Gospel 1

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Gospel—Bob Thonney
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Good evening.
Let's start our meeting with #2 on the Gospel hymn sheet.
Come tis Jesus gently calling ye with care and toil, oppressed with your guilt, thou ere appalling. Come, and I will give you rest.
Whom is Jesus gently going?
He will carry the crown.
Where did I go down there? I'm calling.
And I will give him right.
Do you may thou be long?
Flights and then climb down, climb up, climb the car plane.
Flowering his thighs and thighs on.
Fire in front of the planting and no fathers welcomed his welcome. Come.
The United Gallery.
Or the world's last livinghead.
And, you know, anger Millennials.
You will, Shirley, miss your way.
There's no way it's timely waiting.
To OWA day and forest has gone.
Reservation on our baby.
Stop Lakers for you come.
Let's sing another hymn.
I will sing of my Redeemer.
Ah, he will sing of my reading.
I do want everybody.
All right, I'm not a friend. Good sighs being greedy.
Want to turn first of all to Luke's Gospel Chapter 13 to read?
A few verses to begin our time here this evening.
Luke chapter 13, verse one.
They were present at that season, some that told him that Jesus.
Of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifice.
And Jesus answering, said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galileans?
We're sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things.
I tell you Nay, but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.
Or those 18 upon whom the tower of Siloam fell and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay, but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.
Want to talk this evening to begin with about the question of sin. It's not a pleasant subject, but it is a subject that has to be addressed. God is holy, as we were commenting in our Bible readings today, and God cannot have sin in his presence. And so it is very important that you and I have the right attitude about the question of sin.
Sin enslaves people.
Sin degenerates people and sin kills. It's a serious matter. We're living in a world where everywhere you look, you see.
Sin and death. Has God addressed this issue? Yes, He has, and we're going to talk about it. And that's the good news of the gospel.
In how he has addressed the question of sin.
But I want to speak to your consciences. I don't know you all that very well. I know some of you better than others.
But I feel that sometimes there are those who are accommodating.
Some little favorite sin in their life and you really haven't repented.
Repentance is necessary if there's going to be salvation, the idea in the United States of America, or you just accept Jesus as your Savior and everything is going to be all right.
It's true we need to receive the Lord Jesus as our Savior, but if you don't have the right attitude about sin, there is no salvation. The Lord Jesus said it very clearly here.
Those people that Pilate mingled their blood with their sacrifices and that an awful thing, bad government. And you see that in every side today, how people have no conscience. It seems that government of killing and killing and killing. I don't know how many. The number is over in Syria now of people that have been killed in that civil war. And I think I heard the other day it's getting close to 200,000 people.
That had been killed in that civil war.
Topple. It's tragic. We're the Syrians, sinners above all men that they got that kind of treatment in their country. The Lord Jesus says no, but except ye all likewise repent, ye shall all likewise perish and accept you repent, you shall all likewise perish. And then the second case that he speaks about here is a tragic accident.
A tower.
Fell and killed eight people. Those things are happening today too. Just think of those two Malaysian airliners that went down. One have no clue where they are, absolutely no clue. The other one, they knew where it came down. But did those people? Were they sinners? Above all that they got the untimely death that they suffered. The Lord Jesus says no.
But except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. And we live in an extremely permissive society. People say don't judge anybody, That's their business. Yes, it may be their business, but if it is their business, they need to know that if they don't repent of that, their business, they're going to perish. What does perish mean? Somebody has put it this way, it means to pass.
Eternally ruined into Satan's hell. That's what perishing means. Awful. And for those who do not repent, repent is a word that comes from the Latin Pant is a word that means to think. Repent means to rethink. It means to change your thinking about it. That sin that you are.
So subtly accommodating in your life.
You need to repent about it. It's wrecking you. It's enslaving you. And I'm amazed how people get enslaved by sin. They think I have my rights, I can do what I want with my body.
Sin enslaves.
I lived here in the Chicago area.
Yeah, from 1962 to 1974 approximately. And I remember with Chuck Hendricks, we used to go down to Skid Row and preach the gospel there. And of course there are people who are enslaved to drink to alcohol and remember talking to one man on the street and he said.
