Gospel 1

Duration: 48min
Gospel—Wally Dear
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Shall we gather at his coming?
When the dead in Christ arise.
I think we need to make this personal. Will you gather that is coming?
The Lord is coming. We don't know when. It could be tonight.
And would you still be sitting on your seat here tonight if the Lord Jesus was to come? It tells us that the Lord Himself is going to descend from heaven with a shout.
With the voice of the Archangel, the trump of God, the dead in Christ are going to rise 1St and then we which are alive and remain.
Shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. So that's what this song is all about. It's about the coming of the Lord Jesus. And as I look on these rows here, I know there are those that are ready to meet him when he comes.
And if I were to ask, are you going to meet him when he comes, There would be without hesitation, yes, I'm going to meet him when he comes.
Now what would your answer be?
If I were to ask you, you know, this is a gospel meeting where we speak to a number of people all at once, but we like to make it one-on-one.
And if I was to go down the roads and ask, will you?
Gathered with Jesus.
That is coming. What would your answer be? Well, we hope that.
Each and everyone would be able to answer emphatically yes, I will gather.
That is coming.
So we're going to sing this little song #8.
Shall we gather at his coming?
Beyond the sky.
Yes, we will now. You're right, it's gone.
It's glory of his, glory of his comedy.
Neither make the same size. Come back and watch in the sand. You get a first life.
Glory us. Explore.
This Saints, and it's coming.
And washed in the Save your Father.
No, save your righteous.
Shall it fall in glory? Praying? Will you be a man?
With you to his praise and swing.
His glorious. His glorious.
Service call me.
And Washington, save your response.
Yes, we've got a ride is coming. His glory of his glory of us coming together in the Saints and his coming.
It washed in the same glorious life.
So what makes a difference here between those that will gather that is coming and those that will not?
It's being washed in the blood of Christ.
Be your stains of sin is scarlet. He will wash you white as snow. So listening #32 #32 what can wash away my sins? This is a beautiful hymn that we've seen over and over, But I trust you never tire of singing.
This wonderful hymn because it brings before us the remedy to the sin problem, and there's only one remedy, and that's the precious blood of Jesus. So let's sing #32 begins with the question, What can wash away my sins? You know, questions are good.
Because questions put people on the spot and you have to think.
What will my answer be? Well, what can wash away my sin? So now we're going to start with another question in #32.
Or can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
That makes me white as snow.
Bounds I know now he lost the blood of Jesus.
For my friends.
Makes me white and so no.
Found I know.
Nothing can force sins at all. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Not a good I have done.
Oh precious is the makes me whiter so no matter how I know nothing like a lot of cheese sauce.
This is all my.
This is all righteousness.
Nothing like the blood of Jesus.
All gracious is not full and makes me like a soul.
No other counts. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
You know, this is one reason that I like living here in the state of Maine because.
We get a lot of snow and I like snow and the Bible says there's treasures in the snow and one of the most wonderful treasures is the color of the snow is white. Is that a color?
Well, that's what snow is. It's white. And every time I look at new fallen snow, I think about the fact in the sight of God I am clean.
I am white. Why? Because of any.
Thing that I have done.
No, it's because I've been cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus.
Washed as white as snow. And in fact David, he said, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
That's one of the treasures of the snow. It helps us to understand what our condition is before God.
As those that have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and who have been washed in His precious blood, let's look for the Lord in prayer for His help here tonight.
Our God and Father, we just want to thank Thee tonight for the wonderful message of the Gospel.
And we rejoice tonight to think that Thou wouldst love us so very much that Thou would provide.
The way of salvation.
And not through any effort of our own, but through.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
And the precious blood that he shed there, his own life's blood shed there at the cross of Calvary. Our God, we want to thank Thee from the bottom of our hearts for thine own dear Son. We know without the shedding of blood is no remission. And we thank thee for providing the sacrifice, and we thank you, Lord Jesus.
That on the cross thou would suffer the jest for the unjust in order to bring us to God. We thank thee for thy precious blood that was shed there.
And we thank you to know that our.
A living, glorified and coming Savior. And we do earnestly pray for each boy and girl here tonight. Each older one is well, if there is one.
