Open—Robert Boulard
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157 Jesus gracious.
Oh, Jesus, gracious.
Was that 187?
Oh, Jesus, gracious Savior.
Strong, who is waiting this song? Redheaded.
And may not cause.
We speak the rest.
Of the day, then swearing through.
Once fully tried and taken.
Our God and Father, we come before thee this afternoon, and we thank Thee for another Lord's day and the happy privilege we had of remembering Thy beloved Son and his death for us. And we think now, as we've come together this afternoon, we pray, Lord, that that will guide by the Holy Spirit, and that what is brought before us might be for our blessing and encouragement. And Lord, that we might.
Just go on in the few days left before thou just come. We know thy coming is so very near.
And so he asked thee for thy help and guidance, for surely without Thee we can do nothing. We ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I just have it on my heart to look at Luke's Gospel chapter 22. Just read a few verses of scripture there and somewhat follow.
The burden of my heart in connection with giving the Lord his the desires of his heart. My brother Ted brought before us a little portion last night, and I had this little portion of Scripture before me for several days and.
I feel letter of the Lord just to read it and to bring out some thoughts here. Chapter 22 of Luke verse 7.
Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in, and you shall say unto the good men of the house.
The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guest chamber? Where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples? And he shall show you a large upper room furnished. There make ready. And they went and found as he had said unto them, and they made ready the Passover. And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the 12 apostles with him. And he said unto them, with desire, I have desire to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
For I say unto you, that I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. Verse 19 He took bread, gave thanks, and break it gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you.
This due in remembrance of me likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood.
Which is shed for you?
Well, I'd just like to bring out seven little points here in connection with this passage of Scripture. We know that it was the last Passover that God would recognize, and it was the Lord Jesus himself was the Passover lamb. And so it was the last Passover. And the Lord Jesus was there in that upper room, the large upper room with his disciples and.
He instituted the remembrance of the Lord. So the Passover looked forward to the death of Christ and the suffering.
The sufferings of Christ as the burnt offering sacrifice there and that Passover lamb was roast with fire and it made provision so that the children of Israel could be redeemed from Israel. They were set free from the power of Pharaoh, a type of Satan, and they were set free from Egypt and they could serve the Lord. They didn't serve the Lord in Egypt. They served him in the wilderness. And so the believer, you know, is seen not only in Egypt, He's seen in the wilderness. He's also seen in the promised land.
So you and I are in all three positions, but the remembrance of the Lord now looks back to what took place at the cross of Calvary. So this is the first time. And it was the Lord Jesus himself with his disciples that instituted this remembrance. And so he says here in verse nine, they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare?
And this is the first point that we need to remember is this is when we come to remember the Lord Jesus and his death. There are some things that we're not permitted in Scripture to choose for ourselves. And you know what we think of? I'll just name a few. One of them is we don't choose our parents. God chose our parents. He made a perfect choice, wasn't perhaps the way we would have chosen things, but he made the choice.
And he's the one that chooses the way of salvation. There's only one way of salvation very exclusive. There's one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Gave himself a ransom for all. And then when it comes to the place of worship where I'm going to remember the Lord Jesus and his death, it's two. It's not my choice. And so we have the principle of it given in Deuteronomy chapter 12. And that was such a help when I was a young man.
Deuteronomy chapter 12 Says, Take heed unto thyself, that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest, but in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose.
You know, I came home one day from school, high school, and I said to my father, I said.
And I said, we were brought up among the McDowell brethren and we're with some group of brethren here and, and he had brought us to a church and different things. And I said, Dad, what's the difference between all these places?
Where should we be going?
And he said, well, you know, you just kind of have to get comfortable with a group of brethren and kind of get comfortable with them and go along with them and so on. And, you know, I didn't answer them. I kind of thought, you know, that doesn't sound like an answer that the Spirit of God would give.
And so I began to read the Scriptures and discover some of these things for myself. Read for the first time Deuteronomy chapter 12. I can remember reading it on my father's sofa, and I read it probably the day that I first time I read it, I read it maybe four or five times. Read the whole chapter. There is a place in principle that God would provide for his people to meet with him. And so in Israel's day, it was the temple, it was the Tabernacle we know, and it was God's choice.