I'm enslaved to it. It's just like when I go down the street and I pass that Tavern door, there's an invisible force that just pulls me in for another drink. Yes, that's true.
Sin enslaves the Lord Jesus said he that sins is the slave of sin. But now sin doesn't only enslave it degenerate.
And it's awful to see how it degenerates the human race.
And sexual sins just ruin people, ruin families. Some people think that no harm. If I see something on the Internet that is really, I realize it's not right. But nobody else is watching. Don't you think that God is watching? You remember the King David in the Old Testament?
One time saw a woman when she was bathing.
And his lust started working, and he called for that woman, and David, the king committed adultery. He probably thought I'd just kind of cover it up afterwards so that nobody really realizes what happened. You know what? It's written down in God's Word, and we're reading about it today. So don't think that your sin is a private sin.
For as much as nobody sees you doing what you are doing.
Remember, sin enslaves and sin degenerates. It's to me it's sad to see the awful way the United States has slid down the slide, morally terrible, terrible situations in so many side, you know, sin degenerates.
We've often mentioned this, and I repeat it, that when God first made man, Adam was the first man that was created and.
He lived to be 930 years old. One of his descendants lived up to 969 years.
Whatever happened to us?
We can barely make it up to 100. A few of us make it up to 100, but now the normal is 70 years and in the more in the strongest maybe 80 years. Whatever happened, sin degenerates. Instead of evolving, this creation is devolving.
And it's sad to me to see young people sometimes that are not that old, 30 years old, maybe a little bit more.
Their bodies degenerated. They're not going to live our normal life.
Sin degenerates. Are you trying to hide something from God? Don't do that that's futile. You know I, Doug and I go to a prison sometimes when we're home at in uh, Lawrence County, uh, Illinois and.
When the men come in to the meeting, I like to try to greet them at the door. We have a Spanish meeting 1St and then an English speaking meeting.
And I like this you read them at the door, but it's interesting to me to see the difference. Greetings. Sometimes they will be friendly as I grab their hand and shake their hand. And sometimes they shake my hand and they have their head off over in this one side. I'm not sure why. Maybe they're just shy. I'm not a judge human character that well, but makes me wonder sometimes, are you trying to hide somebody thing?
You can be successful, maybe in hiding it from your parents or from your brethren.
You know, and the prayer meeting for the gospel this evening, somebody prayed for young people, perhaps.
That say they're Christians and they've been baptized and maybe even they're breaking bread, but they're not saved. Is that probable? Is that possible? Yes, that is possible. I don't know where you are in this group tonight, but I want to say to you get real with God.
We are living in serious times. We are coming right up on the most awful judgment this world.
Has ever seen or will ever see.
Yes, sin degenerates, but sin kills too. The wages of sin is death. Seems like an awful thing, doesn't it? Death. How many of us have to die? The Lord doesn't come. It's going to touch every one of us. Nobody is exempted.
My wife goes to a nursing home in Lawrenceville and met up with a man one time. She took me in later to.
Visit him. He was a churchgoing member.
Very respectful person.
And he made the comment, Why do we have to die?
Well, the reality is that we die because we're sinners.
And it touches everybody. Nobody is exempt. Absolutely nobody.
Sometimes it touches people earlier, sometimes it touches people later, but everyone has to come to that point when they're going to exit planet Earth. Are you ready, Sin?
Hills People.
I still remember when I did live here in the Chicago area one time going to under a Funeral Home.
Where somebody, a young, a brother that had passed away.
Was his body was there and as we went into the Funeral Home.
Another brother said, I want you to look into this room here and there was something I've never forgotten. 3 caskets. In the middle was a casket of a woman who was a young mother, perhaps 3540 years old.
And on one side was the gasket of a little boy about five years old, on the other side of casket of another little boy about 8 years old.
Killed in an auto accident.
Death does not discriminate. It takes everybody, young and old, and when it comes knocking at your door, you can't say, hey, wait a minute, I gotta get things straightened out in my life. No, you're going with that touches you. And that's why it's so tremendously important to be ready.
I don't know where you stand with God.
I don't know where you stand in relation to sin, but sin must be repented of.
