Gospel 2

Gospel—Jim Hyland
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Let's begin the Gospel meeting this evening with hymn #10. On the Gospel hymn sheet. There is a Savior on high in the glory, a Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree. A Savior is willing to save. Now, as ever, His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Let's stand and sing hymn #10 and if someone will please start it.
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Like to read a couple of portions from God's Word at the beginning of the meeting.
The first one is in Proverbs chapter 8.
Proverbs, Chapter 8.
And we'll begin at verse 23. I was set up from Everlasting and from the beginning or ever the earth was.
When there were no depths, I was brought forth, When there were no fountains abounding with water.
Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth. Well. As yet He had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When He prepared the heavens, I was there.
When he set up, set a compass upon the face of the depth when he established the clouds above.
When he strengthened the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea his decree that the water should not pass his commandment, when he appointed the fountains of the earth, then I was by him as one brought up with him.
And I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him, rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth. And my delights were with the sons of men. And then I want to read a verse or two in John's Gospel, chapter one.
John's Gospel chapter one and verse one.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same within the beginning with God. I have it on my heart this evening. And seeking to present the gospel message to bring before our consciences and our hearts to bring before our souls some essentials as to the gospel, some essential facts, some essential truths concerning the gospel as it is brought before us in the living word of God, Because this has already been brought out in these meetings.
Christianity is based on fact. We don't have philosophy to present tonight. We don't have some vague ideas to present tonight. We have realities to present, and these realities are based on the truth of God's word. And I'm thankful that we can turn to the living word of God tonight and we can trust it beyond a shadow of a doubt. How many times we turn to some book for some information.
And we say, well, I hope it's accurate. I hope it's correct. How many of us have gone to Wikipedia online to check some information and found out later on? It wasn't quite accurate that that entry that was put there wasn't quite the way it was. The facts were misconstrued or misrepresented or perhaps even totally wrong. But tonight we have the living word of God.
And before we bring out these essential truths that I want to see from God's living word.
I want, at the beginning of this gospel meeting, to give a solemn warning.
I was told just before this Gospel meeting that the weather radar is very red in this area tonight.
And there are severe thunderstorms predicted to break at any time.
And we may have to shorten this Gospel meeting if the Lord leaves us here that long.
And so, at the beginning of this Gospel meeting, I want to give a solemn warning. I don't want to wait.
Till 7:50 or 8:00 because this Gospel meeting may never end.
There are some solemn things going to take place in this world one of these days, and it's going to begin with what we often refer to as the Rapture of the Second Coming of Christ.
Because the second coming of Christ, the rapture, the time when the Lord Jesus is going to come in the air and give a shout.
Is going to bring a close to what we call the Day of Grace.
It's going to close the door of salvation for any who have heard.
The Gospel.
For any who have had a warning as to their eternal destiny, for any who have heard that they are sinners and that Christ is the Savior, it's going to close that door because it tells us when once the Master of the house has risen up and to shut to the door, then they're going to come and they're going to knock and there's going to be souls in earnest.
But that door will never be opened again from the other side of that door to ring in their ears for eternity.
Will come a voice that says depart from me. I never knew you.
But at 711 on the clock tonight, the invitation is still going out. Come unto me at 8:11, or in a few moments it might be depart from me solemn to consider, isn't it? Dwight L Moody was preaching in the city of Hartford, CT, one night many years ago, and a young man came to him concerned about his soul after the gospel meeting.
And Dwight L Moody talked to him at some length and then he said going to give you a challenge.
I want you to go home and think about it and come back tomorrow.
That man left that gospel hall that night.
He boarded a train to return to his home, and there was a serious train wreck. That man entered eternity.
How solemn?
Dwight L Moody said it was a good lesson for him never to let a soul go that was striving for salvation until the work was complete. Never to tell someone to go home and consider it. Never to tell someone that they had time.
Because now is the day of salvation. Remember now Thy Creator.
In the days of thy youth, flee from the wrath to come. There is always an urgency.
In connection with the Gospel message.
And so as this gospel begins to unfold, and we look at a number of scriptures that bring before us the facts of the gospel.
