And they insult each other and throw insults at each other, and their mouths are full of wickedness, and God is patient with them.
He's showing us here what's going to happen to not only the Israelites, one who had a father that was an Egyptian, he was half Jew, you might say to that stranger. And all the inhabitants of this hurt are going to stand before this righteous God and give an account of themselves and every word that they said. I wouldn't want to stand before God and give an account of a word that I said if I didn't know the Lord Jesus my Savior, and that he was punished in my stead.
And he hung on a cross in my stead, and God poured out his wrath against me on him.
Instead of me.
It's a wonderful thing, you know.
Anybody here never been guilty of doing something wrong, saying something wrong with their mouth? I don't think there's too many of us.
Let's look in numbers as the next book over Chapter 15.
Numbers 15 and verse 32. Remember when the Old Testament God is giving us an appreciation of His Holiness.
And what he requires that we obey him absolutely.
Numbers chapter 15, verse 32.
And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found the man that gathered sticks upon the Sabbath day.
And then I found them gathering sticks, brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and all the congregation.
And they put him in ward because it was not declared what should be done to him.
And the Lord said unto Moses.
The man shall surely, shall be surely put to death. All the congregations shall stone him with stones without the camp, and all the congregation brought him without the cap, and stoned them with stones, and he died as the Lord commanded Moses.
This man, he didn't curse somebody else.
He didn't do any harm to any of his neighbors.
All he did was pick up some sticks on the wrong date.
You weren't allowed to pick up wood on the Sabbath day or do any kind of work. Maybe he was tired on the Friday.
Didn't have time to pick up the wood he needed to cook his hand and his eggs.
So maybe he got up early in the morning and says nobody will know, I want to have breakfast. And he went around and he gathered these sticks and he got caught gathering sticks on the Sabbath day.
And what happened to him?
If I was a Jew in the Old Testament, I'd tell you I'm going to sleep in Saturday morning.
I'm not going to go out gathering sticks. It's dangerous.
You see, is God foolish to punish someone for that? No. He's telling you. He's telling me that he's a holy God and he cannot make an exception for sin. He has to punish sin. This might have been a father with children. It doesn't matter. He disobeyed God. Did God care about this man? Of course he did. He cared about the one that had cursed his name. He cared about him too. He cares about each one of us. But he can't change himself. He's a holy God, and he has to punish him.
I'm convinced of that when I read this. He has to punish it and I'm sure you know this is how they.
Passed the judgment in Israel. They picked up stones. The people, the whole congregation, they had to pick up stones and they literally were the murderers of this man.
So you might want to know, you know, somebody said today, boys outside, no throwing stones. Well, God says here to his people now you're going to throw stones. You're not going to throw it on cars or windows. You're going to throw it on this person there. Why do I have to do that? Because he cursed the name of the Lord.
Because he picked up wood on the Sabbath day.
Because he told a lie. Because he coveted Because. Because. Because.
If I applied the law to you and to me, we'd all be found guilty before God.
These were found guilty. You say there was. These are small things, small things, big things. No difference with God. You're guilty and without hope in this world and this is your standing before God. The law of Moses. We're talking this afternoon about the synagogue of Satan. People believe they can present themselves to God and say, look at me, I'm clean, never said anything wrong. You just said something wrong right there. You're just told a lie. That's what God says. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
That's you and that's me, and if you want to stay that way.
If tonight you want to leave this room as a Sinner, guilty before God, I can only pray for you.
The terrible things that fall into the hands of the living God. I don't want to fall in his hands that way. Somebody else fell in his hands for me. Somebody else fell in God's hands for you. And ask the Lord Jesus, will you have him tonight?
God would want you tonight to realize that you've been bad. Some of you have been worse than others, but you've all been bad. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And tonight God says it's time for you to change your mind. It's time for you to repent, to realize that before me, you can't stand before me the way you are if you don't have the Lord Jesus your Savior. And if you have him as your Savior, you can stand in my presence as close as you want forever, because the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us.
From all sins.
Now let go to the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 21.
Deuteronomy 21.
Verse 18.
Deuteronomy 2118 if a man have a stubborn.
And rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him, chastened him, will not hearken unto them.
