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Hebrews 10 For the law, having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the thing, can never with those sacrifices which they offer year by year continually make the comers there onto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered, because that the worshippers once purged, should have had no more conscience of sin. But in those sacrifices, if there is a remembrance again made of sins every year, what is not possible, that the blood of gold and of ghosts should take away sin?
Therefore when he comes into the world, he said, sacrifice and offering, though what's not but a body has not prepared me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin, Thou has had no pleasure. Then said I, Well, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me to do Thy will, O God above, when He said sacrifice, and offerings, and burnt offerings and offering for sin, Thou what's not neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law. Then said he low, and come to do thy will with God.
He taketh away the 1St and then establish the 2nd.
That which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest standeth daily, ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sin forever, sat down on the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting till his enemies to be made his footstool. For by one offering he perfected forever them that are thankful for all. The Holy Ghost also is a witness to us.
For after that he had said before, this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord. I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds while I write them, and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now we're remission of these is there is no more offerings for sin. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which he has consecrated for us through the veil that is to save his flesh, and having an high priest over the House of God.
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
Hold fast the profession of our faith without waiver, for He is faithful the promised. And let us consider one another to provoke unto laws and to good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as a matter some is, but exhorting one another so much the more, as you see the day approaching. For if we stand willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment, a fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries.
He that despised Moses law died without mercy, under two or three witnesses. Of how much sore punishment suppose ye? Shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and have counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, and hath done desperately into the spirit of grace?
We know him that has said vengeance belong with unto me. I will recommend self the Lord, and again the Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But call to remember his former days, in which, after you were illuminated, He endured the great fight of affliction, partly whilst you were made a gazing stock, both by reproaches and affliction, and partly while she became companions of them that were so used. For ye had compassion of me and my blondes, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods.
Knowing it yourself that you have in heaven a better and an enduring substance, cast not away, therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise for you a little while. And he that shall come will come, and will not carry. Now the just shall live by faith. But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto tradition, but of them the belief of the saving of the soul.
I'm not suggesting that we repeat.
Things that we have had in the morning, but verse two has a statement that we have not touched upon and that is.
That's because that the worshiper, once heard, should have had no more conscience of sense. That's a tremendous statement. What does it mean?
That means that five days.
We enter into what the work of Christ has accomplished. Our conscience is not only heard, as we have added in Chapter 9, we have no conscience of sin, you know, and the Christian profession, many Christians still refer to themselves. I'm a poor Sinner.
Well, I don't think that that is an indication of the soul having entered into the boundary of the work of Christ for them. The work of Christ has so completely settled that sin question. If we do not stand identified with that sin any longer before a holy God, and ought not to trouble our conscience, we have no more conscience of sins. We are completely set free.
God looks at us not as sinners, He looks at us as Saints. That's how the word of God addresses us. And that even in the epistles to the first, the first epistle to the Corinthians, where there were a number of things that were off and were definitely wrong, yet they are addressed as Saints of God. We have to learn to look at ourselves the way God looks at us in virtue of that shed blood and the Atronic death of Christ.
And so if the devil tries to trouble your conscience or my conscience as to anything that I have or you have committed in the past, we can say it's all under the blood. And we do not allow him to travel our conscience. We have no more conscience of saying we're completely separated from sin in the size of God. And we have been made new, holy, sanctified. That's how we stand before God.
I hope it helps to understand how this might be able to contribute to that. No more Conscience of Sin, the 9th chapter.
A perched conscience from dead works. You know what is connected with the law? They always try to satisfy their conscience by doing good works. You know that's not the Christian way of life. We know that we are accepted on the basis of the work of Christ, not on the basis of what we do.
When it comes to our standing, our acceptance before God is entirely based on the work of the Lord Jesus. It is no longer every time to make ourselves acceptable by what we are doing. Hopefully we do what we do because we are accessible that Christianity.
There's four says it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sin. So necessarily the consciousness of sin was still there, and the fact that it had to be repeated again and again and again was never done. Show that the work was never done.
But notice in verses 1012 and 14 it is interesting Speaking of the will of God in verse 10. By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Verse 12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right end of God. Verse 14 Four by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, the fact that it is one.
Necessarily implies that the work is done.
It cannot be repeated. It is done forever. And oh the blessedness of understanding that. Like you say, there are so many souls and brethren, we need to, I need to say to our young people, let this sink into your soul. We stand before God on the ground of a sacrifice that was done once for all. It cannot be repeated. God accepted it. They said God had not been satisfied with the sacrifice that Jesus made.
On that cross you would never have raised him from the dead. The fact that Jesus was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father.
