He Came to God and Said, I Have Sinned

Duration: 32min
1 John 1:5; Luke 2:21,25‑30
Children—J. Currie
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It'll blow up her.
Suppose we couldn't find a little friend for Bethany.
It's all by yourself up here.
You'd like to go over and see if you can find a seat over there.
Perhaps she'll have some companions before.
Hello, everybody is over here. Oh, here comes some ladies.
Well, good morning.
To the boys and to the girls, and to the big boys and the big girls.
Nice, we can all be together first thing in the morning.
Maybe somebody would like to.
Have a choice of these hymns?
On this little paper.
You have a big voice. I don't hear very good.
Well, this is a nice little.
Can I use this one?
IBRING the Jesus has come to.
Why did he come?
See these hymns tell us all this good news.
Seeing these hymns, I won't have to talk.
To SAVE me. So he came to save me. Not good.
Aren't you glad you came to save me, Jim?
What about you?
Well, and we have a line here.
And it has DI RL.
Do you have any girls here?
No girls.
I was going to have the girls sing this line.
And then the other line has Bois.
The boys here.
Are they going to sing this line with boys in it?
We don't have any girls.
Well, I think girls are going to sing it.
Perhaps somebody will help us with this. And the girls are going to sing Aw. And he calls and he calls all the girls.
And the boys were going to sing. And he wants all the Bo IS2.
So who would like to start the Hingling?
And give once all the answer.
To give you the rest here and him right now all. There's been no wash away.
Try it again.
See if these girls can't do a little better.
What does this little song tell us that he wants us to have?
They want us to have.
If we trust in him, trust in who?
What do you understand? We sing all these words. What did they tell us?
You know that's what words are. They are. They are things that carry a message to you.
What they want us to have.
All these people.
All these people sung this hymn.
Oh, where are you down here?
Yes, that'd be wonderful and have all my sins washed away. I had so many I couldn't even count them.
And there was a big boy. I was a man, and I didn't have my sins washed away. And one day.
I felt the weight of all these sins and I thought I could work my way to heaven.
That I had to learn.
That a Sinner couldn't work his way to heaven.
You know a Sinner couldn't work his way to heaven. Couldn't he just can't take his sins to heaven. So I need to have my sins all washed away.
And there was a man.
He lived a long, long time ago.
And this man, he was the king.
Ever meet the king because you don't have a king in this country?
Well, a king is pretty important, man.
And I was over in England during the Second World War, then one day.
The king was going to come by.
King George.
And we were all lined up along the road.
Of course we are all standing there.
And attention. We're carrying our rifles.
And the king comes by, and he just drives slowly by. But we had to present arms.
Because he was the king.
Now this man was the king, and he did some naughty things. You think the king would do naughty things?
This king did naughty things.
And it was very, very unhappy.
These tiny things that he did, they were terrible.
And so this king.
He came into the presence of God and he said, I've sinned against heaven and against thee. And so he committed these sins. What's he going to do?
And he had a prayer.
And in this prayer.
And you could pray this prayer too. If you have sins, you can have this prayer. This king said, wash me.
And I shall be whiter than snow.
Ever seen anything as way to snow?
Anything whiter than snow.
I'm whiter than snow. In God's eyes it doesn't see my sins.
So washed away he died in the cross. He shed his blood. And we sing, you know.
What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Well, perhaps.
We'd like to sing another hymn.
Well, we got the boys, but we haven't had any girls yet.
Well, here's the girl over here.
Hymn #6.
God in mercy sent his Son.
That was wonderful, wasn't it?
We didn't deserve to have God send his Son, did we?
To him must fall the glory of the grace Pure shining here, frustrating your Spanish.
And Earth.
Rain every time last Willow drink, must cry, and Lord of all.
Have gone.
Shining him straight here straight.
This hymn tells us something very important because it talks about God and it says God is light.
And there's no place to hide.
You know, and I, I'm glad of that.
I'm really happy that God is late and I can't hide anything from him.
Are you happy that God is light? But it would be terrible.
If the rest of the story wasn't true, that God is long.
And you know, we have him here and I don't know somebody.
I was thinking about.
This truth and he wrote these words down.
It says Jesus loves me.
And Jesus loves me. Do you ever write something down about Jesus?
Well, there's the girls who can do that.
You can arrange them to get a little paper and write down. What do you think about Jesus He? That's what happened here.
Jesus loves me, and I suppose that's the most.
Sung hymn perhaps that we know Jesus loves me.
And then said where the Bible tells me something. So he took a piece of paper, whoever it was, and he wrote that down. Why don't you take a piece of paper?
And right now, what you think about Jesus?
Do you have a good idea you could write something down about Jesus?
Try it.
Jesus loves me. We have a hem sheet we use for the children.
And that is the first him on the sheet. That's number one.
And we have these meetings and.
Five meetings a week for four weeks.
Him we sing nearly every day is given out by the boys and girls. Jesus loves me. That's the most wonderful thing that Jesus loves me.
So we're going to pray.
Our God and.
You know, the hymns are really something. And the people that wrote those hymns.
Very often they had serious problems in their lives. I was over in England there and there was this terrible storm this man was in.
This very deep ravine with all rocks, this storm came out and they tell me that this man cut into this little cleft in the rocks.
And he wrote to him. He wrote words down.
And it was Rock of Ages.
Cleft for me.
Rock of Ages.
We can see, and the psalmist said the Lord is my rock.
He's my strong fortress.
See, we can talk that way. He's my rock. Rock of Aegis Cleft for me. Let me hide myself in thee. And he got into the clap with that rock, and he was saved from the storm.
How are we going to turn to the book of Luke?
In God's word.
Luke's Gospel.
Must be breathing too heavier.
