Gospel 2

Gospel—Gordon Sester
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And if you're going to do that, it's like somebody.
One thing prospects and our heaven together.
A lot of the children bring the whole guilty spinner and love me and.
And rise and cry because I hear about all the time.
My jeans are getting anything good already? Yes, it's hotter. Help my.
One second, I love coverage so close to all of the rain.
We saw in the dark.
Of reading. I like bottoms. Do you? Do you do? No, No, No. No. No. No, no, no, no.
Begin with the word of prayer. Our God and our loving Father, we thank Thee, we thank Thee for the Lord Jesus, and we thank Thee for the ministry of Thy precious word that we have heard these last two days. And now, our Father, we look to Thee for just a few minutes.
To appeal to any here who may be strangers to that love and Thy grace, we'd ask us, Lord Jesus and thy precious name, Amen.
Let's sing a hymn. There are some gospel hymns and a little flock number 69. Come hear the gospel sound. Yet there is room. Someone could start it.
66, I'm sorry. 66 sorry in the back, yeah.
OK, but I'm not going to.
Kill you.
Thinking about it.
What? I know I'm going to die on that again.
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to go.
Again Friday straight today.
Let's talk this evening.
Yes, I've heard it's really cool.
Uh, I heard the jazz and 1000 days.
Many days are gone by singing.
One second, you never let me get through the way I'm looking. Yeah, everything is surreal.
Let's turn for a moment to Genesis chapter 24, three expressions.
In that chapter.
It's like to quickly read three or four passages. Genesis 24.
The first expression.
Is in verse 56 of Genesis 24.
He said unto them, Hinder me not.
And verse.
Uh, 58, The question was addressed to Rebecca.
Wilt thou go with this man? And then the answer.
She said I will go.
Let's turn over to.
John's Gospel.
There's an expression, uh, first I'd like it ties in with what our brother Bruce had. It's in connection with the word believing. It's on our way over to the passage. I really had in my heart, but I don't want to miss this. Uh, my wife and I enjoyed this. It's an expression in John chapter 2 and verse 11. It's in connection with believing. We use the word believe and it's, it's in John quite a few times, but verse 11 of chapter 2 of John's Gospel.
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested his fourth, his glory.
And his disciples believed on him, but.
I believe this is a note in Mr. Darby's translation that I enjoyed.
Is the, uh, it's the object of faith. It's on a, but believe on a person as an object of faith, It's believe on a person, you know this afternoon.
I don't know you all, but I believe that all, if if not probably all of you are very familiar with this book.
And I have something in common with you because I grew up under the sound of the Word of God.
But you know, the questions come up, in fact, in conversation it did even this afternoon. Why do we have gospel meetings? And yes, we should be more diligent in bringing our unsaved neighbors in, and I encourage you to do so. But you know, I listen to gospel meetings and I went home and I wasn't saved.
And I hope there's no boy or girl or even a grown up here that's heard the gospel and gone home and they weren't saved. You know what Blue Monday is? It's a Monday after you've heard the gospel on large day evening and you went home and you knew you weren't saved. You knew if the Lord came, you'd be left.
And so we have gospel meetings.
And you know, I don't know your hearts.
That woman in John Four, she said. Come see a man that told me all things.
Is not this the Christ she recognized in that man? And that's the man I'd like to speak to you about for a few minutes. That man that wants you to follow him when you leave here this afternoon. Do you have an object for your life? Is that man the object of your life? And we just read in Gen. in Genesis 24. Hinder me not.
There's someone that wants to hinder you.
And you know what I mean? There's a nanny now, your soul, and he wants to hinder you. He doesn't want the Spirit of God to have its work in your heart.
And you might have sat in a gospel meeting and gone out.
And you said, I know it's right. I, I believe that if somebody said to you, you know, it used to be, you know, I don't, I haven't seen it for years. It used to be in order to get out of the gospel meeting, you had to walk by the man that had the gospel.
And you, you kind of looked, if you hoped there was another door, but you had to go by him. And he seemed to almost he, he, he seemed to know you. I mean, he seemed to reach out and grab your hand and look, you're right in the eye.
And you had to figure out what you were going to tell him.
But you know, whether that's the case or not, the Spirit of God is striving with your soul.
Wilt thou go with this man?
Now I marked some of these. I used these old red things here, so not very good on my memory.
John, Chapter 6.
John 6.
In verse 66.
So like brother Jim said, he's not good on his math, but if you can, if you do know your math, you know 6 * 11 is 66 so you can remember this.
From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.
Then said Jesus, unto the 12 will ye also.
Go away.
Then Simon Peter answered him. Lord.
To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.
Well, I just addressed that to you. You're gonna go away.
You know, I just like to say as I've grown up in the assembly.
I've seen some.
My own age, they went away.
And you know, it came time to leave this world.
And I've told this before you get on the telephone, can anybody ever remember that that young man or young lady or older man has ever confessed the Lord Jesus? Have you ever heard a confession from him? And you call this perhaps someone who's in Sunday school with him?
