Gospel 1

Duration: 46min
Gospel—Richard Mackewich
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I'd like to welcome everybody here tonight. As was mentioned, an invitation went out. I think it's cool because you get free coffee. That's better than Tim Horton or Starbucks. You get free coffee. We have something even more wonderful. It's free tonight. You can have the knowledge and the reality of knowing your sins are forgiven. What a marvelous thing to be able to walk down the streets Of Montreal, Illinois. I'll never come under the judgment of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, bore.
My sins is somebody on the tree and you by faith, you can have it too. But there was a message on this invitation. There are a number of Bible verses. How many of you in this room actually even have one of these? Raise your hand if you have one. Well, good. It's an invitation that's been given out.
Have you received the message?
What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Thou shalt be saved. Let's sing #4 should have received a hem sheet from the gentleman at the door there. Number four, Christ is the Savior of sinners.
Well, the next obvious question is who or what is a Sinner?
And why do they need to be saved? And who is this man? Christ is the Savior of sinners. You boys and girls brought up in what we heard today of Christian home. You know the answers to the questions. Christ is the answer. Believe there's a bumper sticker over there, Jesus.
Is the answer He's the answer for your heart tonight?
The gospel message goes out to the lost.
Some of you are lost but don't know it.
Some of you are lost and don't care.
Tonight we pray, grace of God, you will care, you will understand that there is a God who loves you. Let's say #4 Christ is the Savior of sin.
Practice Wednesday, California.
Now I can say.
I've been having a tough day.
Great. Bye. You're talking about the information. Do you need anything to call her and everything there's, there's what's better, California.
Johnstone 3rd place airplane service, please.
10-4, 394.
I think the last line of each verse is precious.
This is the savior for me.
Not an abstract thought, but a person not.
How do they say it a way?
A good way?
That Jesus is the only way. Now we know what a Sinner is.
Have you ever acknowledged that before? God, my friend, that God looks down in your heart and he sees some nasty little things, And if we're not careful, the older we get, those little nasty things will come out one day.
Then lieth at the door.
Let's close our eyes and pray because this is the gospel meaning it's good news. We have good news for you people in Montreal. But then I was informed that we're really not in Montreal. We're in the suburb, but Montreal will suffice. Want to thank each one of you for coming. It's a real privilege to be able to be here, to be in Montreal. The hymn sheet or the message that was given to you folks that says.
It would be great to see you, and it is my friend. It is so good. It is so great to see you. And the reason why it's so great to see you, my friend, is because you're still alive.
You have an opportunity tonight to embrace my Savior, the hymn writer says, Oh, that my Savior were your Savior too. Paul could say, men and brethren, my heart's desire before God is at Israel would be saved. And that's the desire of the brethren here in Montreal, that each one in this room tonight will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and know what it is to be saved. Let's close our eyes and ask the Lord for his help.
His word, it will not return unto Him void, but I want it to go down deep into your soul. Realize that there is a God.
Scripture says.
You don't believe there's a God, we might as well stop right now.
The Scripture says he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Believe that He is, Let's just close our eyes and we'll ask the Lord Jesus.
Father, we come to Thee and the precious and worthy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our precious Savior.
Heard some messages this morning or this afternoon about messages.
So you might be saying to yourself, who is this guy standing up here? Doesn't matter who I am, I'm just a voice. I'm a voice crying out in the wilderness. Jonah came into the city of Nineveh, three days journey probably would have come into Montreal and said, oh wow, I'm back in Denver. Look how huge this place is. And what if reality, my friend, there was a man up here sent from God and he says within 40 days Montreal.
Will be destroyed.
This island that you live on, this island that you find your security, in 40 days from now it will be destroyed.
You would have to make one of two decisions, wouldn't you?
Believe the message or reject it.
I wonder how many for sale signs would go up if you really believe it. 40 days and it's going to be destroyed. You know, you don't have 40 days. You don't even have 40 minutes. You don't even have 40 seconds.
Your breath is in his hand even tonight. Take you home.
Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? He has a claim on you, my friend, because of creation. He has a claim on you because of redemption. He wasn't sold and bought every thought of the world, sold it all and bought bought it. He belonged to Christ.
May not realize it, so he has every right to you, but he doesn't force himself on you.
He laborers in law.
One of my favorite gospel hymns that's not in the SIM sheet. The softly and tenderly Jesus is calling. Tenderly Jesus is pleading. Why would you think Jesus would be pleading for your soul tonight, my friend? Because he knows the reality. Hell is real.
Created it.
Let's sing another little song. Gonna do something different. I trust you don't mind.
The way we're gonna do this?
This side of the room.
Is going to sing the verses.
This side of the room is going to sing the chorus.
