Gospel 1

Duration: 47min
Gospel—Luke Mackewich
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We're going to sing one more song.
Behold us.
You can put the song sheets away for a little bit.
The first song that we sang said God in mercy.
Sent his son.
To a world by sin undone.
Why would God need to send his Son into the world?
It's a good question for those of you who have a Bible and have the opportunity to turn.
You can turn to a few passages.
For those of you who are otherwise occupied, feel free to listen.
We're going to start in John's Gospel chapter one and verse one.
John's Gospel chapter one and verse one.
In the beginning was the word.
And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
In him was life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shineth in darkness.
And the darkness comprehended it not.
We read here there's a story and it says that there is this person called the word.
That seems kind of odd. We don't use that language these days. Do you know anybody named the word?
Maybe in your class or maybe where you go to work? Do you know anybody named the word?
We don't use that language these days. What do we use words for?
To talk, to tell people what we want to know, if I want to tell you a message.
I could try to draw, but I can guarantee you're probably not going to be able to understand what I'm trying to draw. And so thank God someone invented words and we can communicate through words and God communicates or he speaks to us through someone called the word and we find that this word was a person that says.
That he existed in the beginning.
It says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.
And the word was God.
What? So you're saying God, but now you're saying the Word, and now you're saying they're the same thing?
God is a triune God, and he has three parts.
Often in common words we would say we refer to him as God the Father.
And the Word, who is also called his Son, the Lord Jesus. And elsewhere we'll find that there is one called the Holy Spirit, and all three are part of one, and they all existed in eternity past. But we find that the one named the Word, later we'll find His name is Jesus.
Says he created the world's, he spoke and the world's came into existence.
I speak and my children don't listen to me.
I speak and sometimes my wife ignores me, probably because I'm wrong, but you never know.
But here it says that the word spoke in the whole entire universe was created.
The power in that person.
It says in him was life and the light of men.
So we find that this individual named the Word or the Lord Jesus was life and light.
And in verse five it says the light shineth in darkness.
And the darkness comprehended it not.
I don't think we fathom that.
How many times have you gone into a room that was completely black, completely dark, turned on the lights?
And the room stayed dark.
When we turn on the lights, either well, the light works or it doesn't work. But if we turn on the lights, the lights come on and everyone can see.
But here it says that God's Son came into this world.
And the world stayed black. The spirit of the world was such that they could not even comprehend who God was.
How is that possible? How is it that you can't understand?
Who God is.
We go back to the start of the Bible.
There's a story of a man and a woman named Adam and Eve.
And in that story, they did something bad.
They disobeyed God.
And when God came to see them.
They ran away and hid.
The heart of man is such that.
When God?
God comes into their presence and man or women or a child.
Still has that sin in their hearts.
They run away and hide. They can have nothing to do with that light because they are in their sins.
Now we might think, well, yeah, that's my neighbor, that's my brother, that's my sister. They get in trouble all the time. Me, I'm good. Have you ever thought that all my coworkers, they're always getting yelled at by the boss? They never can do their job right. But me, I'm good.
We like to think, Oh well, I was raised in a Christian family. I heard the gospel preached. I went to Sunday school. I'm good.
Are you good?
Let's see what God says. You know what? You can see what I say. But let's see what God says. We'll turn to Romans chapter 3.
Romans, chapter 3.
And verse 12.
Romans 3 and verse 12.
We'll back it up.
We'll start at verse 11. He says there is none that understandeth.
There is none that seeketh after God.
They are.
All gone out of the way together.
And become unprofitable.
There is none that doeth good.
No, not one.
You might think that you're a little bit better than your brother. You might think that you're a little bit brother better than your sister.
Then your coworker, then your neighbor.
But my friends, God doesn't have a sin scale. He says there's none that doeth good.
In Romans 3 and verse 23 it says for all have sinned.
What we don't use that word? What does sin mean?
Sin is when we do something bad, when we do something that's against the rules. Have you told the lie?
Have you stolen something? Did you speed on the way to conference? You sinned.
Some of you maybe 100 times on the way to conference, but it says.
Not only have you sinned, it says you've come short of the glory of God.
So God has his glory. What? And I've come short of it. It says every single person.
Has come short of this.
That sounds like a problem.
Let's keep on reading.
Let's through to Romans chapter 3 and verse 20.
Says By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified.
And his sight by the deeds of the law, what?
What does that mean?
I can stand up here and talk, but if you can't understand what I'm saying, it's not doing you any good.
What does this mean?
I'll tell you.
This says that there is absolutely nothing you can do.
To save yourself.
Deeds of the law. The law was a list of rules and it was saying you need to do.
ABCDEFGHIJ there's a lot of laws. Sometimes we break the laws because we don't even know them.