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city and unto the gate of his place, and they shall say unto the elders of his city. This our son is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey our voice.
He is a glutton.
And a drunkard.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he died.
So shalt thou put evil away from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear.
What can I say?
Have you read these verses here?
You know, it says of the man that cursed the name of the Lord that they stoned him.
And it says of the man that picked up those sticks that they stoned him.
But it doesn't say of any sun ever being delivered this way.
And being stoned.
The description of the situation, but you don't read of the actual father and mother bringing their son and saying this our son.
You won't do what we say.
Children of greater parents. Did God mean it in the Old Testament?
For sure meant it.
Remember that son in Matthew's Gospel chapter 21, the Father said go and do this. What did he say?
I won't.
Should read Deuteronomy 21 before you say I won't to your mom and dad.
But praise the Lord, he had a change of heart.
And then he went, and he did, and the will of his father.
God your Father, tonight he has a will for you, and His will is that you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
You say I won't.
You young people having a good time sometimes out in the world, it seems to me from what Mark was saying, partaking of some of those little pleasures, playing around with things that can ruin your life.
Now the Lord has been gracious to me. He's opened the door in a center right by where I live. It's really the Lord opened the door, you know, He's the one that opens, the one that shuts.
And every Wednesday night, I meet with men. Some are in their 50s, some in their 40s, some in their 30s. Ruin lives. Ruin marriages and families, Ruined businesses. And you know why?
Because they thought they were smarter than the Lord, smarter than the devil. They're going to play his game and try and win. And they tried drugs, alcohol, gambling.
And he got caught in there.
You don't start it, you're going to not going to end up in that situation. But I warn you, I warn you, if you start it, there's no guarantee you're going to be able to give it up or get out of it. God says don't touch those things.
I'm sure your mom and dad say don't touch those things.
You're going to obey.
But if you're a wise young man, a wise judge, I'm going to obey.
And Dad like to walk down the street and have to pick up stones to have your son slain because he's stubborn and rebellious.
I don't think too many moms and dads would deliver their sons this way, but I want to tell you we're going to read the next verse in this chapter.
And I want you to read that verse and to think of another son. Not the rebellious and stubborn son, but another son. Let's read in verse 22.
And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be put to death, and thou hang him on the tree, his body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt any wise bury him that day. For he that is hanged is accursed of God, and thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. You know in this very book, in this very portion, a Spirit of God records to us the judgment of a man.
That has committed a sin worthy of death to be hanged on a tree.
Who is that Speaking of? Well, certainly not the Lord Jesus that was guilty of sin, but he's the one that was hung on a tree. I made a curse for you and me. Why is that? It's because you and I have committed a sin worthy of death. You and I, boys and girls, older ones, were guilty before God of having done things that would cause us to be separated from him forever and be punished forever. And he won't give you that. And tonight he said, I don't want to give you that.
If you insist, you're going to have it. But tonight, what I want to give you is my son.
We're not going to walk down the street and pick up stones to slay a boy, somebody elses boy. You're going to walk with me along the way to Calvary and watch my son the Lord Jesus, the one who never said anything wrong, the one who perfectly kept the law of God. He wasn't rebel or stubborn. He was obedient and perfect and everything. A loving person that helped everybody he met up with saved. Those Pharisees that were hypocrites, the light of the Lord Jesus would manifest them.
And he's walking there down that aisle into the Mount Calvary with a cross on his back, and he's been whipped on his back and he has a crown of thorns on his head, and they're mocking him. Who is that? That's the Son of God. That's the one God our Father sent for you and sent for me and sent for these one that perished in the Old Testament because of their sins, that they would trust in God. Tonight, my friend, God wants you to walk with him on the way to Calvary and to see on that center cross the one that was hanging there.
That had never done anything to deserve to be there.
Do you know why he's there? So Dave, you know why he's there. He's there for you. He's there for me. He's there for many of us in this room tonight. Is he there for you?
You ever said anything wrong? Never thought anything wrong? Ever did anything wrong? Yes, he's there for you. Will you have them?
Will you say tonight to God a Father? I won't.
Well, change your heart tonight.
Maybe you've said I won't in the past. Why don't you say right now, Lord?
I will right now.
