Gospel—M. Persona
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Hymn #10.
There is a savior.
Shall be thine.
Until I can save.
Your hands and the glory.
Let's just world.
Let's pray.
Well, I hope my accent will won't be a problem. I am a Brazilian and of course I don't speak Shakespeare's language in the right way. But I promise be brief. Not not not 3 minutes, but brief enough to to deliver this message that.
Is so, so precious to the souls of those who already know the Savior.
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
There's a verse in Romans that says.
Let God be true, but every man a liar.
Is there any liar here? Please, anyone who is a liar in this room. Oh, there are a bunch of liars here.
Oh wow, and we are not even in a political meeting.
Because every man is a liar. Yeah, every man is a liar. This is the the Bible says soul. The God's word says soul. I am a liar. I am a liar. You are a liar.
Everyone is a liar and I would like to show something that I discovered recently. I am converted since 1978, but only recently I discovered something that I I live with a liar. There's someone who lies to me all the time and I live together with him.
Everything other or prominence started with a lie.
Usually we think about the Garden of Eden as being the initial point of all the problems that happens in the universe, but it goes behind that that was before that that everything really begun and begun with a lie in in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel.
Chapter 28. Verse 14.
The Bible says, Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee soul. This is God speaking. Thou hast upon the holy mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
And verse 15 says Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. In thee what inequity this is talking about an Angel, a Caribbean.
A very high Angel in God's creation. And what kind of iniquity?
Appeared in him, was formed in him, was found in him. Isaiah chapter 14 answers this question.
Verse 13.
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. I will send above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High. Who was that saying this? This Angel, we know him by Satan.
To whom was he saying this?
Nobody but himself.
He was lying to himself.
Isn't that crazy? He was lying to himself. He was saying that he would be like God, like the the, the, the Most High. He was lying to me, he said. And the worst part of it, He believed it.
He believed in his own life and that was when everything started.
With a lie not told in public, not told to other people, not told to fool somebody else. Usually lies are we? We lie to somebody else because we weren't a fool. We don't want to pay or something. No, he lied to himself and that was his ruin.
And later we see what happens when he lies to Eve in the Garden of Eden. There comes another lion in Genesis chapter 3.
Verse One Now the serpent was more suited than any beast of the of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto woman, Yeah, hath God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? This is a kind of light too, because he knew what God said, but he just.
Twisted what God said you can lie. Just twisting the truth.
To make your point, the way it helps you helps your your.
Your your aunts and he twisted the truth and and asked the question to you. And then what happened? What if does if lies?
If it lies also Genesis 3 verse two. And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but.
Of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. God didn't say, don't touch it.
Easily you can lie also, putting something else in in the truth, adding something to a truth, then you'll create a lie.
More long lie, more lengthy lie, but a lie.
And then comes Satan again with his lies, and he says in verse, in Genesis 3 verse four, he says, and the serpent said unto the woman, the serpent here is Satan. He appeared as a serpent to eat.
And the serpent 7 unto unto the woman you shall not surely die. And God said she would die. But you know you, you will not die. I forgot that. Know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be open, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil.
Here comes a lie, and here comes a promise, and this promise is also a lie. Because they would know Adam and Eve. They would know.
Good and evil, but they wouldn't have no power to do good nor to avoid evil.
So a lie, a lie, a lie a lie, a lie. Satan tells a lie, he believes in his own lie. If he tells a lie, she believes in her own lie. And this is the way the world goes since then. And we are lying all the time and we are believing our own lives. Because every time you say to yourself something that's not true.
You are trying to fool yourself.
We like to be fooled. We like because OK, I I want something. I I convinced myself first of that thing. I lied to myself. I believe it. And then I go and I do what I shouldn't.
Take, for instance, a drug addict.
How did his addiction began? With a lie? OK, the, the the.
The guy who sold the drug said he would feel good, you know that that was not a lie. That was true. He would feel good. He would feel wonderful. He would feel Superman. But The Who lied to him himself, he said to himself.
I heard this thing is not good for me. It may may cause trouble, I may get sick or something but.
I will just try just once and then he goes.
And then later.
What, what? How bad could be? Try again.
Just one more time and then I will stop. And he believes in himself, and he does.
