Grace Abounding.

JESUS came, a homeless stranger,
To the land He loved of old,
Lay an infant in the manger,
Ere His Kingly claims were told:
Grace abounding
We in all His ways behold.
Jesus dwelt a pilgrim lowly
Three and thirty years on earth,
Worked and wept, devoted wholly
To His Father from His birth:
Grace abounding
Came by Him in time of death.
Jesus died, by sinners taken,
Hated, crucified, and slain;
Earth was to her center shaken,
Viewing her Creator’s pain:
Grace abounding!
Lo! the Saviour lives again!
Jesus rose, and God’s salvation
Bears the signet-seal of blood,
Through the holy incarnation
Of the Servant―Son of God:
Grace abounding
Reigns, through righteousness made good.
Jesus came and dwelt a stranger
In a rebel-world of sin;
Knowing our eternal danger,
Jesus died, our souls to win:
Grace abounding!
Jesus lives, and we in Him!