Now if you get saved because you're afraid I'm going to hell, well, you get saved. It's wonderful if you're drawn to God because you realize how much He loves you, because He does love you. That's why he gave his Son for you. And that's why I trust no. No father or mother ever delivered their boy this way to be slain because they loved her boy.
Parents who you love, your children, you wouldn't give up your children that way. They're bad. You pray for them. You know many of you have been bad and some of you are still going on badly and we pray for you.
We don't want you to be stoned.
We want you to know this one who was the perfect son and was delivered up for you and for me.
Well, let's look in the in the New Testament for a moment. John's Gospel chapter.
Eight, I believe.
John's Gospel, chapter 8.
Verse one Jesus went into the Mount of Olives, and early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him, and he sat down and taught them.
And the scribes and Pharisees, these are religious people.
They brought unto him a woman taken in adultery.
And when they had set her in the midst, they said unto him, Master.
This woman was taken in adultery in a very act.
Now Moses in the Law commanded us.
That such should be stoned.
Well, the law came by Moses.
And that's what the law said.
But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Is one that's true. He's perfect. Like some of the questions he could have asked them is where's the other party?
We're missing some evidence here. They were partially being righteous righteousness for others. They have to be righteous. Oh, that's not right. You're not allowed to do that. You gotta do that.
I have excuses, I have all sorts of reasons for my sin.
That's the way we are naturally, and religious people are the worst.
And wanting to prove the Lord no better than Moses. Oh, what did the Lord say? Let's go out there and stone this, this woman. Is that what he said? Is that what the Lord Jesus says? The guilty Sinner, you've sinned, you've disobeyed. Let's go and stone them. Is that what the Lord Jesus says? Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, not to condemn them. And tonight, my friend, we want you to know this one whom this woman met up with. And perhaps dire circumstances, she might have lost her life that way.
But it says here verse 5.
And most in the law commanded us that such should be stone. What sayest thou? And they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted himself up, or lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you.
Let him cast. Let him first cast a stone to her.
You see, in the Old Testament, God was vindicating his righteousness and He was having one punished. Many should have been punished, but one was being punished and everybody else was taking heed. And we're going to be careful as how they live. We didn't bring them everyone for their acts into judgment. But those were examples He set before them.
So he rolled on the ground and he says OK, first one here, who doesn't have a sin? Pick up a stone and Stoner.
And again he stooped down and rode on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning, beginning at the eldest until the last. And Jesus was left alone. And the woman standing in the midst, the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those dying accusers?
Hath no man condemned thee?
The accusers were all gone because they were all guilty themselves of different things. They're all gone. No more accusers. You know there's only one true accuser.
And God is the one that can accuse you, but he doesn't want to accuse you. He doesn't want to condemn you. The only one that had no sin there that could have picked up a stone is the Lord Jesus.
Did he pick up a stone? What did he say?
She said No man, Lord and Jesus under her, neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin no more.
Which she condemned. Did God approve of what she had done? No, God didn't approve in the Old Testament. God doesn't approve in the New Testament. But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. And this woman's sin, she met up with the Lord Jesus. He'd come in his sin worthy of death. That would make her liable to be cast away from God's presence forever and to everlasting punishment. But she met up with the Lord Jesus. And I believe if she put her trust in the Lord Jesus.
And when the Lord Jesus hung on that cross and was made sin for us, he bore our sins in his own body on the tree. He bore the sins of this woman also, and he bore the sins of every boy and girl, an older one too, that are going to be in heaven forever. And He hasn't borne your sins in his own body on the tree. You're not going to be in heaven forever. You're going to be somewhere else forever. And we don't want that. I want you to notice here the Lord Jesus. I just takes a beautiful picture in John's gospel.
You know in the Old Testament when God gave the law of Moses, it tells us in Deuteronomy.
That God was writing with his finger on the earth. He wrote the law with his own fingers. And God wrote those commandments for Moses on the stones. He wrote it with his own hand.
And here we have in John's Gospel chapter 8, the Lord Jesus, the very same God in the form of man. He's writing on the ground with his finger.