There is no way to saw footing this in question. God has not soft footed the sin question. No, God takes it seriously and I'd like to turn over now to Hebrews.
Chapter 9 to tell you what God has done.
About the question of sin. Hebrews.
Chapter 9.
Verse 26.
And the start at the 2nd.
Sentence of the verse but now.
Once in the end of the world or the end of the age.
Has He, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and as it is appointed unto men once to die?
And after this the judgment soul Christ was once offered.
To bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time.
Without sin unto salvation.
Want to speak specifically about verse 26 and then verse 28, you know the Lord Jesus Christ is the one that is taken up the sin question.
In the Old Testament we read various stories of how seriously God treated the question of sin when the children of Israel were in the land of Egypt.
The time came when God wanted to take his people out of Egypt and started sending plagues upon the land of Egypt.
One plague after another, and Pharaoh continued to harden his heart.
And so God said, I'm going to send one more plague, the plague of the death of the first born son. In every house in Egypt there's going to be deaths.
But he said this to the children of Israel, to those that believed his word, he said, take a lamb.
And keep it for four days to make sure that it is completely without any blemishes.
And on the 14th day of the first month, you're going to kill that lamb.
And catch its blood in a basin and take that blood.
Wasn't wasn't enough to just kill the lamb and catch its blood, but they were to take that blood and take it to the outside of the door of the house as they were living in and apply that blood to the two sides and to the upper level or the door post, whatever they called it then. And then he said, I'm going to pass through the land of Egypt.
And when I see the blood, I will Passover you. That's why it's called Passover.
You would Passover them. So the time came. The midnight hour came.
For the Egyptians, and in every single house in Egypt there was death. In some houses they had a substitute that would die instead of the first born. A lamb, A lamb without blemish.
It was only the blood that God respected. There was number other question asked as God went through the land of Egypt.
He didn't stop and say, are there nice people living in this house, Oregon? Are there kind of Armory people that live in this house? Didn't say that. Only one question. Is there blood on the door? If there was blood on the door, he passed over it.
But if there was no blood on the door, in he went and the first born was killed.
God serious with the question of sin, the only thing that will protect you.
Is blood the blood of an acceptable sacrifice, people think?
That they can please God by their lives. If I do enough good works, maybe that'll balance out the bad works. You know, even human justice doesn't work that way.
If I lived in Addison and was well known as a person that did a lot of good.
But one day I got into Fury.
And hit somebody in the face really hard and they die.
Oh, here comes the police.
Please, Sir, I want you to understand I'm a person here that's well known for doing a lot of good in this in this town. So I would like you to consider that and let me go. Do you think they would let me go?
Definitely not. You know that human justice isn't that, uh, bad? No. Doing good things. We should all do good things. I'm not speaking against that, but I'm saying doing good things does not blot out the bad things we've done.
Only thing that will blot out the bad things is blood of an acceptable sacrifice. Remember when I worked at the hospital downtown Chicago a couple of years, Met up with a man who told me that he used to be a Christian and he had converted to be a Jew?
I said, well, if you're a Jew, then you know the only thing that can remove sin from the eye of God is the blood of an acceptable sacrifice. Where's the blood for you?
I hadn't thought about that, he said. He said. It's pretty serious matter. You'd better start thinking about it. That's the only thing God respects. But you know that blood of the Passover lamb shielded them from that plague that fell on the land of Egypt.
But that was not God's ultimate sacrifice. No, that didn't take care of the question of sin with God.
Sin is extremely serious. You know what sin does? It calls in question God's holy character, because God made man and man's in this awful mess now.
And when Jesus came, he came to settle the question of sin completely, forever.
Oh, to me, it's extremely wonderful to think of the fact that it wasn't somebody else. You know, God told Abraham back in the Old Testament as well to sacrifice his son Isaac. And he got to the point of taking the knife to kill his son like God had told him to do. And God stopped him there and showed him. Behind him there was a ram.
Caught in the thicket by its horns and he was able to sacrifice the lamb instead of his son Isaac.
But God had to have a sacrifice that could settle the question of sin forever.
The work of the Lord Jesus, because he's the one that came in to me, it is the most wonderful thing.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. The substitute that will be accepted for you and me is none other than God's beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And so God sent him into this world. And you know the story of how the Lord Jesus came into this world. He was born of the Virgin Mary.
