Gospel 1

Duration: 39min
Gospel—Alejandro Zacarias
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It's so nice to be here.
Is really nice and it's really nice also to see many faces that we've been seeing for many years coming to the camp and many of you young people, kids.
That we see in growing and not only growing physically but also growing spiritually. And we can see it and we can hear it when you guys speak.
How you got guys act?
It's so nice to be here and it's so nice to see you and you know.
When I say it's so nice to see you, I really mean it.
When When words.
Come a reality to your life.
You really mean what you say, and when I say it's really nice to see you, as you many know.
I've been having trouble with my eyes. Is the reason I wearing these glasses?
And a little bit at the time I've been losing my my eyesight.
And is really, really, really nice to see you, be able to see you, still seeing you.
Maybe one day I cannot see you, but for now it's really nice to see you sitting here for the Gospel meeting.
Let us start the gospel meeting tonight with him. 35 in this book.
Hymn 35 please, if somebody can raise, raise the tone.
Let us pray our God love you, Father, we thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ and we.
Always will give you thanks for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank you.
Because today we remember Him, he's dead, and through these meetings our brothers has been reminded us what the Lord Jesus did for us in the cross through his sufferings.
We thank you for the plan of salvation.
We thank you and we asking you now.
To open the hearts.
Maybe somebody here who needs to hear the gospel of salvation. We asking you?
To open the ears, to open the hearts, and that your Holy Spirit can.
Bring light.
To that heart.
We're asking you to help the speaker.
We declare you need of you.
I'm really not sufficient to do it, but trusting in you.
And we thank you, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brothers called me and told me if I can have the gospel and like you know English is my second language and I pray that the Lord can.
Either give me a better English or you understanding my English so.
It's a nice, like I say before, it's really nice to be here and to see many of you and your parents.
Making the sacrifice to bring you here, I know for us is the highlight of summer to bring our kids here because they counting the days to be here.
And it's so nice to be here with our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter the place. I like to confess something.
I really don't like camping.
Really. I mean, I tell my wife I live in Mexico for 20 plus years and I tell my wife I camp every single day of my life over there. Now you when I'm here in a nice house with my bed, you want me to bring to camp? I mean it's like come on, but.
I do it gladly because it's nice to really nice to be here. You know, I don't know when I was living in Mexico, I never own a bed until I was married with my wife, until I I was married, I buy my first bed. I always sleep in the floor or in couches and stuff like that. But so is the reason I say camping again.
You know, it's just like some people say.
Heaven will be heaven because the Lord Jesus Christ will go to be there.
And camping here, no matter the place, is so nice because my brothers and sisters and Christ, young people, kids who are here, it's so nice to be here. It's so nice to hear the meetings. It's so nice to open the Bible and hear about our Lord Jesus Christ. So it's really nice to be here and not only that, but a very nice place.
I was asking one of the girls today, do you really like camping? And she says.
This is not camping, it's a nice buildings, nice cabinets, really this is very nice and real, real good food. Also the only problem I have with the food we just eat is is that what's Mexican food? And I know Mexican food has a side effect. It puts you to sleep.
Is a reason we all Mexicans take a siesta after I'll because the food in Mexico, but it's just a joke. But let us start the meeting the gospel meeting. You know, some time ago I my brother's in Tacoma asked me to preach the gospel and I start reading about the gospel and finding that the gospel means that the great news, good news of salvation, the good news of God.
And we're living in a world.
Where is not many good news? Not long ago I was browsing best top 10 news of the year. Some years ago I was browsing top 10 news of the year and what can come up surprised me because the best news of this world was a shooting on the state of this state.
So many people die on this other place.
On Africa has been war and so many people die and that was the best news this world offer.
That was the best news, the top best, top 10, best news that this world offer. And really, it's not very good news around, but the gospel is the good news of salvation for you and for me.
And it's really a good news. But before I give you the good news, I want to, I want to give you a little bit of bad news 1St, and is the bad news that Brother Joshua and Mark was speaking about. And the bad news is that you and me, we are sinners. We're born on sin. When we born this world, we born sinners.
The Bible tells us that seeing come onto the world from one man.
Adam, and when he's seen after him, every people, every person born in this world is a Sinner.
I'm born in sin, no longer going Bible reading at home. My son just say was telling me so if I never seen and I never do nothing wrong, I live forever. Well, I was telling him, you know, we've seen because we are sinners. We don't sin and become sinners. We sins because we're born in sin. When we're born, we are sinners.
