Gospel—Paul House
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Welcome everyone tonight and could we sing hymn #2 on our hymn sheets?
Hymn #2 Come tis Jesus gently calling ye with care and toil oppressed #2 Someone started, please.
Umm, humans and everything. Oh my God I understand. So I'm sorry it's not translation.
I'm pretty good in the name.
Oracle Color.
From the world's landmarks give you a little bit of time.
For those not familiar with.
A gospel meeting.
Typically, we begin.
By asking God to help us to.
Speak well.
Of His son Jesus Christ, and that each person here would.
Be able to understand the message of God's love for them.
So we'll begin with a little word of prayer to God and then open His word to.
Go over a few things that he wants us to know.
Give thanks.
When I came in tonight, I was very interested in the invitation that had been passed out in the neighborhood.
And I'll just read a little bit of it because it was.
Encouragement to me.
The message to be presented has brought real satisfaction and profound happiness to millions of people, young and old.
It is addressed to you and should be of great concern to you. It comes from someone who wants the very best for you from God Himself, by way of His Son, Jesus Christ.
It's a message of renewal and of hope. Don't miss the opportunity. It could change your life. And then at the bottom is a wonderful verse and I'll read it. Jesus said come on to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Perhaps you weren't here this afternoon, but there was several meetings in this room through the day.
One of the meetings was particularly addressed to young people and Christians, people who had already accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
And the man who brought the message before us.
He uh.
Read some verses that gave the thought that the Lord Jesus wanted.
All the believers in himself.
To follow him and so he could say follow me.
And I was sitting thinking there in my seat.
About the responsibility that I have now.
The responsibility that I have.
To in some feeble way communicate to each person here that God loves you.
And this verse that I just read at the bottom of your the invitation that you received says, come unto me. So for those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus, we heard how the Lord Jesus said, follow me. But tonight this is a gospel meeting. It's a meeting when we have the opportunity.
To tell others the wonderful truth that we have learned.
Of how the Lord Jesus came into this world. The very Son of God became a man.
And how he died on the cross and gave his life, his blood flow down at Calvary's Hill. He died on a cross for me, for each person who will accept him as their own personal Savior. So tonight the Lord Jesus says, come on to me.
And I have the opportunity, the privilege to tell you that the Lord Jesus is saying that to you, to you tonight. Come on to me. He wants you. He wants you for His own.
Those of us.
Who are Christians here?
We've come to realize.
How wonderful the God who made you and who made me, He really is.
A God who loved me.
When I was so far from him, when I had no love for him, He loved me. You know, there's a verse that just amazes me. It says we love him because he first loved us. And I can remember a time in my life when I had no love for God.
Perhaps there's somebody here tonight and that's your condition. You have no love for God. Let me assure you, God loves you.
And I also want to say this.
As a Christian, as someone who loves the Lord Jesus Christ.
I got down on my knees and I owned my sinfulness before a holy God, and I stand here as someone that is no better than you.
I'm a Sinner.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. That's what makes me a Christian. I'm no better.
In fact.
I would share with you this thought.
Many years ago there was a dear man who came to our little Bible meeting where I live.
And he had this thought that he shared with me, with all of us that night.
And he said, you know.
He had to realize.
That he was the worst.
One of the worst.
And so God allowed him to be raised in a Christian home to make sure that he'd hear the gospel and to make sure that he gets saved.
You know, I take my place as one of the worst.
I know better, but I am saved by the goodness of the grace of God. I confessed my sin to Him. I ask for forgiveness. There was a day in my life when, by faith, I kneeled at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ. I looked up and I saw those hands outstretched, those nails through those hands and through those feet.
I saw the blood flow down his side by the eye of my face.
I realized that he died for me.
I accepted Him as my Savior. I'm no better, but I've taken my place as a Sinner before God. I've come to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness. I believe that His blood that He shed so long ago washed away every one of my sins and I'm so thankful.
I read in the invitation about the millions that have done the same.
You can do that tonight. You can see the Lord Jesus with His arms outstretched in love for you. You can believe that He died for you tonight, that His blood was shed for you, and that it washes away each one of your sins before a holy God.
And like me, you will be on your way to heaven.
You know there are so many people in this world and they have no idea where they're going when they leave. Do you? Do you know where you will be when you leave this world?