And now he is in the rehab because he cannot leave the drug anymore. And who will he blame? All the society? The guy who sells drugs? No, he is the the guilty one. He is to be blamed because he lied to himself that he would do that just one time. And he lied and he believed his lie.
He is the one who will be blamed for that. We live in a society that we like to blame everyone, Everyone else, you know, oh, there is crime. Oh, that's the government. Oh, that's the police.
No one likes to point the finger to his own chest and say I am the wrong one. I am the one who did wrong. I am the one. I am the guilty one.
We always point the fingers to somebody else.
Satan in John chapter. The Lord Jesus talking about Satan and John chapter 8 verse 44.
He said to the to the religious people in Israel.
You are of your father, the devil.
John 844 And the lessons of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and the both not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. He's talking about Satan. Talking to whom? Oh, criminals.
Oh, drug dealers. Oh, bad people. No, he's talking to religious people.
Because the most the greatest liars are religious people. Because they like themselves that if they do this and this and this, they will be a bad person and they will go to heaven or they go to the to paradise or they go wherever they want to go. They lie to themselves that they can get get salvation or whatever they call that.
Just doing this and doing that and being being better than the other person.
They like that this is religion. Religion is full of lies because.
Puts all the the the way of salvation upon man at that salient and the one who invented the lie was Satan in the largest thing. The Lord Jesus is saying this to religious guys and religious people. Not to any evil person but religious people. One of the worst thing I I've been preaching the gospel over the Internet.
And the greatest opposition I get is not from infidels or.
Robbers or criminals is from religious religious. A religious person sent me an e-mail and say and prophetized, you know prophesied like this.
I I prophesize that.
Illness will enter your house.
This is a this is a person that goes to a church.
Because he didn't like the gospel of grace, the grace of God.
He is so he likes so much that that religion that he thinks that anyone who goes against it must be evil, an evil person. So he he prophesized evil to me or anyone who who is in his way. Perhaps you say I never lie, but I I found out in the beginning that every I have an audience of liars. But perhaps someone here says I never lie. OK.
What about all the software in your computer? Are they all original?
Any pirates anyone is just you got with a friend and perhaps you bought in the black market or don't have to answer please.
Better not. But then, then you will lie again. You lie again, you know, You do that and you lie against it. Everybody does that.
Who doesn't?
Have you ever parked your car?
Where you should not. And then you lied to yourself saying it's just one minute.
Did you steal anything from the company you work for? Although that not no, no, you'll never do that. No, not even a pen.
That distilling paper.
All those copies you took because you didn't want to buy the book for the the school, the the and then you went when no one was looking in the company. You put the book there thick like this, a big book and copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, put everything in your in your backpack and went home. That is stealing.
Have you ever made your boss think you were working?
You're doing nothing and then the boss passes in front of you just like.
Move the papers on your table. That's lying.
Who do you think you're fooling that's lying?
Do you text while you drive?
I don't know in the United States that does not allow, I think that's against the law to to drive and and text in your cell phone. OK, Did you do you do you do that? That's lying. You're lying to yourself. That will not happen an accident, you'll say no, that won't happen to me because bad things happen to the neighbor.
Not to myself. You are lying to yourself. Have you ever told the beggar?
In the street. Oh, sorry, I don't have money.
That's a lie, isn't it?
Because you told yourself he should work. Why? He's a strong person. Why?
That's a lie. So there's no way someone can say I don't lie. And if you lie, you're in trouble. If you lie in a judgement, I don't know how is the law in the United States, but I know in Brazil you are in the judgment. You are. You come as a witness, and then you promise to tell the truth on the truth, not nothing else but the truth. And then you lie to the judge.
In Brazil, you go out from the.
The the court, Court, you say, with handcuffs.
And you did nothing wrong, nothing wrong with the whole life. You were a very good person. But for some reason you liked the judge and the judge knew or lying to him, you go to jail, you go straight to jail. And there is one judge that is God.
There is one judge that that is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, who will judge all men.
And he is the son of his quality. This is his name, is this title, the Son of man. It's very interesting because it's not a God that lives in heaven that doesn't, that knows nothing about what is being a human being that will judge sinners, though he's a man.
A man who is also God, the Son of God, who will judge men. Men will be judged by a man.
Because a man knows what man's feel, how the way men do them, the way men behave. That is why everywhere in the Bible when judgment is talking about.