And some people think so many times. Don't tell me that.
You're telling me that a little baby, that nice little baby, is a Sinner? Well, it's not what I say, it's what the Bible said. That little baby is born in sin.
And it's evidence on scene of that case, right? Like many times we say you don't say send to your kid to a school to be nice.
You send your kid.
He already is no good.
He already you can see the scene in his life. I always put this example. I have 4 kids, my oldest is not here. My oldest is Jonathan.
My second oldest is my daughter Alyssa Raquel sitting over there.
And I remember when they was little, my oldest son, now 18, I can't believe it, but he's 18 already. He was like 3 years old. And my daughter was 1 1/2, two years old. She was crawling. My oldest son, he was walking. What they did is they went to the refrigerator.
My oldest son offered the refrigerator and he take a whole dozen of eggs out.
And he knew that was wrong what he was doing so, so he don't want to be in trouble. So what he did is he bring her brother, his brother, her brother, sorry. And he start giving to my daughter the eggs and my daughter every time she received one egg, she started dumping it on the floor and dumping on the floor. So we don't know what that was happening. So I come around.
And when they saw me, my son gets so scared.
What's not me? What's her?
Immediately, he accused her sister.
Because he knew that was wrong.
And you see, little babies, Little.
Babies you can see the effects of seeing on them.
I remember going to a store.
And one little kid.
I don't think her parents was Christians or nothing, but this little kid, I don't know, 2-3 years old and he has a gun, a toy gun.
And he was killing everybody in the store.
He was chewing on everybody. Boom, boom, you're dead. Boom, you're dead. So the man of this little boy, she was kind embarrassed. So he started telling the boy, hey, hey, come down. And the kid start getting so upset about it that he turned around and was so big surprise to me that he turned around and he started shooting to his mind and telling him so many bad things to her, to his mom.
And I kill you. And she starts cheering to his mom with this little toy girl.
So we see.
That little babies.
Are born and seen, and we all has born and seen.
Can you please open your Bible in Romans chapter 3?
Brahman, Chapter 3.
And verse 23.
Let's start with Romans 310 first, please.
As is written, there is no righteous not not one.
There is no righteous, not no one. Verse 23.
For all have seen. For all have seen.
And fall short of the glory of God.
All has seen.
Sometimes I tell my kids when we reading when we speaking about this.
Not only babies, not only young people, not only kids or people. We all sin and we all come short of the glory of God.
We all short of the mark. He is a righteous God. He's a holy God.
And we all sinners, and we need him.
The Bible tells us that we all sin and is what brother Joshua and Brother Mark was speaking about the depravity of men. The total depravity of men is nothing good on us, Paul says. I found that in my flesh. This isn't me. It's nothing good. Everything is bad. It's nothing good on us. In my flesh, it's nothing good.
Without the Lord Jesus Christ, we are in sin.
And we all are walking to perdition. We're walking to death. The Bible tells that the wages of sin is dead, and dead is the separation from God, the eternal separation from God. The wishes of sin is that the pay of sin is dead. Last year I speak about this.
Too when we go to work, I go to work every day.
And every 15 days 2 * a month I receive a check. I receive a pay from my company.
Is the wishes of my work Well, the wishes of sin is there.
Unlike the brothers once mentioned through the Bible, man is dead in his sins.
We are dead without the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing we can do to be saved. Only Jesus Christ can save you, the Lord Jesus Christ in John 14 sixes. I am the way, I am the truth and I am the life, the only way, the only truth, the only life. He don't say I am one of the ways, I am one of the truths and I one of the lives. You can choose as many over there. You can choose, you can choose me, please choose me.
He says I am the only way, I am the only lie, and I am the only truth Is nothing outside him that can save you, Believe me, is nobody here in this room that can save you? It's not religion that can save you. It's no group that can save you. Nobody can save you but the Lord Jesus Christ who died for you in the cross.
Is the only who can save. Only through Him we have salvation.
And that is the great news, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. He gave his only begotten Son. So whosoever believing in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, the same God we was speaking in Genesis, the creator of this war, the creator of the universe, the sun, the moon, everything is the same God who loves you.
And give his only begotten Son.
What an amazing God we have.
That saw our need, that saw you in your deed. So mean my need dead in my sins. With nothing to do. I cannot do anything to be safe. And he needed to reach for me.