Who is not prepared to meet the Lord Jesus upon thy return?
At the present time we do ask that they might be convicted of their sin and their peril.
And that they might indeed turn to thee and repentance. Our God put faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. So we ask this not only in this hall, but wherever thy word is being proclaimed.
We think of the billions of people in this world. We thank you that for thy love for each and everyone of the 7 billion and Father, we just ask I help and guidance here this evening. So we opened thy word, We ask and give thanks in the worthy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
So we got this book.
The Bible. What a wonderful book.
It's in a class all of its own. There's a brother reminded us not too long ago at a conference. It's the Holy Bible.
We need it. We can't do without it.
You know, last fall I crossed the border with some books. Actually they were books for a brother Robert here, and we had to pay a little bit of tax, okay. We didn't have to pay duty, we just have to pay some sales tax.
Well, I went into the office.
And the custom official?
Give me the paperwork to fill out.
And as she begin to look into her books to find out how much tax do we charge on these books?
I said, well, these books.
These are books about the Bible. I suppose they call them religious books, but I said, you know, these are Bible books.
They weren't Bibles per SE, but they were books about the Bible. So she's looking in the.
Her book there and she says, oh, OK, here's.
Technical books, Manuals.
Well, I don't. They're not exactly manuals. Well, she thought, she said. I thought.
That the Bible.
Manual for mankind.
Well, she got that right.
OK. How much 5%?
This is God's manual for boys and girls, men and women.
This book can fix your problem. It's the Word of God, and I'm so thankful here tonight that we have the liberty to open God's Word and read from this book.
Because God's book, the Bible, is infallible. What do we mean by that? It means God never tells a lie.
You can trust.
God and His Word, His words are pure words.
Refined and they are to be trusted.
We live in a world where many.
Are afraid because they don't know who to trust.
And we find out that there are policies being formed and being presented to us based on lies and people are being deceived. But isn't it wonderful that when we come to this book, we can accept it as the unerring word of God and we can trust it, We can read it with confidence?
Tonight we're going to open God's Word.
And read a little bit from God's word.
Now perhaps we could turn to Luke chapter 10.
And we had.
Portion in Matthew recently in our little Bible reading assembly meeting and.
It was with respect to how the Lord was exposing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. And you know the Pharisees, they were very religious people and they studied the law.
And they went into the temple, and in fact they carried even on their forehead, and their arms were written.
God's Word In little pouches called phylacteries, they would carry God's Word. And so they had it here on their arms and even on their forehead. But the big problem is they didn't have it in their heart, and that's what counts. You know we can.
Make an outward display that looks very nice.
And we can appear as though we're very nice and upright people.
But God, he looks into the heart, man looks on the outward appearance. God looks on the heart. And here tonight as I look around the room.
It's so nice to see each and everyone sitting here and many have their Bibles open. And I notice that you're listening and that's good. And you know, you're dressed nicely and you just really look very nice on the outside. But my question to you tonight.
Is what do you look like on the inside?
What does your heart look like?
God, he looks down right through this ceiling.
And he can look right into.
My inside right into the heart. And he doesn't need an X-ray machine to do it because he can do anything.
The eyes of the Lord, it tells us, are in every place.
Beholding the evil and the good, and his eyes are on you here tonight, and he looks into your heart. And the question is, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Is your heart clean and white, or is it stained with sin?
Well, here tonight we want to present God's way of salvation.
Pharisees. They look good on the outside, but on the inside?
The Lord looked used very harsh words to describe what they were on the inside and.
Here in Luke Chapter 11.
If you'll notice.
In verse 39 the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter?
But your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness.
That is a very sad description.
Of the inside of a man.
Full of ravening and wickedness.
And we learned from Jeremiah, I believe it's chapter 17, that the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?
Deceitful. We live in a world of deceit.
And it's because the God of this world is Satan the Devil. He is the master of deceit, and he is making people today to believe a lie.
And I would earnestly pray that no one in this hall.
Is going to succumb to Satan's lie.
The word of God is the truth. The Lord Jesus said Thy word is truth. This is what we want to go by here tonight.
Well, the Lord spoke more about these ones and I was thinking particularly though.
