Grace Triumphant.

Jesus said, I am the door, by me if any man enter in he shall be saved. John 10.
A LADY young, of noble mien,
In you grand mansion oft was seen,
The gavest of the gay —
But ah! she in those lightsome hours,
Was captive led by hostile powers,
Who claimed her as their prey.
The world had marked her for its own,
Satan in her had raised his throne,
Sin in bondage held her,
A worldly man, her father was,
Her friends engaged in Satan’s cause.
O, how great her danger!
Her danger great she knew not of,
She thought not of the Lord above,
His word she cared not for;
Till He by grace arrested her,
Yea, stayed at length her mad career,
She entered at “the door.”
The scales of sin fell from her eyes,
She saw her guilt as mountains rise,
In that momentous hour,
Her soul then quailed with anxious fears
Her eyes were filled with briny tears,
When God displayed His power.
She earnestly deliverance sought,
Through Him who life to light had brought,
From all her mighty foes,
She pardon found, and full release —
And all her hopes of joy and peace,
She did on Christ repose.
O wondrous love! ―O how divine!
The grace that did her soul refine,
And purge away the dross.
Of heavenly food led her to take,
And for her dear REDEEMER’S sake,
To count all things but loss.
But earthly friends became her foes,
She was no longer loved by those
Who loved her much before,
Their enmity was not disguised,
They many subtle plans devised,
And tired her oft most sore.
Through grace she triumphed o’er their wiles,
Their anger turned away with smiles,
And spake to them in love.
They wondered at her conduct mild,
But knew not, that which they reviled,
Was given her from above.
The “hope forlorn” they often tried,
They hedged her in on every side,
But then her Lord was near.
Temptations came like to a flood,
But like a rock unmoved she stood,
A stranger then to fear.
Possessions vast her father owned,
He now upon his daughter frowned,
As thus he inly said —
“In pleasure’s path she will not stay,
Nor will she mingle with the gay,
To me she is as dead.
“Much of my wealth to her I’d give,
But as for God she says she’ll live,
My gold shall not be hers.
My noble friends I’ll now invite,
To spend with me a jovial night,
And drive off saintly fears.
“The gay and fair ones then shall sing,
And loudly shall the welkin ring.
I’ll on my daughter call
To raise a song and swell the mirth —
Should she refuse — despite her birth —
I’ll spurn her from my hall.
“And then in poverty and woe,
She to the saintly ones shall go,
And rue her mournful state.”
He knew not of the peace divine
Which made her soul with glory shine,
Nor of her great estate.
And thus her father’s house became
That one in which her Saviour’s name,
She boldly must confess.
The festive room with lights was hung,
The worldling’s songs were freely sung,
Her foes around did press.
It now behoved her, too, to sing,
So lifting her heart to heaven’s king,
She thus began her song —
“No room for mirth or trifling here
For worldly hope, or worldly fear
If life so soon is gone.”
With voice most sweet and tones most clear,
She sang the song to her so dear,
Of judgment then she sang —
Of CHRIST her SAVIOUR and her guide,
Of sins that had Him crucified,
Till heaven with praises rang.
Till heaven with praises rang — I say,
She sang — for ere her heavenly lay
Was ended — stillness reigned —
Then every heart was filled with awe,
The beauty of holiness they saw,
Though none to own it deigned.
In solemn silence the room they left,
E’en then of earthly joy bereft,
Conscience bold accusing,
But one there was whose flowing tears,
Proclaimed that though advanced in years
The cross he had not seen.
That one, her much loved father was,
He had despised God’s holy laws
Throughout his former days.
He now his daughter’s teaching sought,
As she GOD’S truths her father taught.
She sang her SAVIOUR’S praise.
Now strive to estimate her joy,
So pure — so free from all alloy,
When she her father heard―
 Pleading before the throne of grace,
Seeking her heavenly Father’s face,
And yielding to His word.
O now portray the wondrous scene,
He who so long content had been
At Satan’s shrine to bow —
Resolves to give his future hours,
To consecrate his wealth and powers,
His all — to JESUS — Now.
O let us now adore the Lord,
As we His wondrous works record,
Let us His praises sing.
Since He of bliss the fountain is,
Come — let us ever drink at this,
The never failing spring.
Ashamed! — believer never be,
Nor from your foes in terror flee,
Since CHRIST your LORD is near,
He all your foes will put to flight,
In darkest hours He’ll prove your light,
And drive away your fear.