Do you know anyone? This may sound goofy, goofy, but really, do you know anybody that's 200 years old? No.
150 No.
We all have to leave here. Are you ready to leave? I am. Not because I'm better, but because I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
And I trust that you'll do that tonight, if you have not already.
You know, as Christians.
We love the Word of God.
It's our food supply for our souls. We need it every day.
And, you know, we enjoy it.
Before I accept the Lord Jesus as my Savior, I didn't want to read my Bible. Like I said, I grew up in a Christian home. I had a Bible. My parents bought me one. You think I wanted to read it? No.
Do I want to now? Yeah.
When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit of God comes and indwells us.
And gives us an appetite and a desire.
That new life that we get when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
The Holy Spirit gives us that desire to read the Word of God.
I was going to say that as believers, many of us have favorite verses.
And tonight I want to read one of my favorite chapters, Matthew or Mark, chapter 12.
We could begin there.
Mark, Chapter 12.
If you're not familiar with this blessed book.
There's the Old Testament, which is the part of the Bible that was written before the Lord Jesus was here on earth. And then there's the New Testament that was written vote the Lord Jesus and his life here and by those who were with him. After he passed, he went home to heaven, back to heaven.
So let's read a few verses in Mark chapter 12.
And my purpose tonight is to.
Talk a little bit about the future.
A little bit about what's gonna happen in this world.
And you say, well, how do you know what's gonna happen in this world?
I said I'm no better than you.
As a Christian, I've owned that I'm a Sinner before a holy God.
I've come for forgiveness to the foot of the cross, accepted Jesus as my Savior.
But you know, God has a book.
For me to read as a believer.
And for you as an unbeliever to find out his truth and God and His love to man has provided this book so that we will know his heart and know his mind, but also know the future.
You know there's a.
We bought a farm in 2002.
And one of the things on the farm that we found that was left behind by the previous owners was a little gospel text in the garage.
And it says this, It says prepare to meet thy God. Prepare. That's what we're doing tonight. We're preparing. We're talking about the future.
And if there's somebody that doesn't know where they're gonna be when they leave this world, you need to listen very closely. Tonight we need to talk about we're gonna talk about the future according to this blessed book, the Word of God.
Before we read this chapter, I want to tell you a little incident.
It really impressed me.
Some time ago I was reading a book.
An old book.
Now it's been republished by BTP and other Bible people that do books book reprinting.
But this book was written in 18, I think 98 or 97.
At that time.
The city of Jerusalem was found in the Ottoman Empire.
There was no country of Israel.
And at that time.
The person that was responsible for Jerusalem was called the Sultan.
And you know, there, there was a number of things written in that book.
About how there was going to be a future state of Israel and how that Jerusalem was gonna be.
There was a lot of other things that were in that book.
And, you know, when I read it, I said, yeah, Israel is a nation. But you know when it was written, the man that wrote that book?
He he only had the word of God to go by.
He didn't make it up because he had spent a lot of time and effort studying the Word of God. And so he was able to say that, yes, Israel is going to be a nation again because that's what the Word of God teaches. Now we're going to talk a little bit about the future tonight.
And it's not my ideas, but because I'm a Christian, I believe the word of God, the book that tells me about Jesus.
And the love of God and the way a Sinner like me can get to heaven. That same book tells me about what's going to happen. It may not be tomorrow or the next day, but it's going to happen. And so I want to start with this little account in the 12Th of Mark because you know, the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, he tells what's going to happen in the next few months or years.
In that same area of the world, Jerusalem. So let's read these verses in Mark 12.
Verse one. And he began to speak unto them by parables. That's the Lord Jesus speaking to them.
Says a certain man planted a vineyard, and sat in hedge about it, and digged a place for the wine fat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandman, and went into a far country. And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive of the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard.
And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty. And again he said unto them another servant. And at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. And again he sent another. And him they killed, and many others, beating some and killing some. Having yet therefore one son his well beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son.
But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir, Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours. And they took him and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. What shall therefore the Lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the husbandman, and will give the vineyard unto others. And have you not read this Scripture? The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner.
This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
And they sought to lay hold on him.
But feared the people, for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them, and they left him and went their way.
We'll speak about this for just a couple of minutes.
This is, uh, a wonderful account.