Christ is called the Son of Man.
God won't be unfair with men. He will send a man.
To judge men.
So there's a pattern in our in our mind. We lie, we believe in our lie, and then we lie again. And this is this brings sin to our life. Some peoples don't know what's sin. Well, sin is the lack of.
How can I explain the lack of of?
I wouldn't say law, but anything that drives you like you are you are a car with no driver that is a sinful car that's called so you know it will hit this tree and go across this street and fall in the the from this the this is this is basically a very bad but.
Idea of what sin is, What a Sinner is.
Is like a driver that a car that does whatever it wants to do you know one one thing that I I work with marketing and I work with.
Human behaviour and it's a very interesting, interesting field to work with because when the the business started, the the.
E-commerce the Internet business started, many companies just closed down, just could not go on.
One of those that was a British company, they were The Pioneers, selling dresses for women.
On the web. And you know why they they lost lots of money because women lie.
And if you if you a woman buys a dress in the Internet, even when they they put that little.
Figure with all the, the, the measurements and everything, you have to just fill the blanks. Okay? My, my body is this and this and my legs is like this. What they found out is that women always put a little bit less. And when the the dress would have arrived to her home, she would say, oh, they sent me the wrong dress. This is not the one I bought.
And they would send back to the store. So they had to raise the prices to cover that. Because women like I, I ask you when you go to the doctor, I don't know if usually when we go to a doctor in Brazil, first comes a nurse and said, OK, step on that scale. Let's see.
But before she does that, she asks you how much do you wait?
Does anyone here tells the truth in that moment?
She would probably say, how much would you like to wait? Because when you step there, she said, oh, hey, Sir. No, that's perhaps because I yesterday I ate a little bit more.
Not that much, but.
There's a book, There's an author. He, he studies human behavior. He's a Israeli author. I, I, I wrote the name of the book here. The honest truth. The Honest truth.
About the dishonesty.
Hi we how we lie to everyone, especially ourselves and this is a very interesting thing he shows in this book because he did much many research. His name is Dan Ariely. I think this is the way we spell. We say he found out that when they put a vending machine in a university.
With other vending machines and that one.
They prepare it to give the money back. You know what happened? That was the best selling machine. The university, every student would sell by would buy from that selling machine and would never tell the school what was going on. They would tell all the other students, hey, go to that machine because this is the way human people human.
Humans behave. They did another test.
They saw that if you if you a person can work in a store, for instance, she would never steal $1.00 or a dime or a penny.
From the cashier register, but she would take the pen home or perhaps some paper or perhaps something because if there is no money.
Engraved on the object. If there is no price tag, people don't think that is stealing.
Isn't it funny you don't. You don't take a penny in your work, but you take a pen that costs perhaps $0.50 on dollar. I don't know this is the way because we don't see there is a value attached to it. Another thing he did was that he put students in a classroom and they should fill a test.
Fill in a test with many questions. At the end of the the the test they would give the students.
The answers, so they could look at their, they could check their own test and see how many they did right, how many did wrong. And they would give themselves the note for that test. Like there was 10 questions, okay, I got six right or five right. And then they would say, OK, people, we are not going to check your tests.
Now you walk.
Here and put your test in that shredding machine shredding machine and everybody brought their tests they knew now that the the the note and they put.
And then they could walk.
To the table and there was a box with money with one $1.00 bill.
Money. So they would take how many notes as the the note he got in the test. OK, I got six, right? I get $6. What they found out is everyone cheated.
Because they thought.
No one would see the test but the machine was false.
The the page would go to another compartment and the the shredded paper was a different one.
So the resurgence, they could, they could then compare, OK, this guy, he got five and he took $10.
So he found people and then he did more, more tests.
To to understand this kind of human behavior. For instance, if somebody had to write her or his name at the end of a page where he should tell the truth.
In all the questions about himself, if he would sign at the end of the page.
He would like more than if he signed on the top of the page.
Because the signing on the top of the page gave him some responsibility that he should write only the truth. But when it was in the end.
He answered all the lies he couldn't name. OK, but I can't go back now and so other.
There there is one one other test they did that was to to give them a test with many questions and before doing the test they should put their hands on it on a Bible and promised they would tell only the truth.
The the number of lies came down were less even in a class of atheists.