And so this is the first thing that we want to bring out here in this passage of Scripture was a comfort to my own heart, still is.
They said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And they had a good reason for asking that question.
Because it was his choice.
Are we willing to let the Lord choose for us?
Really, it's a place of submission to the will of God. You know what characterizes the life of the Lord Jesus was submission to the will of God, obedience to the will of God, love for his Father, and he he always went and those.
There were different characteristics of his love. Let me see if I I think I have a little note as to those four things.
Was dependence upon his father prayer. He was a man of prayer and he was a man of obedience. He was a man of submission to the will of God and a man who loves his God, loved the Lord Jesus loved God his Father and and so he walked in communion with the Lord. Well this is the first Test you know in connection with.
Where to meet and where to be found gathered by the Spirit of God.
And to the precious name of the Lord Jesus. Are we willing to let the Lord choose? Are we willing to set aside our own rights, as we might say our own desires, our own preferences? Set aside family.
Ties. Set aside those things that might be a hindrance to us, and let the Lord choose. Well, they asked that question. It's a good question to ask. He said unto them, Behold, when you are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in. So we have a few little instructions given here. It's a little picture, a little type.
And the next thing is that are we willing to follow him? It says follow him into the house, follow him. Are we willing to follow the directions of the Lord? Well, he said you're going to enter into the city. Now, a city in Scripture oftentimes speaks of a place of confusion. And you don't have to go to too many cities and there's places of confusion go to a turn around, turn about and people coming in and out and.
You just it's confusion different places.
20 million people in the city of Sao Paulo. Is it a confusing place? It's a place that's confusing to drive through.
Well, it's going to be confusing in the aspect of Christianity. There's all kinds of stripes and flavors, you might say, in the Christian profession. And you'll remember that in the children of Israel, among the children of Israel, there were two kinds of high places.
There was the temple where the Lord had chosen to place His name. There in Israel there was a divine center, but then there were high places where they practiced Judaism.
Some measure, but not at the divine center. And then there were other high places set up that they practiced idolatry had nothing to do with Judaism. And so we live in a day when there's been a departure and we live in a place and a time of history when it's possible for us to be gathered to the Lord's name and to remember the Lord Jesus and his death and simplicity and.
It's going to require us to follow the directions of the word of God to follow him to follow the Lord Jesus to follow him and is really the here in this case the directions of the Spirit of God. And so we're coming to the city place of confusion. There's all kinds of different.
Systems of men that have been raised up, some of them in direct opposition to the person of Christ and the work of Christ, as we'll read perhaps in Second John, in the second chapter of First John.
Later this afternoon, but then it says there's going to be a man that meets you bearing a pitcher of water. Now bearing a pitcher of water is an earthen vessel, and it's perhaps a man, perhaps a sister and is bearing.
A picture of water and so the picture the earthen vessel is filled with water speaks of the word of God and so.
When I was a young man.
And had searchings in connection with this question of the divine center and to be gathered to the Lord's name. There were those that sat down and went over the principles of the Word of God and that were the help to me and encouragement to me just to sit down and to go over the principles in the Word of God. That it is not a matter of personal choice. It is not a matter of personal aspirations in any way.
But to follow the clear instructions of the Word of God and the Spirit of God always magnifies Christ, always will exalt the Lord Jesus.
And the Spirit of God will always lead us to where Christ is in the midst. And so.
There needs to be the desire to follow him, the willingness to follow.
It's difficult sometimes to follow and to follow directions and to follow the leading of the Spirit of God.
He shall say unto the good men of the hosts, The Master saith unto thee, Where is?
The guest chamber. Where is the guest chamber?
Where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples, and he shall show you a large upper room furnished there. Make ready.
You know, this little word, gas chamber is the same word that's translated the inn in Luke's Gospel chapter 10. And I think it's translated slightly different in a couple of different places. But Mr. Willis in his little book The Hid Treasures, goes over this little word in very nice way.
You want to read a little ministry on it?
So it's a guest chamber.
You know, when we come to remember the Lord in his death, we're heavenly citizens. We don't belong to this world.
We're just traveling through.