You say, well, what do you mean by wonderful? Well, you see, I love the Lord Jesus Christ.
So this story of how the Lord Jesus told these religious leaders in this account of how he came into this world and how he was going to die, to me is absolutely wonderful.
For him to know that he was going to go to the cross and suffer.
Before it happened to me. It's wonderful that he would come into this world to die for me, that he would love me enough.
To go to that cross and to suffer there.
Now if you coming in here tonight and you're not familiar with a lot of what I'm talking about.
I want to just have a little aside for a minute.
In this country that I live and you live.
A lot of is meant, a lot is made of the holidays.
In December.
People go out of their way.
To celebrate Christian or Christmas.
And people remember how the Lord Jesus became a man, a little baby.
He was born in that Manger, and that's all true.
But I was always a puzzle to me.
With the many people I worked with over the years.
Who didn't love the Lord Jesus?
That they would spend considerable time and effort thinking about the birth of the Lord Jesus, but you know, they had very little interest in the death of the Lord Jesus.
I like to think of him as a little baby, a little innocent boy in the Manger.
The wise men and so on, and all the story concerning his birth.
But then when I talked about his crucifixion and how he suffered untold agony at the hands of men, and then talked about the hours of darkness when Jesus hung there and was punished by a holy God for the sins of each person who would ask for forgiveness, there was very little interest in that.
I ask you tonight.
You ever thought of how Jesus Christ died on the cross? You ever thought that He did it for you?
That he gave his life so that you could have your sins washed away.
And that you could know with assurance that your sins were gone, and that if you had to leave this world.
And you will.
That you'll go to heaven where there's no sin, there's no sorrow, no pain, no suffering, but just eternal joy in the House of God.
I love this account. It makes me sad when I think of many of the people who had faith in God who came to tell men and women like me.
About the love of God and how they were killed.
Stoned. Tortured.
Many of you probably know history far better than I do. You've studied how Christians have been.
Pull the pieces over the years.
This is what we're reading about.
Many people came to talk about the love of God and they were, as it were, sent out. We don't want to hear about it.
And I hope there's nobody in this room tonight and you're saying, oh boy, I'm hearing of another gospel meeting about the love of God. I just don't want to hear about it.
You know the Lord Jesus, He wants to save you tonight.
Stop rejecting him.
Just come, come the way you are.
Be happy for the first time.
How can a human being with a heart as big as God has made your heart be happy if he hasn't feeling it?
Only God can fill your heart, and He'd love to do it.
You gotta let him in. You gotta come to him.
And ask for forgiveness from your sins.
It's very simple.
My little boy, I love you.
But if he wants to come in.
To our house and he's got muddy boots.
I really want him to either take them off first or get them cleaned, and then I'd love him to come in the front door, wrap his arms around me, say hi Daddy, but not with his muddy boots on. You know God loves me so much. God wants. God made me.
God wants me in heaven.
But in my sense, with the mud on my boots.
I'm gonna spoil heaven if he lets me in.
You know, it's simple. You say, that's a simple analogy. Yeah, but it's that simple in our sense. We can't get into heaven. The Bible is very clear about that. You say, well, you're just making it up. I'll show you the verses after if you want to see them. And there's many here that would be glad to spend time with you to share the word of God that we have come to value and love.
Well, let's talk a little bit about this story.
Verse 6 Having yet therefore one son, his well beloved, He sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son.
God sent his Son.
His son, Jesus Christ, we know what happened to him.
Is there somebody here tonight and you don't know what happened to Jesus Christ? You don't know how he was hung up on the cross by men like me?
You don't know the story of how people said we don't want him.
Crucify him.
A man who had never done anything wrong, who had never thought anything wrong. A man who had healed the blind.
A man who had healed the death cast out devils out of people.
And yet they set away with him.
We will not have this man to reign over us.
Perhaps there's somebody here tonight.
You never thought about it this way.
But perhaps you're saying the same thing?
If you haven't accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and you know the way.
To have your sins forgiven.
You're in the same position as those people that said away with him. We will not have this man.
Are you saying that tonight I will not have this man?
I trust not.
Verse 7.
The husbandman said this is the heir.
You know, when I was younger, I used to think that it meant the air that we breathe.
This is the air you see. I didn't know what HEIR meant.
But as I've got a little bit older, I think I've understood it a little bit better.