Because when you give a person a moral code or a moral responsibility, the person behaves better. Not perfectly, but better. This is religion. This is what religion does to a person, makes gives her some parameters so she can behave better, but doesn't work because there is sin.
We are human beings, we are sinners, and we don't need the assets to know that we are sinners. The Bible says, the word of God says.
All have sinned, all have sinned, and if we believe the word of God, we know we are sinners. What the the religions?
Didn't know and the Lord told them was that the sins were not things that would come from outside.
There are many who say OK, my son is now a criminal because he walked with bad company.
No, He had the seed inside him. Perhaps somebody helped to order it, but he had to sit inside him. The Lord said in Matthew chapter 15, verse 19. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are things which defile a man. They come from inside.
Now how can I get rid of this terrible monster that lives inside me?
I can't by myself.
I can do perhaps what the Pharisees, the religious people did.
There are two I'm going to teach you now two ways of lying.
And show the people that you were a perfect person, because the Pharisees did that first technique. Matthew 2327.
Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites, for you are like unto the supporters, which indeed appear beautiful towards, but are within full of dead man's bonds and all of all uncleanness.
This is one way you embellish the outside.
To look like you are a perfect person. Do you do that?
Is that?
The real colour of your hair.
Is that are you tall like that you appear to be?
Are you thin?
Or something inside you just.
Making you look like.
Perhaps we are always trying to show what we are not. This is the embellishing of the the support.
The outside now exterior way to make us look like good person Religion does that religion does that you know I have my my 3 minutes gospel and videos on YouTube and I receive an e-mail a comment a comment from somebody and he said how come this guy is how come you you are you are preaching the gospel. You don't even have a Bible in your hand and.
Are wearing a T-shirt.
In his mind, someone to preach the gospel must look like a pastor or a preacher with tie and a vibe in the hand doing like this. But this is not the gospel. The gospel is the message. The gospel is is God's word inviting the Sinner to trust the Lord Jesus to be saved. This is the gospel, not the kind of religion. So one one way of you to to to.
Hidden to hide what you really are is embellishing embellishing your exterior the other way.
The furnaces did the same. Lucky, 1144.
Woe unto you is scribes and Pharisees hypocrites, for you are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. This is the second way you can make others think you are a good person. You hide because the, the the the first were were built outside.
The ground painted the beautiful colors and so on. That is the exterior.
Way of hiding Daughter was a person that was birthed and then they planted some grass on the top of it. No one knows there are bones under that grass so people walk on it. This is the other way we hide our sins from other people. One way we embellish our exterior, the other we hide from but not from God. God knows exactly how we are. God knows exactly what.
We do so.
A question that cannot be answered by any man in the world is in Jeremiah 1323.
Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the little part his spots? Then may you also do good that you are accustomed to do evil.
So this question is impossible. The Ethiopians change the colour of his skin, the leopard changed his spots. Impossible. So it's impossible by yourself to change the sinful nature we have inside us that keeps telling lies, that keeps deceiving people, even ourselves.
Remember this every time we we tell a lie to ourselves. Oh, nobody will know.
In Brazil we had the government that was involved in lots of corruption and then the thing came out. You know, today is is very hard to to hide everything. So now we have many ministers.
The government came down, many ministers in jail, many politicians in jail, the CEOs of the largest construction companies in Brazil.
The ones that build highways.
Like like all the airports and everything, they're in jail. The owners, the CEOs, the directors are in jail. We never saw that in our country and how they got there. They lied to themselves. They said, OK, I can bribe or I can get bribe. I can be bribed. No one will know. We we just make.
An agreement.
That will be OK. They thought they lighted and they believed the lie. Let's look at first, John.
Chapter One.
Verse 8.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not seen it, we make Him a liar.
And his word is not.
Yes, every time.
You consider yourself honest. You're telling God is a liar.
Yes, because if I if I am the true one, God is the wrong one. Because I am the pattern. I am the the example of honesty, of truth, truthfulness.
No, but if God is true, every man is a liar. That was the first verse I I spoke in the beginning the verse in chapter in Romans Chapter 7.
There is only one way to get out from this condition that every, every person is, is to say, oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death. Brother Bobby talked about this body of death.
This morning.
Who will deliver me?
The answer thanks God is in the following verse. I think I thank God through Jesus Christ.
Our Lord.