Of what he says in verse 42. But woe unto you, Pharisees, for you tithe, mint and rue in all manner of herbs and Passover judgment and the love of God.
These thought you 2 have done and not to leave the other undone.
Now I believe under the law they were to tithe.
And they were tithing mint and Roux, herbs, I suppose, some sort of spices and so on, but they were totally.
Passing over what is of supreme importance, and that is.
Judgment and the love of God. And so here tonight I would like to talk a little bit about judgment.
It's a scary word.
Judgment. We read about it in the Word of God.
God must punish sin, He must judge it because God is holy.
Is up to pure eyes in the behold iniquity he cannot look upon evil.
God is holy and.
Yet how many there are in the world tonight?
That stand up to God and they think that they are going to somehow, some way.
They will escape the judgment of God.
It's inescapable.
God must judge sin.
If we were to turn over to.
Tax Chapter.
Acts Chapter 17.
And verse.
Well, let's read from verse 30.
It says in verse 30, Acts 1730 and the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.
And when we say men, we mean women. We mean boys and girls. It's all included.
God commands all men everywhere to repent, because He at the point of the day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof He has given assurance unto all men, in that he has raised him from the dead.
And so we learn that God's man who will judge is Jesus.
Tells us that God has committed all judgment to the Son, to his Son, the Lord Jesus, and so he is one that we need to deal with.
But many.
They go their own way. They have no interest in God.
Let alone in Jesus.
They're kind of like Pharaoh, you know, Pharaoh in the Old Testament.
Who is the Lord that I should obey him? Pharaoh thought that he could live his own life. He was at the top of a very powerful nation.
The nation of Egypt.
Perhaps the most powerful. At least one of the most powerful in the world.
He was opposing God.
And Moses, his desire was to go out into the wilderness to worship, and he wanted to take the children. But.
Pharaoh said no. Well, we know the story and how.
God judged Egypt.
And there were plagues.
And serious plagues. The water in the river was turned into blood. How can you drink blood?
You like a river to.
Drink the water, irrigate the ground, turn it into blood.
Another time.
He sent a plague of flies and frogs. Remember the frogs? And they jumped right into the ovens.
Right in, I suppose into the door when they bake bread, and they take out the bread and cut the bread, and they cut right through a frog.
It sounds kind of funny, but I must say that I'm sure that was not funny at the time to realize the terrible plague of frogs. And, you know, there was one plague after another after another. But Pharaoh, he hardened his heart against God. Is there anybody like that here tonight?
You hear God speaking to you, but you're saying no. Every time you say no to Jesus, your heart is getting a little harder and a little harder. And I would hope here tonight we don't have hard hearts.
But that's how Pharaoh was and, you know, finally God.
He sent.
A judgment on Egypt.
And all those.
Who did not have the blood of the lamb applied?
To the lentil and the side posts of the door, First born would be killed.
Thought that was a joke, I suppose. Who is the Lord that I should obey him? He didn't put blood on his door and neither did any of the Egyptians. And it tells us there wasn't one house in Egypt where there was not one slain. You know, it's a very serious thing to oppose God.
To say no.
I have my way, and yet that's what we hear in the world tonight.
My way We seek to present God's way of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus.
And often it's just like talking to a wall. People don't want to hear that they got their own way. They think it's a better way. Well, you know what? After that judgment at the Passover, we find that.
Pharaoh, let the people go.
And they went, and of course they went.
Out of Egypt.
To the Red Sea.
Pharaoh hit second Thoughts.
Why did I let those people go?
So he mobilized his army and now he's taken after the people to try to recapture them and bring them back into *******.
They're trapped. They got the Red Sea in front of them, they've got mountains on the side. Each side they look back and there is.
The armies of the Egyptian.
Now, if I'm not mistaken, God provided a cloud.
I would have to look that up, but I believe there was a call. Maybe I should just look that up.
That's in Exodus.
Exodus chapter 14.
Exodus chapter 14 and it says in verse 9.
The Egyptians pursued after them.
That is the children of Israel.
All the horses and Chariots of Pharaoh and his horsemen and his army and overtook them in camping by the sea beside Paya High Roth.