All I want to tell you if there's someone here that's not saved, someone that's lost and in their sins, do not wait until this gospel meeting ends. There are many in hell tonight, not because they rejected, but because they neglected because they put it off. I often wonder if there aren't won't be more neglectors in a lost eternity than out and out rejecters.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? But having said that, I want to now seek by the grace of God in the simplest possible fashion to present this Savior of sinners. And I read these verses to begin with, because we want to impress upon our souls at the beginning the eternity of His person. We're not talking just about some other man tonight.
We are talking about the eternal Son of God, the One who was from a past eternity.
The one who was there when the foundations of the earth were laid, by whom also he made the worlds, it says.
The one who was the daily the delight of God the Father.
Not just in his pathway here, but from a past eternity, and yet the one.
That the Father could send the one who came in love and obedience to his Father.
It was mentioned earlier in these meetings.
That it never speaks of the Lord Jesus as the Son being born into this world.
As the Son, He was sent or given the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
It's illustrated by type in the Old Testament, and I suppose the two most beautiful types of the Father and the son are Israel sending Joseph to his brethren, and Jesse sending David to his brethren in the camp of Israel as they faced the Philistines.
And I have thought of those beautiful types, those beautiful illustrations, because when Israel sent his son.
To see how his brethren were faring who were feeding the flock some distance away.
If Israel had had any idea of the treatment of his son, whom he loves so very much.
The son that he had marked with favor and given a coat of many colors, would he have sent him that day?
I often wonder if he would have sent him knowing that the rest of his sons were going to take him.
Treat him so badly, Throw him into a pit, bring him up. Eventually sell him to the Ishmaelites that he would go down into Egypt.
And that he wouldn't see his son for many, many years, considering that he was dead, thinking that he was dead.
Would Joseph have been so willing to go on that occasion if he had known what would befall him and that he wouldn't see his father?
For so many years and the treatment that he would receive not only from his brothers.
But in Egypt, to be thrown in prison and so on, Would he have been so willing? I've sometimes wondered.
But oh, in the past, the Council's eternal councils of God.
It was determined that the father would send the son, a son who never did one thing to displease his father.
Well, a Son who was daily the joy and delight of the Father, and yet this is the Son that was sent.
When Jesse sent David with those provisions to his his children, his sons, who were facing the Philistines and their champion Goliath, if Jesse had had any idea of what was going to happen that day, would he have sent him? If he knew that Eliab, his oldest son, was going to even judge the motive of David's heart for coming down?
And speak against him, and that David shortly thereafter.
With just five stones in his shepherd's bag and a sling in his hand, was gonna go down and meet.
In the Valley, the champion of the Philistines.
Would you have been so willing to send him, and if David had known what was going to happen after that, that he would flee as a bird to the mountain, that he would have to live in The Cave of Adela, that he would fear from his life, from King Saul for so many years?
Would he have been so willing?
Those types fall are beautiful, but they fall far short because God the Father.
In saying Whom shall I send and who shall go for me, he knew who would respond and what the cost would be.
When we have the words of the Lord Jesus prophetically lo, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of Maine to do thy will, Oh my God.
He knew what that would cost. He knew where that will lead him. He knew that it would lead him to Calvary's cross. But I say again, before we pass on, we want to establish the fact that the Lord Jesus did not become a Son when He was born into this world. He was the eternal Son of God. We wanted to tenaciously hold on to the truth of His Deity and the eternity of His person.
But let's read a further verse in John's Gospel, chapter one.
And verse 14. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.
Full of grace and truth, I'm going to quote again a verse that was quoted earlier in these meetings.
And that is Isaiah's prophecy in connection with the Lord Jesus coming into this world.
Because he said two important and essential things unto us the Son is given, we've spoken of that.
But then he said unto us, Before he said, that he said unto us a child.
Is born. That's his incarnation. That's his manhood. That's the Word made flesh and dwelt among us. And what a wonderful truth it is. And this is fact. This is not theory. This is not something that is conjured up from man's imagination or thoughts or some from some vague statements in the Bible. This is fact. This is true.
That the Lord Jesus came into this world as a man.
He took part in humanity. Sinless humanity, yes. Holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. But a real man, in fact.
Came into this world was born in Bethlehem's Manger, the creator of the universe.
Accepting certain limitations by being born a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes for the angels to look down and see for the first time for the shepherds to come by invitation of those angels later on. The wise men came later on as a 12 year old boy brought by his parents into the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors.
As a man standing on the banks of Jordan.
