Gospel—Howard House
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Let's start with thing #1.
Do you have anything in your heart?
Now follow me on my finger in there.
I want more time with her Umm.
Lost eternity that goes on and on and on Forever.
Is not thy desire that they would continue on their course? We just pray that tonight they would realize that there is a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who now has sent myself Father.
And he is available today.
To their salvation I just pray that they return in whoever they may be, man who and boy or girl father. So salvation, we just ask these things in his name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Let's sing another one.
Sing #7.
So I.
Therefore, my secondary there was a problem, but no problem to your Papa Thai and yelling. I have a lot of you need me to see.
Or anything.
Else I don't understand again, uh.
Today can probably start as long as.
I know, but I'm concerned.
About God, like there's an opinion.
Never crossed her mind today. And there's no blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Now I say I play in the man's mind that I was prepared together with him and he had to stop.
Raining down and by his back. And I find that I'm seeing through the heart of the heart of love.
Hudson OH, that's right. Now I'm in the Alabama, so it's a very easy.
Well, we sang first almost persuaded. Might be sure of you now almost persuaded. My brother ET had a good word on the word almost at the grand cottage, Mount Rose, and he was talking about how almost would you want to trust him not and take a mask with you that is almost through.
Or do you want to go on a flight that would almost fit the destination?
Almost persuade? Is that you tonight almost persuaded? If so, I trust by the end of the meeting you will no longer be almost persuaded. You'll be completely persuaded.
So let's turn first to first Peter 5.
First heater and the 5th shotgun.
And at the end of verse five it says God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you.
In due time.
God resisteth the proud.
And give it three, you're hungry.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God. He may exalt you.
Thank you.
Like to speak about 290 tonight sounding the word of God and both of them were apart from God, and then they had the choice as to whether they're going to humble themselves.
And both of them decided that they were going to humble themselves and both of them in the end, as a result, were exhausted.
So let's turn 1St to 2nd king.
Second Kings and the 5th chapter.
The story setting is in the land of Palestine.
And he was in the country that's still a country today. Syria first one says no name. And the captain, the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honorable because by him the Lord.
Had given deliverance under Syria, where he was also a mighty man in valor, but he was a leopard, and the Syrians had gone out by companies and had brought away captures as the land of Israel. A little mage. And she waited on naam and life. And she said unto her mistress, Would God, my Lord, we're with the prophet that is in Samaria, for he would recover him of his leprosy.
When one went in and told his Lord, saying Thou do not, said the Maid, that isn't of the land of Israel.
And the king of Syria said, Go to go, and I will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he departed, and took with him 10 lbs of silver, and 6000 pieces of gold, and 10 changes of raiment. And he brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying, Now in this letter it comes with thee, Behold, I have there was sent name in my servant to be, that thou mayest to cover him of his leprosy.
And it came to pass, when the King of Israel had read the letter, that he wrenched his clothes.
And said, Am I God to kill and make alive to this man? Descend unto me to recover a man of his leprosy. Wherefore consider I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against you. And it was so when Lysha the man of God.
Had heard that the king of Israel had rented clothes that he sent to the king, saying, Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? Let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel. So Naaman came with his horses and with his Chariots, the whole onslaught.
And stood at the door of the House of Elijah, And Elijah sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan 7 times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.
So let's just stop there for a minute. So here is this man, this, this general of the army of Syria. And it says by him God had given, delivered unto the people of Syria. It wasn't him, but God let him be you. But you know, this man, it seems like he maybe has developed a little bit of pride. He was pretty happy.
That God, that deliverance, had been given to Syria by Him.
He had gone out with his armies and then fought and won bottle after bottle here, no doubt he had practiced for years and years, used his sword, perhaps all the different kinds of weapons and and ways of attacking their armies, the the opposing armies. And you know, he was pretty good. So this man, he was pretty proud.
And so you know, but there is this little servant girl that was in his house and.
She said, uh, you know, if this man, we're, we're only to go to.