And Jesus now sit to God's right hand is evidence that the word is done and done forever. Fact in verse 12. It's beautiful.
Is this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins? Mr. Darby's translation puts the comma right there.
Forever sat down on the right end of God. In other words, He will never again get up.
To take into consideration the question of sin. It's done. He sat down forever in connection with that question. He will never again rise up to that question.
It's done. Oh, isn't that wonderful, brother? We look up into the glory by faith to see a man, a real living man, a flesh and bones sitting there at God's right hand. The man that took into consideration, that took on the question of sin for us. Where is he now?
He's there in God's right hand. The fact that he sits there means that you and I as simple believers in the Lord Jesus.
Are accepted without any possibility of a question ever, ever arising for all eternity.
Verse 10 is I think we all understand that we're talking about our position in Christ and these verses positional sanctification, it's complete. We are sanctified. It's not we are being there is there are verses in the word of God that speak about practical sanctification, which is something that we need to continue to be exercised about it says.
In 2nd Corinthians 7 Perfecting holiness.
In the sight of God and that's something that we need to continue to be exercised about. But I say if a person doesn't understand that you occupy because of what Christ has done, a position of complete sanctification. That's the position you occupy. I can use illustration that sometimes has helped me is when Noah.
Built the ark, he finally was told by the Lord, Come thou in all thy house into the art. And in they went, and God shut them into that arm. And you might have asked people outside, might have asked, Where's Noah?
After he was in there and they would say in the ark, and they would point in that direction. And as they looked in that direction, all they could see was that huge arc with all its ability to spare them from that coming judgment that was going to fall. And the judgment fell on that arc, but not one drop fell on Noah and on his family. They were set apart completely. You say, well, no, it wasn't that perfect yet. Yeah, that's right.
Because he got drunk after the flood. Wasn't that perfect yet? We're not talking about that. We're talking about positional sanctification. And I think it is vital that we understand that through the work of Christ, you and I occupy that place and enjoy it in our souls. And in the enjoyment of this soul is going to give you the power to walk in practical sanctification. But there's so many people that think that they have to attain to holiness through their own efforts.
Rather, we will never attain into holiness by our own efforts. It's through walking in the enjoyment of the fact that this is the position God has brought us into. And if we enjoy that, why in the world are we going to want to get into out into the world and get our garments?
Staying with all sorts of things out there, No, we're going to want to walk in holiness of life as well.
It's rather helpful to me to.
Grasp this truth, that in Hebrews it's our acceptance and that of necessity it has to be totally on Christ and His work, and in our chapter it's a contrast between Him doing it one work.
As to the Day of Atonement in under the law, which took place every year.
And one day of the year they had this day of atonement to reestablish Israel as a people with God. That never has to be done for you and me. We cannot lose our relationship with God because of the work of Christ. He forever sat down. Then beside that a once a year that they have atonement.
And there were other sin offerings in the beginning of Leviticus.
That related to misconduct, but those were misconduct of typically misconduct of the people of God who were in relationship established at the end of the year by this Day of Atonement. Now all of us have conscience of sin in our life, but it's good to remember that consciousness of sin.
Relates to our communion, not to our positions. So even though there have been times when I've grieved over.
The believer has never caused me to doubt that I was a believer. And so John takes up that first. John takes up that aspect where it's communion. There is confession of sins and you don't say we don't have any sin because the question is communion and that can be broken at any time, but our relationship as children.
Are being brought in to acceptance with God. That is fixed.
Relationship can never be lost and it's very important to rest our souls on this.
What? You're saying we might sometimes have a bad conscience?
Hopefully we do. Maybe there's something wrong, but that is not the same as having no more confidence of sin. That's the position of truth, you know, And we have to confess our sins. But the practical sanctification is even mentioned in chapter 12.
Why is chastisement our portion is sung?
That we might become partakers of His Holiness. You know, that is bringing us practically into what we are positionally. That is what God is working out in our lives. That's what he's working towards that end and tremendous to get ahold of these things. And we often hear that sanctification is being set apart for God. That's the truth that is certainly involved.
But there is more involved than just being set apart. That means having been made fully.
That is, what is the blessed part of sanctification? In chapter 2 it says that the sanctifier and the sanctify are all of one. What does it mean? It doesn't speak, as has been pointed out by more able teachers than any of us here, that doesn't speak of awareness, which writes like it in connection with the truth of the body of Christ. One incentification.
That's why he is not ashamed to call us brethren.
You know, if we would not have been made perfectly holy, he would be ashamed to call us brethren. You know, we might sometimes be ashamed of relatives that conduct themselves in a dishonorable way. But you know, the work of the Lord Jesus has made us so perfectly holy that he is not ashamed to call us brethren. These are truths that we can enjoy. But the practical side is, what am I practical?
