Gospel 1

Duration: 44min
Gospel—Richard Mackewich
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I'd like to welcome everybody again.
It's a privilege to be able to be here.
I have something that I wanna give away.
It's $3 in the United States money and the restaurant we're in yesterday, it's a 26% change ratio. So you get an extra 26% for each dollar.
So before we ask what I want you to do, let's sing the first verse of #10.
Have a little hem sheet that you received as you came in.
There is a Savior on high in the glory, Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree.
Saviors willing to save now as ever. His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Just saying. The first verse of #10 Perhaps someone would start it please.
Ask for the Lord's help.
Is any of you? Some of you?
Received an invitation to come.
And we welcome you. How many have you ever been to somebody's house? And there's a welcome mat.
Yeah, people have those on the door, but you know, you're, you're really not welcome.
You have to knock on the door and if they think you're worthy or if they know you, then you can come into their home. But it's nice to have that thought that you're welcome.
On this invitation there are a couple of verses. I'd like to read them.
What must I do to be saved?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 163031. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 316.
Let's see #27.
First verse of 27.
My God, I have found the thrice blessed ground where life, joy, true comfort abound. Hallelujah, thine the glory #27 the first verse.
My God, I.
Uh, Riley's 11 Jones where the Lord is driving, where the door is all about the truth of the world.
And his eyes are glowing.
Also, there's a number of children here, so let's sing wide. Wide is the ocean, OK?
Why do I know?
Wow, that was terrific. Thank you.
I'd like to try to present to you tonight the heart of God. God so loved the world.
Who wants to earn $3? Anybody wanna earn $3?
I fell in the back. You could use $3 you guys up here. Here's the question.
Everyone in this room walked through that door.
There were three scenes on the poster.
I want somebody to stand up and tell me not the verses, but what those three scenes are, and I would like to look at them as three stages of your life.
Does anybody remember what they were?
Anybody. Let's start with 10 and under.
How about 18 to 10?
30 to 20.
So we walk through the door, we're not paying attention, and I want you to pay attention tonight because I don't want you to leave this room.
As you came in, if you're still in your sin.
The gospel message.
Does anybody remember one of the scenes?
You must have seen the one with my wife and that. Yeah, the sunset. Very good. Here's your dollar.
Yes, I'm gonna go for three in a row.
Well, you're close. OK, who said the?
You said sunset, didn't you? Somebody over here said sunset. Oh, you said all three.
Sunset. Who said the ocean?
That's actually Lake Huron.
You're you're close enough. And what was the 3rd? What was the third one?
Yeah, Waterfall, waterfall, waterfall.
Well, now if I would have said I'll give you $20, how many of you would have know what the three were?
They sometimes we we value things differently if it's more value.
And the gospel is a such a value to God because it cost him a lot. I'm going to look at 2 verses in the Old Testament to start with. And then we're going to look at the apostle John. He has a number of things he wants to say to us. First verse is an Ecclesiastes Chapter 7.
If you come in with a response to the invitation and you don't have a Bible, just bear with me.
It's real. It's the word of God.
Ecclesiastes, Chapter 7.
That's the first phrase of the verse.
Consider the work of God.
Consider the work of God.
Let's turn over to Deuteronomy.
That's a big word.
Deuteronomy 32.
Oh, that they were wise.
They understood this.
That they would consider.
Their latter end.
So tonight my friends were going to consider these two things, the work of God and your latter end.
On a Fast forward a little year, as you are right now, and you've got plans, you've got ideas. We're gonna jump ahead 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, depending on how old you are. And I want you to think about.
Not the hockey game this afternoon or evening, or the ice skating. Put your ladder in.
Your pathway of life. There was a waterfall out there.
And you're on that river.
And you're in a rowboat, you're in a yacht, you're in whatever kind of boat you like, and you don't realize there's that waterfall.
And tonight, my friend, I want you to realize that the waterfall that you're going to experience is of such a solemn thing.
We're gonna go over this Cliff.
And the gates of hell are gonna open up for you. So that's why we're here. That's why the brethren in Montreal have invited you here. They want you to realize that there is a God in heaven.
Who doesn't want you to end the rocks below?
The other one with Lake Huron slamming into the Lexington, MI.
You're going to go through trials and difficulties in your life, and the waves seem like they're just gonna overtake you, and you're gonna turn to something. You're gonna turn to something that's gonna try to give you peace. You're gonna turn to something that's gonna try to give you some measure of joy and happiness.
There's no joy.
Outside of knowing your sins are gone, your sins are forgiven.
And the most solemn picture out there.
Is the sunset of your life.
My friend, you're going to die.
One out of one, people die.
Maybe you tonight.
Here, in the sunset of your life, the sun is setting.
Just consider.
Your letter in Think about it.
And in order to consider your ladder in, you need to consider the work of God.
