Gospel—Dwight Dods
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Well, we've come to the.
Last meeting.
Of the series of two days.
I always feel at the end of a conference.
The solemnity of this last Gospel.
It seems to me that.
The Lord has given us such a feast.
Throughout the conference, throughout the two days.
But he gave us the opportunity, one more opportunity for any who may have sat.
In these meetings are still lost.
It seems he's just prolonged it a little longer because God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
We heard last evening.
That is quite possible.
To come to meetings like this.
Sit through them.
And go out the door lost.
And so tonight I.
Trust if someone is sat here during these two days.
I do not know their sins forgiven. They will not leave this room.
And so they're sure.
They're ready to meet God.
I don't know everyone in the room and if someone has come in.
Took advantage of the invitation to come. We want to welcome you tonight.
Well, it's a thought that this may be the very last opportunity I want to sing a favorite game of mine.
I think it's a warning.
It's #25.
Says life at best.
Is very brief.
Like the falling of a leaf.
Like the binding of a sheaf.
Be in time trading days are telling fast that the dye will soon be cast.
And the fatal line be passed be in time. In all, the gospel is not going to go forth forever.
It's gonna come a moment.
You know Noah preached for 120 years.
The judgment is coming that was going to be a flood.
It seemed impossible. They'd never seen rain.
You know, one day.
The door was shut.
Tonight, let's sing this and think about the words of it. Some women started for me, please.
Life had passed in very green, like the fall in our living, like the lighting of the ship.
When you get into 1000 times, but the power was still pretty powerful and what they were going to hide behind.
In the heart.
United Nations.
The American union of the morning water. It makes the Lord in your heart destroyed, that I am of heaven will restore.
In time.
Umm from 51035 from my way and I see when I grow up.
On the side of our hands tonight.
In time.
God's word says Behold now.
Is accepted time. Behold, now is a day of salvation where we look to Him for His help.
Our loving God and Father, we do come before thee at the beginning of this hour.
We thank Thee for the two days that thou hast given to us.
We can enjoy those things by self, enjoy the person of my beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
But now we are at this last meeting, these last few minutes of this, uh, time together.
And we're wonder whether each one in this room.
We'll enjoy these things.
Whatever, uh, be caught up to be forever with thee or to be left behind.
Well, there'll be one in the room tonight.
That uh does not know the Lord Jesus the Savior who has I here enjoyed the company of their friends.
But I've not enjoyed thy company. We do praise a night that they, uh, may realize they're sinners and they must meet thee.
We thank thee again, loving God and Father, for thy love, for thou this love, this world.
Thou the sand, thy beloved Son, the Lord Jesus in this world save sinners. We thank you tonight, at this very moment, we can still proclaim that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. We know not on the door of a shut.
And so we seek Thy help. We seek help for the speaker, that Thou wilt bring the very portions, very words to his mouth to clarity of mine strength. We just ask these things and give thanks and the worthy and the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
And turn with me to Hebrews chapter 10.
1St 31.
It is a fearful thing.
To fall into the hands of a living God.
Read that again. It is a fearful thing.
The fall of the hands of a living God.
I just read recently of a man who in Australia.
Gave out tracks for 40 years and with each track he asked a question.
Has he had on the track? He said. Are you saved?
If you should die tonight, will you go to heaven?
That was the message that he gave when he struck.
I want to ask you the same question tonight.
Are you saved? If you should die tonight, will you go to heaven? And I'd like to add, if the Lord Jesus would come tonight, will you go to heaven?
These are serious questions and this man, he for 40 years, that was his message.
Interesting, For 40 years he never heard of one convert.
Until two weeks before his death, that was a message for 40 years.
The Lord bless that.
Too many that was found out. There were hundreds, not thousands through that message that were saved. But that's the point tonight is I want to ask you that same question. Are you saved? You know, that's not a message that goes forth very often in this world anymore.
The question of are you saved? And I wanna ask you what does it mean to be saved? What it being saved from? If you're in a burning house and you someone come in and hold you out, which say that you were saved from certain death, but what does it mean when we say are you saved?
God's word clearly states that the soul is sinneth, it shall die.
The soul that sinneth it shall die.
Also states that after death.
Is it pointed on the man wants to die?
And the judgment?
God isn't a holy God and he cannot have sin in his presence.
Tonight I feel I am speaking to.
Perhaps everyone in this room who knows the.
Facts of the gospel. So I will not go into all the details because I believe you know them.