And coming to John the Baptist for baptism, coming out of the waters of baptism and the Spirit of God.
In the bodily form of a dove lighting upon him to mark him out, lest there be any doubt in the minds of those that looked on.
That this was the Lord's anointed. The Spirit of God was upon him because he had been anointed to preach the gospel to the poor.
Up and down the dusty streets of Palestine, weary and thirsty with his journey, sitting on Samaria as well.
Catching a few moments.
Of I daresay much needed sleep on a borrowed pillow in the back of a boat.
Sitting on the mountain side, down by the seashore, speaking to the masses, stepping aside with the with individuals like the blind man the woman brought to him, caught in adultery and so many others.
The Lord Jesus came as a man. Why did he come as a man?
Because man needed to be reconciled to God.
Sin had separated, and I want to impress upon our souls, just for a moment, that very truth.
I hope that there's no one here who doesn't realize.
That they are a Sinner.
Born in sin and conceived in iniquity.
Sinners by birth, sinners by practice, and sin separates. Your iniquities have separated.
From you and your God, sin separated in the Garden of Eden.
Sin separated in the wilderness.
But the work of the Lord Jesus was to bring man back.
Into the presence of God, not on the ground of compromise.
But on the whole, how with a righteous holy basis, so that man could be brought back?
Into the presence of God so he could be comfortable in the presence of God.
I know we're not going to develop it, but I'm thankful that tonight I'm more than just a forgiven Sinner. I'm justified by the blood of Christ. I stand before God in all the perfection of Christ accepted in the beloved. I can sit down perfectly, comfortable in the light.
You know, we've had first John before us, and I suppose there are three great things that are brought out in connection with God himself.
That God is that He's life. That He's light.
And that he's love. Life and light and love. That's those tremendous things to think about. But I can sit down in the presence of God in the light now because I'm not afraid of one charge of sin being brought up against me, because it's all been taken care of through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We'll speak of that again in a few moments, but let's go now to First Peter Chapter 2.
We've spoken of the eternity of His person. We've spoken of His incarnation.
Now I want to speak of something else in First Peter chapter 2.
And verse 21.
I just want to read 4 words about or five words about the middle of the verse.
First Peter 2, the middle of verse 21. Christ also suffered for us.
I want to speak now of the sufferings of Christ, how essential they are.
To the gospel, to its message, and to its ultimate blessing for the Sinner.
Christ also suffered for us.
You know, as we go back to the Gospels, we read in the four Gospels.
Various aspects of the suffering of Christ.
Surrounding his trial, surrounding that which man heaped upon him.
We go back to the Psalms and we read the feelings of the Lord Jesus as he passed through those sufferings.
Reproach hath broken my heart. In the Psalms we get feelings and expressions that we don't have in the Gospels.
In the Gospels, we have the facts concerning the sufferings of Christ. In Psalms we have the feelings and there's nothing.
Like going back and reading those feelings, The 22nd Psalm, the 69th Psalm, the 40th Psalm, the the 102nd Psalm, all those. There's nothing we'll tug at our heartstrings like that. I suppose that's why when we're together on Lord's Day morning, to remember the Lord Jesus in the breaking of bread, so often those psalms are read and it's very important. It's good for our souls and it's good for our souls too, to go over the physical sufferings of Christ.
Again what he suffered at the hand of man.
The scourging.
The mockery, the slopping of his face.
They plucked the hairs of my cheek. That's the most tender part of the beard, the cheek. They not only put a crown of thorns on his blessed head, but they beat it into his head.
One thing after another, hour after hour after hour.
But as awful as those sufferings were, they never atoned for one sin.
And when we consider the sufferings of Christ, I want to stress for a moment those atoning sufferings.
Because after they had.
Mocked and scourged and beaten.
And abuse the Lord Jesus. They led him out to Calvary's cross.
There, they nailed him to that cross. They pierced my hands and my feet, it says.
They lifted that cross and let them hang there at that crossroads as a spectacle for men and angels.
They gave him vinegar to drink. They that passed by reviled him, they said.
Himself, he couldn't. He saved others. Himself he cannot save.
And all of a sudden, God said that's enough.
And at high noon the sun was darkened.
In those hours of darkness, I believe.
I believe with all my heart that He bore my sins in his own body on the tree.
In those hours of darkness, he suffered in a way.