You know the Lord Jesus has, right?
To the universe.
He made it, He made you. He's the heir. And people like me took him and said I weigh with him, crucify him.
And Pilate said, Why, what evil hath he done? That was the Roman government, governor and authority at that time. Three times he said, I find no fault in this man, and still he committed him to be crucified.
That's the justice that the world gave God's Son.
This is the air. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.
And they took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard. The Lord Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen. That's what did happen outside of the hills, outside of the walls of Jerusalem. They took the Lord Jesus Christ, my precious Savior, and they hung him up to die. People like me, they hung him there for three hours. They insulted him. They spat at him.
Before they hung him up, they put a crown of thorns on his head and we never read of them taking them off.
And he hung there, and people like me made fun of him.
I'm sure I would have said terrible things to him too.
Might have been there.
And So what if you?
A man that was perfect.
A man that loved me.
Then it got dark. For three hours it was dark, so dark that you couldn't see anything. God made sure that no one could see.
Well, he placed the sins of every person that would believe in Jesus on his blessed Son and punishment.
You know, at the end of that, those three hours.
The Lord Jesus could say this.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Forsaken by a holy God.
Three hours I don't understand.
But I'm thankful that the Lord Jesus paid the price for me in those three hours of darkness. And then he said.
Three more wonderful words.
He said it is finished.
And then it says that he bowed his head and he gave up the ghost.
He gave his spirit back to God.
A dying man would say it is finished. What does that mean? What else could it mean but that the work that his father had given him to do was finished, That he had borne the sins of each person that would believe on him?
You know the Lord Jesus that says he bare the sin of many. It doesn't say everybody.
Would it be right for me to punish one of my boys or one of my girls for what they didn't do?
Of course not.
As a loving father, would I do that? I sure would not want to.
And the Bible is very clear that Jesus was punished for the sins of the people that would trust in Him.
Not everybody.
And thank God that many people have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior, but not everybody.
Are you in the many?
Have you come to the Lord Jesus? Accepted Him as your personal Savior? It's a wonderful thing to do.
I remember as a young person or boy, I don't know what it was, I don't remember when I came to the Lord Jesus, but I have. I love him.
My Savior. I remember the first time that I could go to sleep without worrying about my sins. What a relief that was.
I didn't wake up and worry about whether my mom and dad were going to go to heaven and I'd get left behind for judgment.
We're going to get into that in a minute.
Because this Bible that we have on our laps and perhaps you have on your lap tonight.
Speaks about the future now. The Lord Jesus spoke about what was going to happen to him in this account.
He tells the rest of the story when he was still alive, how that he was going to be taken and crucified.
They cast him out of the vineyard.
Vineyard would be this world.
God sent his son verse six. Now verse 9.
What shall therefore the Lord of the Vineyard do? He will come and destroy the husbandman.
And will give the vineyard unto others.
Perhaps we could say Israel was the vineyard.
What will God do?
What will God do?
Let's think about it for a minute. 2000 years ago, nearly the Son of God was sent out of this world by people like me who said we will not have this man, we don't want him. Is there somebody saying that tonight? I don't want him.
Is that you?
I want to tell a little story now.
That just made me so sad.
It was a young man.
Near to us.
And he got picked up by the police.
For something that he had done.
And he got put into a cell, the police station.
The police called his parents.
And his father came to the police station.
Came in the door. He was a respectable.
Man in the community.
Very nice man, very polite.
Well mannered.
Came to the desk.
Told the UH.
Sergeant who he was.
He said he had come to get his son.
He could hear a lot of noise down the hall, said to the Sergeant. He said, Sergeant, what's that noise?
Sergeant says that's your son.
The father looked at the Sergeant.
He said this, He said, you know I love my son.
That I have tried everything.
I've tried everything with my son.
I've tried to discipline him, I've tried to help him, I've tried to give him things. I've done everything I can think of with my son. He won't listen.
I don't know what to do, he said. But you know what I think I'm going to do? He said. I'm going to leave my son here.
And he turned around and he walked out of the police station.
He laughed behind his yelling son.
I tell you this because it touched my heart.
I thought of another father. I thought of God.
Speak reverently.
And the love that he has for you tonight.
And the message is that you've heard.
The times that he's intervened in your life through the circumstance to show his love to you.