It was a miracle because it was necessary that the sacrifice for our sins be completely without any sin contamination. And the Lord Jesus was without sin. Not only did He have no sin, He was sinless in His character. He was holy. The Virgin Mary was told by the Angel when she was to conceive.
That that.
Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Wonderful, wonderful. The one who was the sacrifice for me.
Was number less than the very Son of God? The same one that created the universe in which we live is the one who came to redeem us to God. What a wonderful, wonderful story.
But you know sin had so degenerated the human race.
That when he was born in Bethlehem, they had scriptures in the Old Testament that told them where he was to be born and more or less the time frame and as well in which he would be born.
And yet, when he was born, the people had the Bible in their hands.
They were supposedly zealous for the Law of Moses.
And yet they had no clue that God himself in his Son.
Had come into His own creation to redeem lost mankind. So the Lord Jesus grew up in this world. We have a little glimpse of Him when he was just eight days old, and then another glimpse of him when he was 12 years old. And then we see nothing of him until he was 30 years of age, says about 30 years of age.
Anyhow, in those silent years, from 12 to 3018 years, that's a long time.
Some of you young people are 18 or a little bit more. What happened in those eighteen years of Jesus life?
I don't know, but Scripture tells us that he was known as the Carpenter. At first he was known as the carpenter's son, then he was known as the Carpenter. And so we take it that the Lord Jesus spent 18 years of his life in a carpenter's shop. Often thought I would like to have a piece of furniture made by that Carpenter, because he was the same one who made the whole universe.
Wonderful to think of it, that he came down to where we were.
Then he went into his public ministry and at the end of his public ministry of 3 1/2 years.
He was taken by the Jewish people who had rejected him.
And condemned. He was taken to Pilate, who was the Roman governor in that time, because the Jews could not put anyone to death. They took him there. And Pilate again and again said, I find no fault in this man. Yet Pilate himself took him out and scourged him. I don't know if you ever read any books about Roman scourging. It was awful. I read one book that calls it The Living Death.
People often died from scourging. It was so terribly awful that people often died from shock. But the Romans were practised in cruelty and they would splash water to revive them enough to continue their torture. So Jesus was scourge, even though Pilate had said I find no fault in him.
Finally, the people had their way and Jesus was condemned to the death of crucifixion. The most awful death in human history. I think you'll find it was crucifixion. People would often last three days in life, hanging on a cross, sometimes even more. But they took Jesus outside the city of Jerusalem.
And there he was, nailed to a cross.
Wonderful hands that had given such blessing to mankind. That was what they ended up doing. The religious people were the ones that wanted it done, and the Romans carried it out for them. Nailed those hands to that cross. His feet, His head was crowned with thorns as mockery as this is the king of the Jews.
Is he the king of the Jews? Yes, he is the king of the Jews, and he's coming back again because he is the king of the Jews. But he is more than the king of the Jews, he is the king of kings.
And Lord of Lords.
And there Jesus was hung approximately at 9:00 AM, the way we calculate time. And for six hours in life he hung on that cross. The first three hours people passed in front of him.
And mocked him, and cursed him, the blessed, sinless Son of God.
He says reproach has broken my heart.
He said if he is the Son of God, let God deliver him.
Did God deliver him?
God didn't deliver him. Why didn't God deliver him if he didn't, If he loved his own son?
You know why? Because he loved you and he loved me, and he wanted to save us, and he couldn't save Jesus at the same time. Somebody had to die. Somebody had to pay the price in full.
At 12 noon, the scripture tells us.
That everything got dark. Nobody could see what happened for three hours.
Was in those three hours from 12 noon to 3:00 in the afternoon.
That God laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all, according to Isaiah the prophet and the full weight of divine judgment fell in all its fury on Jesus head. For three solid hours he suffered alone.
No complaint from that center cross because they nailed 2 Thieves on either side of him to make it look like there were three thieves that were dying that day. No complaint from that center cross.
Until the very end.
There's an awful cry.
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
The only sinless man that ever lived, forsaken by God. Why? Because there was no other way. You and I could be saved but that way.
Then, he said, it is finished.