Exercise. If I act contrary to what the grace of God has made me through the work of the Lord Jesus, that should be that way in all of us, and we fall short many times. That's why discipline or chastisement is so necessary in all of our lives.
And we are sons, that's why he chastises us. We would be ******* not legitimate children if he wouldn't be chastised us and so. But we must not allow our shortcomings to question what is true of us position.
You'll find that those who deny eternal security are more occupied with their experiences and almost never do they speak of the work of Christ and the present position of the Lord Jesus. And that's, that's important. Our experiences are important, but they are never the basis of our salvation.
The places of our salvation is the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary. Remember meeting with the brothers. Drew hadn't seen him for some time. Says are you still saved?
I said, if Jesus is still on the throne, I'm still saved and the.
That's what it depends on, brethren and man, The glory of God. I'm still saved. Thank God, because he's still there.
Chapter one we have that he sat itself down after having to make purgation for sin. He sat and proud now at the right hand of God that is in virtue of this person. That's the point in chapter one. In chapter 8, he's presented as the minister of the sanctuary, our high priest who said at the right hand in virtue of his losses.
We have here in this chapter that the high priest standard daily. The Lord Jesus doesn't have to perform that kind of service that the high priest had to do with the people of Israel. He's sitting there as high priest in virtue of his office because there's a finished work behind it.
And then here he is sitting himself down as a result of that finished work, you know, atonement having been accomplished. And in Chapter 12, we find him sitting again here based on him having completed.
The faith, not our faith.
His heart of faith is completed. He's the only one that really is sitting here as a result of a completed fact of faith. So it's wonderful to be occupied with where he is now and to enjoy the truth.
And the effects of him sitting there for our lives, our souls.
Verses 11 and 12 go together and their contrast with the old Judaistic system and what we have in Christianity. Complete contrast.
Embarrass sister from the Dominican Republic before she got saved she was Catholic and she.
Thought she would. She was always very energetic. She thought she would convert these.
Evangelicals to the right faith. And so she thought, well to do it I'll have to read what they read. And she started reading and she got to these two verses and of course she applied it to the priest of the Catholic Church. Verse 11. Every priest and of daily ministry and offering oftimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sin. And like you say, that is basically what they say in the Roman Catholic system, that the Mass is a sacrifice for sin.
If that's the case, I think that would, we would say is one of the most serious errors of that system that really negates completely the efficacy and the completeness of the work of Christ. But then she came to verse 12. But this man of course, referring to the Lord Jesus.
After he had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right hand of God.
She could not understand that and she took it to her local priests and asked her him for an explanation. Of course there is no explanation coming, she said. Those verses took me clean out of that system. Oh, isn't that wonderful, brother? We stand before God not on the basis of anything that we are or have done. We stand before God on the basis of the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's a work that is done.
He said it is finished.
God, Amen, was raising him from the dead, and there He sits at the highest pinnacle of glory in the whole universe.
That's our savior, that's our savior. That's your position. That's my position, to let it sink into the soul and enjoy it. Then there will be power to walk in the in the good of it too in our lives practice.
Verse 14 One by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
Perfect forever, tremendous. Think of it, you look at me and say you're not quite perfect yet, brother, you're right. If you're going to look at my condition, my practical condition.
That not God himself can see one flaw in the position that the believer in the Lord Jesus.
Occupies right now. Isn't that wonderful? God looks at you, brother. God looks at you, sister, and he says I can't find one flaw in the position you occupy. Doesn't that give peace in the soul to realize that that's where we stand, brother?
The thought is forever. It's not necessarily eternal, but in perpetuity that it's in the continual, continuous in opposition to what? The sacrifice of the law foreign. So he sat down in 32.
Make this fourteen birds there, but we find in Kalashnikov.
That the work of the Lord Jesus has made us holy, unblameable, irreproachable in his side.
Allow me to say, Bob, that I would say this not only positionally, that's how he looked at us personally. You know, in Christ we are a new creature in Christ and that's how we looked at us. You see these 12 Stones that were put in the Jordan.
When they crossed the representative, these 12 tribes, and that means typically for us that we have found our end in the death of Christ.
We cease to exist and sinners in the sight of God. The waters of the Jordan River flows over those stones and has put them out of God's side. But then there are the 12 Stones on the other side of Jordan representing the 12 tribes and a picture of us in resurrection as a new creature. And that's how we looked at us. And, you know, we feel ashamed, I believe, when we realize how perfect the work of Christ has made us.
Our imperfections practice, that's how we should feel, but by being more occupied with the Lord Jesus and the things of heaven and the things of Christ, that is what is going to make us different. You see, Christianity is not being changed by submitting to rules and regulations. We're looking at glory as we have in Corinthians, and we've changed Second Corinthians versus 318.