And in the Old Testament, you know, God had to do that twice because the first set of law that Moses brought into the camp, he had to throw to the ground and break them. He had to go back again and God had to write them over a second time. And in our chapter we see the Lord Jesus twice. He kneels down and he writes with his finger on the ground.
That's God riding on the earth with his finger. And I don't know what he wrote, but I've enjoyed the thought that if he had written something from the law to touch these men's consciences, just like in the Old Testament, he had to repeat twice what he had written in the Old Testament. In the New Testament twice he writes on the ground. And I suggest to you just that thought that if he'd been writing the law, they would have seen in the law from the eldest to the youngest, those commandments that they had missed in their own lives. And nobody was sinless to pick up a stone and say I'm righteous according to God's standard.
Our righteous save those that are washed in their precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, just one last thought in James, in the book of James.
Chapter 2.
Verse 10.
What does it say here? For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, that means he's almost kept the whole law.
Because he kept it perfectly, it wouldn't offend in one point, but he kept the whole law, saved that one point that he missed.
And yet often in one point, he is guilty of all.
No difference. For he that said Do not commit adultery said also Do not kill. Now if thou committed no adultery, yet if thou killed, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
So some kills, some commit adultery, some lie, some cheat, some covet in their hearts, one way or another disobeyed the law of God. Yet God and His Holiness, he's not going to change one iota of his law, but what he's provided is a savior for guilty ones. This woman was guilty. She was spared. And tonight, I don't know what you're guilty of, but in your standing before God, you're guilty before him and you'll have no excuse. And God says tonight you trust in the Lord Jesus, and I'm going to forgive you everything.
Trust in the Lord Jesus tonight. John chapter 3 and verse 16. Just a person closing.
You know, in the Old Testament, when that man was caught cursing, he had an Egyptian father. But it says there that even a stranger didn't matter. They were going to be judged by the same standard. And it doesn't matter if you had received the Law of Moses or not. Every man on the face of this earth is going to stand before a righteous God and going to be judged according to his responsibility before God. And it says in Romans chapter 3 that the whole world be found guilty.
Before God.
So you can know tonight.
Younger one, older one. You want another verdict? When you stand before God tonight, you can know ahead of time.
Either tonight you're saved on your way to heaven, or when you stand before God, you're going to be declared guilty.
Unless you believe this verse, John 316 For God so loved the world. He loved the Jew, He loves the Americans, the Canadians, the Dominicans. He loves everyone on the face of this earth.
He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, the one that wasn't rebellious or stubborn, obedient in all things.
Always did those things that pleased the father he gave him.
That whosoever.
Believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life, Oh dear one tonight. I know many of you have heard this verse many times. Would you believe it tonight and make it your own?
God hearing from your heart tonight, I won't.
Oh, we pray if you haven't had a change of heart like that sun in Matthew 21, that tonight you change your mind.
You're about to face and say I will tonight. I will trust the Lord Jesus and my Savior. I know God is a God of love and a God of light and he cannot look lightly on sin. He has to punish sin. Either He punishes me or he punishes the Lord Jesus for me. Well, I chose that. He punished the Lord Jesus for me. He helped me to choose. He gave me faith to believe. He had me heard the gospel. You're hearing it tonight.
Did he die for you?
Did he pay for you or you want to pay things for yourself?
Just bow our heads.
Our God and our Father, we thank You for Thy great love. Thou did so love the world that Thou didst give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We just thank thee, Father, for so many in this room, that Thou is saved at such a cost to Thee of delivering Him up for us all, having him bear our sins in His own body on the three, striking Him and our stead, making him a curse for us, having all those waves and billows of Thy judgment pass on Him and fall on Him, and come into His holy and righteous soul. Father, we thank Thee.
And we pray thee for every boy and girl and older one here tonight that we would just be serious about these things and that if we haven't done it yet, we just come to thee, Lord, and say, Lord Jesus, save me. I want to believe in thee. I'm guilty. I've done things that I shouldn't have done. But we want the Father to help us produce that change in our hearts that tonight would be on our way to heaven and be saved from that lost eternity. We thank thee, Father, it's thy desire. We thank you for thy word, blessed Savior, for that groaning on the cross for us and for thy life for us at the Father's right hand, we ask these things. Father, we thank thee.
And is worthy and precious name. Amen.