Have You Ever Given Out a Tract?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
The following letter was received from a dear Christian lady who, although she is over 90 years old, still loves to tell people about her Saviour. This letter especially shows the value of passing out Sunday school papers and gospel tracts.
Dear friend,
If every Christian would try to make the gospel known to the people they meet each day, some of these people might feel their need of having their sins cleansed and forgiven. How can Christians do this? One way is by giving out “silent preachers” – tracts and Sunday School papers.
May I tell you a little of my experiences. Though small indeed, they have given much joy. How very much the Lord Jesus did when He left His home in glory to come to earth and suffer untold misery which I deserved!
Tracts and gospel papers are light in weight and can be carried in pockets and purses. Going into a store, I handed a tract to the cashier who waited on me. “Are you a Christian?” she was asked. “No, I’m a Buddhist,” she replied. Since then she has accepted more tracts. In the same store another cashier received a Sunday school paper with a smile and shook hands, saying, “I am a Christian too!”
Going into a large shopping plaza presented many opportunities. While sitting down to rest and after reading a Sunday school paper, I left it on the bench hoping someone else might also enjoy it. This is just what happened. Later I saw a man reading it as though he enjoyed it also.
Going a little farther, a girl refused a pamphlet when she read the title. Another person who looked so sad also refused it with a strong, “NO,” when he saw the title. So you can see that they are not always accepted.
I asked several happy boys if they would like to read about a girl who got lost in the woods. They all nodded their heads, and each took a Sunday school paper. But another boy said, “No, I’m a Jew.”
A tract put at a telephone booth might give a persona chance to read while waiting to make a call, and laying one down at a cashier’s desk when she is too busy to accept it will let her read it later.
A bus driver has been receiving such papers for a long time. When asked if he enjoys them, he avoids the question by saying, “I read them all; I have a big stack of them.”
In a laundry that does our bedding there are only Spanish-speaking people. Several times they accepted used clothing along with Spanish tracts. The head girl said she would give them to poor friends. This was an occasion to make known the gospel of God’s grace through Spanish tracts.
Once in a while when we have gone to a restaurant that employed Spanish bus boys, they received them with surprise, because they were written in their language.
These are just a few of my experiences with papers containing many Bible verses. Though there is some reproach connect with passing them out, the joy received overbalances it. As prayer is made the Lord guides and we trust blesses. The only regret is that I pass them out too seldom.
Many people that we meet each day are on that “broad way” that we read about in Matthew 7:1313Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (Matthew 7:13) and 14. “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Have you been a messenger of God’s wonderful love?