Change from glory to glory. That's the way it works in Christianity.
Being occupied with that person and with his work and the things we have in him, death, bringing about the change in our lives. And that's what God is working at and the Spirit is working towards that end. God's purpose is to make us like this Son, and He's going to accomplish that.
You know when He stands there, everyone will see, and not only His floors. You know, there's nothing going to be left of this ugly flesh that is still with us now that troubles us so often. We will be entirely only that which the work of Christ is made of. And what a relief that will be to stand there, being brought into full conformity through it.
And it's important.
That's what we are now as new creatures in Christ Jesus. We're not going to become a new creature. We are, and we're God's workmanship.
Created into good work. It's God's workmanship. And I just enjoy those words of Balaam's prophecy concerning Jacob here, not in Numbers 23 verse 21.
He hath not beheld iniquity and Jacob, neither hath he seemed perverseness in Israel. The Lord is his, God is with him. Then it ends with this explanation. What hath God brought in? Our rest of soul depends upon our resting in the truth, and not our experience of it. But it's true, because God has said it, and will never get rest as long as we judge the truth by our experience of it.
And now, sometimes young believers struggle with doubts about their salvation.
And the comment was made.
Quite a while ago that I enjoyed that. The anchor never does any good as long as is in the boat. You have to cast it out into the sea. There's where it holds you. And brethren, don't look inside for assurance of salvation.
Look to the Lord Jesus in the glory of God. That's where you're going to get assurance of salvation. Sometimes you find that. You'll find if you have doubts about your salvation, it's generally because you're looking in. Sometimes, like hindsight, we have failed and we sin, and it's too bad. There's no excuse for sin in the life of a believer, but we have to confess that that's what happens in our experience.
And sometimes that's when the enemy comes. So what we need to do is judge ourselves. But after we judge ourselves, God never authorizes being occupied with ourselves. He, he wants us to be looking to the Lord Jesus outside of ourselves.
And that really is deliverance, isn't it? Not to be occupied with ourselves.
And I remember an illustration that's maybe a homeless illustration, but it helped me.
Some children who had a pet cat and they one day they lost their pet cat and died. They put it in the shoe box and in the end of the shoe box they put a hole. They put the tail out and when they buried it they left the tail out of the ground so that once in a while they could come and see how their cat was doing. But every time they came they found it was a sadder story.
And brethren, if you're going to be occupied with what you are yourself, you're never going to get any peace that way at all. You've got to look away from yourself. Like you said, it's interesting that those stones that were put into the middle of the Jordan, they're out of sight completely. Who put them there? It was not the men of Israel, it was Joshua. The Lord Jesus has put away forever all that we were as men in the flesh. That does not exist before God at all, not recognize it. So if you and I look back at that, we have no authorization to do such a thing.
And we're going to be disappointed if we do. Let's look away from ourselves to the Lord Jesus and the glory.
That's our life. Christ is our life. That's what the Scripture says. We are authorized to be occupied with Him.
When he died, then he died with him buried in his grave. Relay to him rather expresses this beautiful, but that's not the end of it. We have part in resurrection in that new day and that's what we are already raised with him, not only buried with him. We are new creatures and this new life is to be enjoyed by us. Now we won't have a greater measure of life.
In the glory than what we have now, you know there won't be any hindrance to the enjoyment of their life in their glory, but we won't have a greater measure of it.
Necessarily, the question of sin had to be settled before God and on God's terms.
There had to be a righteous basis for taking care of the whole question of sin and that's what the Lord Jesus did at the cross of Calvary. On that basis, there could be relationships. God could have a relationship with the people down here and as we go down these verses, there's.
But if your verses that verse 17 says their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. I love this verse brother just to meditate on it.
Doesn't say he forgets our sins. Sometimes we use that in hymns. Forgotten, forgotten forever. Henry Susol is him. It's a beautiful hymn. But God is inflicted with human weakness of forgetfulness. He makes a positive promise. I will remember no more. So he's never going to bring up that question again of our sins. But somebody pointed out to me recently and I thoroughly enjoyed it, brother.
That when he says I will remember no more, it means that every one of those sins was remembered once at the cross of Calvary. Everyone laid on Jesus there and taken care of forever. And now he says I remember them once, but now I will remember them no more. Isn't that beautiful to realize our sins are gone?
We have to touch on.
The covenant in verse 16 said I will make with them after those days.
There are those that are dear Christians who love the Lord, who are covenant theologians. They believe we are in a covenant relationship.