I want it to be as if you are asking you the questions and you are giving these individuals the answer. Question is, Rose, what can wash away my sins? Somebody asked you that tonight on that side of the room. Could you give him an answer?
Could you give him an answer of peace?
Let's give it a try at least just on the first verse. OK, first verse, this group, the answer over here, and then we'll sing it all together. The rest of the hymn. OK #32 let's ask the question, what?
Can make me all right now nothing but the blah blah blah blah blah.
931500 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wow I'm crying no no, no help me but the blah blah blah blah.
Call 957-2153, 935-7193.
455-0539, 393-5443 540-0400 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh perhaps.
Well, I have to make a wireless and flavourful.
This is one of the most vital statements in this little hymn sheet.
Nothing, and for sins atone nothing but the blood of Jesus.
OK, let's sing it verse 3.
Why don't you go and help me by the blood opportunity in front of the info? Oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. Perhaps it's got a bit of a powerful model where I can make me quiet and follow.
No, no, no. I'm going to find no, no, no, no, no.
It was wonderful. Thank you. Thank you. How many of you have a Bible? Raise your hand if you have a Bible. Raise your foot if you don't. We're gonna read together.
One verse. This way you can say you took a gospel meeting because you're going to read one verse with me.
And I understand they're making tapes or whatever, but people are going to hear your voice. We're going to read a verse in Psalm 56.
Once we find it, I'm going to say we'll say the verse on the count of 3123. That's why you go to school in kindergarten or first grade to learn how to count. So when you come to a gospel meeting, you'll be able to apply it.
Psalm 56.
The last five verses of words.
Verse 9.
Last five verses words rather start over again. The last five words of verse 9. So when I count to three, we're going to say each word, but we're going to pause just a second. Not going to ramble through because I want each one in this room to realize the truth of this verse because I believe in this room.
There are some of you who honestly don't believe what this says.
OK, on the count of three, you ready? 1234? God is for me. Isn't that wonderful to think that the God of the universe, the God of creation, is for you? Isn't that marvelous? God is for me to think of it. And we've all said it. I trust we've all said it.
You really realize the truth of it. God is for you, Precious. It's for you. Let's turn over to a story in Mark 4.
Mark Four and verse 37.
There arose a great storm of wind.
The waves beat into the ship, so that was now full. We've heard this afternoon, those of you who've been here, that they're gonna be trials in your life. They're gonna be storms that come in your life. Times of testing. And sometimes the testing is so hard, so strong. We're gonna ask this very question.
The storms of life.
What's the next verse verse?
38 He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on the pillow. How many of you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, and how many of you sometimes feel in your life Jesus is asleep?
That's why He sends some of these trials in our life, so we would wake him up. In essence, we don't take time to pray. We get up in the morning, we get dressed, we kiss our wife goodbye, run off to work, and we seldom take time to wake Jesus up. And so he has to send a trial into our life. He has to send a difficulty into our life.
What I want to speak about is what they say to him. And they awake him, and say unto him, Master.
That we perish.
You ready? We're all gonna say that, Master, Carest thou not that we perish? That's my object tonight, my friend, is to try to impress upon your heart and mind that God does indeed care if you perish.
Brother in Montreal here, don't want you to perish.
Pass eternally ruined into a sinner's hell. This is the question that they asked the Lord Jesus.
Out of three, let's all say it together and try to picture ourselves in this situation with great extremity.
I'm sure they didn't say it glibly. I'm sure they didn't say it matter of factly. They were terrified. They were frightened, they were scared. So let's count of three, we'll say it together. Kind of picture us in that situation, 123.
Carousel not that way.
Ever asked that question in your own heart? You ever thought nobody really loves me?
Nobody really cares about me. I'm just, I don't even know why I'm here.
There is a God in heaven, my friend, a God who saw you, saw you walk into this building.
We went out for a walk and there was another couple that went out for a walk and they were coming back and they said we walked right on by.
Oh, my friend, don't ever walk right on by the cross. That's the only way you're going to come into blessing. Is that the foot of the cross? The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin, and so they wake him up.
Arose rebuke the wind said unto the sea, Peace be still.
That's the gospel message tonight that I seek to bring before you, that you can have this very night, the very peace of God in your soul.
Scripture speaks of peace with God and peace of God. That's one of the characteristics of God, the God of peace.
You have peace in your life. You have peace in your home, your home characterized by peace. Maybe you're not from a Christian home. Maybe you're God and his grace has brought you in. You come from a house that's nothing but conflict. Or you live by yourself and there's nobody there, no one to come home to, no one to come home to and say I love you, I care. How was your day? What's happening?
There is a God in heaven.