Because the work of God.
Was performed so that you could consider your ladder in.
Well, if I'm going to consider the work of God.
I have to know what it is.
A lot of people want to work their way to heaven.
Well, I trust you don't take this in the wrong sense, but I'm going to show you a verse that shows very clearly.
You have to work to get there.
There is a verse that says it's in John chapter 6.
John, 628.
Ask the Lord Jesus, what shall we do that we might work the works of God?
This is amazing.
Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God.
The only work that God is going to accept from you.
What does it say? This is the work of God that you believe on Him.
Whom he has sent.
Wow, you wanna work your way to heaven? This is the only way you can do it. You believe on him whom he hath sent. Brings up three questions. Who's the whom? Who's the He? And why was he sent? That's why we're gonna turn the John's Epistle.
For reverse.
Thistle of John.
4th chapter.
I realize that this may be.
Not new to some, but there may be somebody in this room who's never heard this before.
First John 4/14.
We have seen and do testify.
That the father.
Let me know who the he is.
Sent the son.
We know who the whom is and why was he sent.
The savior of the world.
Environment and your work, your job assignment, if you would just to believe that that's all just simply believe.
Free gift offer salvation, whosoever will may come believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that thou shalt be saved. Let me ask you another question just to show how observant we are as people there's.
Signs on the wall here versus.
Raise your hand if you've seen those verses before, other than in the Bible.
Raise your hand if you've seen these verses anywhere.
Brother verse Think where'd you see him?
Yeah, Gospel message anywhere. Did you see it?
Yeah, there's a signs out there. Isn't that amazing?
God realized I believe in an ordained that he realized that you wouldn't even pay attention when you walked in and so now he puts it right on the screen so you can see it. These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and the believing you might have life through his name.
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and then you may believe in the name of the Son of God. Let's turn over to John 5 the Gospel of John.
John 5.
John 5/24.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, believeth on him the Father.
God that sent me.
Half everlasting life shall not come into condemnation for this past. From death unto life.
So far it sounds pretty.
Easy. Simple, doesn't it Just simply believe?
But in order for you and I, my friend.
To believe.
Lord Jesus had to buy the field.
And he sold everything that he had and bought it.
I'm gonna read a verse in Isaiah.
And I think it's one of the most solemn verses in the Scriptures.
Isaiah 51.
This is a verse.
If our eyes are open to see it, it's going to show you.
How much you mean to God?
But the verse isn't about you.
It's about God's Son.
And this is what he did, so that you can simply believe these things. Have I written unto you that believe? Have you believed tonight? Isaiah 51?
Verse 22.
Thus saith the Lord.
The Lord and thy God.
The latest the cause of his people.
Listen to this Behold.
I have taken out of my hand.
A cup of trembling.
Even the dregs of the cup of my fury.
No more drinking again.
I personally believe this is what the father said to the son when he send it on high. He cried out in the garden three times. Oh my father. Oh, and tonight I want you to impress it upon your heart. Oh my father, if it be possible, he's crying out because.
He loves you and this is what God says.
I have taken out thy hand, the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my fury.
During three hours there on the cross, this verse was fulfilled.
Imagine that, the dregs of a cup.
Of my fury.
Wow, see the picture out there? Lake Huron slamming into the rocks? That's nothing. And yet God through his word would say.
All thy ways and thy billows.
Rolled over me. Why? Because he loves you. And the point I wanna try to get across to you, my friend, is it was.
You know, sometimes you hear parents losing it when they spank their kid and they get a belt and they, you know, kid has welts on it. This is the Lord Jesus and his father is over this slam slammed for three hours.
The drinks and the cup is furious for you. For you because he knew the consequences of where sin is going to land you.
Consider your ladder in Here's the Lord Jesus. He's in the garden and he's considering.
This letter and.
Oh, but that's not the end of the story. Everything up from the grave. He arose, he did. He lives.
These things are written that you might believe, Oh, tonight are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the message that God, soul of the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life?
John 17 for reverse.
John 17. Well known verse for those of us who know the Savior. Verse 4.
I have glorified thee on the earth.
I have finished the work.
Thou gave us me to do. That's why we can now consider the work of God. It's all finished, it's done. It is finished right on the cross. And so now you and I can consider as marvelous work and it was for you, it was for me. The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanseth us from all sin. This is a marvelous verse here we know the Son of God is coming hath given us an understanding that we may know him.
We might know God. God knows you. He's long-suffering, not willing to. Then he should perish.
Pass the eternity ruined into a sinner's hell.
Are you considering your latter? And that waterfall? That precipice in your life may be a lot closer than you think. The storm slamming into those rocks.
You might be at the breaking point. What's the point of going on? Nobody loves me, nobody cares. No matter what I do, it falls apart. Life just seems to be against me.
And then you have those dear older ones settings on the sun is sinking in the West.