You've turned him down. You've rejected him.
I thought of that father.
And how he turned and he left that police station.
You know the door of heaven is open for you tonight. God hasn't done that to you.
Are you yelling? Are you rejecting God?
You know there's a day coming.
When the door to heaven is going to get shut.
And then you're gonna want in. It's gonna be too late.
But you know, it broke my heart when I thought of that father having to leave that police station because there was absolutely nothing that he could do for his son. What a sorrow, what a tragedy. But how is it with you, young person tonight? Is that how you treated God like that boy is treated as his father?
God and his love to you, and you've spurned it, rejected it, insulted God.
Come to Him tonight. Ask the Lord Jesus to be your Savior tonight.
Now we were speaking about.
The Lord Jesus being rejected 2000 years ago.
And being crucified and mocked.
He will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others.
This wonderful book that tells us about the love of God, the Bible.
Also predicts.
The judgment of this world and those people who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
This book tells us very clearly what their end is.
And that end is judgement.
And you say, well, how do you know this?
The same book that tells me that God loves me also tells me that God is holy.
It tells me that there can be no sin in heaven. It tells me that we can't live here on this earth forever.
And that someday we have to meet God. If you meet him in your sins, there's judgment for you.
Now you say, well.
Are you sure? Based on the word of God, I would say absolutely yes, I'm sure.
And if you want to have more verses about this, I'll be happy to share some with you afterward. And there's many other people, perhaps the person that invited you, that could do that too.
Now let's turn to another prediction in John chapter 14.
John chapter 14 and verses 2:00 and 3:00.
Just the end of verse 2.
The Lord Jesus speaking, he says I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again.
And receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.
The Lord Jesus was speaking to his followers, those who loved Him, his disciples.
I take that for me personally because I love him.
I am a disciple of the Lord Jesus, a follower of him. I love these verses because the Lord Jesus has gone to heaven. He's prepared a place for me. And it says.
I will come again. The Lord Jesus is going to come again.
Now, I haven't lived as long as many people in this room.
But I've lived long enough to hear people laugh and mock about the Lord Jesus coming again. Now let's talk about this for a minute.
Because the Lord Jesus has promised to come someday and take all those who trust in him home to heaven. And you say, well, when's that gonna happen? I'm gonna say to you, I don't know. But based on the predictions that have happened, that were that were made and that have happened in the word of God, I would say that would give me tremendous courage to believe that this is gonna happen too. Everything that the Lord Jesus says will happen.
God keeps his word always. And so here we have this little verse that says I will come again. I don't know when, but the Bible teaches us very clearly that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to come again.
There's an older brother in our assembly at home.
I've had the privilege of having breakfast with him a number of times.
And almost every time he prays and he says, you know, Lord, it's just like some ordinary day, like today thou wilt come. You know what's true? Some ordinary day. We're going to be just doing our business, whatever we happen to do, taking care of our kids or whatever it is. And the Lord Jesus is going to come and he's going to call everyone who belongs to him home to be with himself. We read about this in a number of different verses in this Bible of ours.
And it's true.
My youngest girl.
She, uh, showed me a little bit of a clip.
A man giving a gospel meeting.
And he was preaching from this book and it was a made-up little clip.
And in the clip, it showed that Jesus came in the middle of that meeting and all the people, almost all the people in that room, laughed.
But you know what? There was two or three people that were sitting there and you know they were sitting there. There was no one else in the room.
And there was this big room like this, and there was one person over here and one person over there, one person in the back corner over there. Those three people were like, Oh my goodness.
Would that be you?
So Lord Jesus came right now.
Are you ready? Would you go to be with the one who gave himself for you?
Or would you be like that boy that was in the jail?
Who had rejected the love of his father?
And his father walked out.
I will come again.
Now we have just a couple of minutes I think.
So let's turn to another verse in the book of Acts.
Acts Chapter 17.
We don't have time to go into the whole story, but.
The Apostle Paul was in the city of Athens.
There's those in this room that have been there.
Some that have told me that you can go to this spot, see these stairs that the Apostle Paul was able to preach from.
Where he addressed the people of wisdom in that day, many who didn't believe in God.
People here in this world today.
And he was telling them about the Lord Jesus and how the Lord Jesus came from heaven to die for the likes of me and him.
And then he spoke about judgment to come.
