ONE night, a young lady, who had lust returned from a fashionable party, was being attended to by her waiting maid, who was a child of God. She longed to see her young mistress enjoying the same rest which she enjoyed —peace with God through her Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ as her new object in life. So she ventured to tell her mistress what the Lord had done for her, and expressing a wish to see her rejoicing in the same blessings.
Her mistress answered, “Grace, do not speak to me like that. It is all right for you, you needed to be con, verted. I have been brought up in the fold. I am one of the ninety and nine who never went astray.”
What a delusion! when God has said, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:2323For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23).
There is no salvation for good people.
ML 12/16/1900