
Listen from:
Gospel—R. Thonney
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#23 on our hymn sheets this evening to begin the meeting.
Behold, behold the Lamb of God on the cross for us. He shed his precious blood on the cross. Oh, hear the overwhelming cry.
Eli Lama, Sabachthani Dronier and See the Savior Die on the cross.
See, see his arms extended wide on the cross, Behold his bleeding hands and sighed on the cross. The sun withholds his rays of light. The heavens are clothed in shades of night, While Jesus wins the glorious fight.
On the cross #23.
Behold, behold the Lamb of God.
On the cross.
On the cross.
For us, seashell is precious blood.
On the cross.
On the cross.
Oh, they are.
See. See, his heart extended.
On the ground.
On the cross.
And that's all.
Pray gracious God our Father, we're thankful for our Lord Jesus.
That glorious Savior, that one who came from Thy side in the glory to redeem us, to pay that awful price that we owed.
And Father, tonight we're here with the specific purpose of speaking the gospel. We're not sure exactly who in this room is truly a believer and who is not, but we know that everyone stands before thy presence, naked and open, exposed before thine eye and.
We do pray that tonight as we open thy word.
That's such a soul that is not yet ready to meet Thee. Blessed God, our Father will be brought to the feet of the Lord Jesus. We ask that Thy Spirit may have liberty in taking Thy word and pressing it home to the souls of those who are lost. We ask Thy blessing Father, not only in this place, but wherever that glorious message is preached in this world tonight.
Make it a blessing to lost souls. We pray in that most worthy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
Sing one more song #34.
Precious, precious blood of Jesus.
Shed on Calvary, Shed for rebels and for sinners.
Shed for me tonight I'd like to speak about redemption.
And the word redemption.
Perhaps we can say two thoughts connected with it #1.
A price that must be paid and 2nd.
The power to set free.
And so.
The price that has been paid for redemption.
Is what we're seeing about in this hymn Precious, Precious Blood of Jesus #34?
Precious, precious blood.
Over 4 centuries ago in.
Peru, South America.
The Spanish conquistadores arrived in the coast of Peru.
Conquered the Inca nation and in conquering the Incarnation to captive their leader, a man called Atawalpa.
They bargained, knowing that the Inca Indians of that part of Peru were extremely wealthy with gold and silver.
They bargained with Atawalpa and Ottawa offered so that they would let him go free.
To fill a room as high as he could reach. And he was not, evidently.
A small man, but as high as he could reach on the wall. He would fill that room once with gold and twice with silver.
That would be the price of his redemption.
The price so that he could go free.
The contract was made and the.
Information was given to the Inca people, and from all over the Andes they brought in quantities of gold and silver until they had done exactly that, filled that room twice, once with gold and twice with silver.
And the Spanish, of course, who were quite greedy.
Took all that and stored it away and after they had it all secured in their power.
They executed Atawalpa, they killed him.
The price was very high.
But the price, even though it was paid, there was a lack of power to set him free.
When I speak tonight about the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
I want to proclaim a redemption where the price has been fully paid.
And there is power to set you free.
But before I begin to speak about that, I want to address.
The need?
You know, Scripture speaks of those who do not know the Lord Jesus as their Savior.
As being lost.
It says in Luke chapter 19 and verse 10 the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Lust is an awful word really. Maybe some of you have been lost temporarily at one time or another, but you have after a while found your way back.
You have been found, maybe by someone else. Maybe you've found yourself.
But what's scary to me today is the fact that there is a lot of people in this world who think they're all right.
Who have no sense of their need before God, and I think there is a particular danger.
Of those who have been raised in Christian homes.
And who are not aware that without a personal transaction of faith.
With the Lord Jesus Christ, your loss. Loss.
One time I was traveling across the roads of Bolivia and I picked up a man who wanted a ride a little further on.
And I wanted to get to the gospel before he got out of the.
Vehicle a little further on South, I asked him straight across the board. Are you lost, Sir? Oh, no, Sir, I know where I am. I know exactly where we are, and I know where I want to get off to further down the road. I'm not lost, I said. Excuse me a minute. Supposing you would have to die tonight.
And you know that when death knocks at somebody's door.
You can beg a few more minutes of life to think it over, to get things straight.
Where would you go if you had to leave this world tonight?