That's not Christianity. If you read the 9th chapter you will find that that reference is made to both the houses of Israel of Israel and Judah, that he will make a covenant with them. The covenant has not yet been made.
The blood of the covenant, that's how he was proper rendering is when it even comes to the institution of the Lord's Supper. It's not the plot of the New Testament as it is correctly rendered the blood of the new covenant, and he's the mediator of the new covenant, and we come under the blessings of the blood of the new covenant because what is different for Israel?
In contrast to the old covenant is not only that it is following.
Behold that it is new in that way, that is new in character. The Old covenant refers to the covenant of Sinai. There were other covenants made with Abraham in the Old Testament Saints. But when the Word of God speaks of the Old covenant, it refers to the Sinai covenant, which became a conditional thing based on the faithfulness of Israel. The Israelites, they would be blessed. The new covenant is based entirely.
Even for Israel on the finished work of Christ, it's unconditional and sword is with the blessings that we have. It's based entirely on the world. So in a certain sense we have the blessings without being in a covenant relationship. From Chapter 9 it is clear that He will make that with Israel and Judah in the coming days. And we also find in Romans Chapter 9.
That's chapter 8 in Hebrews rhythm.
Speaking of Romans 9, there are the covenants the other way to Israel, verse 4.
Hebrews Chapter 9 is where the covenant is mentioned that he's going to make with the two houses of Israel, of Israel and Judah. But in Romans 9 we read who are Israelites to who entertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenant.
We are not in a covenant relationship. The covenant is going to be made in the future, not yet made at this point when the two houses of history are held and He will fulfill the promises that He had made unconditionally before Sinai. You know, all you have to do is we. Exodus 6.
How often God says I will, I will, I will all unconditional, promising them to deliver them and bring them into the promised land and bring them into a relationship with itself. It's all unconditional, a change that Sinai has. But Gordon, you might have heard me refer to that story before and it's worth repeating, has given you this story. He said he is a father that has a boy and he says, son, I'm going to buy you a bicycle.
The sunset, I want to hear that. And all right, the Father said if you want to earn it, he said the conditions, Needless to say, the boy doesn't keep fixed efficient, so he forfeits the bicycle. But then somebody fulfils the condition and the father gives him the bicycle. That's Israel. You know, in the coming days he will get the blessings, but not based on their faithfulness, based on the work of the Lord Jesus. But then he is another son and he says, Dan, I'm going to buy your bicycle.
And that part of the Son also says I want to earn it. Father said we tried that before, we're not going to try that again. You see, that's Christianity. He will not accept the legal approach as it was under the law to bless the Christians. It's all entirely based on the work of the Lord Jesus.
Going on in communion and fellowship with him, there are blessings that will come our way based on obedience, but our position are standing and everything like that is entirely based.
Underworld for the Lord Jesus. I think it's important enough. We should read that in Hebrews 8, I think, and verse 8 because it is a strong movement in Christian circles today. The covenant theology that here is the verse that shows very clearly that it does not apply to us. We're not in a covenant relationship. Hebrews 8 and verse eight, you're finding fault with them. He set behold the days come set the Lord.
When I will make a new covenant with who? With the House of Israel and with the House of Judah. So it's a it's with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. That's what the new covenant is about. So never is made with the church. We are under the blessings of the new covenant that not are in the blessings because of the blood of Christ on the same basis of blessing is that we're not under covenant relationship.
Congratulations to the verse that these people use. Paul says that we are New Covenant ministers. They say you see here.
They have called himself that we are New Covenant ministers. I believe the correct understanding of that verse is that the ministry and the service, even for Christ, is not.
Like in the Old Testament.
That people were in obedience to the law serving God. So it is the character of ministry, not as those who are under the cover.
The New Covenant The principle of the new Covenant is that he writes the law in their hearts. That is, they will for the first time.
Have life from God and a capability of being in relationship to Him. They will be born again as individuals and they will be born again as a nation. The principle of the first covenant of Sinai was it dealt with the obedience of the flesh. It didn't require new birth and consequently it failed because it was the law this week.
Because of the flesh, the flesh couldn't keep it. And so that covenant left them estranged from God. The new covenant will bring life to them, and it will be on the principle of mercy that He had brought life to us too. And it's something that's been a little help to me. If you turn back to the X chapter 17, there's two wildernesses there.
There's more than that, but these two if you notice them.
When you're leading up to this the next time, you're kind of remarkable. In Chapter 17, all the congregation of the Children of Israel are jarring from the wilderness of sin.
During that wilderness, you know, they did a lot of bad things, but God was very gracious to them.
Chapter 19 They lose the wilderness of sin, and God doesn't take them up as under the law in the wilderness of sin, but they come in Exodus 19 to the wilderness of Sinai, and it's there that Israel enters into this old covenant, the covenant of the Law, and down verse 18.