He quickened us.
So we can hear the good news of the gospel of salvation in Christ.
And we can receive it by faith. The Bible is in Ephesians. Ephesians chapter 2.
Let's go to Ephesians chapter 2.
Very known verses an efficient chapter 2.
Please forgive me and take a little bit of time to find the verses because I need to look closer. I have this device here that blow the letters.
Big so I can see.
Ephesians chapter 2 verse one. And you did he make alive when you were dead through your trespasses and sins.
When you were dead, through your trespasses and sins, he make us alive.
He gave us the faith to believe.
Even the faith to believe in Him, He give us to us because we don't have nothing. We were running away from Him, enemies of Him.
Everything wrong in us, nothing good in US. Running away from Him, no one and nothing from him. Enemies of God.
He quickened us and given us the faith to see.
Life in our Lord Jesus Christ.
A good news of salvation.
In heaven the plan was made, Who will go for us? Who will be sent? And the Lord Jesus Christ says, here I am, send me the gospel, come from heaven, the living gospel, the Incarnate gospel, the good news of God, come from heaven to this world.
Brought from a virgin.
Live a life without sin. He never sinned.
He never did nothing wrong, no even at all in his mind.
And it's really good to remember, like brother Mark was saying, what he did for us.
I know many of you here have has listened to the gospel many times, but like brother Mark was saying, like today, we remember our Lord Jesus Christ in his death, on the cup and in the bread. When we preach the gospel, we remember also. It's good to hear the gospel because we remember where we was and where we are now in Him in Christ.
Who did everything for us.
God sending his Son. God sending his son to die in the cross.
For you and for me.
The good news in this world that don't have any good news.
God thank His Son to the.
On the cross.
I remember one time.
I have a dream and I don't mean to tell you that their dreams are nothing, just an example.
And in this dream, I was dreaming that my my oldest son was taken by some kids on the neighborhood where we live, and he was taken by these kids.
And when they take it away, I was.
Seeing him going away with these kids and when he was far this kid style start beating him.
With no mercy.
They start punching him and kicking him and he was in the floor.
And he was bleeding and I was looking and I was.
Trying to go there but I was not moving and I cannot reach my kid and help him and this guy was beating him and I was crying because I saw my kid being being hidden. My dream.
And I wake up so desperate and I.
Getting my knees.
And I was thinking.
Oh, Lord, oh Father, you keep your son.
You give your son.
And what we did to him.
We crowned with thorns.
Give it nails in his hands, speed on his face.
Melvin to a cross.
And the Father give him.
The father did the father thank him to die for you and for me?
What great love.
What a great love of the Father to send his son to die for you and for me.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believing in him should not perish, back up everlasting life. For God so loved you and me.
He gave his son.
I don't think I can do it, brother.
I don't think I could give any of my sons or my daughters, but he did. He did, His only begotten Son.
To die for us.
Because he loves you.
What a loving father we have.
What a loving God.
Who see you in your sins?
And he provided remedy.
He provides the remedy.
That is great news.
That is a good news.
Bad news, we all sinners.
Great news.
God loved you and He provided remedy for you and for me to be safe. Let's go back to Romans, please.
Romans Chapter.
Romans 5, verse 8.
But God.
Commandments His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners.
Christ die for us.
Cry, die for us when we was yet sinners.
Christ die for us.
Many times we read these verses when it's the breaking of bread.
And many times we say the same.
And we say it because it's the truth.
God don't save you.
Or God that saved me because he saw something nice or something good on you. Was nothing there? Nothing attractive? You cannot say.
God choose me.
Because it's so good in me.
You cannot say God choose me because my good looks.
Or my good works.
When we was jet sinners.
Christ died for us. By grace are you saved? By grace are we saved?
Grace, the narrative gift of God. Grace by grace are we saved?
So nobody can boast, nobody can say any other religion in the world tells you that you need to do good things and do your good things need to upgrade your your bad things. And it's the way you go to heaven.
The Bible tells us.
Is nothing you can do to get to heaven.
Only the only way is to believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith.
And like we already say, that faith, even that faith, is coming from Him.
It's nothing we can do, brother and sister kids, it's nothing you can do but.
Receive and believe through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. The Bible tells us believe. Put your faith in Christ.
Simplicity of the Gospel. We make everything harder.