And Passover beyond death.
He thought a little bit, He said, really, I don't know, I said, Sir, if you don't know where you're going, you're lost.
And I think there's a lot of people in this world today that are not aware that they're lost. And it really concerns me as I sit in these meetings.
And see young people.
Sitting there, sometimes occupied in other ways.
Are you lost?
Or have you dealt with this matter of your sins before God?
I'm looking out across this room tonight and I'd like to have your attention, please.
Are you lost?
Are you lost?
You know, today something was mentioned in one of the meetings about a movement that is very.
Common. Very prevalent in the world today. It's called the New Age movement.
Something was said about it originating several centuries before Christ.
I want to say it originated even earlier than that. You know where that New Age philosophy or religion originated. It originated in the Garden of Eden.
Where Satan came to Eve and said to her.
Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
We live in a society here in the United States of America.
Where man has become the center of his world.
Oh yeah, if you want to believe in God, you can. No problem.
You want to talk about God, that's all right. Go ahead and talk about God. But when it comes down to the.
Everyday affairs of life. Here's number one. I determine my life.
All have my say. I'll do what I want and don't you say anything about it to criticize me because I have my rights.
That is basically the New Age philosophy and its permeated American Society, and I don't think we realize how much this has affected the thinking of children and young people and older folks too.
When it comes to God, when it comes to His Word, when it comes to that future day of eternity.
It's not a matter of what I think. It's not a matter of your opinion.
It's a matter of what God says.
My idea doesn't have any validity. I may have my ideas, I'm not going to deny that.
But that is not the ground that we're talking about tonight.
We're talking about dealing with God on His terms.
Not your terms. And that's scary to me to see young people, sometimes children who dictate almost their terms to their parents.
If that's the character of your life, I want to ask you very seriously to consider.
Are you lost?
If a person doesn't realize he's lost, he's not going to appreciate.
The salvation we're going to talk about in the Lord Jesus tonight.
It's too bad that we have to take so much time instead of speaking directly about the salvation that's in Christ. It's important that you be awakened as to your soul's destiny, as to the condition you stand before God in. Sometimes, say if a man is out in the middle of a lake drowning, but he's unconscious, you can throw all the life preservers to him. You can't. You want he's not going to grab a hold of any of them.
Because he's not conscious of his need.
Are you aware of your needs? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your own personal Savior? Or is it just some form that you're going through? You come to the meetings very obediently.
Maybe you learn the verses in the Sunday school, but you never made it personal yourself.
You're sliding along maybe on your parents profession of faith. Is that the case with you?
I'm serious. I really want to get through to you tonight, wherever you're sitting.
Out there are you lost?
Are you lost? I want to talk about a Savior tonight. Who is the Redeemer? Let's read a verse first of all in the book of Romans chapter 3 that mentions this word redemption.
Chapter 3 of Romans.
And verse.
23 and 24.
Let's start with the end of verse 22.
There is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Being justified freely by His grace.
Through the redemption, that is.
In Christ Jesus.
There's redemption.
But you must know your needs.
Speaking a little bit further about this matter of the new age.
It is amazing to me how it is permeated people's thinking. I was in a plane down in.
Bolivia, I think it was last year.
And beside me was quite a well dressed gentleman.
Older man.
And I gave him a little gospel pamphlet witherbound in Spanish.
And he politely read the booklet and handed it back to me.
And said I don't believe that anymore.
In the evolutionary scheme of things, he says.
We are on the edge of a quantum leap into the future.
And he says it's thrilling to see where humanity is going.
He was duped.
By a lie of Satan that is extremely common.
This is permeating the educational world where you young people have to.
Make your way through. Many times it's permeated.
But it's a lie of Satan to get people to think that they're all right, that they don't have any need. I want to tell you if you're without the Lord Jesus Christ.
You are lost. You need the redemption that is.
In Christ Jesus, as I was mentioning before, redemption has two thoughts to it.
A price that must be paid.
And also power to set free it's.
Buying back to set free, that's the sense of redemption.
The Lord Jesus paid the price on the cross of Calvary.
When John the Baptist looked at the Lord Jesus one day.
He said, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Several years later, that Lamb of God was nailed.
To a cross outside the city of Jerusalem. They led him out, they stretched out those hands, they nailed him to the cross. They lifted him up on that cross and he hung there for three hours. He was the object of man's mockery.