In Israel, he would get claimed with his leprosy, leprosy in the, in the Bible and God's word in the picture of sin. And you know, this man, he had some leprosy that is also Ron's not here anymore partner. And they can tell you that leprosy is a very serious disease even today. Now we don't struggle with it here in North America because, uh, it's been treated well and such, but in other countries.
And I know my brother has gone to let her call on you before. And so this man, he was, even though he had this amazing, umm reputation, he also had leprosy. So he knew that he was going to die and it was probably going to be early. But you know, he still he was still proud and perhaps he could hide his leprosy. I don't know. Of course, is the discoloring of the skin. So and it starts eating away the.
Wherever it is. So it would become obvious after a while, but it would seem at this time you still had pretty good mobility. So he comes to Israel and he goes to The Cave. Is that the place to go?
No, the king at this time is a wicked king, and there is no help with him.
But there is a prophet in Israel and his name was Elijah.
And so he goes, he went to Elisha and he let's, uh, let's continue reading verse 11. But Naaman was raw because Elijah had just sent a messenger in and went away and said, behold, I thought he would surely come out to me and stand and call in the name of the Lord his God and strike his hand over the place and recover the leper. Are not abandoned. And far, far rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel?
May I not wash a mammon be cleaning? So he turned away, and he turned and went away in a rage. And a servant came near and spake unto him, and said, My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great things.
Would if thou not have done it, how much rather than when you say it's underneath? Wash and be clean.
Then he went down and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God. And his flesh can begin like the flesh of a little child. And he was clean. Isn't that amazing?
I was just holding Tori during the last meeting and she has such, you know, soft skin. It's amazing. Umm, right under the right out of the room, as it were. And uh, this man, Can you imagine that? Uh, I don't know if he was 5040, I'm not 50 again, but all completely clear skin, just like a little baby and even himself every day when he woke up.
He went through your garden, he could see his legs. They're all just like left in a little child.
What a reminder every single day today. So this man wash and be clean. He washed and he was clean and today.
Perhaps you haven't noticed that you've done things that are wrong. I'll ascend and come short of the glory of God. All have sinned.
No exception. This man had leprosy. Not everyone in Syria had leprosy, no doubt, but this man did. And it's a picture of skin. All of us have sinned and come short to the glory of God. We've done those things that are like yucky things on us and and we can't get away from them. We can't just ditch them. We can't escape them.
We must be lost and it says here, wash and be clean. So tonight perhaps you find yourself in that condition.
Uh, covered in thin and it's just a matter of kangaroo or Jesus.
In his precious blood he can wash you as white as snow.
He went down verse 14, it says, and dipped himself.
You had to go down South. It wasn't as good of his friends to tell him and your love here tonight. You're part of the company, part of the people here, and you're loved by your friends around you, no doubt.
And they want you to do what's right. They want you to accept Jesus as your Savior as well. And here you can see the name and service they really cared about in a team. And they just very gently came to him and said, who? Please just realize that it's so easy.
Just wash and be clean. If he had asked you to go conquer the Persians or whoever other people group was there, that's it. No doubt he would have gone out and gone back to land of Syria. God is men and went right over there.
But it was just an individual thing who just went himself.
Washed and was cleaned.
And tonight, even if you were born into a Christian family, maybe the whole rest of your family.
I believe in Jesus. Maybe you've been coming to meetings for a long, long time and you just sort of think of yourself as the group and you don't really think of yourself as an individual. God loves you as an individual.
And he wants your soul.
He wants you as an individual to come to him, and tonight you speak not just to the group, but he's speaking to you.
For 15.
And he returned to a man of God, he and all his company, and came and stood before him. And he said, Behold, now I know there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel. Now therefore I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant.
But he said, as the Lord liveth before whom I stand, I will receive none, and urged him to take it that he received There are many rich men in this world who are very proud, and they'd rather pay millions and millions of dollars.
Rather than just bowling eats allergy this crazy.
They would prefer to pay millions of dollars.
And you know, Elijah here was faithful. He was not willing to take money. And it makes a beautiful picture here that the gospel cannot be purchased.