And he bowed his head and died.
It is finished.
You know, in all the Old Testament sacrifices that were offered and there were many animals sacrificed on the altar.
The flames consumed those sacrifices.
But here was a different sacrifice. In this case, the sacrifice consumed the flames.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
Oh, how important it is to be in Christ as a believer in Him. Are you there? Have you repented of your sins? Have you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? There is no other way of salvation. Jesus died.
After he was dead.
A soldier came up to make sure that the three that were crucified would die that day.
Came to the first thief who is still alive and broke his legs, and that thief suffocated to death. Came to the other thief and broke his legs, and that thief died as well, and he comes to Jesus.
Dead already, no one could take his life. He.
Laid it down of himself. He wants you and me to know how much he loves us.
But that soldier took his spear and plunged it into his side.
And outflowed blood and water.
Scripture gives us plenty of testimony.
The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. Oh, the power of the blood to cleanse from every stain of sin.
I've told the story before about one of the persons I found very interesting to get acquainted with down in southern Mexico in the state of Oaxaca.
Was a man who in his life had been abandoned.
And he had killed.
21 People. He was so bad that the Mexican government gave the orders to get him dead or alive and he knew they were looking for him and so he would not go inside of any building. He lived outside so he could escape if he knew there was some plot to get him.
But one night he was standing outside of a little gospel hall.
In Ocotlan, down there, the town of Oketlan, which is high, kind of high on the mountain side.
And the little halls there made of slats of wood, kind of, you know, straight line for the walls. And so he could easily stand outside and listen to the message. And he heard that verse, the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son.
Cleanses us from all sin.
He didn't know whether to believe it or not, but he came to someone of the brother and in the meantime and said, is that actually in the Bible, in the brother of God, his Bible out and showed it to him? Yes, there it is. The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son cleanses us from all sin.
Senado Ruiz accepted Jesus as his savior. He repented of his sins, accepted Jesus as his savior. I found it a real blessing to get to know that man you had never.
Ever guess that that was the kind of person he was? The blood of Jesus Christ, God's only Son, cleanses us from a sin.
You know another testimony is in first Peter chapter one. It says we are redeemed not with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious.
Blood of Christ, wonderful.
To realize that that's the only thing that God will accept. You can give all you want to charity. That is not going to take away your sins.
It won't work.
It's the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son. But I want to speak a little bit more directly now on these two verses, Verse 26 says.
Now, once in the end of the age has he, that's Jesus appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. He's going to completely put away sin from this world, the sin that makes people suffer so terribly. He's going to put it away. I mean, he's addressed the issue at the highest level possible.
This is a word sometimes we use and I think it's important for us to understand. It's called propitiation. We don't use it in everyday life very much, but the word means.
That which is necessary towards God, so that God in forgiving the guilty Sinner is not compromised in his character.
If I can put an illustration, supposing there is a judge in the court system here in Chicago, that every time they bring a guilty person before him, it's proven that they're guilty. He says, we're going to just forgive you, you can go now. It doesn't matter what the crime is, He says, we'll forgive you, you can go now. Is that a good judge?
You say no.
He doesn't make the laws of the land valid. That's true. Then how can God forgive us when we've sinned so many times against God? How can he do it if he is holy in his character? That's where propitiation comes. And propitiation is that part of the work of Christ that is towards God. And I like to say it this way. I think it is important, Christ.
Died for God, He not only died for us, and that's what we always talk about.
That's what we have in verse 28, but in verse 26 it's dressing the whole question of sin. The whole question of sin is settled once and for all by the Lord Jesus work on the cross of Calvary. Oh, how wonderful, how amazingly wonderful that the same question has been addressed completely so that God's holy character is satisfied and He is not compromised.
In his character by forgiving the most guilty Sinner.
But do you think?
That you can keep on sending without any feeling about it.
And say you're serious with God.
That puts up a whole bunch of question marks in my mind. I.
I'm not the judge and I don't pretend to judge, but I see more and more people that try to accommodate people that are sinning, overtly sinning. Oh yeah, they believe in the Lord. They're just away from the Lord for a while. They'll come back.