That no other could suffer.
So awful was it that God shrouded the scene in darkness to the extent that I don't believe any human eye could penetrate.
And I suggest, without being dogmatic, that when it says prophetically in Isaiah.
His face was so marred more than any man.
That it was in those hours of darkness when he bore the punishment for my sins.
And if there's someone here and we're, as we speak, of the sufferings of Christ.
And your heart isn't touched. I don't know what goes on within your heart.
And where is the heart so hardened? And who is so vile as he?
Let's see if the Savior suffer. And Seth, it is nothing to me.
The prophet Jeremiah said. Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
Behold, and see, if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me from above, hath he sent fire into my bones. Those are the sufferings from above. At the hand of God from above I be sent fire into my bones, and it hath prevailed against me. We read of that suffering again in another way.
Deep call us under the deep at the noise of thy water spouts all thy ways, and my billows have gone over me.
We read of it the coals of fire, coals of fire that has the most vehement flame.
Does that touch your heart? And could you come up with me here tonight with me and stand beside me?
And could you say with me that he bore our sins in his own body on the tree?
Oh, it's easy to say Christ died for all, but what about you tonight?
Have you made it real and personal in your life? Is this a reality with you?
I'm reminded of the story of Adonar M Judson.
Who was for some 40 years a missionary?
To Burma, one of the pioneer missionaries, when Burma was a dark heathen country.
And he suffered much for his testimony.
And he was thrown in prison.
Shackled with heavy chains, beaten, abused to wonder his body could stand all the abuse that he took in that Burmese prison.
He was finally released.
And as they unshackled him and let him out of that prison, his body was scarred almost from head to toe.
With all kinds of scars as the result of chains as the result.
Of beatings and scourgings and all kinds of abuse.
But a donor, M Judson, had a burning desire for the blessing.
Of the Burmese people, An undaunted he asked for permission.
To go to another province.
In that country.
And the leader of that province refused his request.
And he said these words in his refusal, he said the people of my province.
Are not foolish enough to listen to the words of a missionary.
But they might be melted by his scars and as a result, believe the message of the gospel.
Maybe your heart's not melted by what I say tonight, or the scriptures that we read in quote.
But the Lord Jesus stands tonight as the Savior of sinners with the marks of atonement in his body.
Those marks that He showed to His disciples on more than one occasion when He rose from the dead.
Those wounds in his hands, in his feet, in his side.
When the disciples saw the Lord Jesus and he showed them those wounds, it says. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord? But what about you tonight?
What about you?
When we think of what the Lord Jesus suffered, when we think of the cost to God the Father in sending the Son.
When we think about the cost to the Lord Jesus to go to Calvary's cross.
If that doesn't touch your heart tonight, I don't know what goes on within your heart.
But we're going to move on to something else now. Romans Chapter 6.
Romans chapter 6.
And verse 23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord.
I'm just going to quote we won't turn to it. But in Corinthians we read that one of the facts of the gospel is that Christ died.
And I want to stress for a few moments the death of Christ, because the wages of sin is death.
But you know I will never have to die for my sins all the day may come.
When this body draws its last breaths and I'm laid in the tomb, but I will never have to die for my sins because the Lord Jesus died for me.
It was stressed already in these meetings that in Egypt long ago.
The night the Destroyer passed through Egypt, the night of the Passover.
There was death in every home. Yes, there was. It was either the death of the FIR of the first born.
For the death of the Passover lamb and that Passover lamb was just a pale reflection.
Just a feeble foreshadow of what was really in the mind and heart of God.
When the Lamb of God would come into this world, go to Calvary's cross, and there lay down his life.
Because the Lord Jesus could say of his life, no man taketh it from me.
I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
I know how important it is to realize that the Lord Jesus as a man.
Died on Calvary's cross after he had suffered at the hands of man.
After he had exhausted the atoning sufferings at the hand of God.
He laid his head on his bosom. He said, Father, into thy hand. I commend my spirit.
And he gave up the ghost. And I rejoice, I am thankful to be able to stand before you tonight and say he died for me.
Yes, he did. He died for me. He's my precious savior because he died on Calvary's cross.
I rejoiced to tell you that he died for me.
But can you say he died for you?
Have you availed yourself of the death of Christ?
After he died, something else took place.