Let's just turn quickly to Psalms Psalm 49.
Psalm 49.
Verse seven says none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.
For the redemption of their soul is precious.
And it eats it forever. Never dying soul eat it forever. The redemption of their soul, the buying back of their souls, is precious.
There is a man in our town and.
Probably about five years ago.
And I asked him if he knew Diva.
And the man said, oh, I know about him.
And I said, like, you know him.
He, uh, he said some things weren't very good and, uh.
He, he's, uh, he's been in trouble since he, umm.
Yeah, has done other things that weren't weren't very good.
And so this, this man, uh.
Right now he's in jail.
So you know, he had a chance. We had to use his finger. He still does, but we don't know.
We're seventeen of our Chapter 2 King Chapter 5.
A man said, Shall there not then, I pray he be giving to thy servants 2 mules verse, and a verse to thy servants will henceforth offer either burnt offering nor sacrifice unto other gods, but unto the Lord.
And this thing the Lord pardon thy servant, that when my master goeth into the House of women to worship there, and he leadeth on my hand, and I bow myself in the House of rimmen, when I bow myself in the House of rumen, the Lord pardon thy servant in this thing.
And he that's Olympia said unto him, Go untie. So he Naaman departed from him, Elijah a little less.
Over in India.
They worship a lot of idols, their Hindu countries and.
If you don't like their gods, or the present ones or the popular ones, then you just make your own.
And so, you know, he's tribal villages have their own gods and you know, they might have one God to their travel village and they have a big monument of him that has a fun face and they go up and they might bow down before and worship it and they're processed there for these idols. And uh, it sounds like there's a similar thing back in this thing.
So this man named him.
Here he had humbled himself, gone into the water.
Ye come out clean. He came back to Elisha, wanted to give him gifts. Elijah said no, he's left, but he took two heels during the birth with him.
He wanted to worship the Lord, but he said, Dis pardon me in this my master worshipped.
A false God and I might have to go and do his temple and bow down too. Is that OK? Right. She just says go in peace.
He doesn't say no now in this tribal village in India.
Some of the brothers that are in fellowship there, they went and they wanted to talk to the children. So they did and they started playing games with the children. And a few weeks later after they had played games with the children for a few weeks, they they decided they just sing some songs with them in Sunday school songs. So they did. So they sung some Sunday school songs with them and then a few weeks later they would just give them the message.
You know what happens in this town, these children who are this young, these children here.
They decided that they weren't going to hate the things they were offering. Take the supper that was offered the idols AT5 supper time.
So how they would have their suppers is that the mom maybe usually would get the meal ready.
To bring it out and then they'd have an idol there and then they'd put it in front of the idol and they worship the idol and thank the idol for the food and then they would eat it. We'll see. The problem was if these children as soon as he was off in Seattle, they're they weren't going to be staying. They said no, we know Jesus, we believe in Jesus. We won't eat.
Let's see them now. So it is a big problem because all these children were suddenly rebelling.
Against their parents idol.
The man of the the little village got together and this is just keep in mind this is just the last 10 years, maybe probably in the last five years we got together and they wanted to figure out who is telling them not to eat the things, sacrifice idol. And so they thought maybe it was just a little bit they were seeing the primary school and playing games. So they came in and they listened in.
My brothers never said anything. They've not eaten anything off their dieting but what they did say.
Which is there's only one job either. Jesus was the only savings behind the God.
So they weren't too happy, but they they thought they'd probably catch them at some point.
Telling people not to eat their aphrodisiac. So they, they kept going like that for a while. And one time the brothers were talking to an older person. She was, I believe it was a lady, probably her 1340. And they're telling, they're explaining to her a few different things. And they, they told her, they said, well, it's not a good, good idea to offer things titles and right inside the window.
And so they came running into the Hut and they started yelling and carrying on. And the brother was just trying to control them and he didn't know what to do. And so he, he just said, well, uh, you know, he tried to be nice and he thought he was going to be better. Things are done very well over there. Often not like peacefully out here and so.