But it says even if you follow all the laws, there's no way that you can justify yourself in the sight of God.
In Isaiah chapter 64 and verse six it says that all our righteousnesses.
All the good things that we try to do to please God. He looks at them as filthy rags, as some dirty disgusting thing that he doesn't even want in his sight.
The very best that you try to do and bring to God.
He says as a filthy rag that he wants nothing to do with.
OK, well, that's kind of a problem.
Well, maybe I can go to my parents for help.
For a classmate or something else?
Bible says that no man can by any means.
Redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.
There's a lot of big words in that too. What does that mean?
It means that your dad, your mom, your friend.
They've done something bad too, and they're just as guilty as you. They can't stand in the place.
They're just as guilty.
They've done something bad, just like you. Oh, wow. So now I've done something bad and I can't save myself. And I can't go to my parents and they can't save me. I can't go to my Sunday school teacher and they can't save me. What do I do?
I need some assistance. I need some help.
We'll turn to Job chapter 33 on verse 24.
You know what?
And that's OK.
All right, Job 33 and verse 24.
Says deliver him from going down to the pit.
I have found a ransom pit ransom. Man, you're using a lot of big words today.
What does that mean?
We'll use this as a symbol. We'll say the pit is hell.
We can say God wants to provide a way to save you.
From being punished for your sins.
That says he found a ransom, a ransom. You don't use that word very often, but sometimes we hear of like hostages, bank robberies and someone's held captive and if you give a lot of money, you can get them back a payment. God has found a payment, a way that we could not get in trouble.
Hmm, that's fine about that. Let's go to first, John.
Chapter 4.
First John, chapter 4.
Verse 14.
And we have seen and you testify or tell everybody.
That the Father sent the Son. Remember him? We heard about him at the very beginning. The word the Father sent the Son to be the Savior.
Of the world.
Turn to Mark, Gospel of Mark.
Mark's Gospel, chapter 10.
On verse 45.
For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto.
But the minister?
And to give his life.
For many.
Again, there's a lot of big words.
What does it mean?
God sent his Son, the Lord Jesus.
Think of it, the creator of the universe who could speak in anything he wanted could happen.
Could do anything he wanted. He could touch and turn his favorite toy into gold if he wanted to.
You can make it so the phone never went dead. They didn't have phones back then. He could do anything he wanted.
He was, if he would say.
All Supreme. He was the top dog. Did he come so that every single person should come and say, oh, you're so wonderful here. We're going to give you presents. We're going to do this. Is that how he came?
That says he came not to be ministered to. He didn't come to get all your trinkets that you're offering. He didn't come for your filthy rags.
Those things that you think are pleasing to God that he wants nothing to do with.
He came to give his life, give his life.
Why would he have to give his life?
We read elsewhere, it says the soul that Sinneth does something bad, it shall die. The punishment, you know, sometimes we get in trouble at school or by our parents and the punishment might be.
You're in timeout.
There might be you have to do an extra chore.
God says.
The punishment for telling a lie is death.
The punishment for wanting.
That toy that your sister has?
That penalty for speeding? Death.
Well, that's pretty severe. I was hoping for some leniency.
How do we deal with this?
While it says he gave his life a ransom.
For many, we find that the penalty is death. OK, so how did the son give his life a ransom for many?
I'm sure most people have heard the story of the crucifixion.
But we'll turn there.
But before we'll turn there.
We'll go to a story before that and Matthew's Gospel chapter 26.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 26.
We find that God the Father sent the Son.
To give his life.
And just before he gives his life.
And one of the most painful, excruciating ways to die possible.
Before he takes the penalty of sin.
He prays.
To his father.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, and we'll pick it up in Matthew's Gospel chapter 26.
And verse 38.
Matthew 26 and verse 38 Then said Jesus unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.
Tarry ye here, wait here and watch with me. Jesus was so worried and distraught.
He went out to pray.
He went to pray to his Father.
In verse 39 it says he went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed, saying, Oh my father.
If it be possible.
Let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will, but as I will.
There's a lot of big words in there.
That mean?
God, if there's any other way that this child can go to heaven?
Without me having to go to the cross and die. Let's do it.
Is there another way that this gentleman over here can make his way to heaven so that I don't have to go to the cross?
He knew what that meant. He knew what was in front.
What was the answer?
Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done, he said. I know that there is absolutely no other way that this can happen, that this boy or this girl can go to heaven.
Unless I go to the cross.
And thus I go to the cross. Well, how does he go into the cross?
Make a way.
That you can go to heaven.
Hmm, good question.
Bible says without the shedding of blood is no remission of sin.
Without the shedding.
Blood and remission, man, this guy, we're using a lot of big words.