All people answered and said All that the Lord has spoken we will do.
And so God takes them up on that word and they said he gives them those 10 commandments. He said this do and thou shalt live. Well, the principle of the New covenant is live and do. The principle of the old Covenant was due and live. And that's the sense in which we have been blessed on the principle of new covenant, all of our doing.
Close from relationship that we already have by the grace of God with God. It isn't to earn anything and that's important to see in the wilderness of sin. It was a wilderness of grace and you need and God didn't deal with them severely like he did once they came to Sinai and said no, we're going to do everything you said then their disobedience brought us leaders surge a just recompense of reward.
Because they had placed themselves on the basis of their responsibility, not God.
And it brought death. And so it says in principle the the letter killer and spirit feels like.
I will put my loss into their heart.
In their minds that is still referring to Israel when the new covenant is made. That is not the case with us as Christians. It is not the law that is put in our hearts. Christ is put there. We are the epistles of Christ. So there are things in Hebrews that we have to understand as applying to Israel.
They are. In their case, the law is put into their hearts and into their minds.
In our case, Christ is put there and we are his assistant to be read of all men. That's a much higher privilege than what they will enjoy even in that coming day under the blue cover.
In the first covenant meant by that behind says.
As soon as God gives them those words, he said would that you had a heart that you would do it and they didn't have that heart. But when the new covenant is enacted, they will have their heart. It can be written not in stone, but in the heart. And in that aspect the Christian does have that in a in a far higher way a year.
Our army missiles.
I've not written in the tables of stone, but in the fleshly table of the heart. It isn't the laws of point out, but it is that same principle. The Word is written in our hearts. There's life, a life we have that can now, by God's grace, be strong, and that never existed under the Old Covenant.
Now, in view of this, we come down to verse 19 rather than seeing that all this work has been done for us.
The perfect standing before God in Christ. The work is finished forever.
His promise?
To never remember again our sins and our iniquities. Verse 19 says, Having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
Tremendous privilege of our Christian positions to go right into the very presence of God. What word does it use? Boldness to enter. Isn't that tremendous?
In the Old Testament of the several million of Israelites that were in the wilderness.
Only one tribe was chosen to do the service of God, the tribe of Levi. Of that one tribe, only one family was allowed to go into the holy place.
As Aaron's family, the priests of that one family, only one person could go into the holiest of all, and not only once a year, because the land of the holiest was not made manifest. But now the way is open. Jesus died, that veil was rent, and we find ourselves in the very presence of God. This is Christian position, presence. This is the place of worship.
And we go into worship, Lord, brethren, or in prayer. This is where we go. We really go into heaven itself. Notice in Chapter 9 and verse 24 it tells what this place is, this holiest of all.
Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God. For us there's the holiest of all. That's where we are told we can come with holes, but a tremendous privilege and how few understand that.
Somebody has said that probably wasn't too long after the Lord died that this priest had that veil all sewed up again. And that's what they want to do, brother.
Be at a distance from God. Oh heaven, that's not Christian position. The veil has been wrecked by God's own hand. It was rent and we can come in with gold instances. Holy grass.
Another word for boldness is without fear.
And the plot to me is overpowering, and you and I want to be sinners, can be comfortable in the presence of perfect holiness, and will be comfortable for all eternity in the presence of perfect holiness. And already now we can come over without fear and because we know God is for us, and we can come not with this.
But by this blood there is quite a difference in stating it one way or the other, because evil doctrine developed even amongst us present from saying, With his blood, he answered, He couldn't be high priest until he was in heaven, not on earth. So atonement was not accomplished till He with his blood entered into the holiest. No, he entered by his blood. In virtue of that blood. He entered, and we entered in virtue of that blood.
Boldly and can be comfortable in his presence because we know the same question is settled and we don't have to fear facing a holy God. We know even he looks for us to come there and bring our sacrifices. But another wonderful truth is it was touched upon this morning. We bring upon him, we offer spiritual sacrifice. So we must be very perfect and lucky expressed, but don't worry about that.
The magic will pull the ex personal things wrong, just lack of understanding. Nothing imperfectly, nothing imperfect will ascend and reach them and close to his hands. And he presents that which we imperfectly, utterly, perfectly in the presence of God. And he will even be the minister of the sanctuary in that coming day. The thought has been expressed, we don't need the Spirit of God anymore.
When we in heaven, well that's not true because we worship by the Spirit not only now even in that time of day, you know and he will be there to assist us and the Lord Jesus himself as the minister of the sanctuary and.