After about an hour, he says of them yelling at him and just carrying on, he said.
All right, but hold on, hold on and.
So they said, all right, well, if you ever come back again, you're we're going to do the same thing for you that we just did to your tires. I mean, by now these tires were all flash.
But I would rather do a job Jonathan, John's brother.
Yeah, so.
Like you just says to the naman naman, go in peace.
You know, when when the Syrians came back, it doesn't say the name and repeating them. Perhaps Nathan was laid off, Perhaps.
Yeah, head down the road and he didn't go into the hospital and I don't need any.
So verse 20, budget hands.
The servant of the Alicia, the man of God, said, Behold, my master is spared name and experience in not receiving at his hands that which he brought.
But as the Lord liveth, I will run after him and take somewhat of him, So gehis, I follow Doctor Naiman. And when Nieman saw him running after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well? And he said, All is well. My master said, he's saying, Behold, even now there comes me from male Ephraim two men of the sons of the Prophet. Give them my praise. A talent of silver and two chains of garments.
And Naaman said be content, take two pallets.
We urge him. And he bailed 2 lbs of silver in two bags, with two changes of garment, and laid them upon two of his shoes, and they bare them before him. When he gained the tower he took from their hands and bestowed them in the house, and he let the men go.
And they departed, but he went in and stood before his master. And Elisha said on him, What when cometh Saudi, is I? And he said, Thy serve, and when no whither? And he said unto him, When not my heart with thee. When the man turned again from his chariot to neatly is it time to receive money, and to receive garments, and all of yard and vineyards, and sheep and oxen, and manservants, and maid servants?
The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto these, and unto thy seed forever, and when out from his presence a lesser of light.
Decided to give his eye but a few chapters he does hear again talking to the king of Israel. It's very interesting, but Nieman sort of here. It seems that God has given us a little hint here. The naman may be caught on that selection didn't really send gays on.
Because he's I asked for what was it 2 He asked for one, one a talent to silver and two changes of guns. So why did he ask for a pound of silver when there are two sons of the prophet?
OK, he would need 2 lbs of silver 1/3 right? So Naman says OK.
All right, I'll give you 2 lbs to tell those like that and behave like that.
So he took him.
So we see on one hand Damon, proud man, humbled himself, he blessed. On the other hand, we see that his eye on this money.
So let's turn to the second one. Let's turn to the New Testament now, and chapter 15.
11 Foot book College 5 Luke.
New Chapter 16.
And he that Jesus said a certain man had two sons.
Now keep in mind a certain man. This means that it was an individual man. It wasn't. This wasn't a parable. Often Jesus told parables, and they were. It wasn't actually a story that happened. But in this case, it was a certain story. This actually happened. A certain man. If you never had a man in mind when he was telling his story.
A third man had two sons, younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of good they'll follow to me. And he divided them to them his living. And not many days after, the younger son gathered altogether and took his journey into a far country.
And their wasted his substance with rise of women.
So here is his father and he had, it sounds like two boys, and he divided themselves living.
Because younger son asked for his inheritance early. Imagine that asking your father for your inheritance early, before your father even died. That would be a very strange thing to do so that the father would have been happy.
To answer that request, why would he be asking for it before he died?
But the youngest son didn't seem to care too much and he was too on this money now. He wanted his inheritance now and he said.
Give me the portion of goods that cost me.
So he went to a a a far away land.
And he spent all with rioting. So they knew that he was very extravagant. He spent a lot of money on who knows what clothes, houses, we don't know. Permanent maybe, we don't know.
When he at 1St 14, when he had spent all their rows of major famine in the mighty famine in the land, and he began to see him along, and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his field to feed swine.
And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks of the swine to eat, and no man gave unto him. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants to my father have bred enough in despair, and I perish with hunger.
I'll all rise and go to my Father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against having him before thee, and I'm no more worthy to be called thy Son. Make me as one of thy highest servants. And he arose and came to his father.