We don't have a permanent dwelling place and instead of remembering the Lord in his death in.
Palace or something, a fabulous building and so on. Why we remember the Lord Jesus in a guest chamber, little hotel room like this, a guest chamber. You know, in the French translation it speaks, it uses a little different expression. The dwelling place, the dwelling place of the Lord. Not nice. We come to be where he is in the midst and where he dwells among in the midst of his people and so.
Here he shows the large upper room furnished. There's room for everyone.
All those that are believers, all those that are going on in a morally upright way, all those that hold doctrine that's consistent with what the Scriptures teach is the deity of Christ and the finished holy work of the Lord Jesus, there's a place for them.
He's going to show them a large upper room. It's going to show you.
Are you willing to allow the Lord to show you from the scriptures?
He shows those that are willing, those that are willing. The Spirit of God opens up the word of God and shows us the truth in connection with what is pleasing to him as to coming into his presence and remembering him in his death and coming in his place into his presence to read the scriptures. You know it says in Acts chapter 242. It says they can continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread.
They continued steadfastly.
They had the Apostles doctrine to teach them about the doctrines of Christianity.
And the doctrines in connection with person of Christ, and they came into the presence of the Lord then to read the scriptures to.
Remember the Lord in his death and to make prayer.
And so they came. They were willing to be shown. It's a large upper room. Why is it a large upper room?
It's an upper room because it speaks of separation from those things that are going on at the street level of this world, whether they're religious or moral or political and all those sorts of things. And so there's, you know, to get into an upper room, you climb the stairs to get up there. And so there was.
In the room.
They were morally going on for the glory God, and they were going on in practical separation. I just named a couple of these things. You know what it says in First Corinthians chapter five? I think it is. It says a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
And so that is in connection with moral defilement, moral evil. So they went on in separation from that. And then it says in Galatians, I think it's chapter 5 again, it says a little 1111 at the whole lump. That's doctrinal evil. They were separated from doctrinal evil. So they climbed the step, you might say, of moral separation, doctrinal separation, doctrinal evil, and then ecclesiastical evil. They went out from all those things that.
The religious systems all around them and I know in Hebrews chapter 13.
13 It says, Let us go forth therefore unto him, without the camp, bearing his reproach. And so there is a reproach connected to being identified with the Lord Jesus, and it's going to take spiritual energy. And he says, Let us go forth unto him under the person without the camp.
Bearing his reproach. And so we need to as well. It says. I think it's in Second Corinthians chapter 6.
It says that we should go on in separation, in connection with our personal lives.
And so there needs to be cleanliness in that way, it says.
Verse 14, Chapter 6, Second Corinthians 6, Verse 14, Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion hath light with darkness? And so there's separation that's needed.
So it says in verse 13, They went and found as he had said unto them, and they made ready the Passover. Now as I said, this was the last Passover, but the principles are the same. In connection with the remembrance of the Lord. They went, there was obedience.
The Spirit of God is going to work to use the Word of God to show you the truth, to bring you into the knowledge of the truth and.
Then there's going to be a requirement. Are we going to obey? Will we allow ourselves to obey the truth, obey the word of God, and to go?
Isn't it nice? They says they found as he had said unto them.
You're going to find that as you follow the instructions of the word of God, you're going to find it just as he said it was going to be. And there's a blessing, there's a comfort, there's just the communion with the Lord as you find the teaching of the word of God is true and his what he brings before us in the Word of God. The principles have a comfort of heart to us. Then it says in verse 14, the hour was come. He sat down.
You know, I used to read this, maybe you've read it this way as well, but.
The hour has come. We all sat down and then the Lord came. Noah says he sat down.
And the 12 apostles with him. And so he came.
And he was there in that room. You know what I just point out in Mark's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 14, same incident, it says.
In the new translation, the Lord says, Where is my guest chamber?
It's the only place in the New Testament he calls something his own. Where is my?
Guest chamber was his place, and he had the 12 apostles with him. He sat down. They submitted to his authority. They submitted to his.
Directions And there he was, and they sat down with him, Are we willing to just walk in submission with the Lord in that place? And then it says in verse 15, he said unto them with desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before.