Let's read a few verses.
Verse 31.
Because he, that is God, hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness, by that man whom he hath ordained where I'll be, hath where he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
So we've spoken a little bit about the cross tonight and how the Lord Jesus was put there to die.
You know, after the Lord Jesus said it is finished.
We read that a Roman soldier.
He came with a spear, and he pierced the side of the Lord Jesus.
His dead side, and it says that forthwith came throughout blood and water.
Tells us that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sins. That's how my sins are forgiven.
Believe that that blood that the Lord Jesus shed was shed for me.
You know, there was two men that came forward.
That risk their careers.
Who, I'm sure were the laughingstock of the religious authorities. After that, two men, Joseph and Nicodemus, came forward and they took the body of the Lord Jesus and they buried it.
The Lord Jesus was in the grave, but on the third day.
He rose again.
And the Bible is very clear that for 40 days the Lord Jesus walked here as a man on this earth, and then he went back to heaven. And today the Lord Jesus Christ, it tells us in the word of God that he's at the right hand of the majesty on high. He's there now.
The Lord Jesus, because he's God, He can see everything, He knows everything, and he's looking into this room tonight and he's looking into your heart.
He's at the right hand of the throne of God. He may come now.
He may come tomorrow, we don't know when, but he's going to come and he's going to take me and he's going to take you if you've trusted in him home to heaven.
You know the Lord or the Apostle Paul preached this 1900 and some years ago to these well educated well off people in the land of Greece.
You know there was a result in verse 32.
When they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked and others said, we will hear thee again of this matter.
So Paul departed from among them, albeit certain men clave on to him and believed.
We have three classes of people in this room tonight.
The same as were there at that time.
That heard the preaching of the Apostle Paul.
You've heard a little bit about what we said tonight.
From the Word of God, what's the reaction from your heart?
Which category are you in? If I can put it that way, We have 3 categories of people here. We have first of all the people that mocked the people that made fun and said that's ridiculous.
You know, there's some people in this room.
You may not say that.
Out loud.
But tonight, are you telling God no?
Or have you come to God and ask for forgiveness from your sins through the work of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ?
Some mocked, others said we will hear the again of this matter.
Now what does this bring to our hearts?
When we think about it, have you ever heard people say?
Ah, our I'll deal with it later. You know what? I had the privilege of growing up in Ottawa as a young boy and going to the gospel meeting.
And all the people who are in this room that have ever heard Charles Hale speak will remember this. Used to wave his finger like this. And I remember as a boy he would say, you know, there's people that wanna wait till the 11Th hour to get saved.
And they die at 10:30.
That's a warning. There's somebody here tonight and you're putting it off and you're saying sometime later I'll get saved. What if the Lord comes tonight?
What if you go out there and get run over I?
I trust that won't happen, but don't wait till the 11Th hour.
There was people that said, oh, well, here again. Well, think about it. But you know.
People that put it off very often.
Too late for them. Don't wait, Come to Jesus Christ now, the one who gave himself.
And then, you know, there's this man, Dionysius, and this woman named Amorous.
You know the Lord loves us all the same, infinitely. He wants you tonight. Boy, girl, man, woman. He died for every Sinner.
But you know He only bare the sin of many. He wants you to come. You need to come just like you are. Ask for forgiveness for your sins. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.
Want to tell one more little story? Then we'll pray.
Another police story.
I'll try to recount it exactly the way it was recounted to me.
This man.
Was taken into custody.
For substance abuse.
Very common in the world today.
Perhaps characteristic of your life.
Looking for happiness in this world? A temporary high, something to get you through for the next little while.
That's what this man was looking for.
Unfortunately, he had a little too much.
For a little too long.
He was seen in the cell rubbing his arm like this.
His mind virtually empty.
And one of the police people said to the.
Another one, it said Wha wha? What was his name?
His name was repeated to that police officer.
She said. You know.
Seems to me I went to school with a guy by that name. She walked down the hall, looked in the little cell where he was.
That was him.
You know, he was the smartest kid in the school.
His expenses were all paid for by scholarships. One of the best universities in this country.
Chemical Engineer.
An empty mine from drugs.
This world does not satisfy.
There's only one person that can satisfy your heart, that can wash away your sins.
They can assure you a future for all eternity in heaven, and that's the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's pray.