Gospel Preaching: How Should It be Done?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
How needful it is not only to preach the glad tidings of a present and eternal salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, but to preach it in the Savior's style-in the bowels of Jesus Christ—to have such a divine sense in our hearts of the realities of eternal damnation and eternal salvation, as to publish the blessed tidings with deepest fervor of affection. It is here we need to watch, for
careless professors abound, and lukewarmness grows apace. An address may be orthodox enough, accurate as to expression, faultless as to sound doctrine, but so cold, dry, and formal that it quickly falls to the ground. It lacks savor, and therefore power. It seems to the hearers more like a work of duty than the heartfelt utterances of one who seeks to snatch souls from eternal misery, and bring them to present reconciliation with God. The message has been so coldly delivered that it comes pointless and heartless. It is in word only—a doctrinal statement rather than a message of divine, unsearchable love.
When we preach, we should seek to do so in the Lord's strength; to go forth in real dependence on Himself, looking unto Him: not satisfied with anything less than a felt sense of His presence, being in direct exercise of faith in Himself, abiding in Him, and entering into His thoughts, His feelings as to the value of immortal souls, considering that Christ is forever glorified in the salvation of the lost one. Be assured that this only will make us earnest, fervent, successful winners of souls. Should we aim at less than the message being delivered worthy of Him, according to the deep love of His heart who sends it? If it be a work of faith and labor of love, it must flow out of personal communion with Himself. This entails much self judgment, earnest prayer, unfeigned dependence, and true exercise of faith in Himself. The apostles so felt this that they said, "We will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." 0 to be men of earnest prayer and simple faith! If there be earnestness with God in the closet, depend upon it there will not be lacking fervor in preaching. If our Father sees us dealing with Him in secret, be certain that He will reward us openly. Let us think of the quality of our service rather than the quantity. Let us beware of trafficking in mere Bible knowledge instead of telling out the love of God from deep, heartfelt enjoyment of personal intercourse and fellowship with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.
"Thou must be true thyself,
If thou the truth wouldst teach;
Thy soul must overflow, if thou
Another soul wouldst reach.
It needs the overflow of heart
To give the lips full speech."