Hark to the Words of Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
HARK to the words of Jesus,
Behold I'll come again,
I'm coming for My people,
I'm coming too, to reign:
I'm coming in a moment,
The twinkling of an eye,
To call My ransomed people
To be with Me on high.
I'll raise the ones now sleeping,
And those alive, will be
With them caught up to glory,
My face they then will see.
I'll call my blood-bought people
To meet Me in the air,
My Father's house made ready,—
That home with Me to share.
And angels have proclaimed it,
List to the words they say,
This selfsame One who's taken,
Shall come again some day.
And many a faithful servant
His voice has raised aloud,
He'll call His blood-bought people
To meet Him in the cloud.
His Church will then be with
Him, The object of His love,
His precious, priceless treasure,
Safe in His home above.
For this His heart has waited
In patience, all these years,
While she has journeyed onward
Through earth's sad vale of tears.
He'll have her in the glory,
The one for whom He died,
Fruit of His soul's deep travail,
And He'll be satisfied.
Transformed into His likeness,
She'll see Him face to face,
Forever to adore Him
For all His love and grace.