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Gospel—T. Johnson
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At 1:00, then judges, you know, so there is going to be a consequence.
For not receiving or rejecting the Lord and it says.
The word that I have spoken to the same subject in the last day and I want to make an application.
Kind of that the word and year one tonight you heard the word of God time and time again and brethren and the brother came to prayer meetings. They pray for you, your children that have parents that have gathered to the Lord that they know and you know.
You heard the word of God, the words many years that you've been old, whether you're six or seven or five or ten. And if you come to meeting, you cut the gospel meetings and the desire of the Lord Jesus is saved. That's what he wants. He wants to save. He doesn't want you to reject him and he doesn't want you to turn away from Him and he doesn't want you not to believe and not to hear because he wants you to hear, hear his words.
That's what it says is going to judge.
The word of God now it says in another scripture pointed a day even in the which we suggest the world and righteousness by that man whom we have for things. That's the word Jesus is going to charge. But when the word Jesus was on earth, You know, I think about this this afternoon and there was an example of it. I think he might say there was a woman who had to stand greatly.
And there was these Pharisees and they took this woman and they grabbed ahold of her and put her in, brought her in where the Lord Jesus was and they threw her when I stay in front of the Lord. And they said it started acting, putting accusations on her, said she was caught in a terrible stand right in the act of it. She told, they told the Lord Moses says she should be stoned. What do you say?
That's what he says in the word of Jesus. They canceled the Lord. They didn't like the Lord. They hated the Lord. They wanted to find a reason to get rid of Him, that they could say it was legitimate, that they wouldn't have to have a conscience except for her. And So what did he do? He didn't say a word. He stood down on the ground and he started to write. You know that story. He started to write in the sand or in the dirt with the finger.
And they kept talking. They probably began to wonder what he was doing.
And maybe they saw what he wrote on the ground.
I think he may have stood up and made him stupid hearing about, I can't remember, but I think he might have wrote twice and then he stood up and the Oracle work said to them, he said he that is without standing, let him pass the first film.
That where there's consciences, it's more right to the core of the heart, because those men that stood there were sinners to send this earth.
Maybe that the same stands?
And instead they went out from the oldest to the younger.
And reward turned to her and said where are lying accusers you know to the said that in mouth or not the two or three witnesses they were they could be put at the cast and I think it was even in our chapter one today Moses will find on down and he's in a different portion. But they died by the law by two or three witnesses.
And these men, they wanted to give the Lord to judge. But you know what? In a way, it's not working to suggest it was their time.
I used to say any Dell agrees with that woman and I think there was blessed, there was blessed.
You tell them grace and love, he warned her.
So there is some work with trust here.
But she didn't do me what those men wanted well.
What I have on my heart is a little earlier in the chapter in verse 24. I've been thinking about this a little bit and enjoying it, trusting my soul. John 12 and verse 24.
Is barely, barely, I say unto you, except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die. It abideth alone, but if it died, it brings forth.
I was thinking, you know.
Where Jesus is talking about he's going to die.
He's going to be as a bird. That corner, please.
That fall into the ground.
A picture of death.
But it says.
If it doesn't die, it's going to lie alone, but if it dies it brings close flashing through.
It brings forth much fruit, and you can.
There's fruit here tonight, and front lower, Jesus works on the cross.
We stand often he shall see of the travel of his soul, and shall be satisfied. Sometimes I just wonder how the word can be satisfied with us.
With me I should exercise, but the word God says to get.
He So I was thinking about we.
A little bit. And when we plant it, I don't know much about it, but I do know far as this, that when it grows and it has enough time, it grows up, it comes across and you harvest it. You harvest it and there's a fruit that comes off of that one kernel that was climbed in the ground. That one seed is planted and the sun comes in the rain and so on and grows in the process of time and it has a head of.
Across the stomach.
And I don't know how many kernels my one brother one time told us about before and you put one seat in the ground and I don't know how many there's so many rows of on a corn, how many pieces of corn is on the Europe corn and so on. And you think of that one kernel is where it's produced.
You know, got the fruit of the Lord Jesus.
Millions. It's millions. It's never been a work, it's never been something planned. I like it that that that has produced and is going to produce more fruit.
In Revelation it talks about 10,000 * 10,000 and thousands of thousands. Those are sent in here. Those are souls in heaven. That's from a group from the Lord Jesus the dear 1:00 tonight.
We want this to be straight. We want you to be part of that part of this, this truth that's from the work of the Lord Jesus dying on the cross.
Hey, go to John chapter 4.
Verse 34.
John 43034 Jesus saith unto them, My need is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish the work.
They not need to consider there are yet four months and then come harvest.
Behold, I say it to you, lift up your eyes and look on the field. So they are white already apart.
Dear one, tonight the filter one if I can apply it this way.
Unless everyone is safe here tonight.