How important it is then that we are reading where He's in the midst, what we can draw that conclusion if we have to present that by Him, you know, so that he would be the one that can present that which we interpret the other to Him perfectly. That's what it means in verse 21. Isn't having an high priest over the House of God when there is imperfections in the way we express our praise to God?
He is there as our high priest and if you look back at chapter 5, you see what the high priest was for in verse one and two.
Every high priest taken from among men is ordained for God, and the things pertaining ordained for men and the things pertaining to God, that He may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. Who can have ignorant compassion on the ignorant and them that are out of the way? For that He himself also is compassed with infirmity. We make mistakes in our expressions and like you say, our understanding. For that reason He's there as our great High Priest. And that should be an encouragement to those who are younger too.
You say, well, I don't want to get up, I might make some mistakes.
Yeah, you might make some mistakes, and I might make some mistakes too. And if we're going to be worried about making mistakes, we may never get up to praise the Lord, but that's why he's there as our great high priest. We have a high priest over the House of God.
The truth that Jesus is now appearing in the presence of God for us His manifold in three ways basically, and that is it ended. Hebrews 6 we get which hope we have as an anchor of the soul for assurance, steadfast for chances into that which can within the veil, whether the forerunner is for a centered even Jesus.
So he's there as our hope.
And then we have in our chapter here, he is there as our access to God. And then we have the fact that he is there as our high priest.
He said also he might say as our intercessor, so that we might not fail.
By a new and living way which He has consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh, that veil made of those colors, blue and scarlet and fine twine linen intermingled with gold, spoke of His person that was rent. And so as we go into the holiest of all brethren.
Nevertheless, forget there on one side, on the other side is that rent veil. Think of the awful, awful cost it was to open that way through guilty sinners now purged and made holy, made fit for his presence. Never let's forget the cost it was to open that way for us.
Sometimes people.
Take this 22nd verse and think that that expresses the same thought You have an incursed Corinthian 11. Let a man examine himself. In other words, self judgment.
Before we remember the Lord. But I believe the right understanding here is that it's a positional thing having our heart sprinkled from an evil conscience.
That is all in connection with the work of Christ, of course. Let us not in any way set aside what we have in the 1St way of 11 That we should examine ourselves. But we have to understand that this 22nd verse does not present that side of things. That means that the work of Christ has strengthened our conscience, you know, as we come into new and living the way that He has opened up for Him.
We are perfect, the kids, for drawing knives through the work of the Lord Visa, our bodies washed with pure water. You see, we are new creatures and so we can draw nigh boldly.
Yeah, verse 22/23/24 and 25 are exhortation based on the tremendous position that we now ossify. And the first one is let us draw near with a true heart, full assurance of faith. There's confidence within that we're talking about.
At first hymn we sang this morning.
Sweet as the confidence thou give us, though high above our praise.
And, brethren, confidence to go right in.
After seeing all that God has done, the terrible price that was paid by the Lord Jesus.
Are we going to hold back?
That's what he's encouraging these Hebrew believers to do. They have never had the privilege of going into the holiest of all, and they had to be instructed about it. And there's a tendency on our hearts, too, to hold back, to say I'm not worthy. It's not a matter of my worthiness.
Sometimes say people that say they're not worthy. I say if you want to know something, I never have ever been worthy.
But it's not a matter of my words. It's a matter of the worthiness of that man who's on the throne of God. And to hold back now is to insinuate that there's something lacking still. Are you going to do that? Be careful. Be careful. Oh, brethren, the blessedness of the place, that is one for us.
Meant to mention it, Heinz said. I think that's really important.
The sprinkling of the blood and of the water. There is both things, not only the blood.
Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience by the blood.
And our bodies washed with pure water.
What relates to?
Titus 35, where it says by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost, the Old Testament, and the consecration of the priests.
In Exodus 29 I think it is, you'll find that before they were consecrated they were given an all over bath.
And that's what relates to this. It's not the washing of the labor every time they came into the Tabernacle to do the service of God, but it's that all over bath that was given to them when they were consecrated for the service of God. That's what we have here. It's something that is done, isn't it? Having been sprinkled from having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with clear what?
It's done. I hope I haven't missed a comment here, but is there a connection between this verse and John verse in John 19 where it says the blood and water flowed out of the side of the road? Jesus that typified there, Well, Dang, His first job, He came up by water. Only by water inside blood. You know, in the Old Testament there was new birth. That's what the water speaks of. Even here, you know, to be made a new creature.
But the Lord Jesus came not only by water, but by water in blood. He's too cleansing agents are necessary. The blood propagation from sin and the water for cleansing, you know, and making us a new creature. So I think that fits in. So that's normal that we are guilty sinners and the only way that the sick can be washed away is to a lot of the Lord visa. That's why we have a good conscience.