But sometimes we take a time to believe that we are a liar, that we are Sinner, that we are going to the lake of fire for our sins. It it might take a time.
Some people just realize like this, but other people kind of have to walk in denying his his sin, denying his bad heart, denying everything.
But if he trusts the Lord, he will get there like David.
It's something very, very, very amazing how they understood.
This bad nature of his.
If you go to Psalm Chapter 7, verse three, you don't have to open there because I'm going to read.
Yes, if you if you like, you just can just listen.
In Psalm 7, verse three, he wrote, Oh Lord my God, if I have done this, if there is iniquity in my hands, this is this is the man you know, if he's not recognizing anything, he's just if if I've seen it, if I've done done, I've done anything wrong. This is the first step. David was he was not convicted.
But then the second step comes in Psalm chapter 19, verse 12. Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse cleans thou me from secret faults. OK, he admits now that there might be some faults but I've never seen. I don't know. I cannot admit, but if if there is, please cleanse me.
He is not fully convicted again, but then he will see. He will go another step. Psalm 25, verse 7.
Remember not the sins of my youth.
Oh, very, very.
He does not admit, but he admits that perhaps back there.
We sometimes say this, we say, oh, when I was in my youth, when I was a teenager, who I did so many wrong things. But I'm not, not now. Now I am, I am a serious person. But then back there I was every, everyone did, you know, all my friends did. I should also like that.
Remember not the sins of my youth.
He is not convicted yet.
He is giving his his blaming his youth.
He's not blaming his actual state.
His moment now is blame, blaming his past, and then comes again another step. Psalm 32 five I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and my iniquity have I not hid, Oh, what a moment this when you open your heart before God and say God.
There's him, Amazing Grace. You know their words better than I. What a song.
Save the.
A ratchet like me, this is when you recognize you are totally lost.
And you cannot do anything for yourself to get rid of your sin. And then he goes in another step in Psalm 38, verse four. For mine iniquities are gone over mine head as a heavy burden. They are too heavy for me.
OK, now I am not able to deal to deal with my sin. It's too much.
For myself, David is saying this. Have you ever felt or recognized that your sin is too much for yourself? Oh, Mario. But if I do, he recognize this I go to hell. Yes, you go to hell. Unless you.
Unless you recognize that there was one who on the cross of Calvary took your sins away. He was made sin in your your place, in your as if you were there receiving the the righteous judgment from God because of sin.
And then but but to get there you must understand that the sins are over your head are too much for you. And in Psalm 51 verse one, he then completes his his path. When is the Psalm of David? When Nathan the prophet came unto him after he had gone in to bath. Sheba Bathsheba, have mercy upon me, oh God, according to thy lovingness.
According to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. How God can do that? Because Christ shed His blood on the cross to blot out any transgression, any sin of those who trust Him as a Savior. Blot out my transgressions. Wash me truthfully, truthfully from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
Cleans me from my sin.
God can do that, Christ can do that to end to the worst Sinner since he comes to this knowledge.
Acknowledgement of his sin recognizes his sin, recognize his burden that will take him to the condemnation against thee. They only have I seen it and done this evil in thy sight, that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Now he.
He owns his sin.
He does not point fingers. I did that because my mother, my father, my friend, my wife, my husband, no.
I am guilty. I am guilty in Romans chapter 3.
Just a few other verses for us to finish.
Romans 3, verse nine. What then are we better than they? No in no wise, For we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin as it is written. There is none writers, no, not one. There is none that understandeth, there is none of that seeketh after God.
They are all gone out of the way. They are together.
Become unprofitable. There is none that the good. No, not one.
Christ paid the price. Are you ready to accept the price that Christ paid? Have you, have you walked in the steps of King David?
In which? In which step are you? I hope in the last one, when you recognize fully you're guilty. Perhaps you have been gathered because your parents brought you to the meetings. Perhaps for years you have been coming to the meetings. But I ask you, are do you, Are you sure of your salvation?
Just remember 10 years ago in a meeting like this is anyone that was there and is not here anymore and his life is anything but a Christian life.
So if you, if you don't, if you are not sure of your salvation, if you are not sure that the Lord Jesus carried your your sins, paid for your sins on the cross, this is the moment now to make it right with God, to confess your sins to him and to trust the Lord as your Savior. We can pray.