But God looked down, and he saw, and he tells us his words, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
So everyone who sits in this room tonight is a Sinner.
Either a loss center or a safe center. Everyone ascend. And if you're here tonight, not sheltered, not saved.
God and His love saw the condition of mankind, and He had a plan.
How we might be spared.
The soul that sinneth it shall die.
And God's plan was.
That he would provide his own beloved son to come down and die so that we might not have to die.
And so it is the night that we can stand here and offer.
On God's behalf.
That you don't have to perish. You know, I've often said the difference between lost and perishes lost. There's still hope.
The parish is gone beyond hope.
We sometimes read in the newspaper how that someone is lost and they're got a search party out for them and they're looking for them. Why? Because there's still hope of finding them and saving them from perishing.
But once you read.
Such one perished. They don't look. That's the end. There's no hope for them.
And so it is tonight. If you're lost, there's hope. God has provided a means of salvation and He's offering you tonight. And that's what I want to speak a little about.
Who is this one that we must meet? This one that we've read that is a fearful thing that falls in the hands of living God? If we go down to the next chapter in verse two, we find this one is most powerful.
Verse Sorry, verse three. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.
So things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Here we find the power of God.
He spoke and the world became in the being. And I want to say that young people, and some perhaps are not so young that when you go to school you're going to be taught all the various ways that this earth possibly come into being.
Don't believe anything is simply God spoke and I say.
Some not so young, not too long ago, man, perhaps in his 50s, a Christian that's gathered and he started to explain to me how God would make and how he'd bring the molecules together and how he would make the world.
He started with nothing, it tells us.
The things which are seen.
The word of God so that things which are seen were not made with things that do appear.
God took nothing. He didn't need anything. He didn't have to bring certain molecules or whatever you want to call them together to make the world. He spoke. That's his power.
And that is the one with whom we have to deal with.
And you can see with such a one that is so powerful, and we could read that he cannot look upon sin. It tells us if he is of two pure eyes, behold evil, and cannot look on iniquity.
God is light, He can't have sin in his presence.
And so we have the meat. Such a one. If we were to turn back at least the 4th chapter of the same book of, uh, Hebrews, we find that we must meet with them.
He's got.
You can't get out of the appointment. Many appointments we can skip, call up and cancel whatever. This is when we must meet this one.
And so it is. How then are we going to find a way of meeting with them? Let's look at the.
First, uh, a little further down the chapter verse, uh, Chapter 11, verse six. But without faith, it is impossible to please him or please God.
For he that cometh to God must believe that he is.
Very starting point. First, we must believe that God made this world and we're responsible to Him because he made us.
We must believe he exists and is.
And it's impossible to please God without faith.
The last, yeah. Especially yesterday we had a lot.
Uh, concerning faith.
It's such a simple thing and yet.
I think that the more people stumbled over the word, over faith and many other things.
What is the?
Without faith, it's impossible to please God. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
But you know, we have.
Different ideas I believe what faith is and I think for many newly converts, faith the word faith seems to cause a problem and often they begin to wonder whether.
Do I really have enough faith?
We need some and they say.
I've got my faith, you've got your faith. Let's just go on.
Total misunderstanding here of faith.
Let's turn to, I think the best definition, the one that I like best anyway, as to faith is found in Acts.
Right, you're the end of Acts.
This is where Paul was on the ship that was in a storm. They've been there for several days.
Paul receives a message in verse 23.
Says There stood by me this night, the Angel gone, whom I am, and whom was served.
Saying fear not, Paul.
Let's go down to verse 25.
Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer, for I believe God that it shall be, even as he hath told me.
I believe God that it shall be, even as He has told me.
I know no better definition or explanation of what faith is.
That we believe what God has told us.
You know when someone says I've got my faith, you've got yours.
How foolish often, if we consider what they're saying.
It depends whether the object or the person. Whatever we have put our faith in trust, we could say is another word in whether it's trustworthy.
I don't believe in the Word of God. You'll find faith used anyplace else other than that which is positive and trustworthy.
We talk, people talk about faith in certain person. There's no man in this world that we can put faith in.
We talk about and men talk about faith and certain things. For instance, I think most of us heard the story of the Titanic, that ship that left England, beautiful ship, declared it was impossible to sink. And I expected everyone who stepped on that big ship, the Titanic, got on in absolute faith that we're going to reach New York.
So it's not a matter of, oh, we got faith, it's the object or the person that we have it in that matters. We know the story of that Titanic. It never reached New York. That first trip. It made that in unsinkable ship. It sunk and hundreds went to their death.