My friend the Lord Jesus, if I can say it reverently.
Sank in the West for you.
He died for you. He bore the judgment of God for you. He went over that waterfall.
I think it was red. I think, brother, hey ho here, Reddit, who has measured the water in the hollow of his hand? Think of that tremendous judgment. He went for you.
Why? Because he loves you, He cares about you, you're valuable, you're precious, but you've got this genetic disease called sin, and it needs to be dealt with. And God dealt with that sin, put it on his Son.
You believe the blood of Jesus Christ, God, Son, cleanseth us from all sin that we sang. My God, I have found. Have you found Jesus?
So I'm gonna ask someone.
Have you found Jesus?
Or as Jesus found you, I forget exactly how it goes. And his comment was, I didn't know he was looking for me. And that may be you tonight. You may not even realize that you're on that waterfall and you're going into a lost eternity. God of this world has blinded your eyes lest the light of the glorious gospel which shines in the face of Jesus Christ.
All that face that was so barred, we spit on it, we buffet it, we laughed at it, and yet the gospel of the glorious God, isn't that faith for you?
Does he have a smile on it for you tonight? Yes, he does. He loves you. Oh, he loves you so much. He went into death, destroyed him. That had power of the death.
It might be free that you might have life have it more abundantly.
The verses just keep recycling. How many times is it gonna take before you realize?
And that's talking about me. That's talking about me if I believe.
That's all I have to do. Wow.
I believe.
Three young children over here, He's got a dollar.
They worked for it. They had to answer questions.
We don't have to do anything, but if you insist on working, that's the only work you can do. This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He have sent. Why is it important to believe on Him?
2nd Thessalonians.
2nd Thessalonians, chapter one.
I want you to stop and realize.
That you can indeed walk out of this room and you can reject the verses here and you can disbelieve.
But what this verses are going to tell us is really going to happen.
And I trust there's nobody in this room who's gonna come under it.
2nd Thessalonians, chapter one.
Verse 7.
To you who are troubled, Are you troubled this evening? Are things bothering you?
Someone who said there's three things that affect old people.
Fear. Worry.
Are you traveling tonight? Are you lonely? Are you worried? Are you in fear?
My friend.
This being fearful, being worrying, being lonely, there's nothing compared to this.
The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels and flaming fire, taking vengeance on them. That no, not God.
How is that possible?
He's given us the standing. We may know Him. That is true. We are in Him. That is true even in Jesus Christ. This is the true God.
Jesus is telling you tonight that you can know God.
And if you don't, the Lord Jesus is coming to take vengeance on you, says right here, the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels taking vengeance of them. No, no, not God. And that obey not the gospel.
The gospel is simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, that thou shalt confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Believe in your heart.
God raised him from the dead. You're saved. Do you believe it?
Let's talk about today about head knowledge versus heart. Believe, put your faith and trust in Jesus.
Have you done that?
Think of the press if it's going into death, think of all the troubles and difficulties you have.
My friend, if you come under the judgment of God.
Because it's your own choice.
You chose to. Here you have the opportunity to consider your latter end. Let's think about it.
There was a prayer meeting and some of the prayers touched my heart. There may be somebody in this room. Don't even realize you're lost.
Don't even realize you're lost.
You are. You're dead in trespasses and sin.
So the Lord Jesus took the penalty of sin, the judgment of God. We can't comprehend what would be to take the righteous judgment of a holy God compressed in the three hours.
This is a terrific judgment there. Let you know that wasn't crowding blow.
Crowning blow.
The Lord Jesus Christ out.
Thank God. Thank God.
And you may be gonna say that in the coming day when you realize that you're in hell.
People say that very glibly. Oh my God.
It's only one God.
True God, the everlasting God, Isaiah said. There is no God beside me.
The redeeming God we think sometimes in Richmond. He loves you, He wants you, He died to redeem you. Only believe His Word. How many of you know that little course? Let's just sing it. He loves you, He wants you, He died to redeem you. Only feeling His word.
There's nothing to do.
There nothing to buy, remember to us for you. He left his blessing in the sky. Now he's ready, He's willing. He's able to save you only mainly his word.
What's holding you back?
Why aren't you saved?
If we were really on that Le uh river going over that waterfall and we realized that we do everything we could, couldn't we either jump out and swim or row or whatever? We would be in panic. We would be terror stricken. And yet here God is, open as it were, the canopy of hell, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and yet you still go on in your sins. There's pleasure in sin.
God of this world.
Blinded your eye? What's gonna open your eye?
The love of Christ.
Son of God, who loved me, gave himself for me, John 317.
3rd chapter of John's Gospel.
Verse 17 for God.
Sent not his son into the world.
To condemn the world.
Didn't come to condemn.
That the world through him.
Might be saved.
Are you safe tonight?