I suffer.
And so he had a desire for them to be there. And the point is this, are we willing to give the Lord?
The desires of his heart.
He's there, he's in the prayer, he's desires to have his people in his midst.
With Him as He is in their midst, He desires that.
The price was paid at the Cross of Calvary. There is a future and you are going to be as one who is redeemed. You will be in that heavenly scene that we read of last night. You will be there.
But his desire is in this scene of his rejection, that you would be there where he is in the midst, remembering him in his death and going to the assembly meetings, to the reading meeting. You know, it's a little bit different to reading the scriptures in your own home, a reading meeting.
A ministry meeting like this is an assembly meeting and the Lord is in the midst.
An address is not an assembly meeting. It should be addressed. It should be led. The Spirit of God is capable of leading the brother to give an address, and so on. Sunday school is not an assembly meeting, but the Spirit of God is free, at liberty to lead the brother that has that responsibility.
But when we come into the presence of the Lord, he's there and he's leading by his spirit and an assembly meeting. It's the Spirit of God that leads.
But wonderful to just give him the desire of His heart, His heart's desires to have you in His presence, to do what He asked you to do. And so he sat down. They ate that Passover. He speaks to them of His heart's desire. And then in verse 19, he instituted that feast. He took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you.
This do in remembrance of Maine, and so his desire is that we would do this.
In remembrance of him now.
This is really.
Historical, you might say in you have in Matthew's Gospel, Mark's Gospel, Luke's Gospel, the remembrance of the Lord instituted, but in First Corinthians you have it, we read it this morning. And why did we read it in First Corinthians Chapter 11 This morning? Well, in the Gospels, the incident, this whole.
Experience of disciples had with the Lord Jesus at the institution of the remembrance of the Lord was given from a historical perspective and you might say even from a Jewish perspective, they were still Jews. They the church had not yet been formed. But when Paul speaks, he says in verse 23 First Corinthians 11/23 I have received of the Lord. He had a revelation from the Lord.
And he tells us something more than what the Lord Jesus said to the disciples in Luke 22 and Mark's gospel and so on. He says that he got this revelation and he was delivering this truth to the Saints at that time. And he said the Lord Jesus took this on the same night which he was betrayed, took bread. And when he given thanks, he break it, said take, eat. This is my body. It should say, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of me.
And then he speaks of the cup after the same manner he took the cup supposed, saying this is the cup of the New Testament in my blood.
This do ye as OFT as ye drink it in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death.
Or announce the Lord's death till he come.
So Paul tells us that we're going to be able to do this until the Lord Jesus comes.
Not wonderful. I sometimes wonder if the Lord Jesus is going to come on the Lord's Day. Maybe you think the same thing. I wonder if the Lord Jesus is going to come when we're gathered around him. We'll be taken from the presence of the Lord into the presence of the Lord.
We'll see him face to face. We come by faith on the Lord's Day morning into His presence, but will soon be in his presence, but while we're here in this world.
In the scene of his rejection, we have the privilege of announcing to this world.
And announcing to one another that he died. If there's one thing that this world wants to forget is that he died and the way that he died.
But you and I come together like this into the presence of the Lord, with a loaf and a cup. We remember the Lord in his death, the way he asked us to do, and we announced to the world that we belong to Him and that he died.
And we now know that he's resurrected Savior. He's on high.
Now Paul tells us as well what these emblems mean. And so if we turn back to Chapter 10.
He speaks of the cup first one Corinthians 10 verse 16, the cup of blessing which we bless.
Is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?
So he speaks of the cup 1St and he speaks of it first because it is represents the blood of the Lord Jesus and the reason that you're brought into blessing and have liberty in the presence of the Lord Jesus as a priest.
Is because of the blood of Christ.
You know.
I don't think we think of the significance of it enough.
But under the old economy.
The tribe of Levi could come a certain distance within the presence of the Lord Aaron. The high priest could go once every year into the holiest of all, not without blood, and so on. But you and I this morning could come into the presence of the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, the Creator of the universe, the one who went to the cross.
And who paid the price to bring us into his presence, to make us sons and heirs, heirs of God? Join heirs with Christ to make us a part of the new creation race, to make us a part of members of His body, to make us a part of His bride in the future day, to give us the best place in heaven.