And so.
When God talks with faith, it has to be in a person that cannot fail.
And it's not a matter of how much our faith is.
I think this is where many young people that are recently saved, many children, after they're saved, they start to get doubts. Perhaps I don't believe enough.
The point is not how much you believe, but who do you believe in. As we had some time today, the question was out later Sunday school.
In who are, in whom do you trust? That is the question. In whom is it that we trust?
In the days of the children of Israel and went to leave Egypt, and we know that the blood was put on the door, and the Angel of the Lord was coming through that night and.
Uh, anyone who is in a house that didn't have blood on the door and all this was slant. Everyone who was in a house that had blood on the door, as God has told him to do, they were safe. It wasn't a matter of how the person inside was nervous or whether he was rejoicing. It made no difference. It was because of what God had said and the blood was there. And so it's his night. Faith is really.
In the person.
And what is it? It's in believing what that person has told us. You know, we don't know anything else other than what we're told in this book.
And Paul could say, I believe God that it shall be, even as he has told me.
And so I'd like to just consider just a few things that the Lord has told us.
I believe every one of us in this room perhaps know these things that God has told us.
And I would like to ask the question tonight before we even get into these verses. Why have you not believed? Is it because you do not trust that God is telling the truth? You know, we're told if we don't believe what God has said, we don't believe we're a Sinner. We're saying that God is a liar.
What a serious thing to tell God he's a liar. And if we go on that way, we will meet this one that we read about that it's a fearful thing to fall into hands of a living God. Can you imagine?
Meeting the one that you have declared to be a liar.
The one who did everything possible to save your soul.
Gave his own son and you turned them down. So I don't want I don't believe you. And that's really what it is. I don't believe you. And so tonight I would like to ask you the question we asked the beginning. Are you saved?
I want to ask another question. If not, why not?
If you're in the room tonight or this afternoon and do not know what your sins are forgiven, why not?
Someone mentioned the believers yesterday that sometimes it's, uh, we just want a little bit more of this world, little bit more of the pleasures of this world. We feel if we become a Christian, we're going to have to give those things up and we just want a little bit more for a little bit longer.
Is that true? If anyone in the room? Has anyone got a thought in your mind that oh, if I become a Christian?
I'm gonna have to give up some of the fun that I'm having in the world.
To that, I want to give a very humble illustration. I think we've all, uh.
Scene, I said, driving along, and there's a dead carcass on the road and there's a crow, big crow, feasting on it.
And as we drive down you amazing how they time lapse as you get closer. Now one more bite, one more bite, one more bite. And then they try to get away. Well, we've often seen it and I'm on the way down. We saw that big crow, he took one bite too many.
And he wasn't able to get off.
He was nine dead.
Is that what you're doing? Are you going to take one more bite of this world before you come?
God says he speaketh once, she ate twice.
Has the Lord spoken to your heart before? Have you ever been exercised that you ought to come to know the Lord Jesus as Savior and own them as your Savior? Own that you are a Sinner and desire is safe?
Or do you want just one more bite of this world?
I'd like now to turn to just a new story of a man who had.
Hey, Luke 18.
Again, we know this story.
We don't need to have an awful lot of knowledge.
If we were to turn to those well known verses in John 3.
We would read the.
And God looked down and knew the desperate need of the Sinner.
That he was going to perish. Every single man and woman in this world would perish if there was no Savior, provided there was none that could save himself. There was no way every Sinner must die. And then we read such a lovely verse, that for God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, that is, he has faith in him, not as he trusts that one, that person that cannot fail, that one who cannot lie.
Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Then we read that he that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. And now we come to this story and Luke, and we read of this blind man.
And I think we have here a little picture of a man who had faith in the person of the Lord Jesus.
Verse 35 And it came to pass, that as he was come unto the Jericho, nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the wayside, begging and hearing the multitude passed by. He asked what it meant. And they told them that Jesus of Nazareth passes by. And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace, But he cried so much more.
Thou, son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto him. And when he was come near, he asked him, saying, What wilt thou that I will do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight.
And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight by faith as safety, and immediately.
He received his sight and followed him, glorifying God and all the people when they saw it.
He gave praise unto God. Well, here's a man. I'm sure he hadn't got a big education. He didn't know a whole lot, but he was a beggar. He was a blind man. They didn't have blind pensions in those days. And the only hope he had was to sit on that dusty road and hope for the goodness of somebody to throw a coin in.