Lord is the judge, but I say that to me is not repentance, and if you haven't repented, you will all likewise perish. How terribly serious this question is. The Lord Jesus, by His work on the cross of Calvary, has been propitious to God about the question of sin. God's holy character has been vindicated.
So that now God can come out and say to the guilty Sinner, if you will repent and believe in the Lord Jesus, I can legally discharge all your sins. And that's what we have in verse 28. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins. And notice it says of many, doesn't say of the whole world of many. Why does it say that?
Because only those who apply the work of Christ to themselves are going to be forgiven of their sins.
The others will bear their own sins before God in that coming day of judgment and going to a lost eternity. That is what God does not want to happen. He's not willing.
That any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Notice now verse 27.
And as it is appointed.
Unto men.
Once to die, and after this, but after this the judgment.
As it is appointed unto men once to die.
Here's a very good verse that shows that the theory of reincarnation that seems to me making more and more strides in many parts of this world is invalid.
Man dies once, and after death the judgment.
Sometimes, you know, you find people that.
Are suicidal.
They think that taking their own life is the answer to their problems. Just want to say, if you do that as soon, as soon as you step across the line, if you kill yourself, you're going to meet with your creator.
Think about it. Don't do such a thing. God does not want anyone to perish so.
It is appointed and demand wants to die and after this the judgment. I'd just like to touch briefly on what the judgment is because there are several sessions of judgment that are told, we're told about in Scripture. First session of judgment is in Matthew chapter 25. Just look there a bit. This is the judgment.
Of the living nations when the Lord Jesus returns.
In power and glory to this world.
Matthew chapter 25 and verse.
31 When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him.
Then shall he sit upon the throne of His glory, and before him.
Shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a sheep divides.
His shepherd divides his sheep from the goats, and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
Then shall he, the King, say unto them on his right hand, come.
Ye, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Bruce, 40.
And the King shall answer, and say to them, Verily I say to you, in as much as ye have done it unto the one of the.
Least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me. Verse 41.
Then shall he say unto them that are on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. So when the Lord Jesus comes back, there are some people.
That even before they die they are going to meet with Jesus. You cannot escape the Lord Jesus. You must meet Him sooner or later. Either you meet Him now in this time as your Savior, or you will have to meet Him as your judge in that day. And notice how it says it in verse 41 to those who have heard the gospel and have not accepted it. What does He say? Depart from me.
He cursed it into everlasting fire, prepared not for man, but for the devil and his angels. God didn't prepare any place.
For lost humankind, he wants everyone to be saved, to come to the knowledge of the truth.
But if you continue to reject what the Lord Jesus has done for you.
Then you will find your portion forever with the devil and his angels in that place that was prepared for him.
That's the judgment of the living, but I'd like to go over to the judgment of the dead.
Person dies.
He meets with God, it's not a question any longer of time. He's departed from the realms.
Of time. In chapter 20 of Revelation, we read about the judgment of the dead.
Read a few verses there, verse 11, and I saw a great white throne, him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.
And I saw the dead, small and great stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened.
Which is the book of life, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them.
And they were judged every man according to their works, and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.
This is the second death, and whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life.
Was cast into the Lake of Fire.
Awful, awful end for the person that dies without settling the accounts with God.
I pause here for a moment to speak to you directly. You young people who are here, have you gotten serious with God? Maybe you kind of go along with your parents, but never have really truly gotten these uh, the the matter settled with God. You must do with God your parents faith.
Want prepare the means by which you can be saved, but you yourself have to put your own faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. I just fear that perhaps there's many who are sitting here thinking they're all right. You know that man that my wife visited in the nursing home I told you about that said why do we have to die?
He told my wife, he said. My pastor tells me I'm all right, that I'll do all right with God because he had made some generous donations to the church.
Awful, awful, awful thing to wake up on the other side in the wrong place. Don't let it happen to you. The only thing that can settle the accounts with God.
Is the precious blood of Christ that is powerful to wash away every stain of sin. Doesn't matter if you sinned lightly, 1 little lie is enough to keep you out of God's heaven forever. You must take care of that before you leave this world.
We pray that God will speak to you. There's any question that we can help you with. We're open to talking to you after the meeting. Please do so if there's any question you have. Let's just pray to end our meeting.