Before bail Zephan.
Now if we read on we find out Moses says to the people in verse 13, this is a beautiful verse. Fear you not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will show to you today.
Salvation of the Lord.
That's what we're here to talk about here tonight is the salvation of the Lord, because salvation.
Is of the Lord. That's 5 words that Jonah.
He said in the belly of that great fish, he realized how helpless and hopeless the situation is. But he prayed and you know, he said salvation is of the Lord. And that fish vomited out Jonah onto the dry land. It's wonderful how God works when we trust Him.
And here we see how God is working too. He brings them through the Red Sea. But what I was noticing in verse 19.
It says.
And the Angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them, And the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them. And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. And it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these, so that the one came not near the other all the night. Now isn't that a wonderful?
Provision of God.
The people, they look back, they see these warriors and the horses coming with the Chariots and the swords and the Spears and.
You know they're fearful.
But God by Moses gives a word of comfort and encouragement. Don't be afraid, just stand still and watch the salvation of the Lord. Then the cloud goes behind.
And the cloud was darkness to the Egyptians, but it was light to the children of Israel. And so when they look back, they see this beautiful bright cloud. I just think it's wonderful how God undertakes for His people.
And I'm sure we've all experienced the goodness of God, His preserving grace.
We know that the sea parted. They go through.
God's people.
They go through on dry land Feral goes through.
No more dry land it becomes.
A mire, a swamp. And they're going around in circles in their Chariots, trying to deal with the swamp, the mire, because.
The walls of water are coming in, caving in on top of them.
And that's exactly what happened. And the next morning, when Israel looks back there, the whole host of.
Pharaoh is laying dead on the shores of the Red Sea, including Pharaoh himself. So who has the last word? You know what I mean? I don't know how people can be so foolish to oppose the living God.
We had this afternoon reference to 2nd Kings and we read about his situation there where there was another king, a very proud king.
Assyrian king by name is Sennacherib.
You know, Sennacherib, he went off against God's people to overtake them.
And he wrote a letter, and really it was a blasphemous letter. And, you know, he spoke about how that there were none of the gods of the other people that he conquered that were able to save them because his power was so great and he was so mighty and.
He said to the Israelites or to I guess it would be.
Judah Hezekiah.
Said you know.
Your God is no different than the rest of the gods.
No difference.
He can't help you.
And he railed on the living God, he said, to think, you know, that night it tells us.
That there came an Angel.
Into the camp of the Assyrians.
And just wiped out.
Every Assyrian.
Soldier and there was 186,000 soldiers and justice wiped out one Angel.
You see, God, he had the last word.
And we find people can speak these great swelling words against the God of heaven.
But judgment.
Is real and judgment awaits those that reject God's offer of salvation. And here tonight, as you sit in your seat, how is it with you? God wants to save your soul. He loves you. He wants to take you to be with himself in His happy home. And it's a wonderful place.
But if you reject.
The salvation that God offers through his Son, the Lord Jesus. You're going to be left sitting in your seat. If Jesus would come here tonight, you would still be sitting in your seat.
Does that make you afraid? You know, there was a time in my life when I was just terrorized by this kind of a message. I really was, because I didn't know that I was saved.
And I thought if I was to sit here and my parents are gone and all these others said these nice people, they all go and I'm just, I look around the room and I'm trying to decide, well, maybe there would be, would that tell over there? Would he still be in his seat or would that person be in their seat?
And I'm trying to find some consolation, but really there was no consolation because I I knew if Jesus would come.
I'd be left behind for judgment, and there would be no second chance. So judgment is a reality, and this world is coming under the judgment of God. But it tells us over in Hebrews that it is appointed unto men once to die.
And by the way, did you know that every second is about two people that die?
In this world, they go into eternity.
And it's happening even as I speak, as we speak here tonight, many are dying and going into eternity. But it tells us it's a point on men wants to die. And after death, the judgment, the judgment well.
This world is to be judged because of its rejection of God's Son, His own dear Son.
I trust that nobody here will experience the judgment, we call it the Great Tribulation, that you would not be left here because if you are left here for the Great Tribulation, you are going to experience another judgment, and that will be at the Great White Throne we read about in Revelation chapter 20.
