Gospel Not an Offer

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If any reader doubts the absurd lengths to which Pinkism goes, let him notice this quotation: "There is far too much presenting of Christ to sinners today (by those sound in the faith)" (p. 247). Did not Philip go down to Samaria and preach "Christ" (Acts 8)? Did not Paul preach at Corinth Christ's death, burial and resurrection (1 Cor. 15:33For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; (1 Corinthians 15:3))? Of course, man's need should be presented, for if a man has no need, there is no need of the gospel. But preaching only wrath and ruin will not draw a soul to God. Mr. Pink says, "The gospel is not an 'offer' to be bandied around by evangelical peddlers" (p. 257), but Paul rejoiced that Christ was preached, even if not sincerely. Mr. Pink did not agree with Paul.
Another bit of sophistry is to be found on the subject of God's love: "God does not love everybody; if He did, He would love the devil." What semblance of authority has he for such a baseless conclusion? Does John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) embrace infernal beings? A similar bit of reasoning is found on the same page (p. 30), "In the final analysis, the exercise of God's love must be traced back to His sovereignty, or, otherwise, He would love by rule, and if He loved by rule, then He is under a law of love, and if He is under a law of love, then is He not supreme, but is Himself ruled by law." The author of this has not considered that love is God's very nature. God cannot deny Himself or act other than He is—He is love and will always be so, and judgment is "His strange work.”
A sober servant of Christ has written, "The first part of what the Lord says in John 3 is, 'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.' The Son of Man, He who represented man, must be lifted up—die on the cross, and where was such a lamb to be found? 'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.' The 'Son of Man' must be lifted up, the 'Son of God' was given, the same blessed Person—but 'Son of Man' to die for man's need, standing for man before God; 'Son of God,' vessel and proof of God's sovereign love." And again, "God loved us while we were sinners, and this is the characteristic of His love, His saving love." And, "God loved us while we were sinners; He loves us without any change when we are cleansed.... He loved us when we were in our sins.”
What poor, unworthy thoughts of God Mr. Pink had! And he would engender the same in all his followers, but it will not be to his credit, nor for the good of those who follow him. Let us rather sing:
Oh the glory of the grace,
Shining in the Savior's face,
Telling sinners from above,
“God is light," and "God is love.”