First John chapter one where we read earlier today. I'll read it again. First John chapter one and verse 7. Just the last part of the verse.
The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
If we were to go back to the Gospel of John, we would find that there John, and he's the only one of the four gospel writers.
He's the only one of the four evangelists that records the event John there records.
That a soldier with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
And John further confirms in this epistle the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us.
From all sin we sang, I believe, last night, that question.
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? I am. I am thankful that I am washed in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that that blood has cleansed me from every stain of sin. And that, having had my sins washed away, it says, Thy sins and iniquities I will remember no more.
As far as the east is from the West, so far as he removed our transgressions from us.
I have the forgiveness of sins through his blood. I'm redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.
I'm going to be among the number in the coming day, gathered around the Lord Jesus, a Lamb as it had been slain there in the Father's house. And I'm going to sing Worthy is the Lamb.
Why? Because he's redeemed out of every kindred and tongue and people.
And nation.
I am so very thankful tonight for the value of the blood of Christ. And I'm thankful tonight that as we said in these meetings, God's estimation of the blood of Christ tonight is that it's so precious blood of Christ.
But again, we want to stress that the blood of Christ avails no one who doesn't apply it personally.
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Now let's read in First Corinthians chapter 15.
First Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 3.
For I delivered unto you, first of all that which also I received, how that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures.
And that he was buried and that he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.
We've spoken of the eternity of his person. We've spoken of his manhood, his incarnation.
We've spoken of his sufferings, we've spoken of his death, we've spoken of his blood.
But we want to stress, and it is essential, it is absolutely vital that we stress this, the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus. He rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures. You know this is a truth that the enemy has sought to discredit from the very day it happened, in fact, when they came to the Lord, to the authorities.
On the first day of the week and said that the stone was rolled away and his body was gone. They were paid money. Go and propagate a story that his disciples came and stole him away by night.
And that has been the work of the enemy ever since, I say, to discredit the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
And I want to stress that the Lord Jesus did not simply rise in spirit.
He rose boldly from the dead. He said to his disciples, Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bone, as ye see me hath.
Going to repeat a little story that I think illustrates this very, very well. Sometimes told a story about two missionaries that were working in India.
One of the busy cities in India spreading the gospel. And one day they were on one of those busy streets in India.
And they were startled by a procession coming down the road and they made inquiries as to what was taking place.
And they were told that supposedly a bone of Buddha was found.
And the followers of Buddha were rejoicing as these Buddhist priests were carrying this ornate box down the road with this bone in it that was supposedly a bone of Buddha.
The missionaries watched this for a time and when they retired to their quarters and talked over the matter.
They were struck by that and, as they said, the contrast in Christianity.
Because they concluded that if a bone of the Lord Jesus were supposedly found.
It would not 'cause great rejoicing amongst the Christians, it would cause great sorrow.
Because it would be the proof that the Lord Jesus had not bodily risen from the dead.
But thank God there will never be a bone of the Lord Jesus found in this world.
He rose from the dead and confirmed to his own on a number of occasions.
Even appearing to about 500 brethren at one time that he had bodily risen from the dead.
Because if Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain and ye are still in your sins.
But thank God he was raised again for our justification. But there's a solemn side to this.
Because if we acknowledge the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Then we must acknowledge that we are responsible.
To acknowledge that not only we are sinners.
But that if we do not receive His offer of salvation through that work, through his death, the shedding of his blood and his resurrection.
We are very responsible. We are responsible tonight to a living person. We are responsible tonight to God, and we are responsible to the Lord. Jesus man wants to deny his responsibility. He wants to put it off, he said. Oh, it's just fable. It's just fiction. It's just legend. As soon as we recognize that it's reality that these are facts, we must recognize that we are responsible to respond.
In a proper way, his bodily resurrection. But now let's turn to Luke's Gospel, chapter 24.
Or something else?
Luke's Gospel, chapter 24.
And verse 50. And he led them out as far as Bethany, and he lifted up his hands and blessed them.
And it came to pass. While he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried up.
Into heaven there is another essential truth we want to.
Stress. And that is not only did the Lord Jesus bodily rise from the dead.
But as a man, there came a point where, having led his own out on the Mount of Olives as far as Bethany, and having lifted up his hands and blessed them, his feet left them out of olives, and he ascended back to the right hand of God. It's important to understand this because.