But then at 12 noonday.
The sun was darkened and for three hours.
It was dark until 3:00 PM on that hill of Calvary.
Outside the city of Jerusalem.
In those three hours, nobody could contemplate what was taking place.
But Scripture is clear what happened during those three hours.
Isaiah, the prophet says he was wounded. For our transgressions. He was bruised.
For our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him.
And with his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray.
We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him.
The iniquity of us all. Yes, in those three hours of darkness, God laid.
My filthy Lord of sins on the head of that spotless.
Sacrifice the Lord Jesus and all the judgment.
That was due to fall upon me, and rightly so.
Fell on the Lord Jesus in my place. He took my place.
He paid the price in full at the end of those three hours.
Of darkness.
He cried before he gave up his life.
It is finished all the judgment that was against me.
As a guilty Sinner, it's gone. It's gone. Jesus died.
And after he died, a soldier came up.
The hill to make sure those that were crucified were dead.
And he broke the legs of a thief that was on one side, and then a thief that was on the other side of Jesus.
And when he came to Jesus, he saw that he was dead already. He didn't break his legs.
He took his spear and plunged it into the side of Jesus.
Oh, what a price. What a price.
And out of that side flowed blood and water.
The testimony that life had been given.
Jesus blood was shed.
We are redeemed, Peter the Apostle says, not with corruptible things as silver and gold.
But with the precious blood of Christ, the price.
Has been paid in full. God is satisfied.
With what has been paid by the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary, how can I know that?
I say, my friend, if God had not been satisfied, he would never have raised Jesus from the dead.
The fact that he raised Jesus from the dead and seated him at his own right hand in the glory.
Is testimony to the fact that God is satisfied with the price paid. It's important that the price of redemption be paid.
Was just recent, more recently in Peru.
Some of you may have heard of it in the.
Residents of the ambassador from Japan.
They were having a celebration celebrating the birthday of the Emperor of Japan.
And, well, there were many heads of state and.
Many important people there.
The Tupac Amaro guerrillas.
Took the compound and held hostage a number of people, important people. They let a number loose.
But their demand, the price that they wanted for the release of those hostages.
Was freedom for their comrades that were in Peruvian prisons?
The price was never paid.
The price was never paid.
There was power later on the Peruvian government, then a raid of commandos in killed every one of those guerrillas.
Two of the commandos died in the rescue attempt.
But the hostages were released. I believe one died afterwards from a heart attack. But the price was not paid. It's important that the price be paid. The price has been paid, my friend. Dear young people, dear children, dear older folks too. The price has been paid in full. Jesus paid it all. How?
With his precious blood on the cross of Calvary, just to think of it.
It was no mere man that paid the price so that I could be free.
It was the very Son of God from heaven, the Creator of all things.
Came to this world, became flesh.
He took on him a human body, God, as God cannot die.
But to be able to pay the price of our redemption, he took.
A human body so that he could die and pay that price. Just to think it was God himself in Christ who paid that price for your redemption and mine.
But why is it that so many still are captives to sin?
Are not set free. They haven't heard the message perhaps.
They haven't believed it. How tragic to think that there are people in this room who have heard the gospel again and again.
And still have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior.
Again, I want to probe into your heart to ask you very seriously.
Have you dealt with this question with God?
I think it's extremely important.
A year and a half I go down in Bolivia.
We're at a conference. We were.
Taking up the subject of the Lord's coming, forget what chapter exactly it was.
But there was.
An older lady.
Who came up after the meeting?
And I recognized her.
She was.
What we a sister in one of the meetings over in the eastern section of the country.
She was baptized. She was in fellowship.
But she said to me with tears in her eyes, she said, you know.
I'm not ready. I'm not ready.
When I first started coming to the meeting, I didn't understand what people were saying.
It didn't make sense, but I just did what they told me to do.
But I'm not ready.
She says. I want to get it straight right now.
And she accepted the Lord as her Savior right then.
The fact that you are here and perhaps you're baptized, perhaps you're at the Lord's Table.
If you have not dealt with the matter of your sins before God, you are not ready.
And I want to ask you in the name of the Lord Jesus tonight to get ready.
Puts your faith in any outward conformity to what brethren may have told you.