One of the songs we sing with the children is If you saved and you know it, clap your hands, Your face will surely show it.
Or your life will show up, depending on what version you're gonna use. But there's going to be an outward display of an inward work. You can't keep it in. You can't keep it out. It goes. God. Think of it. God the Creator loved you so much.
That he was speaking reverently would whip his son to death.
Another solemn verse.
Isaiah 53 says.
Yes, please, the Lord.
At least the Lord to do that.
God knew that was the only way.
If his son would have a bride.
You would have an opportunity to come to the Savior.
Jesus could say, I am the man that hath seen affliction of the rod of his wrath.
And if you reject the Lord Jesus, my friend, that same judgment is going to fall on you.
Pass into water darkness.
Very last face, you'll see.
That's the Lord Jesus sitting on that white throne, and he's gonna look In this book called The Book of Life, He's not gonna ask you, what did you do, what did you do, what did you do, Why didn't you do? He's just gonna simply look.
For your day.
You're gonna stay. What's your name? Peter Blair. You look. Oh, there you are. Peter. His name is there. Is your name gonna be there? My name starts with an M, so if, well, at least I'm not an A, we'll have to wait until they get to the M. Oh, he's gonna see if your name is there.
Redeemed with the blood of Christ.
Jesus could say I finished the work. That's why you can't work your way to heaven, because the work is already finished.
The work is already finished. There's nothing for you to do It's done. Jesus paid it all. Paid it all.
Oh, what a savior is Jesus. The Lord well made his name by his Saints, Theodore.
He has redeemed them. Hell save them forever.
She may know that you have eternal life.
Oh, what a marvelous thing. And it was brought out today, my friends. Not only is salvation so precious, but it's the stepping stone. It's the stepping stone and everything else.
Justification, Redemption. Sanctification.
The whole realm of Christianity, the Father's house, everything's based on.
You have to be saved.
I gave $3 away because somebody worked for it. I'm gonna give $3 away just for grace, just to give it away. And that's what God does. You can't buy it. You can't buy salvation.
It's already been told about a lady who wants to see a doctor, doctor, Sprite medication. She was cured and the lady said how much is the bill? The doctor said, oh, it's free. I love you so much. I've been taking care of your family.
That's for free. Oh, I gotta pay something. No, it's free. Oh, I insist. Alright, it's $3,000,000.
That was she. Well, she couldn't pay it. She wanted somehow she got the idea you have to do something. So I'm gonna give $3 away just to give it away.
God, you want it all right.
There you go. Maybe you can buy your daddy a ice cream cone somewhere.
He didn't have to do anything.
All he really said was I want it, I want it.
And that's the gospel message. Do you want it? God offers it to you free. You want it. Don't walk out of this room still lost in your sins.
Those 3 pictures out there, real places, real events.
Once you go over the waterfall.
You ain't coming back.
You're not a salmon. You're not gonna jump up again. You're gone, lost forever.
Put your faith and trust in Jesus tonight. Please don't walk out of this room lost in your sins. I got 3 minutes according to the sticker up here.
Put your heart over your ticker. All you have is a heartbeat. You're just a heartbeat away from hell if you don't know the Lord Jesus.
Rather than here love you, they want you to realize that there is a loving God.
They want you to come to Jesus.
Have your sins forgiven into the Father's house, joy unspeakable and full of glory.
You want it, it's free for the asking, it's free for taking the offers, and that's the Lord Jesus is here offering it to you. You got nail prints in his hands. How much you paid for it? How much he paid for it?
Neither one of these.
Paid anything for it, they worked for it.
Pure grace.
Pure grace.
Invitation says.
This is a message for you that is sent.
From God's loving heart.
Don't despise it, don't reject them. Believe. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Repentance. Turn to God from idols. Trust in the living God. Believe. Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus.
You ever done that? Confess the Lord.
Somebody in this room stand up and say, Lord Jesus. You confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and you believe in your heart what you believe in the cross.
God raised him from the dead. He died to save you, shed his blood.
Yeah, one more minute.
How much time do you have?
How much time do you have?
Well, you've been so gracious. Let's sing another song 42.
Little child of seven or even 34.
They enter into heaven through Christ, the open door.
Tonight, my friend, those doors are closed.
There is a day coming when the gospel door will be closed. You'll never have an opportunity to walk through the door. But tonight Jesus said I am the door #42.
A little child of seven, or even 3 or 4.
May enter into hell.
Oh Christ, they opened.
Door for when the heart may leave on Christ the Son of God.
Tis them a story save salvation.
Through his.
Uh, let's send it one more time into grasping around. So how simple it is to get saved? How simple?
A little child of seven.
Or even 3 or 4.
May enter into.
Heaven through Christ, the open door.
Or when my heart may leave us on priceless.
To him belong.
So we ask the Lord to bless His word.