See, not only the resurrection but the ascension and glorification of Christ are God's. Amen to the work of Calvary.
I am so thankful that I can look up by faith tonight and I don't have to wonder if God is satisfied.
With the work that his son accomplished here on planet Earth.
At a spot called Golgotha, all I have to do is look up and see where the Lord Jesus is now.
God has raised him from the dead and seated him at his own right hand. Do you want proof that God is satisfied?
Just look up tonight. But all I want to encourage you if you're not saved tonight.
We were singing that beautiful gospel hymn I Love. There is a Savior on high in the glory.
A savior who suffered on Calvary's tree. A savior as willing to save now as ever.
His arm is almighty, his love great and free.
There he is. You know, I've sometimes said near the end of a gospel meeting. It's just as if the Lord Jesus is bending low from heaven tonight.
To hear one soul in their heart come as a repentant Sinner and receive the Lord Jesus.
As their savior, the faintest whisper of faith, The faintest sigh of the youngest.
Is all that it takes.
It's not complicated. Tonight, these facts that we have noticed that we have gone over from the word of God, are they really complicated or there are the deep things of God? It's true, but oh, tonight, there's really nothing complicated about salvation.
I still remember. I know I told this before, but it touches my heart every time I think of it.
I still remember some years ago at some tent meetings in Novus, Truro, NS.
There was a little girl came. She was about five years of age. She came to the morning Bible hour.
She was the Lord's. She knew the Lord Jesus as her savior and 1:00 morning.
She brought a little friend with her same age.
And I'll never forget after the morning Bible hour.
That little friend that had come for the first time, She didn't want to leave that tent until she knew she was saved. 5-6 years of age. Not very old, was it?
And I'll never forget.
As those two little girls.
Left that tent, one having known the Lord Jesus for some time, one just having known the Lord Jesus for a few moments.
And the one who had brought her friend as they went out the door. I'll never forget the simplicity of it, preciousness of it.
15 year old turned to the other and said.
Now you can say Jesus died for you.
That's all it is, my friend, just to be able to leave these doors in a few moments, with the knowledge in your soul, with the confirmation in your heart that Jesus died for you.
But I want to turn to one more portion before we close, one more fact that we want to stress at the end of this meeting.
In Revelation chapter 22.
Revelation chapter 22 and verse 12. Behold, I come quickly.
And my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be.
I'm going to take this first a little bit out of its context, but I want to stress on our souls as we get up out of these seats.
And leave this room, that there is an event that's going to take place. We mentioned it briefly at the beginning of this meeting and 50 minutes later it hasn't taken place yet. And that is the coming of the Lord Jesus.
And do you realize I can't tell you when the Lord Jesus is coming, but one thing I know we're 50 minutes closer to the coming of Christ than we were when this gospel meeting began.
That's very solemn to consider. That's real. That's a fact.
And again when the Lord Jesus comes.
There are myriads that are going to leave planet Earth, some that are going to be raised from the dead.
Others that are going to be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
But suppose this event takes place. It says behold, I come quickly. Suppose it takes place.
Before I have opportunity to pray and say Amen.
Will you be one that looks around and sees perhaps every other seat empty? This is not fiction. This is not a fable. This is reality.
You know, I look into the faces of boys and girls and young people and some who are not so young.
Most of which I recognize. I maybe can't put a name on everybody, but I think pretty much everyone here I recognize.
It's searching to me to end the Gospel meeting in the face of an audience like this.
Because back in the Old Testament, where this is illustrated, you remember when Elijah was raptured to heaven, caught away in a whirlwind and a chariot of fire.
It wasn't the general populace in Israel that missed Elijah.
It was the sons of the Prophets that wondered where he'd gone.
And I sometimes wonder if the Lord comes during a gospel meeting such as this.
If it won't be the sons and daughters of Christian parents and grandparents who look around and know what happened.
How solemn. How searching will you be? One of those? I'm going to pray now. If you don't know the Lord Jesus as your savior. It's as simple as this. Well, I pray you can just talk to him in your heart. He'll hear you even if you don't say one word aloud. Confess that you're a Sinner.
But receive his salvation, his gift of eternal life.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, and that doesn't mean out loud.
That means just in your heart. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
He is indeed the Savior of sinners. He is waiting to bless you tonight. Come, come to the Lord Jesus, he says. Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.