But we also need to be made a new creature and it's very important that picture that.
Our brother Bob mentioned.
There's more than the one. There is also the sprinkling of the blood, and then the oil is the flood. I think it's important to understand that that is even there in picture illustrating how God works in our lives. The first thing that takes place is new birth.
That gives us the capacity for divine things, even to recognize our condition and then?
Faith it can lay hold because we have capacity for divine things of the atoning death of Christ. That's what took place in Acts chapter 10. You know he was born again, but I have made, please do not thou make unclean. Peter is prepared to go to this Gentile and must fall again. But then when he presents the person and work of the Lord Jesus.
And he lays hold of that by faith. Then the Spirit is here. So first new birth, then laying hold of the atoning death of Christ and the personal Lord Jesus, and then the Spirit of God is given. So it's very possible that even today somebody might be born again without being sealed by the Spirit of God.
Now that is difficult for some people to understand, but Mr. Darby, I recently got that paper in my hand again.
In German that was translated and I sent it to his sister in Munich, where he said he himself believed that he was for seven years in that state. You know of Roman seven born again without being in the enjoyment of salvation, without being indwelt by the Spirit so, but that verse in Philippians. He that has begun the work with you shall complete it. God will not halfway stop, you might say.
But new birth is not the ultimate of Christian blessing. It's the beginning. The crowning work is the indwelling of the Spirit. And that, beloved Saints of God, makes you and me a Christian. That makes us different from every single God that ever lived before. They were born again, but they weren't Christians. But we are Christians not only because we're born again. We couldn't be Christians without being born again.
But what makes us different is that we have the Spirit of God dwelling in these bodies.
The indwelling of the Spirit in the Old Testament he came upon, but in the New Testament he indwelt the body of the believer, and that makes us Christians, and that gives us power to live pleasing to God. Romans 7. The man doesn't have it, but Romans 8. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death. The law of the Spirit of life does not mean a rule and regulations or it means a fixed principle.
That has set me free from the law of sin and death. That's not the law of Sinai.
That's the indwelling sin. So how wonderful that you can understand the types. Help us to illustrate New Testament truth. As Mr. McIntosh says, the Old Testament is a picture book that helps us illustrate New Testament truth. But in the wonderful, He has come under the blood and we have to explain by the water. You know, we have been a new creature and it's all the work of God. We cannot seek credit for the fact that we have spawned again and that we are saved.
All glory, all praise goes to God.
I hope your comments brother minds don't undermine this. The conference is some in the room who may think that they can be born again and not a Christian.
I know you have problems with that before Brother Lawrence, but better generally understand that we need more than new birth in order to be a Christian. The public security. Well, I don't want to either with you. We can do discuss that later, but to be a Christian you need more than rubber. You can be born again without being nutritious. Yes, I think there are difficulty is because we try to tack things down to time and God operates from eternity rather.
He's not in the realm of time, but he does operate in the realm of time. So we try to tack it down too much and sometimes we're getting the difficulties in doing that. And you just take the Scripture the way it is and it's simplicity. I like to just leave this thought because our times up in this chapter we have three things. First of all, the will of God.
There are seven and then the work of Christ, verse 12.
And the witness of the Holy Ghost in verse 15. Beautiful to think about it then.
300 and 22322 There is a stream of precious blood that's closed between the same considers washed and not flooded flood 222.
There is a steam hall. Precious long time.
All else done for us marvel and we think of the work that has been in Congress organisers that lay down my life for us and historic my God and doing so love us and blessings. Thank you that that same one.
He lives for us who come for us, and you will have to lift Himself whatever go with his thanking our God, our Father, that we can meditate upon His Sinner God.
Are better than that which is under the law of Moses.
And we thank you, Father, that blessed morning that we see in pipes and shadows the Old Testament has has been here in this world and Christmas and He has glorified you. The satisfied was redeemed to God by his God. We thank you, Lord Jesus, and that my Spirit is here in this world today and He is.
Seeking souls that were comfortably already closed, you have been ordained and determined.
Thank you. That is.
Here also as the one who will occupy our hearts will be, and as a word like it was with.
The accompanied her across that desert.
And spoke to her about the the glories of that man. And she was God through the Standard Life.
And so for Jesus, we thank you for that spirit announcement here. You occupy understand in a measure the glories of that person. And we are waiting now for Jesus to step into our presence.
And there to behold all that we have been told along the street. So we decided for this time and he was raised the gospel. Now this evening, bless the fellowship together do again. We thank you for our brother, and that has invited us here to be together over that Word. And we ask to provide undertaking for them and all the needs here. We give the archives, your Father and the Word, the impression and your worship. Amen.