Who will stand up tonight and have stood up? And he presented a man who can still the water. How is it that this man, the Lord Jesus Christ, my friend, can still the water? As prophetically it says in Genesis one? Let all the waters of the earth be gathered together into one place. Then Isaiah tells us where that is. Who has to measure the water?
In the hollow of his hand.
The Lord Jesus Christ bore the judgment of God so he could say to you this evening, peace be still. Isn't that wonderful? Do you have peace in your soul tonight? Are you anxious? Are you troubled?
Thing in John that the Lord appears to his own, and he says, Why are you so troubled? Why do these thoughts arise in your heart?
Is there anybody here tonight? Trouble.
Here the Lord Jesus would simply say, peace be still.
There on the cross, the Lord Jesus bore the judgment of God for you, for me. Christ is the Savior of sinners, redeemed. Oh, he shut his blood. Pay the ransom. How many of your kids know what a ransom is?
You know what a ransom is?
The sum of money, they tell me. In the old days, when the pirates ruled the seas, they would capture a ship and if there was a pretty lady on it, they would hold that Lady captive until her father gave them money.
The Lord Jesus doesn't want to give you money, He wants to give you life, he said. I am calm that you might have life and then you might have it more abundantly.
He wants you to have life. You have life tonight. The Lord Jesus Christ gave his life that You might have life. You might have it more abundantly.
Turn over to a verse in 142nd Psalm I believe it is.
Gonna read a verse and I wanted to search our hearts and I want us to be honest with ourselves.
This is a verse that is precious to me because it's a verse that my mother got saved on.
She really felt the truth of this.
And I wonder if there's somebody here, a young person.
Where to replay?
The conference since Friday.
Do you ever smile?
Was there ever a smile on your face?
Did your eye ever twinkle? Did you even give any semblance that you're happy?
You know the Lord Jesus Christ anything but you're happy. I'm so happy. And here's the reason why Jesus took my burdens all the way. But here is a person, Psalm 142.
Verse three it says when my spirit was overwhelmed with him.
Well, tonight, if there's one in this room and you find yourself in this condition, your spirit is so overwhelmed you don't know what to do. You're gonna try drugs. You're gonna try anything and everything because there's no use. Your spirits are so overwhelmed, you wanna give up.
What did they do?
He realizes that God knows his pathway. That's a solemn thing, and yet a precious thing to realize, my friend, that no matter what we think of our present situation, God looks down and he knows all about it. He knows everything about your pathway, and He's gonna come in and he's gonna present to you a Savior. But we get even more depressed. Verse 4.
Psalm 142 Four. I looked on my right hand. Let's do that. Everybody's sitting here. Look at the person on your right hand.
You ever looked at somebody and they're a disappointment? Nothing. They didn't seem to be there for you.
This person looked and there was no man. There was no man and that's a precious expression, No man because there was a lady that was brought before the Lord Jesus and he says.
Who is he that condemneth thee? She says, No, man, isn't that wonderful? No man, neither do I condemn me. Go in peace, go and sit no more. But here this person is really down. There was no man that would know me.
Refuge failed me and this is the part.
That slew my mother.
She came to realize in her own life, her own situation, her own job, her own family, her own relationships with the neighborhood.
No one.
No man cared for my soul and when you realize that, when you realize the truth of that, the.
Utter shock, if you would, to realize, oh man, nobody cares about me. Is that your thought tonight? There's somebody in this room who really, honestly, truly feels nobody cares about me.
Nobody cares for my soul.
What does the answer?
I cried unto thee, O Lord.
I cried unto thee, O Lord.
That's the answer. The answer. The very one who came to seek and to save that which is lost. The very one who poured out his soul unto death, because he values and loves your soul.
Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior for.
What was that word?
Me, all right? Christ is the Savior for me. Are you happy about it? It should be the most thrilling thing in your life to realize there's a God in heaven who not only loves me, but he's proven his love. And now I have a Savior and I can call him mine and I can walk out of this room.
Rejoicing with all my sins are gone.
But you know, if your sins are not gone, my friend, they become a burden. They become heavy on your shoulders. And you do get downcast. You get distressed, you get frustrated. You get to the point where nothing satisfies.
Nothing satisfies until you get to the realization of the Lord. Who is this Lord? God's Son. God, manifest in flesh, became a man in order to redeem you, to redeem you.
Quite an amazing thing, isn't it?
Brother Hayhoe, aren't you?
You know, brother roosting here.
His life was put up for a ransom. How much would you be willing to pay for him?
Here the Lord Jesus, the precious value of your soul. He says the death of the Saints is precious in his sight, and he would give his own life. Jerry Dean, brother Hayhoe and brother.
I got it, but he did for you. For me.
They cried unto thee, O Lord, let's turn over to John 20.
John 20.
I am really thankful and glad you're here tonight.
The Lord Jesus.