Rest solely on what God rests upon.
The shed blood of Jesus.
There is abundant power to save you.
From your sins there is abundant power.
In the Old Testament there is a story of God.
Earthly people, Israel when they were.
Slaves in the land of Egypt. I'd like to go back to Exodus chapter 12 please.
There were slaves in the land of Egypt, and God had sent Moses back to Egypt.
To take his people out of the land of Egypt. He had plagued that land because Pharaoh would not let his people go. One plague after another fell on the land of Egypt until that land was completely devastated. And at the end, God said there's one more plague. I'm going to stand on the land of Egypt. And that was the plague of death to the first born.
In every home in Egypt, and since death is the wages of sin.
God could not make a difference between the Egyptians and the Israelites.
Because the Israelites were sinners as well as the Egyptians and many of the other plagues God sent.
He sent upon the Egyptians and not upon the Israelites. But this last plague there had to be.
Death in every single home in Egypt as well.
The Egyptians as well as the Israelites, there had to be death in every single home. Let's read a few verses here in chapter 12 of Exodus.
The Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, In this month shall be.
Unto you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year. To you speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying in the 10th month.
10th day of this month. They shall take to them every man a lamb.
According to the House of their fathers, a lamb foreign house, and if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor.
Next unto the his house take it according to the number of the soul. Every man, according to his eating, shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year. You shall take it out from the sheep or from the goat, and you shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month. And the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts.
And on the upper doorpost of the houses, wherein they shall eat it, and they shall eat the flesh that night.
Roast with fire and unleavened bread, and with bitter herbs. Shall they eat it?
Verse 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am the Lord, and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are, and when I see the blood.
I will Passover you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you.
When I smite the land of Egypt. So here's this last plague.
But God to save his people, Israel provided that death.
Could take place in the form of an acceptable sacrifice.
An acceptable substitute and I say, my friend, God has provided a substitute in the Lord Jesus. Here we find that it was a lamb figurative of the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God. It was taken out on the 10th day of the month. It was kept up until the 14th day of that month for four days. It was observed to make sure there was no defect in that lamb.
Figurative of the 4000 years that transpired between Adam.
And Christ and God was looking at the whole human race to see if there was one.
Who did not?
Transgress. He didn't find one.
Then God brought forth his Lamb. The Lord Jesus Christ was sent into this world, the Lamb of God.
And that lamb, on the 14th day of that first month, was killed.
And its blood was taken and applied to the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses where they were to eat that lamb. I just want to apply this very specially.
I'm sure that everyone here in this room knows the story of the death of Jesus.
I'm sure that many here could tell me just as well as I can tell this story tonight.
Of salvation through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus.
The knowledge that Jesus died is not enough.
That lamb was slain. Its blood was caught in a basement.
That wasn't sufficient. It had to be applied.
And it must be applied on an individual ground.
Work with everyone of you. Have you taken what Jesus has done?
For you yourself, how do you do that? What is necessary for you to do?
I was asked a little over a couple years ago by a young man in Bolivia.
Who came over and asked me what he had to do to be saved. It was a joy to turn him to that verse that was mentioned.
Today in John chapter one and verse 12 to as many as received him.
To them gave thee power to become the sons of God, to them that believed on his name.
And I said to him as I read that verse, he was a young law student.
University in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
And I said, you look at that verse, what does it say you have to do to receive Christ? And he looked at it for a while and then he said.
Believe on his name, I said Exactly. I want you to get that clear. You want you can pray, but it doesn't come through praying. It comes through believing on his name.
It doesn't come through any other means but simply by.
Be leaving on his name.
Accepted the Lord as his Savior. The work was real in his soul.
It's not that difficult, dear young person, but it's a very personal matter that you must do yourself. It's extremely important that you understand that you must apply it.
Here in the matter of what took place in Egypt.
It was the father of the family that made sure that that blood was on the House, on the doors of the house where they were to eat that lamb. What a responsibility for those of us who are fathers of families. But the time comes when you young people reach your own age of responsibility and you must make the decision is that blood been applied?
Is what Jesus did made real in my own heart and soul? Have I accepted it?
Have I received Christ by believing on His name?
Have you done it? That was important for as the.
Lord pass through the land of Egypt that night, and as he went from house to house.