The field is ready to harvest. The Lord Jesus wants, if I can say it foreverly, He wants a part of it tonight.
He wants some of that artist to come here, some of that fruit that he bore. So much for the travail.
What he bore from a from a hand.
Holy God.
Of what we deserve, he he wants to see.
He wants to stand here, he says. Don't wait for months.
The hardest is informative.
Nice to feel no one.
You go anywhere in the world and they'll be like, they'll be stuff ready. There are souls that need to be saved.
Begin where it goes.
Let's go over to.
First Samuel, chapter 12.
Read it first the other day and then.
1St Annual 12.
Part of her 17.
Is it not?
We harvest today.
Isn't it today?
Today, dear one, you know there's a verse that says today if you hear his boy, pardon off your card, pardon off your heart, the Lord visa. Today one kid to be said.
In your trust, can I trust that today for you, if you don't know the Lord, today is the day we are today.
Today we cannot, not four months when the artist can do, but today it says if not, we harvest today.
Why did Samuel talk about this?
I was wondering.
In connection as to why why this came up, why does Samuel ask that question? I think.
But if I got sort of wondering why did he say that to the children of Israel, Is it not Lee Harvest today? Now there was going to be a judgment that Sandy was going to bring on his knee hard, but there was a reason why.
And I believe the reason why was because of their state of soul.
With God, they desire the King.
They desire to seem.
Let's go back to Chapter 8 for just a minute.
We're going to find out a little, hopefully a little bit as to why Samuel said. We did in Chapter 12, but in first annually.
Verse 4 now the hour of the day they'll gather themselves together came to Samuel not to rain on that again holds our old my sons walking on my way now make us a king to judge us like all nations.
But The thing is please Samuel when they said give us the king to judge us and Samuel prayed unto the Lord.
You know you're on tonight.
Is your desire of pain?
We're going to find out about that. Maybe we should go on and then we'll be talking about that before.
The Lord said, Understand your hearken under the voice of the people and all that they say to me, for they have not rejected evil, they have rejected me that I should not bring over them.
According to all the work which they have done since the day I brought them up out of Egypt, under this day we're with their forsaken me serve other gods. So do they also underneath now, therefore parking under their voice. How we get yes, protest Solomon and them.
Show them the matter of the king that shall reign over them. And Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people that asked him.
And so Samuel talks about this king and the children of Israel said to Samuel, You're getting old.
And your sons don't care. And you know, we want a king. We want to be like the nations around us, and we want to keep.
And they the Lord said to Samuel, They protected you, they rejected me, and they served under God.
But he says protest. That means don't agree with them. Tell them you don't agree so that they are aware.
Of what they're asking. And you're one tonight if you're about the Lord Jesus.
You might say away you're the king of your life.
In the team, Israel said we were the king. We don't want to trust God anymore and we're going to go see that in this chapter 12.
That's what it boils down to is that they said the sand will feel. What they were saying is if we don't want God anymore, we want to keep, we want to be like the other year one tonight. If you don't want the Lord, if you say in your heart, I want to be like other people.
If I could save the other nations, I want to be like the other ones around. I want to have fun. I want to enjoy my time here. I want to maybe some days, then I'll consider and I'll think about it. The Lord said you don't have so much.
The hardest is for money and you can't wait. Is it not sweet harvest today? Isn't it today?
Today you need to be safe.
The Children of Israel says we don't want in their in their own way.
They said to one thing and this king would want him to go out fire battle for it. We want somebody to read it and the judge is going to tell us what to do. And later in that chapter, 12 Council says.
Don't you know what God has done for you? Don't you know what he's done? Then he reverses to them how that he took him out of Egypt and so on and he goes through a behind telling them, aren't you going to drive God?
Aren't you going to trust him? Why? Why do you want something else?
And you're one tonight. That's the question to you and to me. Do you want to Jesus?
Do you want us to be the word?
Or do you want to be your own Lord? Do you want something else to be your team? Do you want something else to try to retrieve Israel? So many times they got me into trouble. They send me into God, and they cried to God and God gave him a liver. And I think in chapter 12 sounds more televised. They're available. And there is 40. We'll look at it a little bit later.
But he tells him all these things because he wants them to understand they're turning away from God.
And you know, Paul and I thought of this before the apostle Paul details left to you, he said, and I intelligent and I just trusted me more in my soul. But he says to the Philippians, he says.
But my God shall supply all your deeds according to his written door.
Paul knew who God was. He knew, and he learned and he trusted.
She trusted the word, but he said to the blessing, but my God shall supply all your needs. And Paul is saying my God, because it was his. He made it his own and here one tonight. Can you say that in your soul, my God, you know Thomas said, my Lord and my God.
When he saw who the Lord does.
He could say goodbye. Yeah. It should have been more of my faith but there than Thomas. He saw the Lord in front of him and it just took his heart. He took his heart. That's wonderful. Can I do one? If you could see the Lord Jesus.