Wants you to be part of His bride. How wonderful. He wants you to be part of His body. He wants you to be part of this building.
He wants you.
To me, that's the most precious thing.
When I was growing up, nobody wanted me. I wasn't good enough to play baseball. I wasn't good enough to play basketball.
Yeah, but I started to grow up. Things changed.
You know, it's tough when they play in baseball or soccer or something and pick up sides and you're you're the last guy to be picked and they don't want you.
You're no good. You're an automatic strikeout. But Jesus.
He doesn't want you to strike out. We don't want you to strike out. My friend, the Lord Jesus wants you to realize that He loves you. He died on the cross. He paid the ransom. Find that in Timothy. The ransom has been paid.
He wants to save you.
Hearst thou not that we perish?
I wonder if we could be real and honest with ourselves tonight. How many on this side of the room wanna perish?
How many on this side of the room want to perish?
Harris, I didn't say die.
Death is just the beginning. God says it is appointed unto men wants to die, but after death the judgment perish. Harris thou not Yes, he does care. He does not want you to perish. We don't want you to perish. There's a hymn here, uh, number.
I think it's 18.
Let's just sing #18.
Just to kind of wake you up.
#18 The third verse says, Why perish then, you careless ones?
Why slice the gracious call?
Why turn from him? His words proclaim eternal life.
Hey friend, you lost.
You need a savior. There is a Savior, my Savior, and many in this room. Savior, the little hymn says. Why perish then?
Well, there's no one, no reason anybody in this room. You came into this room lost, you're perishing. There's no reason nobody should leave this room.
Lost, lost, let's sing #18 Perhaps somebody could start it for us.
It was.
Little SO.
All right. It's just, uh, why is that? We're on the pillar of the fire proxy and uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
All right.
Jonathan. Jonathan.
And then we read the third verse. Why perish them? Be careless 1.
Why slight the gracious call? Why turn from Him whose words are pure? Claim eternal life to all, all, my friend, there's no need for you to perish. He called the storm there at the cross. The judgment of God has fallen, and now he could proclaim peace, peace, peace.
Scripture says peace. Then at such a time tonight you can have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
John 20.
Then said Jesus to them again. Peace.
We find when the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples were afraid they locked the doors.
They wouldn't let them in.
Oh, and I fear tonight, my friend.
Somebody in this room.
Lock their hearts door. You've locked your door. You won't let them in. You know why you should, but for some reason there's a wall and you will not let them in.
So what does he do?
Walk through the doors, can't stop them. And so there he is.
He says, peace, my friend, the God of this world has blinded your eyes, lest the light of the glorious gospel which shines in the face of Jesus Christ would indeed shine into your heart, and you would throw open the door. Throw open the door.
And be saved. Figure out why they have this one here because it's very difficult to see the clock on the wall. But I realize we're almost out of time, my friend.
There's one in this room tonight. Doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. You are running out of time.
You are running out of time. Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming. 40 days in Montreal will be destroyed. Either believe the message, you do something about it.
Or you reject the message. But if indeed Mount Royal I understand is a volcano, if that volcano becomes active and alive and erupts, and this whole island is underneath ash, whose fault is it?
At least in this room, whose fault would it be?
Your because you had the warning, flee from the wrath to come. One of the things we had in Richmond and Port Huron on vacation. Bible school is the subject of deliverance, and it's precious. My friend is a Christian. We find that we've been delivered from the wrath to come. We've been delivered from the power of darkness. We've been delivered from this present evil world.
And we've been delivered in the fear of death.
Oh, my friend, tonight there's no need for you to perish.
There's no need for you to perish. Let's sing in closing, just as I am.
I know you're over wanting to get to that ice rink and the thing realize you may not make it.
Life at best is very brief, just as I am. Does anybody know what number that is?
#12 Thank you, thank you just as I am.
The first, third and 5th versus someone started please and may it really be the prayer of each one in this room who knows the Lord is their savior. If you're lost in this room that you would come just as you are lost, guilty, hopeless. Scripture says repent, believe.
The message Let's sing just as I am first, third, and last verses.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
And that's wonderful in this fifth verse, just as I am, thy love I own has broken every barrier down. Let me ask you very politely, very lovingly, my friend, what is the barrier that is keeping you from Christ?
What is the barrier that is so valuable to you, that is so precious in your eyes, that you refuse to come to Christ?
Hymn writer said the barriers are gone. Wonderful. The barriers are gone. You're safe. Are you safe tonight? Let's be real. Let's be honest. That's what the gospel message is. It's the honesty of the heart of God and his love for you. Oh, may the Spirit of God break that barrier down. Break whatever that wall is that's keeping you.
And come into the Savior.
Have you come? Let's close our eyes and we'll pray and ask the Lord's blessing.