Two young men had been good friends all their lives. They had gone all through grade school and high school together. They even went to the same college and were roommates. One of the men went on to become a lawyer and later became a judge. The other man became a successful businessman.
However, he was not always truthful and honest in his business. He got away with being dishonest for several years, but then it was discovered, and he was arrested.
When it was time for his trial, the businessman was surprised to find that his old friend and roommate had been assigned to his case. The trial began, and many witnesses were called and much proof was given of his dishonesty. Although his lawyers did their best to fight for him, it was soon clear that the businessman had done things which could not be defended.
After several days in trial, the jury left to decide if the businessman were innocent or guilty. They came back and announced he was guilty! When the businessman was called to face the judge to receive his sentence, everyone in the courtroom watched carefully. The past friendship of these two men was well known. They were curious to see what the judge would do to his friend. “Certainly,” they thought, “he will let him off with the smallest sentence.” Even the businessman was sure that being a friend of the judge would help him. But instead of going easy on his friend, the judge fined him the greatest penalty that he could! The judge told his friend that it was very clear that he was guilty and that his crime deserved the greatest fine.
Then, much to the surprise of everyone in the courtroom, the judge got up, took off his robe and walked around to his friend. He took out his checkbook and wrote out a check for the full amount of the fine. He handed the check to his friend saying, “As a judge I had to fine you, because you are guilty. But as a friend I can pay that fine for you. Take this check, give it to the clerk. You’re free!”
Each one of us has been found guilty before God who has said, “All have sinned.” Romans 3:2323For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23). Sin must be punished, and the punishment for sin is death: “the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:44Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. (Ezekiel 18:4). That is the penalty our sins deserve—unending punishment, unending death. But Christ loves us and paid the penalty for our sins by dying for us! Now, if we believe this wonderful fact and accept Him as our Saviour, we are saved. Yes, we are saved from unending punishment and death to live with our precious Saviour in heaven forever!