When you would get a great layoff, his father saw him, had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and switched them.
And the Father said unto him, And the Son said unto him, Father, I sinned against heaven in my sight, and I'm no more worthy to be called thy sign. But the Father said to us, Sir, and bring forth the backstroke, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.
And bring him to the fighting top and kill it, and let us eat and be merry. So this my son was dead and is alive again. He is lost, was lost in his town, and they began to be married. She stopped there.
What a story. This poor younger son went and spent all his money, all his father's hired and money on living a very extravagant life riotously.
And, you know, when somebody takes that kind of step, it's hard to come back. Even though they have nothing, it's hard to come back. And, you know, he joined himself to a citizen of the country. And when we go and we try to get from the world, it often doesn't help too much.
They pretend that they're a friend and stuff. We just sent him into his heels to feed his wine.
It seems that all his friends disappeared too, and the ones she was hanging out with just disappeared as soon as all his money was gone. They weren't true friends, were they? They weren't true friends. And you know, sometimes we talked about friends at school and we have to rub shoulders with them perhaps. But you know, sometimes they turn on it and it's not fun. You know what? The Lord Jesus is not a friend like that. And he loves you. He cares for you and he wants.
And he's reaching out to his soul tonight. And I just trust that if you don't know the lordiness, perhaps you then like this younger son, umm and going away and going astray like we sung in that song. We sung it said, come wonder, come with the last line of the of the the second standard of their song. Come, wander, come. Maybe you've just been wandering a little bit.
In your life and.
The Father is calling you back. He wants you to be near him again. So the sun arose. He had to get up and go back to the solar. He said, Father, I sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and I'm no more worthy to call thy Son. Make sorry. Make me as one of the higher resources. What he was thinking he was going to say to him, Make me one of my higher servants. But he didn't know the Father's heart, did he? He arose and came to his Father. And when?
His father saw him, had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and tempered. His father still recognized him. His father still loved him even though he had taken and spent hard earned money.
With rise to swimming his eyes thinned against having it in my sight and I'm no more worthy all that time keep in mind that this actually happened boys and girls keep in mind that this actually happened so this man you know maybe he was on this road. We don't know exactly what the geography was like but I saw a picture that he was there was a tail maybe going up and the father could turn around and sort of see this this way that his.
A long way wherever they live and there is how is his son finally after all this time? And it sounds like it was a big estate here. They had servants, they could kill the body path, all these things. So there's probably a lot of money that this guy took. So it's probably not a short time that he, they talked to, uh, to, for the younger son to spend all this money. But the father had his eyes and God our father.
God, the one who created us.
Had his eye on his name. He was an individual and he wants you to come to heaven. You've never accepted Jesus as your Savior.
Sometimes we talk about it in the Sunday school class, just how easy it is to do that often.
Sometimes in the golf meeting, uh, you might ask, well, how what do I ask to do? What do I, what do I need to do? I, I know, I know I'm before I know I need allergies. That's too my favorite what do I do?
Well, God, Jesus is everywhere at once. Jesus is God and he's omnipresent and he's here. And you know, Bay, he's in Toronto, he's in Montreal, he's in Vancouver, He's over in Shanghai, over in Delhi, He's all around the world, everywhere at once. And you know, he can hear you even if you just say something in your heart and if you just pray.
In your heart to God, He can hear you. If he just asked him to wash where your sins, He'll do it right now.
And you might think that God is really angry at you because you've got a lot of things wrong. And that's true. God hates her.
But he is also very loving at the same time.
Pretty interesting that it says I have sinned beyond heaven.
I assume you get talent.
Now this is the story again that actually happened.
So this man felt like he had sinned against heaven, against God as well. The Father we often think of as God, but if we don't think of it, the Father is God, just for a second.
I'm just thinking it is a yearly father.
He has a recognition that he is going to have it. There are certain certain, umm, requirements that are required. There are certain things that are just standard throughout the whole world, no matter what language you are, no matter what people.