Like Faith tonight and you, that's where, how, how and that's how you got to feel. You've got to see him by faith.
Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the word of God.
Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. What a wonderful word of God. If you lay hold of the word of God, there is rest and joy and peace. There is security and satisfaction.
When you can rest your soul on the word of God.
Christ died for our sins. What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me half everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.
There's brothers. I could quote hundreds more of them.
But that is real. It's fact and it's real, and you can rest your soul on it. Dear one, tonight the Word of God is true. It's true. It cannot lie and it will not lie because it wants your blessing. It cannot lie. The Word of God is pure, it's holy, and it brings life. It brings life. Well, these Israelites, they said we don't want them, we want a king.
Down in verse 19 of chapter 8 it says nevertheless the people refused.
To obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, Nay, but we will have a king over us.
That we also may be like the nations and so on. Sam, you heard all the words, rehearsed them to the Lord.
And the Lord said to Samuel in verse 22, Hearken under their voice, and make them a king.
That's pretty solemn, isn't it?
Dear one, the Lord Jesus doesn't want to let you go tonight. The Spirit of God strives with you and you know it as well as I do. He does. He speaks to our hearts and our consciences to wake us up to the fact that we have a need. We have a need and the need can only be met and satisfied, like our song says, by Christ. That's it. There is no other answer. That is the answer, the Lord Jesus Christ and when you accept them as your Savior.
He's going to cleanse you from your fingers, He's going to make you fit for heaven, and you'll have a relationship with God as your Father that you never had before.
You're going to know God as your Father.
That's a wonderful thing well down in Chapter 9.
Samuel, this is the king coming.
There was a man verse 1 Benjamin, whose name was Kish. Verse two he had a son whose name was Saul, a choice young man in a goodly.
There was none among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he. From his shoulders upward he was higher than any.
Of the people.
In the ***** of Kish, Saul's father were lost. So there were some donkeys or some ***** that Saul's father had lost. They'd gotten lost.
Any Kish said to Saul his son. Take now one of the servants with the arise, and go seek the *****.
You know, I was thinking about it.
It makes me kind of sad.
You know it did this morning, but the breaking of red.
I was thinking about Exodus 34 I think it is. It's in a two or three different places, but it talks about the first lean of an *** a colt was to be redeemed was to be redeemed when Israelite when their their *** or the donkey had a had a baby, a first name.
They were to redeem it. They were to redeem them. Why? You know why? Because it's a picture of an unclean or it is the *** is an unclean.
Animal. It's unclean.
The cow, the Bullock, the sheep, the pigeon, those things, they were clean, they were called, they were considered, they were a clean animal, and they were used for sacrifices. But the *** was an unclean animal.
And it had to be redeemed.
Well, it says in Exodus, it says there if it's not redeemed.
What do you think was going to happen to it?
It says they would break its neck. They would have to kill it.
But if the person the Israelite didn't want it killed and he needed it for his work or whatever, then it said it had to be redeemed with a lamb.
For a kid, but I was thinking of it this morning in the breaking of bread, the lamb, a little picture of the Lamb of God taking the place of the unclean, you know, so that that unclean could be used. It had to be redeemed. And dear one, tonight we're all, we're born in sin. We're like that first lien of an ***. We're unclean, we're unclean. We've got to be redeemed.
And the Lord Jesus was that Lamb of God.
He was that Lamb of God that died in our stead that we might live.
But you know.
I thought about a little bit what God, if I could apply it this way, what God would think?
When he would look at that unclean, if I could say that man was maybe like God.
And he would look at that unclean, and he would look at that lamb.
He had to give one of them up.
He wasn't going to be able to keep both of them. He couldn't keep the lamb, and he couldn't keep the unclean animal if it wasn't redeemed.
And so he chose.
God chose.
He chose the lamb.
You know, and Luke, it talks about the coal. I think it's Matthew, Mark and Luke, all three, I think accounts talk about the cold. And you've heard little ones, you little ones, you've heard people, brethren talk about.
That cult that was tied in the Gospels that the Lord wrote into Jerusalem on.
Anna, you know what it says about that colt when those two disciples went to find that colt. You know what it says the Lord says to them when they ask you why you're doing that, when you go to and lose them and take them, when they ask you why, you tell them the Lord half need of him.
It does. And dear one, tonight the Lord hath need of you.
He has a need for you because he loves you. He loves you and he's got a need for you. He his heart, it says.
There is joy in heaven, I can't remember. There is joy in the angels of God in heaven over one Sinner that repent.
That repentance, there's joy, there's joy in heaven and it brings a joy to the heart of the Lord Jesus when a soul rests on him, puts their faith and trust in him and says I'm like that unclean animal Lord.
And he had died for me.
You've died for me. Just like that lamb in the Old Testament. It had to be offered in the stead.