But the gospel is simple.
The good news of salvation are simple. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And you will be saved. He is the one.
Who is saving?
He's the one I telling you again, I cannot save you. Nobody in this room can save you. No religion can save you. No group can save you. Nothing you can do can save you. The only one who can save you is Jesus Christ through faith by grace. Believe in Him and you will be saved.
He is the one who saved us. He is the one who chose us.
No long ago I got to give you another example.
And I give you these examples because it's a.
What happened?
I was driving.
From home to work.
And I drive a big truck, a service truck. I work for Toyota and I go places to fix stuff.
And I dry this big truck and as you know as many traffic.
And I was.
Driving and sometimes the enemy bring thoughts to your life.
Things that happened before.
Because he wants to torment you. He's a liar and he wants to torment you. And he brings stuff that happened in your life to to make you feel sad and to make you feel abandoned and to make you feel nobody loves you. And he brings so many lives from things to happen in your life. So I was thinking.
When I was John.
You know, I put this example over there in Tacoma and I was telling them when I was.
678 years old.
I was very, very overweight.
When I was that age, I wait like.
200 lbs. At that time I was very overweight.
And I remember when.
I was that John and live in the neighborhood where many kids, many, many kids was playing and like here, sometimes you make teams and sometimes people say, OK, make a line and the two best players go to choose people.
They got to be the responsible to start choosing people and nobody wants to be in the losing team, right? Everybody wants his teams to win. So at that time I remember making a big line with was many kids on the neighborhood.
And making a big line and these two guys, who was the best?
Start choosing people I want Panchito in my team I'm panchito #1 and he runs and he's all happy because they choose him and the other guy I.
Want Tony and they start picking, picking and one-on-one and one-on-one and I was one of the last one. I always waited for you. Please, please choose me. I want to play too. I want to play.
But you know.
Many times they don't even choose me because I was so no good. I don't run fast. I was not good for sports.
To them I was.
A waste.
You are not worth it because.
You don't run fast, you don't place nice, you don't know the sport.
So we don't charge you. And I was thinking, oh man. But at that moment.
The Lord.
Bring the Bible.
To my heart.
And you know he brings John 1516.
You have not chosen me.
I have chosen you. I have chosen you. I have chosen you to be in my team and you will be with me forever and I will never abandoned you. I will be always with you every single day of your life.
You will be my son. I love you so much that I keep my life for you.
When he starts telling me all that he did for me, oh man, my heart was rejoicing. And I can't do no anything by telling Blessed be your name Lord. I love you Lord, because you love me first and you die for me in the cross.
I have chosen you.
You don't choose me.
In our flesh, in our sins, we rejected Him. We run away from Him. We don't want Him.
But he said, I have chosen you. I give you faith to believe.
And now you will be with me forever.
Don't never forget that.
He is the one who shoots you if you in Christ.
And if you still don't believe in him, you still have time today.
Just put your faith in Him.
Put your faith in Him. Maybe this world tells you you are not good. You are not fast.
You are not pretty.
You are not handsome.
But he's telling you, I choose you and I love you.
And I want you.
I die for you.
To save you.
And to give you a reason to live.
What a wonderful loving.
God we have.
He is.
Calling you.
Giving you the faith to believe.
And it's the reason your mom or your dad, they bring you to this place so you can listen to the Bible, you can listen when brothers.
Like we have been listening these last days.
Telling us about.
This loving God who sent his Son.
Lord Jesus Christ is for us in the cross. He died. He went to the grave.
By the third day, he rise and he is alive.
And he's coming.
Is coming.
Our God and loving Father.
We thank you for this good news, the good news of salvation that we can read in the Bible.
We thank you for sending your son.
We thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ, who died in the cross.
Thank you.
Because you did everything for us.
In ourselves.
We're lost.
But thank you, because you saved us. You give us your son.
Nothing that we did.
But all the work was by you.
What a precious plan, the plan of salvation.
And we thank you because we know that our Lord Jesus Christ soon will come for us.
And we will be with him forever.
For eternity.
And thank you.
Because you choose us.
And you save us.
And we can call you our Father today, because our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and eyes our Savior.
Blessed be his name.
Blessed be the name of our Lord.
Jesus Christ.
We asking you?
For all those.
That stealing his sins.
Give them life, please, Lord.
Let it, let it, let them to see the precious light of the gospel.
Thank you again.
We pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.