There's a certain way of conducting yourself no matter there's a right and a wrong without No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter anything, and no matter if you've ever been in connection with the civilized world, there's a right and a wrong. No matter what your culture is, it's a right and wrong. So here we have.
You sinned against heaven.
What we had earlier today, we have an advocate with the Father, even if we shouldn't.
Bring it forward to that stroke and put it on him.
Wonderful. This man, he sounds like he didn't have anything.
And so he perhaps was dressed in rags. I don't know exactly what he looked like coming back, but the Father was such great. Bring forth the death road and God is willing tonight to give you a robe of righteousness, the righteousness of His Son Jesus. Let me turn to a verse in 2nd 14, chapter 5.
And verse 21, Second Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21. For he hath made him to be sin for us.
He knew no sin, though we might be made, but righteousness of God in him.
So if you believe in Lord Jesus Christ tonight, you will be made to righteousness of God in your view of Christ. You will be in your heart, you will be in Christ, and you will be made His righteousness.
It's like that robe. So it's put around this, this part of the sun.
Put a ring on your hand, shoes on his feet, bring his as a fatted calf and kill it and let it eat and be married. Imagine that the sun's so hungry.
All he had eaten for a long time was these hots that it takes.
And here she finally had.
Be a thyroid cap and kill it. That if he's demerit. So this my son was dead and it's alive again. He was lost in his family and he began to be married for 25. Now his older son was in the field and he came and drew nigh to the house. He heard music and dancing.
And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant. And he said unto him, Thy brother has come, thy father has killed beside his half, because he has their teeth, and safe and sound. And he was angry, and would not go in. Therefore his father came in and treated him.
And he answered and said to his father, Lo, these many years had he served thee either transgressed I at any time thy commandment, and yet thou never saveth thee a kiss, that I might make merry with my friends. But as soon as this thy son would come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots. So it's still for him the body top.
Mesquite, the father said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. There is meat that we should make merry and be glad for this. My brother was dead. My brother was dead and is alive again. He was lost.
Just one more thought before we close.
Here's this father. He comes up I, I believe.
That the sun, the prodigal son, the one who had left.
He was really taken up with his father, even though that food never tasted so good.
Yet it says here in verse 31, Son, thou art ever listening.
Isn't that beautiful star ever written?
The prodigal son. When he saw what his father had done for him, he didn't worry about the final path. Yeah, he was nice. He worried as a ring or the coat. He was just glad to be with his father again.
The father said the other time out as a rescue. It's me. He was taken up there.
Not a side attack, not his friend. He's not the music in the direction, He is me.
But the elder son didn't understand. It is neat that we should marry and be glad this my brother was dead and alive again his loss.
Let's say #2.
Pizza Hut.
Oh, OK.
I put out the Internet together to get rid of the ground on them. Oh, I'm trying to get all the way out of there and take a few more projects and I have to try and I'm hungry.
$1.00 crawl from where I'm going to stop.
Yeah, it's really it's a good way to get a good place. How about they have you? Uh-huh.
Uh, OK there, uh, yeah. We're just looking to get a new head in the house or maybe anything, umm.
110 more hours in the world, but now I'm doing well. I'll get away in May days and go on there and stay in the sun.
To come up with a little time to do it and I'll call on my face. Well, I'm done with. Welcome down.
For any souls that here that has continued to reject allergies to get a spanky that he is the perfect Savior and the perfect standard, the perfect one to look to just pray that you turn our eyes and Lord Jesus Christ and see him all his beauty that they would turn to him and and realize that it's their own hope. He just pray for bless you on the message tonight.
By the weakness of the presentation, we just thank you for thy grace, Father, and thank you for thy heart that would invite a prodigal back home, someone who.
Has no right whatsoever, but someone who just comes back and grates with a stanky father. Flies tremendous grace on failing grace and display that someone would turn their eternal destiny. The assailants might turn from darkness.
How they asked me to have it. They said that we just pray and just pray for the blessing and rest of eating sweet good concert. Thank you for this wonderful time in the name of Lord Jesus.