WHAT a strange, wandering class of people the Gypsies are. Some think they are descendants of Ishmael, but be that so or not, they are a class who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was in such a company Savior. Some of my readers have heard, and read many times about the Lord Jesus, and still do not know Him as their Savior, and are indifferent about Him. May it not be so with you, dear reader, but may you take such a Savior as yours, right away, and join in with the Gypsy boy and say, that the little boy was found alone, in a tent dying that the hymn No. 132 in the “Messages of Love” Hymn Book was written about. He was one who not only believed on the Lord Jesus just as soon as he heard about Him, but was anxious for everybody else to hear about that
Tell it again! tell it again!
Salvation’s story repeat o’er and o’er,
Till none can say of the children of men
“Nobody ever has told me before!”