There was only one question to be asked.
Didn't ask. Are these people nice people in this house? Are these people kind of ornery people?
That was not the question.
There was only one consideration.
Is there blood on the door?
There was blood on the door. They went passed right over that house to the next house.
Is there blood on the door? No blood inside. Went that destroying Angel.
To kill the first born.
What a serious matter.
And I know a lot of you people.
Pretty nice people here, I enjoy your company.
That's not the question that we're talking about tonight. The question is, has the blood been applied?
Not if you're a nice person, you've got a nice personality, you've done a lot of good for people.
That's not the question at all. It's a question has the blood.
Been applied and as that destroying Angel went through the land of Egypt.
There was only that one question.
Is there blood on the door or is there not that made?
All the difference in the world and as we approach the judgment of this world.
Which the Lord Jesus said is going to be the most severe judgment that this world has ever seen.
I don't think people realize that we are right on the very edge.
Of the time of the worst judgment this world has ever seen, or will ever see afterwards.
That's what the Lord Jesus said about it.
And there's only only one place of safety.
It's beneath the blood, the shelter of the blood of Jesus.
That sword of judgment fell on Jesus.
He bore that full penalty.
For my sins, Christ has redeemed us from the curse.
Of the law being made a curse for us. For it is written curse. It is every man that hangeth on a tree.
He paid the price it's paid. Are you standing there, dear young person?
I'm really concerned the Lord could come at any moment and I'm not sure that this room would be empty.
If the Lord came tonight, I'm afraid that there might be some people sitting here.
In their seats.
If the Lord King right now at 7:45.
There is still time to come to the Lord Jesus.
In simplicity to trust him to come under.
The shelter of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus.
And so the price was paid, the blood of the lamb was shed.
But now the people of Israel were leaving the land of Egypt. The Egyptians thrust them out.
They said we're all dead. People get going and they thrust them out and.
The Israelites left Egypt and they come to the borders of the Red Sea. Chapter 14, please.
Of Exodus as well.
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before.
Pai he haiya between Migdal and the sea over against Baal Zephon.
Before it shall ye encamp by the sea. And Israel will say of the children of Israel they are. And Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel. They are entangled in the land. The wilderness hath shut them in. And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them. And I will be honored upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hosts. The Egyptians may know that I am the Lord. And they did so. And it was told the king of Egypt, that the people fled.
The heart of Pharaoh and of his servants were turned against the people, and they said, why have we done this, that we have led Israel go.
From serving us. And he made ready his chariot, and took his people with them.
And took 600 chosen Chariots and all the Chariots of Egypt and captains over everyone of them.
And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he pursued after the children of Israel.
The children of Israel went out with a high hand, but the Egyptians pursued after them.
All the horses and Chariots of Pharaoh and his horsemen and his army.
And overtook them, encamping by the sea beside.
Before Bales Ivan. And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them, and they were sore afraid. And the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord. And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us?
To carry us forth out of Egypt? Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, let us alone?
That we may serve the Egyptians, for it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians.
Then that we should die in the wilderness? You would ask these poor Israelites at this juncture.
Are you saved? What would they have said? No.
They would say, can't you see there comes Pharaoh to take us back.
To enslave us again in Egypt.
Oh, redemption has a second part. It's with power.
It's a price that was paid. The price had been paid. They were saved from the wrath of God that was going to fall on the first born in the land of Egypt by the blood of the Passover lamb. But there was another thing that had to be taken into account. It was redemption by power. And so here they are beside the Red Sea.
Afraid, crying, wishing that they were back in Egypt.
That a picture of our unbelieving heart.
When we get into difficulties.
What does Moses say?
13 Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not stand.
Still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show you today for the Egyptians whom you have seen today. Ye shall see them again no more forever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore cryest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.
But lift up, lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea and divide it.
And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea, and I behold, I will harden.
The hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them, and I will get me honor upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hosts, upon his.
Chariot, and upon his horsemen.
Though they were commanded to March, and Moses lifted up his rod, that rod of judgment.
And there was a pathway made right through the sea, something completely supernatural. Who has ever seen a wall of water on one side and a wall on the other side through AC? But that's what took place that time. And the children marched across the Red Sea on dry ground. Oh, what a victory the Lord Jesus has won for us in his death. There is not death for the believer in the Lord Jesus.