How long you been there? Probably many years and those who have been Asian seen the dusty roads in the desert with no I'd be like to sit there down there, Jericho.
Suddenly hears a lot of traffic.
Speed. Foot traffic.
Then he asked the question, what does this mean? What's going on?
Man, you know the answer they got. Uh, there's a man here from Nazareth. I've been to Nazareth and I here, I've been to Nazareth. It's not the most nicest town in Israel.
A very poor place, they said, that Jesus of Nazareth is going by.
He's passing by.
He may never come this way again.
The self offer of salvation may never be offered again. Brother that the prayer room as we prayed before the meeting said that this may be the very last opportunity God is given. One more opportunity. This may be the last time Jesus is passing by.
What does this blind man do? I'll wait till the next time, he said Jesus of Nazareth, would you listen to me? Somewhere this man had heard that the son of David.
Would be the Messiah, the one who could give sight.
He didn't refer to that man going by as the.
Jesus of Nazareth, why does he cry out? He cries out because he had faith in that man, in the man. And we have here that.
And he cried, saying, Jesus, our son of David, thou son of David, he was told this Jesus the son of David, he had faith in this man. Have mercy on me.
And they rebuked him.
Oh dear friends, today, if you are exercised and your friend that is still unsaved know that you're exercised, they're gonna rebuke you.
Dear sister, I was talking to you yesterday and I'm sure she's in the room today and I'm sure she won't mind if I I won't mention her name, but.
Told me that when she was a girl.
She grew up in a religious home.
He went to church.
That, uh, that's a girl. She went off to camp with a a group.
And there she heard for the first time how to be saved.
And she accepted it and she came home and told her mother that I was safe.
Oh dear, Mother Joyce, no.
Get that out of your mind. We don't believe that stuff. I didn't know they taught that at that place.
Oh, that's what the world will tell you. That's what your friends, unsaved friends will tell. They've rebuked this man. Did it stop him? No, he was an earnest. Nothing was going to stop him. He just cried at them or.
And he told hold the seats, but he cried at the more the Son of David have mercy on me. And here we find the Lord Jesus stood still in front of a beggar and.
Word to this blind man, what do you want?
The man knew he was blind.
You know you're a center.
He said, Lord, oh I, it's amazing. But this man, that blind man, first he recognizes the son of David, now he owns him as Lord. And he says, Lord, have mercy on me.
Yes, I shall confess the Lord Jesus as Lord.
And believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. And Jesus said unto him.
Receive thy sight.
Has God ever turned the center down? Never.
You can turn this blind man down either and he will not turn you down.
Tonight, have you put your faith in that man? Have you put your faith in that man?
And what he has told you.
He has told you that the Sinner must die.
Honey, he's told us to They're without the shedding of blood. That is, unless someone dies. Unless you die or without.
That blood life is given up without the shedding of blood, there's no forgiveness of sins. But then he's told in this word, no. I love this verse.
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin.
That's one of the things that.
He's told us, I believe.
But God has told me that is faith. I believe what God has told me.
Can there be any doubts if we believe that God has told us?
The blood of Jesus Christ, all those sins that he has recorded.
Told us that we're sinners, but now he tells us away that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin.
I see your time's gone.
Have you accepted him? Do you believe what he has told him told you in his word? Oh, if you just.
Rely. Trust what he's told you, if you can say like Paul could say I believe.
It shall be, even as he has told me. You'll never have another doubt.
Because God's Word has never changed, you can go back day after day and look at that same verse.
And find the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses a small sin.
We can read through the verily, verily I sent you he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me.
High everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation or into judgment, but is passed from death unto light. That's one of the things that he's told us. I believe that it shall be even as he has told me.
Or as you read the scriptures, I wanna suggest to you young people, especially those who have recently been saved, just read those verses and say, I believe that shall be even as God has told me.
Well, I see your time's gone. We won't sing with this. Ask the Lord's blessing.
Our loving God and Father.
As we end this time together.
We do pray if there's one in this room that when we get home.
The Father's house, thy house, when we were all together there, there'll be none there here in this room tonight. There'll be missing.
We do pray that there is one who has put it off.
Who is it where wants to feed just one little longer?
That they may realize that it could be.
Too late.
So we do ask that blessing. We thank thee, our loving God and Father, for the love that would send thy beloved Son to die. Force.
We read that Christ died for us.
No, we've trusted each one in this room can say that Christ died for us. We do pray that as we read Thy word that we may in simple faith.
Say as I believe it shall be, even as God has told me.
We ask give thanks in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.