And how that the dead, both small and great.
And this happens 1000 years plus after the coming of Christ, for the believers, for the church.
The dead, small and great are going to stand before God.
And it's going to be Jesus, because Jesus is God. And they're going to stand there and the books are going to be open, and it's going to be a Book of Records. And those records are right there. You know, I am so amazed in this computer age how records can be kept. When I was growing up, I didn't know anything about this.
But now I find you can do work on a computer.
30-40 years ago, I shouldn't say that long ago, no, maybe 20 years ago. And you could still have a record of it. And you can have a record of everything that's been done on the computer in the day and you might have 100 records. It's just amazing. And these records.
His records, dear ones, he keeps records in his books and he's going to open the book and he's going to look.
If you are not.
Washed in the precious blood of Christ. Your name is going to be in that book and the whole record of your life, every thought, every word and every deed, it's all there. Another book is open. It's called the Book of Life and it tells us whosoever was not found, written in the Book of Life.
Was cast into the Lake of Fire.
Is judgment, people say. I don't believe in hell.
Well, see what you want.
God's Word stands.
Hell is a reality.
I had a neighbor who came to me. Wally, do you preach about hell? I said. Yes, I do.
Really, he just come from a funeral and I think it kind of stirred him up. I said, you know what, The Lord Jesus actually said more about hell than he did about heaven.
In order to warn people.
Not to go there.
I pray for this man because.
He still is under the impression that because he has done so many good deeds, he's mowed lawns for people and he's stacked wood for people and he's helped people in the neighborhood. He says I believe I'm going to have my my reward when I get up there. But he's not interested in Jesus. Isn't that sad? And the Lord Jesus is the only way.
Yes, Jesus said, I am the way. There's a way that seems right unto a man. The ends are up in the ways of death. Don't go man's way, go Jesus way.
Here tonight God looks down. He sees you. You cannot escape.
Eye you cannot hide. You know there was a man one time and he was in a court of law. His name was Gary Tingle.
And carry, he really had to use the bathroom really bad. So the judge Rodriguez said OK, let him go. So guards took him to the bathroom.
And they guarded the door. But while he's in the bathroom, he looks up. Who?
The ceiling, something like that in the bathroom. He climbs up on the plumbing, he pushes the ceiling open and he climbs up right over the drop ceiling and he headed South and he's carefully working his way along and the guards are outside. They're waiting for him and he was escaping.
But all of a sudden, about 30 feet from the bathroom.
He fell right through a ceiling tile. You know where he landed.
Right in the courtroom.
I'm not trying to be funny, but all I'm trying to say is if you think you can escape.
You better think again.
That man thought he could escape, but it didn't work. And there's money here tonight. They think they can escape the judgment of God, but how foolish.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great?
How is it with you here tonight? Would you like to be saved? Wouldn't you like to know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if Jesus comes here tonight and gives the shout, you're going to go?
With your mom, your dad, your friends, you're going to go up all together.
Well, it's very simple to be saved, and it's all a matter of faith, believing. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. The Lord Jesus says be not afraid, only believe.
And believe is to take God at His word and put your trust in the Lord Jesus.
And believe that on the cross He died for you, and that he bore the punishment. He took the judgment in order that we might be delivered from the wrath of God. He was willing to be judged.
There at the cross, Lord Jesus said, Verily, verily, I say, and you, he that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death.
On to life.
It's one of my favorite verses. You can pass from death unto life here tonight just by putting your faith in the Lord Jesus said, how do I do this? Well, you know what you can do if you just pray a little prayer and ask the Lord Jesus to save you and you say it from your heart, you know that indicates that you have faith in the Lord Jesus and that's what counts. You know, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Jesus.
Was buried.
Rose again, and he's coming again.
Well, may the Lord bless His word to our hearts. I might just say one more thing. If you accepted the Lord here tonight, tell somebody. It's what it means to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. I'll make you happy. It'll make others happy too. Just to tell others that you've accepted the Lord Jesus, that He washed your sins away well.
Apologies, we've gone over. I was going to sing this song. I don't think we have the time, but it's a wonderful little song. Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice. Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away. Let's pray.