In fact, Scripture doesn't even use that word in the New Testament, it is used as.
There is no death for the believer in the Lord Jesus. A believer does not die. Death may touch his body, but he does not die. He goes directly into the presence of the Lord Jesus, absent from the body, present with the Lord, consciously in the enjoyment of the Lord's presence.
And so the children of Israel passed right across from that dry ground to the other side.
There they were, and the Egyptians followed right after them.
Let's read what takes place here to the Egyptian.
Verse 24 The Lord came to pass that in the morning watched the Lord looked into the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire.
And of the cloud and troubled the host of the Egyptians and took off their chariot wheels that they drove them heavily.
So that the Egyptians said, let us flee from the face of Israel for the Lord.
For them against the Egyptians. And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians.
Upon their Chariots and upon their horsemen. And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned.
To his strength, when the morning appeared, and the Egyptians fled against it, And the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea, and the waters returned, and covered the chariot, and the horsemen, and all the hosts of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. There remained not so much as one of them, but the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea.
And the waters were a wall unto them, on their right hand, and on their left hand.
Thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead.
Upon the seashore, and Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians.
The people feared the Lord and believed the Lord in his servant Moses.
What a tremendous victory.
After the children of Israel passed through these people that had been their slave masters.
Came in after them, to pursue after them, and in the midst of the ocean.
Or the Red Sea. The Lord took off those chariot wheels and they realized they were in trouble, but before they could get out of that sea.
Moses stretches out his rod again, and the sea returns to its strength.
All those Egyptians were completely destroyed, and I want to tell you, dear young people.
This is something that Satan does not want you to believe. He wants you to still to believe that Satan is in power in this world and that you have to deal with his power. But I want to tell you, Satan has been completely defeated in the death of the Lord Jesus.
Not only has God been satisfied with the price of redemption that Jesus paid on the cross of Calvary, but.
All the enemies, every single one that was against us.
Is gone and gone forever. Satan wants to get sometimes Christians to believe.
That he still has power and he is a powerful enemy. I'm not saying he's not powerful.
But I want to tell you Satan is a defeated foe.
And he doesn't want you to believe it.
He is a defeated foe. All are fools have been defeated. Every one of them is gone as far as God is concerned and is for you and me to simply believe that they're gone and gone forever. They were redeemed. Not only was the price paid, but they were brought out by the power of God.
And sat on the other side of death and judgment.
What do they do next? They sing verse chapter 15, verse one.
They sang, then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song, and to the Lord and spake I will sing.
Unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously.
Oh, and a picture of the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
The victory has been won two.
1000 years ago. It is amazing to me to see how many.
Christians today still.
Think that Satan has real power over their lives.
And if he can believe, get you to believe it.
He will affect you.
But my young friend, my older friend too, I want to ask you to simply believe God tonight.
Every soul that was against us has been destroyed.
Satan power has been an old.
And we are free. We are free.
In 03 know it better.
To sing his praises. And I want to sing that song. I will sing of my Redeemer. But I want to, before we close, add one final warning.
The price has been paid.
God's power.
Is mighty. We've been talking about God's power today.
He is able to save you tonight, but He will not force anyone against their will. If you set your will against the will of God, you must deal with God about the question of your sins yourself. And for those who will not have the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, they will meet this one.
Who is the Redeemer?
Sitting They die in their sins, sitting on a great.
White Throne, no blood there, no mercy.
But to have the books opened to be judged everyone according to their works.
And it says there's another book there at that final judgment, the Book of Life.
And in that book are written the name of all those who have.
Trusted in the Lord Jesus.
And it says after they were judged according to those things written in the books.
Then there is that Book of Life and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. I think it's so awful, the word that is used.
Picture of a soul standing there before God. No place to flee.
The heavens and the earth are gone, only that great white throne.
And the Lord Jesus who sits on that throne, and the soul who stands there in evidence.
Guilt before is God.
People talk about answering God when they get to the judgment seat.
They will have nothing to answer. Their guilt will be so tremendously evident.
But then the search is made in the book of life.
And that person's name is not found in the Book of Life.
What is the end?
Whosoever was not found written in the book of life.
Was cast into the Lake of Fire.
Is pictured in my own mind he.