In order for the penalty of sin to be covered, it required a payment in full.
In order for someone to be able to pay in full, they had to have sufficient funds.
And first, Peter, it says we're not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold.
Received from vain tradition from your father's.
But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb, without blemish and without spot.
It required somebody who was absolutely perfect, who could have nothing.
On their account.
If Jesus had done a sin and he went to the cross, he would have paid for his sin.
We know it was impossible that he could have sinned.
But in order for the payment of sin to be covered, it must be done by someone who is absolutely perfect, who did absolutely nothing wrong.
And not only that, we find he went willingly and man crucified him to a cross. They took nails and they nailed them up to the cross.
They put nails in the hands and his feet. They spit upon him. They mocked him. They took a spear when he was dead and jammed it into his side.
Did that cover sin?
No, that was a hatred of man. That was man. Just saying I don't want him. That was man. If it were, we went back to the beginning. It says darkness comprehended it not.
A man or woman or child in sin has no way of understanding God, no way of comprehending it says. I want nothing to do with that.
So then how did he die on the cross? Provide a way that we could get this ransom that you're talking about?
Good question. We'll find that when he was on the cross.
There was a three hour period where God laid.
The punishment of sin.
On him, where he faced the punishment of sin.
But it says he was a ransom.
For many.
He went to the cross and he died.
A way that God could offer a payment for sin.
Let me ask a question.
Did it work?
Is God happy?
How would we know?
How would we know that God would have potentially been happy with Jesus going to the cross and dying?
We get that answer.
We'll go and end up Matthew.
Matthew 28.
Matthew 28.
Picking it up in the middle of verse 5.
It says fear not ye.
For I know that you seek Jesus, which was crucified.
He is not here.
For he is risen.
Well, we use the word I rise up in the morning.
The proof that God was happy.
With this payment.
Was that he raised his son from the dead?
Not only did he raise him from the dead.
He brought him back to heaven.
And Saddam on the throne next to him.
If God was not happy with the payment, you can guarantee he would have been. You're still icky. Stay out.
The proof that God is happy or satisfied with the work of the cross.
Is that he raised the Lord Jesus from the dead.
OK, well, he raised them from the dead. Well, how does that help me? I've kind of got a little bit of the story, but.
Not all of it. Let's go to John's Gospel.
John's Gospel, chapter 3.
John's Gospel, chapter 3.
Verse 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Verse 36.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life.
But the wrath of God abideth on him.
In Romans it says, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead. You will be saved.
It's that simple.
Confess the Lord Jesus.
As Lord say God, I've done something bad.
I believe you sent your Son the Lord Jesus.
To be my substitute who here likes to get in trouble.
Not me. If there is a way that I could get a substitute for somebody else to get in trouble for me.
That sounds like a good idea.
We had at the start of this meeting the talk of a ransom, someone to do the payment for me.
We find that God offers the Lord Jesus.
As a substitute for you.
But instead of ransom for many.
Why does it say you're ransomed for money and not a ransom for all?
Because God is offering you a way.
To not get in trouble.
He is offering you away so that you could say God. I want Jesus to get in trouble for me so I don't have to get in trouble.
But you have to accept it.
If you don't accept it, you don't have it. If someone offers you a present and you say yeah, that's nice and walk away, do you have it? No.
And if God says here is a way to sell, go to heaven, here is a way where you don't have to get in trouble for the bad things that you've done.
I just want you to believe in my son and repent of the sins or turn away from the sins that you've done and you say no.
Well, what was the prayer of the Lord Jesus?
Do you remember he was in the garden before we went to the cross? What was his prayer?
Father, if it's possible that I don't have to go the cross and die.
So that this person can go to hell.
Let's do it.
You know what? It's not possible. And so we have.
John, 336.
He that believeth not the Son, if you don't accept that offer of salvation.
You're not going to see life, you're not going to go to heaven, you're going to have the wrath of God.
Would you rather have the wrath of God?
For all eternity.
We'll have a substitute who willingly is saying I am willing to get in trouble for you. Just let me get in trouble for you and you can go free. Just take it.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Bring our clothes with a thong.
Oh, do not laugh.
This song reminds us.
We're not promised tomorrow.
We're not promised later this evening.
You could have a heart attack and drop dead and by the time I'm done with this talk.
But God in his mercy.
He offers salvation. He offers that substitute.
But you can only make that choice when you're alive.
When you die, it's too late.
If you haven't made that choice yet, If you haven't asked the Lord Jesus.
To be your substitute to get in trouble for you.
Let's do it tonight. You might say, Well, I don't know how. That was a long talk. You got up there and you talked for 45 minutes and I forgot a lot of it.
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus.
And believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. You will be saved. It's that easy.