He paid the price, the blood was shed. And so when we see the cup on the table, it's a cup of blessing. It doesn't represent the judgment that Christ bore on the cross. It doesn't represent the judgment that He was thinking of as He was in the Garden of Gethsemane and sweat great drops of blood. That's not the point. The point is that you and I are brought into blessing on the principle of the blood of Christ that has been shed. His life was given so that you would have.
A place of blessing, a place of communion with God.
Forever a thick state that you would never be afraid in the presence of God. You would never be afraid in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
That you would experience His love forever. It's a cup of blessing which we bless.
But then he speaks of the basis of the loaf. He says, for we being one bread or one loaf and one body, we are all partakers of that one bread. So when we take we see that loaf on the table, it does represent the one body of Christ, mystical body, and.
Every member there on the face of the earth is represented there.
But when it's broken state, as we break it, it represents the body that the Lord Jesus.
Took as the Son of God.
And his body was given in death.
He took a body so that he could die. And that bread, we break that bread and then we pass it from 1 to another, and we take a part of it and we eat it. And as we eat it, we're professing that we're members of the body of Christ.
That's what we're doing. So this is what Paul is teaching. We being many are one bread or one loaf and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread. How is it wonderful to think that the Lord desired that we would enter into these things intelligently? So like I say, the apostle Paul spoke of the remembrance of the Lord. So you have Matthew. It's brought out in the Gospel of Matthew, brought out in the Gospel of Mark, and brought out in the Gospel of Luke.
Mostly from a Jewish perspective, a historical perspective, we might say.
But now from a Christian perspective, in First Corinthians Chapter 11, from a doctrinal, from the Christian doctrinal position perspective, we're taught the truth of what these emblems mean. And it's the Apostle Paul's part of the apostles, Paul's doctrine. Now we just might just say this. He mentions a covenant and you know that the church is not the subject of a covenant.
So why does he bring in the New Covenant or the New Testament as it's spoken of here?
It is that in the future the Lord Jesus will make a covenant.
With Israel, let's look at it in Jeremiah chapter 31.
Isaiah chapter 31.
And verse 31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant.
With the House of Israel, and with the House of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, which my covenant they break, although I wasn't husband unto them, saith the Lord. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after those days, saith the Lord. I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Well, we could read right to the end of the paragraph, but.
Forsake of time. We won't read it, but there's a new covenant. There was an old covenant with Israel.
They had an old agreement with God, and that agreement had to do with keeping the law, and they would be blessed on the basis of keeping that law.
And if they broke the law, they would have suffered the consequences. Well, we know that they have suffered the consequences.
But God's ways are never going to be thwarted.
God, in the end, is going to get his way.
And God was going to have the nation of Israel blessed.
God was going to have a nation of Israel, a nation on this earth that would be a testimony to His grace, his glory, his.
His love, his power, and God was going to make sure that there was going to be a nation on a righteous basis.
That would be in this world that would displace something of his glory. He would have an earthly people, he says. It would be He made an agreement with them and it was like as an husband to them. It's always a figure. He had a close relationship with them. It was as a husband.
Christ is only going to have one bride, but he will have a nation, and the nation of Israel will be the center and the focus of God's energies and testimony in this world during the Millennium.
God will have his way and the basis of that covenant that He makes will be the blood that was shed at the cross of Calvary.
Not wonderful.
Because of that blood that the Messiah shed upon the cross, they're going to be brought into blessing that nation, and the covenant is going to be made with that nation. So God isn't going to make a nation a covenant with the church. He hasn't made a covenant with the church.
But we come into blessing because that blood that has been shed.
Now I just want to touch on one more point in.
The book of the Acts let's look at.
Chapter 20.
Acts, chapter 20, verse 7.
Upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the moral. Well, here they came together to remember the Lord Jesus on his on the first day of the week. And you'll notice here that a little bit later on it speaks of how they were in the third loft, or the third story of the.
Building. It's at the end of verse 9. Let's read verse 9. They're sat in a window. A certain woman, pardon me, a certain young man.