I had a cousin nobody could ever remember. Nobody could remember he'd ever confessed the Lord, and he grew up sitting on chairs like you did.
I hope that's not the case.
My wife and I went to the bedside of a neighbor.
If you'd have been a neighbor to that man.
There was nothing in his life that would ever tell that he was a believer.
I've had personal talks with him. I believe he was the last word I said, he said to me.
Whatever the Lord wants.
It was a couple of hours. He was in eternity.
He was a man that grew up like you did. He sat on the meeting room chairs.
But he didn't have time for the Lord.
He didn't have time for the Lord to lost life.
Let's turn over to Luke.
And there we have loop 24.
So the one in Genesis 24?
Was going to go on a journey.
She had an object before her.
We had to go on on that story. We'd see the last.
Line, I believe, of a hymn. Sweetest to his ear are the footballs.
As they come through the desert.
You know the Lord Jesus is that one that's waiting at the end of the journey.
I have to tell you, some of you may know where this came from. Perhaps. I don't recommend the source necessarily, but I read a little article about.
About a little boy riding on the train.
In the scenery outside looked a little boring, and the person next to him said to the little boy, it's it's kind of monotonous, isn't it? He said. It's OK, Mr. my father's waiting for me.
Is your father waiting for you?
Are there trials at the end of the journey? Take courage, you know.
We have the end of the story.
Take courage, Luke 24.
Just a couple verses here in closing.
We're familiar with this passage.
Verse 13 first and behold, two of them went the same day to the village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem, about 3 square furlongs, and they talked together of all the things which had happened. You know, as we go away from here, there'll be conversation, perhaps conversation in the car. I can remember going from a conference or going from an all day meeting with our family. And as we left there was conversation, maybe there were questions came up.
But, you know, these two as they were, we'll read later. Or I could just read that we trusted that it had been he, you know, is he disappointed you?
Are you going going to go away discouraged? And let's look at the end of the story because we it's nice. We have the end of the story. Then the one came alongside and that's what would be the object of our hearts. And we just heard about our hearts from our brother and our hearts must be touched.
Verse 32, This is the desire we'd have. And they said one to another. Did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us, by the way, while he opened to us the Scriptures?
Now, I'd just like to tell you in closing about a little boy.
And his heart was touched.
And to you children, if I went up and down the road and I asked each one of you.
How long will it be?
Before you take your last breath, or if I ask you as we were often asked in Sunday school.
When is the Lord going to come? Now, you know we're asked that question many times, but is it real to you?
I'm gonna tell you about a little boy. Our time is up.
And this little boy is perhaps known to some in this room.
His name is Brayden.
And I can picture a little scene with my three of my grandsons standing by an open casket. And Braden, I think he was nine years old in eternity.
But you know, it's a sweet thing.
Braden at a Bible, and in that Bible he had verses marked, and Braden had confessed the Lord Jesus as his Savior.
One of my grandsons, in their simplicity looked down and he says Braden.
You're so patient to let all these people go by.
Well, you know.
My those are lessons in life. Life is short and I just ask you, are you going to wait?
Lord Jesus is coming.
Are you gonna go?
Are you gonna go with this man? Has he won your heart's affections? Wilt thou go with this man? And I'll just leave you with that. Is that the one that's won your heart's affections? No, the world doesn't. Everything going for you. He doesn't have anything. Nothing. But I I just like to go say one thing in connection with what Bruce said.
You know, there's a world out there full of people and they're hungry.
You let your light shine. Don't ask the Lord for open doors, they're open.
You don't need to ask the Lord for an open door. The doors are open.
Maybe you don't have courage. I found something that I'd like to encourage you to do. The man in the drive in the man at the service station, hand him a little gospel tract. Maybe you don't know what to say. You may find a hungry soul. And we found it so when we travel.
They've got something.
You have something that they need be a little testimony to the Lord Jesus.
Let's just ask him for his help. Our God and our Father, we thank thee this afternoon for the Lord Jesus.
Oh, we thank Thee, our Father, for that love that sent him down to this world.
We thank thee for that love that has provided everything for our sustenance in this world and everything for our happiness in the pathway down here. And we just cry into the your Father.
That if there's one here that has never confessed the Lord Jesus as Savior.
That that love might reach their heart.
That the warnings in thy precious word might reach their conscience, and we just ask for your father. That they might bow the knee to day before it's too late, Perhaps even now, while our heads are bowed.
They might own the Lord Jesus as their Savior. We thank the Lord Jesus for the value of that precious blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary. And we just ask thee, Lord Jesus, that as we leave, that we would go another way, that our hearts would be encouraged, encouraged to go on. And we thank thee to Lord Jesus that soon I will be taken home and that someday in the coming day, not far off, that will have thy rightful place.
We thank Thee, Lord Jesus, and we commit ourselves to Thee, Thy precious and worthy name. Amen.