Luke's Gospel, Chapter 2.
And this.
In verse 2421 rather.
Luke's Gospel chapter 2 and verse 21. And when 8 days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus.
So there was this child that was born.
He was a son given, but his name was Jesus and he was here in this world.
And then verse 25 and behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon.
And the same man was just and devoured, waiting for the consolation of Israel.
And the Holy Ghost was upon him, and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen.
The Lord Jesus.
The Lord's Christ, and he came by the Spirit into the temple.
And when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him, after the custom of the law.
Then took him up in his arms and blessed God and sin.
Now let us now, thy servant, depart in peace, according to thy word for mine eyes.
Have seen die salvation.
You know, we have a real joy in having.
A little baby in our arms. So here was this man, and he was waiting and waiting.
And this baby was born.
And they called his name Jesus.
And this man took this baby up in his arms.
And he blessed gone, and he said, I see thy salvation.
And she said let me die.
He knew Jesus and he was glad he was going to die because he would go to heaven.
So there are no empty seats in heaven, you know.
Every seat's going to be filled.
God's house is going to be full, but the question is.
The question is.
Do you know Jesus?
Do you really know Jesus?
He's a real person. He's my savior.
And a little baby.
I didn't know much about babies when I was growing up.
My parents died when I was seven years old.
And so I lived with foster parents and I was the only fellow around.
And after I was married, we had this baby girl.
Went over to the hospital to see my baby girl.
And, you know, so sweet she was.
And then her mother let me hold her.
You know, she only weighed 5 1/2 lbs and she had all these blankets. I could hardly.
Hang on to her. I never had a baby in my arms and here I am, you know, trying to hang on to this baby.
It was so cute.
I can think of that man, Simon Simeon, rather, she held that little baby Jesus and he's a breast like this in his arms. And he said this is my salvation.
But he didn't know what we know. He didn't know that that blessed person, when he grew up, would go to the cross and die on that cross.
A terrible death for our sins.
Well, he loved that baby.
Do you love Jesus?
Jesus loves you.
You know, there's a man that.
He was a very bad man.
He didn't like the people of God.
He was going down the road one day and I was just determined.
Who was going to destroy everyone that believed in Jesus when I put him in prison?
God stopped him as he walked down the road, and he said to him.
It's hard for thee to kick against the ****** you know. We have a conscience. That's our ******.
Your conscience.
You know, and you do something bad.
That's what Adam and Eve got.
In that garden, you know, and they took that tree, fruit of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God gave a conscience.
And because they had that conscience, they went and hide behind a tree.
And we're trying to hide behind a tree.
We just do that, you know, say hide and seek, hide some place.
But they were trying to hide from gone. Are you trying to hide from God? Do you ever think about God?
Everything about seeing Jesus.
Serious, isn't it? God is light.
God is light and in him is no darkness at all, so they couldn't hide behind a tree.
I'd be a poor place to hide. Well there was number other place to hide.
And they had a conscience.
And even if they wanted to do good, they couldn't do good because they had a bad heart. But this baby that Simeon held in his arms was perfect, impossible for him to sin.
For he loved us, He loved us.
Jesus loves me and this man. He was so angry.
He got saved.
They got sad. Do you get saved?
And he wanted to please the Lord and everything he did.
And he said about the Lord Jesus, he said, the Son of God who loved.
Me and gave himself for me. Who is he talking about?
The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
Who is he talking about?
How many Mees are here?
Everybody's so quiet.
I have to get this little here to talk up. He got a big voice. You don't know any me's here one. Yeah, I know one too.
What about you, Jim? You know one? Anybody else here that knows 11 me? Jesus loves me, yes.
We say, well, he loves everybody here.
That's fine, that's good, but that won't give me to heaven.
Don't get me to heaven.
I have to realize that Jesus died for me. Meet me.
I'm just going to read another verse.
And my time spent this verse is in Matthew.
Now this is a question. We had some questions.
Last night.
And this is in Matthew's Gospel.
As chapter 27.
Then you can put a marker in your Bible.
So you can find this and you should find this in your Bible and you look at it.
Because God is asking.
Perhaps a question here?
And a man is asking the question. We know he was a ruler.
And he spoke about.
In this verse 22 Matthew 2722.
And I let his name was. I was a ruler.
Said unto all these people.
And this is the question for all of these people here, everybody.
What shall I do then?
With Jesus.
You've heard about Jesus.
Many times, boys and girls.
And you just keep that place and you think about this question because these people answered this question.
And you have to answer this question, What am I going to do with Jesus?
Which is called Christ. Maybe I need to ask this question every day.
When I get up in the morning, what am I going to do with Jesus?
Today I'm going to give him a part in my life.
Well, they said.
Unto him let him be crucified, but he'd never done anything wrong. It was perfect.
He loved people, he helped people.
And they said let him be crucified.
That's what they thought of Jesus.
What do you think about Jesus?
Dear Lana.
Is it important?
What do you think about Jesus? He's the most important person. He's the Son of God, and if you let him in, you'll be in a place of singing and praise.
But if you don't, let him in your heart.
Hey, listen.
What will happen?
You'll be in a place where there's no singing.
We'll come in here and hear the piano playing the piano. We'll hear people singing. We'll rejoice. They're happy they're singing.
But if you don't have Jesus.
You won't be in a place where they're singing, but you will be in another place.
Because if you die in your sins.
Well, it's going to take place there. Anyone know?
Hell, that's the plan. What's it like there?
What the Bible tell us.
Anyone want to tell me what the Bible tells us?
Like a fire with a will be screaming and gnashing of teeth. Yeah, it'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth in darkness. No light.
The blackness, the darkness of everything. You want to go there?
Do we all go there unless you have Jesus?
So let us pray.