Named Eudicus being fallen into a deep sleep, and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep and fell down.
From the third loft and was taken up dead. Well, the third loft really has brings before us the thought of Paul's doctrine. And so the highest truth given to man we might save in the has often been spoken to us and told us from the time we were young. Is that epistle to the Ephesians, perhaps Colossians as well? The heavenly side of the truth. The truth is that the church is a heavenly Organism doesn't belong to this world.
And all of those blessings that God has given us, we have presently. We have them. Now, we're not going to get them. We have them. As to whether or not we enjoy them, that's a different thing, but we have them. We have present possession of eternal life. We have the present possession of the sins forgiven, present possession of redemption, present possession of justification, all those things.
But isn't it nice on the first day of the week to come together to break bread, to give the Lord his heart's desire?
So let's just look at those seven points again. I don't know that.
Have brought them out very clearly, but I trust to be an encouragement to all of us here.
In the first one, verse nine, they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? Where wilt thou? Have you asked the question, Where wilt thou that I prepare? Where wilt thou that?
I remember the Lord in his death. It's a good question to ask and it's a necessary question. So we need to give him, let him choose for us. The second thing is that we need to follow him at the end of verse nine. Are we willing to follow the Lord Jesus, follow the directions of the Spirit of God using the word of God and to take that direction to find this place? And then it says in verse 12, he shall show you a large upper room furnished.
And so he has the ability to show us if we have the desire to be shown.
And then there was obedience. Verse 13 they went found, as he had said. And then in verse 14 they 12 apostles, he sat down, and the 12 apostles with him. So they submitted to the authority of the Lord, and to the arrangements that he had made. Then they gave him the desire of his heart. He said unto them with desire, Have desired this Passover with you before I suffer. You know sometimes we come to the remembrance of the Lord.
We come to the meetings, we say, I wonder what's in it for me? What am I going to get this morning? I hope I enjoy something of the Lord this morning. I hope I get something. I believe the Lord will give us something for us. But you know, we come into the presence of the Lord to give him his portion.
His portion What does God want to hear? He wants to hear about the glories of the sun. He wants to hear of how wonderful His Son is and how mighty a work was done. And he wants to hear about the obedience of the sun, the glories of the sun. That's what he wants to hear about.
Are we willing to give him the desire of his heart and to just?
Magnify Christ in this way and then in verse.
19, he says.
This do in remembrance of me, are we willing to respond? Are we willing to respond to his request? It's a personal response and it's an individual response. I think we mentioned already in these meetings that in the Old Testament there was no option. They were to eat the Passover. It was a command and they absolutely had to and there were penalties if they.
Didn't eat it, and they were capable of eating it. But that's not the way it is in the New Testament, in Christianity. Isn't it lovely? The Lord appeals to the heart.
He wants the hearts affections and he says this do in remembrance of me. And so I just would encourage you, perhaps some that are young here in the room and others, if you desire to remember the Lord Jesus in his death, make it known to your brethren in your home assembly. And I'll tell you this that your older brother or on your side, if I could put it that way, it's an encouragement as they see that you have the desire to respond.
To the Lord, to the Lord's request. They're encouraged. And umm.
They may ask you a few questions and so on, but they desire your blessing and they desire to.
Have the Lord glorified as you give him his heart's desire. You know, the someone has written and said the Lord's Table isn't a closed fellowship, and neither is it an open fellowship. But it is a guarded fellowship. And so they'll ask a few questions. They'll ask perhaps if were you baptized.
And they'll ask you perhaps, are you saved? Maybe you were saved as a child and you don't remember the day that you were saved and that sort of thing. But that's OK. You tell them you believe in the Lord Jesus. You believe the Lord Jesus died for you, and you believe that the blood of Jesus Christ his Son was cleansed, has cleansed you. You love the Lord. And maybe.
They'll just want to know a couple of things like that and then what a privilege.
To come into the presence of the Lord.
And given the heart's desire, give him what he really wants. He doesn't want your money.
He doesn't want your service. He doesn't want anything from you but the heart's response. And if he has the heart's response from you, he has what he wants. He has what he desires all through life. And it begins by giving him his proper place and his proper portion as we're young.